A for ADLEY: Lost in the Movies (FULL MOViE)

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(light magical music) - (grunts) You're coming with me, guys! And you, and you. (Adley hums) And you, and you! And you, little guy, are coming with me. What are you two doing out here? Come on, let's go. (tires screech) Wait. Just in case. Everyone, hold on! Woo, let's go! Wee! Let's turn around. Wait, I think we took a wrong turn. This way everybody! (Adley hums) (Adley screeches) Okay, down the stairs we go! Wait, down the stairs? Oh, no, everyone, hold on tight, we're going down the stairs. (yells) Watch out below! - Huh? (dramatic music) (animals squeak) (Dad exclaims) (animals squeak) - You got 'em? - Yeah, I got 'em! - At least you got some! - Yeah, I got a bunch- - I'm coming down. - Oh, hi stuffies, you guys are gonna love this movie. - Yeah, they're gonna love- - Are these are customers? - Yeah, these are gonna be our customers. - Oh I don't even have the ticket booth set up yet. - Uh oh. - You guys can just relax. We're still setting up, okay? - Yeah, just relax right here. - Relax right here. We've got our craft stuff. - Craft stuff. - I started making a Family Cartoons poster. - Perfect! - I got stuff for, like, tickets. That could be like a snack area. - Perfect. - We probably need, like, seats right here. We can, like, move these down. - Yeah, we can put seats. Yeah. And then maybe we can, like, make a poster on here and say, "Snacks"! - Oo, do you wanna make a snack poster right now? - Yeah. - Okay and I can finish this. - And we wanna make golden tickets. - (gasps) A golden ticket for if they come to the movie. - Yeah, 'cause they're, like, special tickets. - I know, did you know when I was a little kid, I kept all my movie tickets, 'cause they were, like, special and magical and would, like, transport me to the movies, you know? - Transport you into movies? How does that work? - You know, like your imagination when you read a book or you go to the movies and, like, you pretend you're there and you're, like, all absorbed in it? - Oh! - I love that. So I keep all my movie tickets. Oop! - Ooh. (laughs). - All right. - Okay I start making the tickets. - Okay, what do you think this needs? - Mm, maybe more color. For the dots you can put eyeballs on it. - Oh, like that? - Yeah (laughs)! - Okay, I like that. Okay, that's cool. - And I'll start making some tickets. (scissors crunch) (scissors crunch) All done, Dad, with the tickets! - Perfect! Okay, and I just finished the movie poster. What do you think? It's colorful and beautiful. Where do we wanna hang it up at? - We can hang it up like- - Like right there. So right as they go down? - Yeah, right here, this area. Right where I am. Right here. - Okay. So it goes right here and they come down the stairs like (sings). - Yeah and then we'll get ready and watch the movie, but wait! - You've got the tickets? - Oh! - What? - Uh-oh. - What? - We need lights so they don't trip on the stairs! - Movie theaters always have lights on the stairs. - Yeah. - You go find some lights, probably in the garage. - Okay, I'll go look! - Okay, I'm gonna hang this up. (tape rips) Okay! - Dad, watch out below! - Okay. (lights whoosh) (grunts) I got the lights! - [Adley] Good catch, Dad. You caught them! - Yeah, okay, what are you thinking? - Like right here maybe? - Okay. - Like on the steps. - Like stretch them down? Do you wanna go plug that in somewhere and then I'll stretch them? - Oh, oh, oh! Plug! Okay Dad, stretch them down! - Oh, that's perfect. (lights rattle) - I'll put it right here and so they can't cross the line. - Oh, until they get their snacks? - Until they get to the snack shop. - And they have to scan their tickets. Where do we want them to scan tickets? - Right here. I'll put all the food right here. - Okay. - And they can choose their food right here. - Ticket scanners. - And then all the food will be right here and then- - And they can buy it. - And they can buy it right here. - Okay, I like that idea. Movie poster's up, lights, snacks. - And what else? Clean. - We should clean this up. We also need to make the seats for the stuffies. - I need to finish the ticket! - You need to finish the ticket. Put everyone's names on the tickets. I'll start cleaning up and getting all the stuffies (stuffies crash) in their seats. - First I'll do Mom. - Oh. And we need a snack poster. - Oh yeah, I'll make the snack poster after I finish the tickets. - Okay. I'll start cleaning up the stuff. (light happy music) - Navey, Niko, Adley. And then we have one more ticket. We don't need another one. - Olive Koopa? - Uh-oh. (laughing) Now we're done with tickets. Oh, and stuffies can get him free. Yes, I'm telling you guys. You can get in free. Now get back in your seats. The movie's about to start. - Okay, we need a snack poster so people can buy snacks. And then I'm gonna look for, what else do we need? - I'm gonna put the tickets in there. - We need a giant movie screen. - We do? - Yeah. What could we use to make a giant movie screen? - I think we have lots of cardboard in our garage. We could get those. - Cardboard? Yeah. - We could use the cardboard out of our garage. - And like a big cardboard screen? - Yeah, good cardboard screen. - I like that. - Can you go get the cardboard? - Okay, I'll look for cardboard. - I'll start doing our snacks. Maybe, I will do, maybe the sour watermelon things I like. Candy and Swedish Fish. (monkey thudding) - [Dad] Adley, I got a movie screen. - What'd you say? - [Dad] Yeah, but it's kinda big. - Okay, I'm coming. (Dad grunting) - Adley, is this big enough? - Yeah. - This is too big. - No, it's not too big. It's perfect. - Okay, let's maybe give this a try. Like right there? - Yup. Now you go grab customers. - I'll go grab our customers. - Don't you think about moving slide. There now. (cardboard sliding) Well, I'll just hold it. - All right, more customers coming down. (customers thudding) (Adley squealing) There's so much customers. (Dad laughing) A little too much customers, I think. Cardboard, cardboard, cardboard, let's go this way. This way, this way, this way. I feel like I dropped the cardboard. - I think you did. (chuckling) It's right here. - We need to cut it out so like I can pop in and introduce the whole crowd that I'm doing a really good movie on the big, big, big screen. - Introducing Family Cartoons on the big screen. What do you have to say? - I'm ready. How about you guys all out there? - Yeah, people out there watching the movie. Are you guys ready? - Let's go, Dad. - Let's do it. Wait, we gotta finish building our movie theater first. - Oh yeah, I need to finish my snacks sign. - Your snacks. I'll go get the snacks from upstairs. (Dad screaming) - Monkey, I forgot we have lots of monkeys. After you're done with that, monkeys need to get in their seats. - Okay. Hmm, maybe I could do licorice. So the big licorice cap. - Lots of movie snacks coming in hot. - I'm coming. - Careful, grab some. - Oh, good, licorice. - They're almost gonna fall. We got popcorn bowls, we got plates, we gotta get (gasping) popcorn, I'm mean get the popcorn. - Okay, I need finish this. Dad, are you almost here with the popcorn? 'Cause I got my sign ready. - Okay, coming. - I'll start hanging this up. - Fresh popcorn is freshly made. All right, where should we put popcorn? In these? - Yeah. I got my thing set up, I'm ready. - Beautiful, do you want me to get tape? - Yeah, I think that we need tape to hold this up. - All right. Lemme get you a tape. - Can you do top first so I'll move my hands? - Okay, Babba? Adley, where's Adley? Where did she - - I'm down here. Down here. - Oh, hello. You were under the poster. I think we need our first employee to help us because this place is crazy. - We need to get Niko down here. - We do need to get Niko down here. - But first I think we need to clean up our snack. - All the customers are over by the customers and- Are you eating our snacks? - No. - Catch some monkeys. (monkeys thudding) - A row right here. - I got some. I got some customers. - Customers. Okay, we got enough customers. - I think we should have like a top row up here. - Okay. - And then like a middle row and then like a lower row. - A lower row that's going, oh. And that could be the lower row and all the stuffies watch right here? - Doo doo, let's just get the monkeys, oo oo. These top rows are the best seats in the house. (monkeys chattering) (Adley squealing) You knocked all my customers down. - All right guys, no rough housing. The movie's gonna start soon. (Adley squealing) - They just tackling each other like that. - No more sitting up there. You guys are too crazy. You have to sit down here. We'll make a nice little blanket for them. How about that? This could be like front row seating. - You're covering a monkey. - I'm sorry. - It's so comf - (gentle music) - All right, you guys all stay there. I think we are set and ready for customers. Hello, hello. - I had the craziest dream that our cartoons going to movies and we were setting up monkeys and. It's not a dream. - We're really doing it. We need to finish our checklist. Do we have everything? I think we're ready. - Yeah, except for the popcorn's all on the floor. - Oh, we should probably eat that. - Everyone gets a, all the animals get a special sticker. Everyone who's a monkey raise your hand. Wow, there's a lot of monkeys. Okay, a monkey. Here's my unicorn sticker just special for you. And one for you unicorn. One for you I said. Now, I think we're all done. Dad? - What? Ow. (head thumping) - Are you okay? - Yeah, I got all the popcorn. - Okay, I think we need to like cut this out. We're not all done. We need to like do a big movie screen so I can pop out and say, "Hello." - You're right, you did say that. - 'Cause I wanna announce. - Will you clean up all the crafts and I'll cut out the movie screen? - Yep, clean, clean. Customer go to your seat. Clean up and ready. - All righty. - Doo, doo, doo. - Do do do do doo, yeah. - We're gonna go like that and go around until you get to right here. - Down. - And then go to right here. - Over. - And then to right here. - Okay. - And then I'll introduce all the Family Cartoons and then we need to get our family. - Oh yeah. (cardboard crunching) And done. - It's perfect. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dad. - I love it, this is perfect. Okay. - It's perfect. - We'll set up right here. We don't need the middle of the screen. Get out of here. - Get out of here screen. (Adley grunting) Uh-oh. (giggling) - Screen. (Dad grunting) We don't need you. - Whoa, this is a big screen. I could do whatever I want in here. Hello, are you in the movies? Yes I am. Let's be movie buddies. (speaking gibberish) - Oh, maybe we should just watch our cartoons. - Yeah, we'll just watch our cartoons now. - So this is gonna be cool 'cause you guys watch us on YouTube and now you can watch us in a movie theater. And we picked our three favorite cartoons. Tell them about it. - Yeah, we picked our three favorite cartoons. The first one to start is The Vet and it's really fun. - Yeah. - Well, we should just pop it up. Get out of here. - What? - Just pop it up. Pop pop pop pop pop pop. First cartoon is my Vet Clinic where Dad showed up late, monkeys got tied together. We blew up a snake and we helped a little caterpillar not be afraid of dark. We just love animals, but not as much as pizza. Next up is Baby Adley. Where Dad accidentally gave me baby puffs but that's okay 'cause it was just so fun and I just love being a baby. Even Niko turned into a baby. But then luckily mom turned us back to normal. And next up is Navey's favorite. Hair Salon where dad fell asleep. So I gave him cheetah face paint. (snickering) And Navey got herself a cute makeover and Niko started eating real bugs. Yuck. But that's okay 'cause he is a chameleon man. And that's our Family Cartoon for the movie theater. Okay, come back to me now, come on. Pop. - Hi. (Adley squealing) (Dad laughing) - I like it in here on the big screen. This is nice. - The big screen. - Speaking of big screens, the real movie's gonna start soon. And we still need to do our practice movie. We gotta get the family. - Yeah, let's go get the family. What do you think they're doing right now? - I don't know. - I don't know either. Let's go see. - Let's go see. (feet thudding) (birds chirping) (monkeys chattering) (dinosaur roaring) (feet stomping) (dinosaur bellowing) (dinosaur bellowing) (dinosaur booming) (feet thudding) (dinosaur roaring) - Climb cliff, oo it's pretty high up here. Well, I'm gonna stomp on you. (fist knocking) - Niko. - Niko. - Hey bud. You got your dinosaurs? - Yeah, I'm playing. - Guess what we've been doing? - What? - We've been making a movie. - Yeah, to practice for the real movies. Do you wanna come to our pretend movie theater? - Yeah, I gotta play stomp the dinosaurs. - Stomp the dino- No, my friend, stop it. Don't stomp on me. Friends, attack T-Rex. - I'll get my dad! - Oh, get your dad, teamwork! Ah, yes, we got him! Good job friends! - I'm actually trapped in there. - Perfect, your trapped and no more stop on us dino - - Wait, what sound is that? - What? (gasping) Is Navey in the bathroom? - I think it's Navey. - She's probably getting into the makeup. - Let's go see. - Busted. (makeup glopping) - [Dad] Navey. - [Niko and Adley] Navey. - Naves. (gasping) - Navey what is it? - Look at Navey. - Are you getting ready? You look so pretty, miss. I think she looks pretty for our movie later. - Yeah, I know. - Navey looks messy. - She does look messy. - Just focus on the makeup. - Hi Navey, do you wanna go to movies? - [Adley] Excuse me, Navey. (gigging) Excuse me, Navey Miss. - All done? - There's snacks. - Oh, we have treats. - There's treats. - We got licorice. Do you want some licorice? - There's candy. - Almost done. - You're almost done? Okay, here, she's almost done. - Okay, a little bit more, one more. - One more. - Oh, pretty. - You ready? - No. - One more? Oh, your lips are the most pretty of your whole face. (group laughing) Let's just wash a little bit of this off on your lips and inside, ooey ooey, there we go. Okay, should we go get treats downstairs? - I'm going downstairs. - Oh, you look so pretty. - I want this. - [Adley] Oh, pretty. - You look so pretty. Are you ready for the movies? - Yeah. - [Adley] Let's roll. - Let's roll. - [Adley] Let's roll, come on, Nav. - [Niko] Let's roll. - [Adley] Let's roll. - Let's roll. - [Dad] Let's roll. Hey, where's mama? Mom, we're almost ready. Does anyone know where mom is? - [All] Mom. - We're going downstairs to pretend play movie theater. - Yeah. - [Mom] Okay, I'll be there in a minute. - And bring Navey's blankie. - [Kids] And bring Navey's blankie. - It's almost time for the real movie, oh. (trumpet fanfare music) - Welcome to the movie theater. - Presenting the movie theater. Does this look cool? - Okay, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. - Pause, pause. We need our tickets. - Pause, pause. Tickets, ticket please. - Navey wants her ticket. Oh, she's trying to get some candy. Miss, you have to pay for those. I'll ring them up. I'll be the checkout stand. - Okay, Dad. (scanner beeping) Okay, you bought that one. Excuse me, can I scan your ticket? Boop. (scanner beeping) Scan your ticket. (scanner beeping) - Boop. - This. - For, oh, you want one of those? Okay. Boop. (scanner beeping) How many do you want? - More. - More? (scanner beeping) There's more. Okay, do you have a ticket there for me, ma'am? Dad's ticket. - Olive Wayne Koopa's ticket. - Olive Koopa, we're starting the family movie. - Olive Koopa, come here. - Okay, does everyone go find a comfy seat? - Yes. - Look on your tickets and it'll tell you where to sit. - Wait, we're missing one, Mom. - Mom, we're ready. - Mom, we're ready. - Ugh, Mom's take forever! (Dad laughing) - What are you guys doing? We're getting ready to go the theater. - We're going to the movie theater. Here's your ticket. - We're doing the pretend theater first for practice. - The real one starts in like 20 minutes. (dad exclaiming) - We gotta hurry. Hurry, scan your ticket. - Scan your ticket. - Oh, okay. Wait, and what happened to Navey's face? - She looks pretty. She got makeup on. (everyone laughing) Do we have time for a practice movie theater or do we gotta go to the real one? - We have time for practice movie theater and a couple snacks. - Ooh, I am kind of hungry. - Me too. - I feel like I could make some popcorn right now. (Adley squealing) Turn my kids! Okay, get some popcorn. Put it in here, pop, pop, pop, get the kids! - Oh wait, can't forget the Lil Nico popcorn. - Here's little Niko popcorn! Can't wait til it starts popping. - Pop, pop, pop. - Ooh, this looks delicious. I can't wait to- - Okay, got a bowl right here. Popcorn. Get in the bowl! - Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop! - [Dad] Popcorn! - Salt for my- - More popcorn, get in my popcorn bowl! Can we get some salt and butter over here? - [Mom] Salt coming right now, here we go. Salt! - [All] Shake, shake, shake! - Oh, that's perfect and delicious. I just wanna eat my popcorn now! (Adley screaming) - Daddy over here! - Oh, I'm full. Should we go to the real movie theaters? - [All] Yeah! - Let's go, family cartoons! - Whoa wait, dad, dad, wait, can I bring my monkey friends? - Yes, definitely, want to bring some stuffies. - Got my monkey buddies. - [Mom] Get some stuffies. - [Adley] Got my monkey buddies. You guys ready for the movie? (Adley squealing) Come on let's go. - All right, everyone's got their buddies? - [Mom] We need to clean your face, goodness! - This gonna be awesome! - We're here! - We're here. Whoa, this is awesome. - The monkey's! - There they are! - There's Niko's. - Oh, and there's Niko. Do you see yourself on the ticket? - Yes. - And we see me! - Oh, that's a white picture. - Ooh, Family picture. - Family picture. - Family picture. - Hop in kiddos. - Say family cartoon. - [All] Family cartoons! - Cheese! - That's fun Okay, I got tickets. - Oh, oh, oh, oh. - What? - Oh, oh, oh, oh, it's me, it's me, it's me! - What that is so cool. I'm so excited for the animation crew to see these. - Dad. - [Dad] Yeah. - It's me! - Can you go with the scissors? Oh, that's the good one. - Oh no, he's gonna cut your hair. - No cutting dad's hair. - I'm cutting Mommy's hair. - Do you need your ticket? - Yes. - Ooh, guys, how about I get the popcorn? - Oh yeah. - Ticket, popcorn. - Thank you. - Ticket. - Popcorn, we're getting two. So cute. - Let's go - It's so fun to having Navey in our cartoons now. And I can't believe they're on the big screen. - Whoa, the big screen! - Look right there, family cartoons on the big screen. - Thank you. - Tickets. - Oh, well hello there welcome to the movies. - Thank you, we're excited. - Oh, well. Oh, thank you so much. Oh, aren't you a sweetie? - Say thank you. - You're welcome. - [Dad] Thanks guys. Come on guys. - Tickets please. Oh, thank you. There you are, theater eight right behind you there. Thank you. - [Dad] Adley, come on. - I'm coming! Oh- - Ticket, please. - There you go. - Now remember, all movie tickets have a little bit of magic if you let them. - Cool, thank you. - [Usher] You're welcome. - [Dad] Adley, come on. - [Adley] Coming! - Let's go find our seats. Oh, I'm so excited about this, vlog. Come on, you're coming inside too. Look how big that screen is. Our cartoons are gonna be on there. - Hi Kenzie, hi guys! - Hi! - You made it! - You brought the monkey, good job, dude. - Kenzie oh, sorry about the popcorn. - Yes, good to see you guys. Are you excited? - Yes. - Me too. - Let's go sit down, monkey. - [Dad] All right, 11, 12., there's you, Adley. Naves, you gonna sit with Dada? Dad? Hey, share that popcorn over there. - Okay, here's the popcorn. - Should we get some popcorn? - Popcorn! - Monkey, did you want some popcorn? Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Crazy monkeys, not too much popcorn, there, one at a time. (Dad screeches) Crazy monkeys. - Oh, she's gonna take the pink? - Nom, nom, nom, nom! - No, no! - Guys look, it's starting. Do you see- - It's starting? - Look, there's Navey. Do you see Naves? - Yeah. - Where is she? - In the cartoon. - Yeah. - Oh, look, I see the monkeys. - I see the monkeys. - Do you guys see the monkeys? You guys are gonna be in a movie too. - It's us, it's us, it's us. - Yeah, you guys need good seats here. Look, they could sit on your shoulders right here. - Yeah. - Perfect seats for you. - Perfect. - I want see mommy! - Naves, do you want some candy? Can this girl get some candy? - This is really special, so when I watch the movies, I need you to hold that, can you do that? Good job. (sparkling noises) What's happening to me? - It's about to start. (suspenseful music) (monkey screeching) (Adley screaming) Whoa, is this a popcorn portal? The ticket, I need that. Got it, whoa! What's happening, whoa! Where are we? Are we at the vet's office? What? I feel so cartoony. (Adley gasps) I think we're in the movie! - Ooh. - Ooh. - But wait, I'm not supposed to be here. Where did that magic ticket go? (bouncing spring noises) Whoa, that's cartoon me. I don't wanna change the story. I just need off with being seen. Just don't touch anything and we'll be, uh- oh. - Uh oh! - I think the movies about to start. No time for this, now we need to hide! Welcome today's Bradley's vet, our vet is open today. We got a lot of animals to fix, but my assistant is running late today, so let's call. Your s'posed to be here right now. - Yeah, I'm coming! I'll be there in just a minute. - Bye, boop! Somebody's coming, I have to hide! Aha! (door swings open) Where were you? - I won't let it happen again, boss. Sorry. - So we have, lemme check our animals. Holy moly, we have a lot of animals! - Really? Oh, these are all the animals. - Yep, which one should we start with? - Oh my gosh. - [Adley] What are these guys? - They're tangled, okay, I'll grab 'em carefully. Careful. Oh, I'll carry this off. - Okay. - Okay. Are you here? - Right here. - Okay. - The little tangled ball. (monkey screeches) - Should I hold them so they stay still? - No, no, no, no, here, take this. - Oh, hey thanks, I didn't even get breakfast this morning. - No silly, that's for the monkeys. You feed them and I'll cut the vines. - Oh, gotcha. Okay, here comes a bite, choo choo, bite, bite! You guys like bananas? Careful, are you sure you know what you're doing? Oh, wow, you do know what you're doing, it's working. Keep doing it, good job. Okay, she's almost out, she just has one leg. - [Adley] Yes! - How are you guys doing, you feeling good? What's wrong, can you talk to him? She can talk to animals. - Oh, he wants to get a bath. - He just needs a little medicine. And then they're good to go they're resting beds. (spring noises) All right, I'll start cleaning up. You go put 'em away and get our next patient. - I'm their brother and sister! - Oh, bye guys. - Here, go ahead and get in the cage. - Oh, they're so happy. Oh, good job, doctor. Let's fix our next animal. - You guys are all better. Let's get you out so we can go home. (monkey screeches) - The caterpillar needs help turning into a butterfly. - The caterpillar needs help turning into a butterfly? We have a caterpillar, there he is. - [Adley] Let me grab him. What's the problem? He needs help turning into a butterfly. - Well, how do we do that? - I know, I helped the caterpillar before. - Oh, okay. I'm ready to learn, you just show me what to do. - Okay. - [Dad] Do you need this? - No. - [Dad] Do you need this? - Yes. - [Dada] Okay. - [Adley] All we need to do is wrap on my. (caterpillar squeals) - He does not wanna get wrapped up. What is wrong? Why don't you wanna get wrapped up? - He's scared of the dark. - He's scared of the dark, that's all? No wonder he can't cocoon. Well, what are we gonna do? Is there like a medicine to fix that? - No. - Oh, that's a good idea. - [Adley] Wrap him up. - Okay. Wrap him up, here we go. Wrap, wrap, wrap. (tape stretching) Should we go put 'em in the waiting room? - Yep. - [Dad] Right there. - [Adley] Put him right here. - Okay, turn into a beautiful butterfly. - Next patient. - Okay, I'll start cleaning up. - Our next patient is scary. - As long as it's not a spider or a snake, I am just fine. But I don't use spiders, and I don't do snakes! (snake slithers) It's tied in the knot, at least. (snake slithering) (suspenseful music) (Dad shrieks) (Adley snickering) - It's hatching! Your wings are so pretty. Cartoony is really good at this desk stuff. - How we gonna fix it, the poor little guy? Doctor, is it the snake's birthday? - No. - Why are you blowing up a balloon? - So you know the snake is tangled. The snake is like all tangled. - [Daddy] Yeah. - If I blow a lot of air in it, it will untangle it. And we just put this on the snake. (rope whishing) (air inflating) - What? - Doctor, you did it! - No, he's deflated, so we have to blow him up. - Oh, what do we do? - Stay here. - Hi little snake. You just stay over there and I'll stay over here. (jumps on table) - I'm back. (Dad shrieks) - Doctor, what's that? - A pumper, you hold this on the sink. (suspenseful playful music) (mouth creaks open) - [Dad] Whoa, it's working. It's working, it's working. Whoa, it's blowing up too much! - Got it, that's okay! What are you, oh no! (suspenseful music) (monkey shrieking) (knocking over trashcan) (monkey shrieking) (crashing lockers) - We can't mess up this movie. Nothing a little fairy dust can't fix. Let's clean. Oh. (monkey sneezes) (Adley humming) - Someone's coming, hide! - Huh, I thought I heard monkeys! (playful suspenseful music) - Okay, good job. Let's just go put it out. - Now you carry to the pet city! - Do I have to? - You have to. - [Dad] Okay. - Everybody, safe and sound at the vet! Now I give up my job! - You're giving up your job? - Yeah, Niko's working here now. He stole my job. - You're my boss now? - Hi, I'm Niko, the new vet, and I like to fix animals like this little spider. - I'm not sure I wanna be a vet assistant anymore. That's kind of scary. - I can work at a pizza place. You can still be a my assistant. - Can I work at the pizza place? - Yes. - Yes. I quit, I'm gonna sell pizza. Come on, pizza, pizza, pizza! - [Dad] I'm a pizza boy. - Pizza, pizza, pizza! - Goodbye spiders. - [Both] Goodbye snakes. - Let's go. - [Dad] Mm hmm. (playful music ends) - Good job you guys. Hey, what's the ticket? Yay! (Adley shouting) (monkey screeching) Yay I'm home, but why am I still a cartoon? Where's the ticket? Navey, I don't think you're in this episode. - Oh! - Huh? (monkey screeching) - No baby's in the trash! Oh gotta hide! Come on dad, come on dad! - It's so early. Why do you wake up so early? - Because you're my early buddy. - Hi, early buddy. All right, what do you need? Do you need cereal? - Cereal! All right, what kind of cereal do you want? Let's see. - Fruit Fruits. - Fruit fruits, all right. - Yummy. Today, I'm gonna have just a fun day and play day all day. First I gotta eat cereal. (playful music) Hungry. Hungry, hungry, hungry. - I know you're hungry. - Hungry, hungry, hungry. - Oat milk. Okay, what are we actually doing today? - We're gonna play all day - You know what we should do? - What? We should go play on the trampoline. - Yeah. - We haven't been on the trampoline forever. (monkeys screeching) - Dad! What you do to my cereal? - What? - This isn't Fruit Fruits! - Baby Puffs. - What, what's happening? - What, Adley! (sparkling noises) I turned Adley into a baby, oh no. Oh no, okay, shh. Calm down, here let me rock you. Hello. What do I do? Whoa, a binky, watch this off. (running water) Shh, good Adley. Okay, mom is gonna be mad. Let's see here, how do I turn her out of a baby? Maybe more Puffs? Let's see. Magic Puffs, Magic puffs, make Adley not a baby again. - Good, yummy! - She likes Puffs. (projector rolling) (everyone groaning) - Turn it on. - [Man] What happened? - Adley, get down! - Adley! - Get down, come on. - [Adley] Sorry, dad. Oh no, the movie's still going, right? The movie's still going, la, la, la. Okay, fine I'm coming down! - [Dad] You're gonna get us kicked out. She's still a baby. (scattered applause) Okay, you're going in here. Toys. Play with this. (Adley crying) Don't wake up mom. (shushing Adley) You're gonna get us in trouble. Shh just, hey, I'm gonna fix this and I'm gonna turn you back into big girl. Just be quiet and don't wake up, the family. (Adley screaming) I need to change your (indistinct). (engine revving) (Niko laughing) - No, baby. Ew, that's a garbage. Ew, wash your hands (indistinct). Come here. Okay, let's wash your hands. (running water faucet) Baby, don't get the oven! Okay, stop it right now. You're so big, whoa! Okay. - [Adley] Boop Boop! - Now you can't get into trouble, okay? Oh, maybe if I give her big girl treat, she'll turn into a big girl, okay. Hey baby, you stay right there. (Adley breathing) (baby screeching) Calm down. (playful music) Shh, here's some big girl treats, do you want a animal cookie? Yum, yum, yum. We'll try Fishies, Magic Fish, Magic Fish. Make Adley big again. (playful music continues) - Work, work. Adley, are you back? - Yeah. - Okay. All right, you stay right there, I'm gonna try a different treat. (playful music continues) (crawling on floor) Adley. (record scratches) Okay, Adley, Adley, where baby Adley. Oh no, baby, what are you doing? Do not go outside, baby! You are so much work, you're harder than Navey. Oh, that's it. Who helps me take care of Navey, Adley and Niko? I need to get Niko to help me take care of Adley. He'll know what to do. All right, this is kind of weird, but I gotta put you in this dog cage and go get Niko. I'm sorry baby Adley, this will just be for a minute. It's okay, Adley. Just be a doggie for a minute, I'm gonna go get Niko. I'll be right back, okay? I'll be right back, baby. I love you. (Adley barking) - The ticket. Mommy just... (baby barking) Whoa, how do I grab this ticket? Hey monkeys, I know where the ticket is. Let's go, come on. (monkeys screeching) Hey there you are, come on! But where's your brother? (rock music) Whoa. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Whoa, I did not know the monkeys could do that. He's really good. - Adley! - I got Niko. How do we turn her into not a baby, Niko? - I don't know. - Oh no, the ticket, let's go. - Put it on the couch. (Dad smelling) What stinks? - Poo poo. Oh seriously? - Dad. (monkey screeching) (Adley shushing) - The ticket was just here. Wait! - Oh. - Oh oh! (monkey screeching) - Oh that's so cute, baby monkey and baby. Where'd Niko go? Whoops, I bet Cartoon Dad can figure that out. I'll figure out how to turn her back to normal while you find the ticket. (Niko cooing) - Niko, did he eat a puff? (Dad exclaims) Niko? - Dada, catch me. - Nope, what do you, baby? Okay. No Niko! Mom's gonna be up any minute. - What's going on down here? - Look, it's cartoon mom. She'll know what to do. - Dad. - I don't know what happened, she was just eating breakfast and the next thing I knew she was a baby. So then I got Niko and I was like, maybe Niko can help. And he's a baby and I don't know. We need to take him to the doctor. - They're so cute. - They're not cute. They're babies, we gotta fix them! - I love this, don't even worry about it. This stuff happens all the time. Hello baby Niko! - What are you talking about, this is weird! - Hi, no. Did they eat a puff? - Yes, how do you fix it? - You just gotta give them big kiss on the cheek. - [Dad] What? - Hey, come here. - Adley. - Yay dad. Good morning, mom! - Good morning! - Good morning. - Dada, Niko was dada. Goo goo, ga ga. (blowing kiss) Hurray! - Oh! (blowing kiss) There we go, back to normal. You found the ticket, let's go. I wonder where we're gonna go next. Ooh, tasty. Hey, let's get some popcorn for the next one. (playful music) Oh, the hair salon. What's in here? (monkey screeching) I wonder if the ticket's in here. (monkey screeching) Nope! (mother snoring) Oh hi, welcome to Adley's Hair and Makeup Salon. We're waiting for customer zero- - No one has showed up all day. - What should we do? - Oh, I do have that hot date tonight. - Ooh, maybe I can do hair and makeup. - That's a good idea. Oh, this is is cozy. Um. Wow, I didn't realize how much hair I have. (Adley laughing) Have a lot. (spraying hair spray) (playful music) - Stop. - [Mom] That's why we don't have any customers. (Adley screaming) - You didn't flip it to open! - Whoopsies! - [Mom] Adley! Customers already? - Hi. My first customer her is a baby? - Yeah, she needs a little bit of style. - She is so adorable. - [Dad] Yeah. - Look at those cheeks! Oh, I could just kiss you. - Do you guys do styles for kids? 'Cause both of my kids need a style. And then I might get one. - Yes. I need you to check in over here. - Okay, this is Navey and she needs style and some makeup. - Can I see your nose? - Yeah. - [Adley] Boop. - Oh, good job. Okay and then this is Niko and he's in for a hairstyle. And then he wants face painting. - Okay. - Oh, cool. Do you have like a party later to go to? - Yeah. - It's like a video game costume party we're going to, so I don't know, should I get a style too? - Yeah, okay. - [Dad] Okay. - And whoop. First things first you need your own- - Hairstyles. Oh, we have one for, especially for babies. - Okay. - Oh perfect. - [Mom] Which one is that one? (indistinct) (register beeping) - Excuse me, get off my cash register! - Sorry, this baby likes to steal money. She's kinda a con baby. - Yeah, con baby! - Come here you little con baby! - Okay, you guys can go sit over there. - Okay. Just one minute. Hey, did you take any money? - Yeah, we gotta give it back. You can't. - Still. Where is it? Let me see. Can you say sorry? - Yeah. - Okay. Say it. - Say sorry. Sorry. Maybe what side do you want the push? Oh, you want this one? Oh, sit right here. So she wants, what are we doing? - Ah. - Oh, thank you. This is really relaxing. - First we're just gonna do the eye shut. Good job. Oh wow. That's beautiful. My, okay, let's do your other eye now. That's. - So. - Pretty. - Oh, okay. She's doing that herself. Oh, that's beautiful. - Oh, pretty. - No, you're, oh, my turn. Is it pretty? I like it. I think she's got style. Your baby is doing so. - Oh, I know exactly the just perfect thing. (Adley screaming) Dad, wake up! - Alright, well you look wonderful. Is there anything else you need done? - Oh, let me see, how is she doing? - She actually did her lipstick herself. - Oh. That is beautiful, oh, she's such an artist, isn't she? - Oh wow. (monkey's screeching) (uptempo rock music) (monkey humming) - What's wrong? It's gonna be okay, I can fix this. There we go, what do you think? - Pretty! (monkey screeching) - Adley, for my party to something cool like this chameleon? - [Adley] Yep, we can do that. - Okay. - Come sit right here. Sir, please take your baby back with you. - Yeah, okay. We're gonna go get her a Popsicle and we'll be right back. - Let me pop. Bye. - Bye. - Do you want your hair done first or your makeup? - My hair. - [Mom] Okay. - [Adley] Chameleon hair. (squeezing bottle) I'm cool. - You put it on your hands, boss. - Oh, now you just have to scrub it in you. - I wanna look all green like a chameleon. And one more thing. Does this wash off? - Yes, it washes off. - Okay. - Now, it's time for the artist, that's me, to create my masterpiece. (baby laughing) - Oh wow! - Oh, I forgot something. I'll be right back. - Oh, that was fast. - Oh yeah, The master is back. - Looking good, Niko. - I forgot something else, I'll be right back. - [Mom] Okay. (playful music) (swooshing noises) - I need a vacation. I'm back. Hey, you changed it. - That was all you. - Nope. - I swear I watched you do it. - Commence the masterpiece. - All right, I dropped her off at the baby park. She's hanging out with her friends, she has a Popsicle. What is that? - Chameleon hair? - Are you sure that's Niko? He's like blending in Niko. - Hello, my name is Chameleon Man. - Chameleon man. - And I like to eat bugs. - Bugs? (fly buzzing) What, what? Who's attacking me, what the- - Oh sir, he's not attacking you. He just trying to grab the fly. - He's eating the fly! - Okay. Chameleon buddy, wait in the waiting, oh, he's climbing in the waiting room. - [Adley] It's fine. - [Dad] He's climbing up your waiting room. - Just sit down you otter! - While you're at it, Will you get the spiders up there? - I'll eat all the spiders. - Wow, that's really helpful. He doesn't even do that around home normally. - Nice. (playful music) (monkey screeching) (Niko sneezes) - Did you decide what kind of look you want, sir? - Don't do anything crazy, I like space station gaming. It's like my favorite e-sport team. So I'm thinking something cool and gold. - Yeah, like gold and black. Yeah, I think we could make that work. - Okay, perfect. - Yeah. So what's the plan? - Let's do cheetah face. - Oh, I like that. - Okay, so first we need yellow. - What did you say? - Oh, nothing. - [Adley] This is gonna look so good when we're done. - Okay, are you sure this is a cool like video game, space station, gaming style? - Yeah. - Oh, cool. - Hey dad, I'll tell you something, that's not space station gaming. You're looking like a cheetah. - What? What did he just say? - He's lying. - No, you're a cheetah dad. - A cheetah? I do not wanna be- (Adley laughing) I want my money back. - Well, maybe the cheetah face paint made you super fast like a cheetah, try it out. - Hmm, yes, zoom! - Whoa. - I have cheetah super speed. No one can outrun me! Come on Niko, let's get outta here. - All right, now I need to pay them, nice one lady. - There's the ticket! (uptempo music) - He's so slow, come on, come on. You're so slow, come on, let's go! Let's get out here. (Niko screeching) - Yes, You got the money. Good job, come on boy. - You come back here! - Don't worry about a (indistinct). - [Mom] Hey, you gotta pay! - The ticket, come on! Let's get it! - Aha! (monkeys screeching) - Activate super speed. - Hey, get back here! - Woo! Hello! - What is that? - [Dad] Super fast, super speed, speedy fast. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, ah! - Whoa, ah, ah! - Ah! - My money, my ticket! - Whoa! - Time for a new job. - Whoa. (monkey screeching) (dramatic music ends) (enchanting music) (indistinct) (enchanting music continues) - Whoa! What just happened. (audience applauding) - That was so good, did you love that show? - Love it, I was in it! - I know you did so good, oh, it was so cool to see our cartoons. - No, I was literally in it! - I know, me too. And Niko and- - No, I was literally in it! - [Dad] Guys, that was so good. - [Mom] No, that was so good. - After all the videos we've filmed and put on YouTube and you guys watching them and then you starting e Bradley with Adley. - Yeah and you starting animation. - I know and now full circle, we're in the movies. - So was so much fun. - Good job, Emily. And thank you guys for watching our videos. You're what helps us get on the big screen. - Oh yeah funny end clip. - Funny end clip, what's it gonna be? - What's it gonna be? - Turkey Dance. - Turkey Dance! Yes. (audience applauding) ♪ I'm a turkey, I'm a turkey, I'm a turkey ♪ ♪ I'm a turkey, I'm a turkey, I'm a turkey ♪ ♪ I'm a turkey, I'm a turkey, I'm a turkey ♪ ♪ I'm a turkey, I'm a turkey, I'm a turkey ♪ ♪ One, two, three, I'm a turkey, I'm a turkey, I'm a turkey ♪ ♪ I'm a turkey, I'm a turkey, I'm a turkey ♪ (playful uptempo music) ♪ I'm a turkey, I'm a turkey, turkey, turkey ♪ ♪ You're my friend, chickens, birds, butterflies ♪ ♪ Anything you are my friend ♪ ♪ We're friends forever ♪ ♪ Anything that flies, even butterflies, you're my friend ♪ ♪ And it's simple fun, me and my turkey friends ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ We'll all fly together ♪ ♪ We're friends forever ♪ - [Adley] Thanks for watching, bye! (kids bawling) (uptempo mystical music) - Whoa! Oh, I think I'm a cartoon!
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 1,937,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, rainbow ghosts, rainbow, ghosts, monkey buddies, A for Adley, Movie, A for Adley Lost in the Movies, Adley movie theater, purple carpet party, kids fun, Niko, Shonduras, Navey, Jenny McBride, golden ticket, party, dance party, turkey song, duck dance, barbie, toys, new toys, niko, portal house, roblox, keys, creepy, kids escape room, cartoon, spacestation animation, abley, ugly, adley cartoon, floor is lava, lava, magical, Hair Salon, Adley Turns into a Baby, A for Adley Vet
Id: zD2qMFTNdG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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