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hey I'm back with another job review and this one is the FedEx Express Courier driving position um so we're gonna get right into it um got a little list so we're gonna first thing we're gonna get it to is pay most important right now in this day and time pay and once again I'm in Georgia so it of course it varies from state state area to area but the pay in Georgia ranges starting out right now is around 18 I think it's like the average it might be a little more like you know Atlanta so we'll say 18 which is um under par um compared to other companies in that position like UPS of course which as far as I know they start out with around 25 that's just a guess you know what I'm saying I don't know I've never worked there so the pay is not of the uh um industry standard but you know they do pay overtime after eight hours so you don't have to hit 40 after anything over eight hours in one day is automatic overtime so that's good and um the razors are like pretty much they were yearly but they weren't they were only like a few cents they weren't even like a full dollar sometimes they weren't even 50 cents so uh I I would give a thumbs down for the pay you know just to be honest with you that's one of the main reasons I'm not there anymore I was there for three years in three years I think I might have increased my pay a dollar fifty so the average of about 50 cents a year maybe so you know that wasn't enough for me especially now with the prices of everything but anyway interview process is pretty simple I think I applied on indeed you know through indeed it takes you to the company website you apply they call you in for an interview and they uh they normally offer you the job on the spot that no one really does that hey we'll give you a call later if we're interested type thing like they want to let you know then um so we're pretty simple I don't have to go into that pretty simple interview process anything nothing we're um not used to job functions uh of course we deliver packages we picked up packages um that customers were sitting out and uh you might have to do some package handling at this at the terminal where you're just in the morning where you're uh unloading the truck that comes down from the the main Hub they're going you know to separate into the routes and in the evening time when people bring things back it has to be taken off in you know separated back out also that for things going back out to the main Hub to go into other states um pretty simple stuff pretty if you've done any package handling nothing too different um and then delivering it's pretty easy job for the most part you know what I'm saying you're going to work but pretty easy job you know versus uh oh also I forgot let me go back to pay because people can people compile it to FedEx Express and FedEx Ground are two different things FedEx Express you work directly with the company you're an employee of FedEx FedEx ground you're you're like um you're hired through someone else like someone has bought a route with FedEx ground and then they hire you as the driver to drive their trucks they normally get paid a daily route a daily a daily um a daily pay or whatever a daily rate that's the word I'm looking for they get paid a daily rate versus uh hourly so if you're trying to decide between ground and express I would go to express you know what I'm saying because you could go out and work 12 13 hours at ground and you're only going to get paid that one set daily rate so yeah uh schedule I like the schedule at FedEx express it was Monday through Friday uh you may get drafted to work some Saturdays but Saturdays are half days they don't they're not they're never full day so you might go in like like nine or ten and you're off by like two you know what I'm saying uh at the fair release you might get off at four if you just lamp in the inner with a longer day but they're half days so just expect to go in and work three maybe four hours um and Saturday is automatic anything you work on Saturday is overtime also so and anything but basically that's your sixth consecutive day so also that's that was that was a plus that's a thumbs up on the schedule Monday through Fridays day shift for most and they do have some positions that come in midday and they run pickup routes they do a few deliveries and they run pickup routes because pickup routes have to be ran to the end of the day which is normally till about uh six six o'clock something like that because you have to be back to the station by a certain time by like seven o'clock for the outbound Freight that has to be separated and sent out pros and cons overall uh cons pay I already mentioned that um that was pretty much it Pros scheduling I guess the overtime rate after eight hours and the relative ease of the job you know I'm pretty sure there's a lot of questions there's a lot of things I didn't hit that I'll probably think of later feel free to drop a comment and I'll reply in a timely manner appreciate it and once again I'm James Anderson also I am a music artist check me out I have two albums everywhere online streaming we were here and moving on two albums James Anderson thank you
Channel: James Anderson Reviews
Views: 5,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _M2H1XcwS9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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