I'm farming alone now. Vlog 232

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this job is aging me money you [Music] happy Monday good sunny and I'm just waiting for Monte Marquez gone and of course the day he left I ran out of corn in my new barn so I think you just drove in so we are gonna fill up my bin so we're pretty shy of corn even in that way again we keep a little bit in the wagon from last time so what I'm going to do is just get money to pull up underneath the overhead and I got mark to fill up the overhead before he left because we were full in some trucks last week so I get to cheat and just empty from the overhead into money [Music] [Music] probably good I'll meet you over there okay so I just filled up Monte he's kind of he's gonna loop around here and meet me at the barn and I'm gonna grab the telehandler and grab that auger and it's an electric one so it's sweet and we just fill corn bin with that auger [Music] [Music] [Applause] we have just enough yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] he's here [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh yeah [Music] [Applause] oh yeah [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] corn this job is aging me money Lord okay now that we got the corn been filled there's a few things going on today I can't believe this but my firstborn lambs here that's the lament group that we just had in December they are already rounding into their last week so they're seven weeks old I figure about next weekend they're going to be at that eight week mark which means weaning already I can't obtain even believe it's already at that time so usually what I do I usually actually do this ten days before wean where I forgot I'd like to switch the use I start I start they're drying off process so I will actually feed some dry hay so I got the grapple bucket on the loader I'm gonna put a little piece is with the dry hay on the wagon and feed them by hand in their bunk the dry hay the thing about the dry even though this is good dry hay typically I try to feed pretty low quality dry hay to to the use when I want them to kind of slow down their milk production or stop their milk production so what will happen you will find I want to take you guys along with me because what you'll find is these lambs because they're not getting as much off mum they are going to go hard on this creep all week like I'm going to go through probably twice as much creep in that pen than I usually do so it's just interesting to see how quick mom's milk production drops off when you stop feeding that soybean meal and the corn for the energy and the corn silage so today that'll be the first day I'm treating dry hay the other thing I'm going to do remember we took on Friday we took weaning weights off this group and I was gonna actually wean them but I decided to give them the weekend so what I'm gonna do is actually start the reading process on this and all I'm going to do is take it take just take the nipples right out they they get weaned cold turkey I might take that week early on this one here and and just take a judgment call on some other ones but probably just that one and I might add it to that pen and have a little more working that machine to keep it fresh and just the fact that it's just kind of a kind of a runty lamb so I'm going to do that today as well [Applause] [Applause] okay I pulled the hoses out this is how I mean I just pulled the hoses off I'll clean those up this afternoon so they are fine I've been fed lots of water I'll have to judge these pails if they if they drink more than this I'll just put in more pails because I don't want to come in here three or four times a day with water I did put the new lamb over on the young side that is him right there it looks okay but they're gonna have to just re-establish their little order worst-case scenario there's feed and water and hay right sweetie I am a baby you're doing so good I asked Instagram a couple days ago to ask mark and I any questions on our marriage the farm the business the podcast youtubing all the things and what I ended up doing was when I went to drop him off at the airport which was Saturday night we had a QA so I'm gonna I'm gonna edit it today I'm going to attach it with this video yesterday I tried to do it and I just I wasn't ready to edit it yet just the emotions of knowing he's not going to be here for a couple months was weighing pretty heavy that's why I did my just my day of chores yesterday I really enjoyed asking Mark these questions and I just thank my Instagram audience and you guys all last week for your great questions it gives me so many ideas for videos and for just knowing where you were at as a viewer just so I can make content that resonates with you because there's no point me just guessing as to what you guys want to see so I just really really want to take a couple seconds of this thank you guys means a lot to me that you took the time just to answer that so thank you and thank you to my Instagram audience that did that too yeah so mark is now in Australia he landed safe and sound last night and that is always just a weight lifted off right just that they the flight got there and everything's good I think you said you got about five hours sleep so that's something so if you want to keep watching I'm gonna have the Q&A now and if if you don't want to see it then thanks for watching my morning in the barn he's leaving forever a long time a sixth of the year when it's a good thing quick yeah I asked Instagram yesterday instead of YouTube any questions you guys had about mark and I about the farm the kids the podcast anything you wanted to I just said ask me any question so you guys did it got a lot and a lot [Music] ready for this yeah okay this one's from Kristen Kelderman hi Kristen universe I know Chris if you can move anywhere in the world where would you live not for work or farming I'm going to tell you to on my bucket list New Zealand and Ireland those are the two places that I want to visit right now I'm very happy with where I live in fact so much so that I never leave well I've had the good fortune to be in many places and I'd have to say like if I could move anywhere it would be like southern Saskatchewan I just I love it there in the winter winners winner what'd she say two places she didn't say two places in it shady Creek Lam wants to know best Ring Pop flavour I have never had a Ring Pop ever well I think if you define flavors as colors I would go with blue you like the blue so that'd be a raspberry yeah great question Larry Bay 2 wants to know where is Marc going in Australia so I am going to fly into Sydney going up to Brisbane and Spain kind of a time up the Brisbane at north and I'm going over to Perth on the opposite side of the country on the west coast and spent some time there and then Adelaide after that which is about the bottom middle and I kind of have a week I don't really have planned yet which could end up being Tozzi just cruise along the bottom and maybe catching some people or the Flyers so I'm not sure that's kind of so far to date that's where I'm going and hard court wants to know what will be the biggest challenge while you are apart Wi-Fi sandy freakin crapola Gandhi trying to find something to fix so true story mark left like a babysitter list for me for all the people that I could contact if I broke anything or needed assistance so for EM for seeing Mike I tried to think about that anyways why is he leaving for two months so some of my viewers don't know why you were leaving because I haven't told them yet 2019 I was awarded enough field scholarship which is basically a process which encourages farmers to research a topic of interest and travel around the world to get a perspective outside of their community on the issue that they're researching so that's why I'm leaving and part of the requirements for my scholarship with Canada is I have to travel ten weeks I've been pretty crappy at traveling because the denon 2019 crop year was horrendous and couldn't really afford to go away while I was trying to get crop in and as a result I'm kind of jammed up here and have to get some traveling done but the good part is is that two months it's going to give me a really good perspective on farming in Australia New Zealand and I'm taking that to work information I get there to work at my topic which is farmer to Farmer collaborations to see how farmers work better together and what we can better help each other in ooh base cafe boss if you and Mark could do some other venture job adventure not job together together what would it be I don't know saying he would do this I would love to run an outpost doing camping and flying fishing trips it would suck in the wintertime but I do like outside in the wintertime actually I have a lot of big ambitions as long as I have my own thing no matter what we do together I still need my own thing it doesn't matter what we're doing so if we did something like that I would have to find something in that that would work for me and my personality Hannah Easton that hayes-freeland hannah is called by first name I am was watching your latest video does Mark remember what FOMO and yellow means okay I know what it is because I'm addicted to social media but my poor husband was showing his age when we had some not the old visitors in the summer visit us and Hannah is from the UK correct and she came and I think we were just talking about acronyms and I'm like FOMO and yellow that marks like what does that mean any guests and he guessed really wrong boyfriend simply wrong way bad thing and Hannah just about fell off her chair Nick Minoo police related to Kylie she's them down there wish mark luck down in Australia apparently 45 degrees Celsius you're going to you're gonna leave that jacket with me I think and Crom farms wonders how much does mark enjoy managing the Sheep guard while sandy is away an L Douglas what was the hardest season in your marriage and how did you get through it [Music] you think that was your hardest yeah like well when the kids were little we had some doozies that was like just it was a great 1914 was hard it was a hard year firming I broke my leg you were you were getting really involved politically there was a lot there was just for you was it for you it was a tough year personally I was tired yeah I would get up to do jurors include a meeting yeah yeah and for me I would say 2008 this is probably when I finally kind of hit rock bottom I had some I've talked about this before but I think I had some mental health problems stemming back probably from even maybe when I was having kids that I never really dealt with and I just dug into work and I became a workaholic which I still AM but I actually developed insomnia really bad so I had insomnia for four years before I got it kind of treated and then I got put on medication and and it was a little better but we had a lot of follow from that kind of dark period in my life with some you know extended family and you know the reason we're sheep farming together is because we kind of had a we actually separated ourselves went a different way than the rest of the family that we were meant so there was a few rough years I would say 2008 to 2011 were my toughest years well we got through it you were my rock he's kind of perfect never get sick of that try to know I need to know I know it adds a little bit of stability that's all the one I see that are you so perfect I'm not perfect how did Mark ask you to marry him I took her to the beach a favorite favorite place of bars or I'm buying anybody's and basically I didn't really ask her I just let the ring on her and said very confident I proposed in June right May or June and I can trim up to June and I had the ring like I got the ring back in February of that year so I had it for a while he wasn't sure I don't even wear it because I'm scared I'm gonna lose it this is just my $150 wedding ring I'm gonna miss you oh yeah I am this is getting used to him being home and that means leaving anyway you'll survive this is our first Q&A you guys never see us together you only see us apart so I just like to thank you for watching my channel watching this channel if you haven't watched this channel I will promote yours we do so appreciate the support here on our channels and over on the podcast we just started if this is if you're new to this if this is a percent seeing as we started a podcast two weeks ago we've had four episodes of now yeah and we drop a new one every week and mercs taking the podcast on the road so when he does his Nuffield travel is he's going to go and interview farmers and then the two of us will kind of do a an intro and an outro together discussing discussing every visit so that is my way to still connect with mark when he's away and then we get to share with you guys on our podcast so we just want to thank you for the support over there the support here it's just making farming a lot more fun when we can share the stuff with you guys we take for granted the boring everyday trivial stuff and you guys love it because I think we have the job that a lot of people would just dream of having so thank you for the reminder every single day and thank you for the accountability I would say yes thanks I just glad you enjoy good trip Thanks you
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 969,135
Rating: 4.8699813 out of 5
Keywords: the reason I'm farming alone, farming solo, farming alone, farming with your spouse, equipment needed on a sheep farm, equipment that makes sheep farming easier, sheep farming alone, sheep farming, how do you dry up a ewe after lactation, when should you dry up a ewe, when should bottle lambs be weaned, how do you wean bottle lambs, what should you feed a ewe for drying up, touring Australia farms, Australia travel, Australia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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