Someone is REALLY MAD at me. Vlog 411

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lucy approves [Music] oh she's hard oh he's so mad at me how does this happen there's purple rubbed all around it like a sun this is legit the first thing that resembles a date that mark and i have been on in [Applause] over a year [Music] you're hired good morning i have never been so thankful for a barn in all my life those two lucy's in the habit of joining us first thing every morning now out here she does a little run around and then she gets bored and then i gotta kick her out again guys it is nasty it's winter big storm moved in last night we didn't get as much snow as i think they were talking about but it is so windy it's the wind that like knocks your breath out today is also day 17 for that breeding group so if these cedars acted the way they were supposed to act day one was 17 days ago and then they cycle every 17 to 21 days [Applause] [Music] purple see the girls what i'm hoping to do with this video is go through in the next three days friday saturday sunday we'll go through and see if there's any cycling again if they cycle again meaning they're in a standing heat for these rams then they did not catch on their first breeding cycle well it is after lunch i spent about half an hour an hour at lunchtime today was the big launch of the valentine's day stuff so my little billy balls and my cinnamon balls cinnamon hearts and what else oh and the and the children's book so they like as soon as i put it live it was crazy my email was going ballistic so that was really cool so thank you guys if it was you guys that were doing that it's a really good feeling i'm not gonna lie and i love being able to figure out things that people would resonate with i have my very special valentines in this barn uh one is very upset with me right now billy he was limping yesterday pretty bad and then yesterday i finally caught him and i was cuddling him and then i had to like come in with a needle and give him some penicillin and now he won't now he won't come near me so poor billy's got a sore foot so um i came in and i think he thought i was looking for snuggles and i gave him a needle so he is not happy with me and now i'd like to put a little bit of this on his hoof and i can't catch him doesn't trust me anymore how am i gonna win back your love and it's breeding time again tomorrow's day 17. so i got a lot of strikes against me right now it's back left [Music] hi you still hate me [Music] philly but how's your foot more importantly let's see you walk can you walk honey oh looks pretty good oh he's so mad at me billy so i'm really sad so other than that frisky friday is not very frisky and i'm thinking it is day 17 technically when i put the rams in but they really didn't start breeding until about 24 hours later so i'm thinking it'll start to pick up maybe later this afternoon and into tomorrow and sunday a little bit more i always kind of forget that that they don't start breeding the day you put them in it usually takes it usually takes 24 hours for that to kick in since i've been doing chores i really want to get a feel for these feeders these vino creek feeders i really love them i love the fact that i don't fill feeders every day so the other day was finally empty so i was able to uh fill it up hi little liam you're so nice am i gonna have another little valentine hello i don't want to touch you in case you have orf you're so lovely [Music] how does this happen you got a little orb so i don't want to get too close oh you're so sweet look at how pretty your eyes are are you a girl are you a girl are you my new friend yeah i see your tail wagon i want to see that tail wag there it is all right so let's look at these feeders so i filled this feeder it from empty right up to the top on tuesday and today you are my new little friend are you a boy or girl can i just little slip oh it's a boy you're a boy that's okay hi noah i love you too [Music] i filled this right up again today but today is friday so tuesday wednesday thursday friday so you know a good couple days of not hauling pails in here has been really nice and the feed is really clean i'm just gonna just show you so it's just no straw no manure it just stays really really clean hello all right anyway i just wanted to show you guys that [Music] happy saturday everyone mark did not do our lane this morning he did all the neighbors but we still have quite a bit around i told him it would be here tomorrow but look at this drift oh she's hard [Music] [Applause] ah it took the morning just to chill yesterday was really busy just with the the big valentine's day launch and getting a video up for you guys there's just a lot of like computer work yesterday which i don't like quite as much as i like to be in here yesterday there was not a lot of reading going on uh chris did chores this morning i asked her what she saw she saw a little bit of action in billy's pen and a tiny little bit in the ulam pen but right now i don't see too too much what i do instead of marking harness harness on the ram i put a little paint dot pretty big paint dot on the back ends of every you and then what i hope to do is the the the ram when he mounts her kind of smears it off so i i do the smear check so i'm trying to this would have been a lot easier when they were eating but i'll show you a few this lady no purple left this girl quite a bit left on her but it is muffled it's a little bit ruffled on top so she might have just started a cycle none on her that's been rubbed that's been rubbed a little bit it's a little darker [Applause] [Music] so even the ones with quite a bit of paint on it you can still tell there's purple rubbed all around it like a sun so you know she's been mounted it just didn't she might just not have been mounted as much and then there's some that is like it's just gone hey papa bear how are you that's my boy so overall i feel like they've been covered really quite decent and here's my ulam pen and they've really been they've been rubbed really good and quite evenly so here's one that's a little darker but if you tell around it it is smeared but there's a pretty dark spot in the middle there's ruby sue she looks like she's been smeared hard to tell on here there's a nice smear and even that one see how dark it is but see up close it's smeared hey guys you had fun with the boys [Music] so the the plan with these guys is they these boys will stay with the u's until tuesday tuesday will be day 21 and because i cedared this group which just means i i scheduled it so they were synchronized uh to breed all the same time then everyone should have had about the date day one should have been the same almost on the whole group their second cycle if they missed on the first cycle should start today or yesterday and go till about monday or tuesday so i'll pull rams tuesday and uh and then we will scan six weeks after that rebecca will come and scan them and then we'll see if we have any june babies so these guys are destined for june lambing which is mommy's busy time and she'll be doing hay which is always really nice what are you saying you see the dogs wrestling we have entertainment today [Music] overall i think uh i think i'm relatively happy with with what looks to be like there's a there's enough kind of smeared hoping i'm not disappointed in in six weeks when we check but you really never never 100 percent know uh today i just see there's one you getting bred right now other than that there's not a lot of use in a standing heat which either means they're pregnant which is what we want or they just aren't cycling so which can happen but january there still should be quite a bit of cycling naturally going on and um and the cedars were just really to to sink them hi i have four different breeds of ram so i have these guys suffolk so black black face black legs big frame big a little thicker boned than um the other breed that i have for a maternal line which is rido and rito is a real composite breed of four different kind of breeds so i have suffolk i have rito which is billy's group billy is a rito rito sire so ritos will spit out pure black lambs sometimes and and these painted wit ones which i have fallen in love with which is billy so billy is rido sired so this is the rito pen this is the suffolk and i also have ilda france in this pen so this is basically my market pen and i've put them on my uh rito sired u lambs so i will not keep any of their offspring unless i'm really desperate but i have a lot of replacements i kept this year so i don't think i'm going to need them this big guy here he is that guy over there stop moving so nice big stocky from from head to tail just a real dense stocky ram feel the francis i've been pretty happy with for market lambs they they grow well i would say the only fault i would have on these uh ill defrance as a gen as a breed altogether in the ones that i have anyway i haven't loved their feet and legs i don't love their hooves i don't like their lead i don't love their legs and what i'm finding i did keep a few ulams back last year that were an ill defrance crossed with a rito which are usually a really good mix but what i find is um some of these old frances are they they're really lazy moms like they kind of drop them they like them and they're good milkers but they don't try really hard to make sure their lambs stay with them so that's the one thing i haven't been loving their mothering so much and i'm sure that's just mine um you are making a mess [Music] so ill defrance and suffolk they are the sires i use for any lambs i want to be destined for market and then the rito and the steel rams which i'll show you next are what i want to keep usually their offspring if they give me fairly decent females those are the ones i want to keep for replacement you lands anything sired by them if that makes sense [Music] which brings us to the last sires that i have here and they're the steel composite now i have nicknamed that breed that is not their actual name i don't even know if they have an actual name but the uh the farm that i bought them off of is called uh was i think it's still called shepherd's choice yeah this is one of the boys here so they're another composite much like the rito they're actually based off rito dorset so that cross with um a couple new zealand breeds that they brought in and they brought that in so these used could be on pasture really really well or in a barn system like this and still produce a good mum like a lamb that could be used for replacement or still be able to put on good terminal traits so they'd be good for the market so far i've been happy with the steel lamps they've been coming out really really nice i've only had these guys for a year i bought them last december and there was one ram out of all of them that i didn't think was working but ever since uh this group and last group i've seen paint on all the rams on their chest now so i know they're all at least mounting whereas before there was always one not mounting so i'm wondering now maybe he had a sore foot or he wasn't feeling good in a couple of those breeding groups or maybe it was shy or just didn't have the libido i'm pretty happy with them lucy approves [Music] good morning guys it's sunday uh mark and i are gonna take advantage of the snow in the cold it's very cold and uh i'm gonna go on my first snowmobile ride this year i'm very accident prone so i just let everybody else do the snowmobiling and then this morning i'm like no i want to go out so wish me luck that uh it doesn't end in disaster but i thought i would come back out real quick here to see if there's any more activity and there is nothing as far as i can see [Music] [Applause] [Music] sniffing perhaps [Applause] take a look at the snow on the curtains outside i'm not one for bedding but i'm just gonna say that i think they're probably done breeding this group there's a few sniffing but for the most part there's no jumping no standing heats that i can see it might be just time of day too it might be it might pick up later this [Music] one afternoon [Music] this is legit the first thing that resembles a date that mark and i have been on in [Applause] over a year a year ago he was in australia so safe to say it's been over a year we came back to covid not our covet just kobit all right we're gonna fuel up and suit up no more oh uh yeah what time does your super bowl start 6 30. yeah i might go with this afternoon but i'll check with you before i go sweating already you won't be what's the one thing about this coat i can't get it all the way done up because you put a hoodie on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh boy that was really cold yikes oh it was cool but fun i haven't had that much fun in a long time blast from the past okay lunchtime [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 79,175
Rating: 4.9715538 out of 5
Keywords: ram has a sore foot, treating ram with sore foot, reviewing the VENO lamb creep feeder, reviewing my sheep breeding protocol, evaluating breeding success in sheep groups, reviewing rams used on my sheep farm, what rams do I use on a commercial sheep farm, snowmobiling with husband, Superbowl Sunday, fun activities in the winter, sheep, snowmobiling, farming, Sheepishly Me, Sandi Brock, Mark Brock, Jessica Brock
Id: afVupN5vmzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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