Girls Are Jealous Because I'm The Smartest Girl In Class

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i looked over my shoulder making sure no one was around then i grabbed three of my shirts and stuffed them into my bag i had to run away tonight it was now or never just then my mom barged into the room and yelled why are you still here i was studying studying go milk the cows books are not for you stupid girl i rolled my eyes and grabbed the milk bucket hi i'm amara from greece i was all set up to run away from my village to escape a terrible fate when i suddenly got an opportunity that changed my life forever but before i continue click like and subscribe the next day in class our teacher barged in and wrote a question on the board no who can solve this i looked around and then raised my hand no sweat as soon as i was done solving the question i saw everyone staring at a tall woman walking towards me to the front of the classroom so you're the famous amara your teachers did say you were a genius signome who are you she's miss mercedes the vice principal of a huge school in the city she's come here to offer a scholarship to the smartest kid in class i just stood staring at her my mouth open was this for real i don't have all day child will you accept it yes yes absolutely just the day i had planned to run away i'd been given a scholarship i was being saved by god 20 minutes later my teacher was at my house trying to convince mama to let me go but she kept shaking her head stubbornly mama i'm not doing this for myself i want to be a doctor so i can take care of you for a minute i thought she might actually give in but then she started to scream i've told you your place is here what will you do out of school then miss mercedes took out 50 euros and handed them to mama um okay maybe it's not so bad to go to school the next day i was at a train station with my mom and hundreds of villagers had gathered to bid me goodbye i tearfully hugged mama and she spat at me three times for good luck then she put a talisman around my neck my darling girl take this it will bring you good fortune come back rich and make your mama proud i rolled my eyes but accepted it and then suddenly every woman was giving me a talisman of her own i finally hopped onto the train and was so impatient to leave i could almost push it just then the train started moving away i couldn't believe it i was actually getting out of here i could almost dance with joy sit down i will be watching you constantly one wrong move and i'll have your stupid villager butt back here in no time when we finally got to the house i'd be staying at i was spellbound lots of servants were waiting for us outside at the front was a man with kind eyes oh i'd seen guys like him in movies you must be the butler please take my bag there was a pin drop silence for a moment and everyone looked horrified then the butler burst out until after you stupid girl does he look like a butler he's the owner of this house and your benefactor mr armitage what oh sir i'm so sorry i oh never mind i'm just happy to see you and i'm sure you'll do wonderful things i noticed he had tears in his eyes he seemed nice but a bit weird when miss mercedes led me to my room i was thrilled to see it was full of books and there was a tv and a really fancy looking laptop i jumped onto the huge bed in delight is this really all mine are you crazy this is dakota's room and her bed you will sleep there before i could ask her who she was the door flew open and a girl barged in oh my god miss mercedes why is there a beggar on my bed miss dakota she's a scholarship student she'll be sharing your room because she can learn lots of things from you like manners uh i'm talking to daddy about this and with that the girl stormed off that's dakota a real girl of the city later that evening as i roamed around the house i was walking past the library when i heard miss mercedes voice i don't see why you needed to bring that girl here we have so many other smart kids in our school i've told you i have my reasons i held my breath as i listened closer i wanted to know why he chosen me just then someone whispered in my ear and i nearly screamed are they talking about something interesting there was a handsome boy next to me with his ear pressed the door i quickly walked off and he followed me introducing himself as gavin miss mercedes son he said he and his mom lived here are you a new maid do i look like a maid to you oh i'm sorry save it city boy you're all alike proud city people i joined school after a couple of days and i was so excited when the first math lesson was about to start a girl whispered to me you can tell me if you don't understand stuff i'll help you i was about to thank her when she continued i'm sure the only math you know is county cows why were these people such jerks just then the teacher walked in and started writing a word problem on the board there are 85 people in a warehouse some of them had turned into zombies some are still alive if the ratio of zombies to humans is two to three how many zombies are there seriously this is so easy my pet goat could solve this but i was shocked to see that everyone in class was just staring blankly i quietly said 34. the teacher turned to me what did you say i believe the correct answer is 34 zombies he immediately sat down on his desk and started working out the problem 10 minutes later he looked up at me in complete shock it is 34. how did you do that so fast and before i knew it i was being rushed out to the principal's office and the math teacher was insisting that i was a genius and should be bumped up a grade that night mr armitage couldn't stop raving over dinner about how smart i was and i could see that both miss mercedes and dakota were not happy a few days later miss mercedes came to me and dumped a pile of dirty clothes on me you lazy girl from now on you'll be doing the laundry i picked up the clothes and walked to the laundry room the washing machine with all its buttons was making me feel so nervous i never used one but then i told myself you're amara you can do anything i held my breath and pressed one button nothing another nothing again a third and the machine began to roar foam and water shot out and i screamed as i tried to stop it then i heard someone laughing i turned to find gavin leaning against the wall what are you looking at nothing at all i was just wondering why they brought you here but for now you just need to know that you're pretty cute move aside i'll show you and he unloaded the first batch of laundry as he unloaded the first batch of laundry he said and that's how it's done he wiped a soap bubble off my nose and my heart skipped a beat he was looking right into my eyes wait was he about to kiss me just when his face was just inches away from mine dakota burst into the room and she looked crazy mad what do you think you're doing village witch you live under my roof and this is how you repay me by stealing my boyfriend dakota we're not dating oh are you dating her then maybe i am it's none of your business she screamed and stomped out of the room before gavin could say anything else i ran out of there i really didn't need all this drama the next few days i tried to avoid gavin and dakota pretended like i didn't even exist but then one morning as i was getting ready for school she threw something on my bed it was an iphone daddy wanted you to have my old one so whatever if you have questions ask siri who's siri a girl at school dakota turned to me no but she's a nerd like you and you guys will get along really well here's her address you can meet her there after school that day i decided to pay siri a visit i followed the directions and was confused when i ended up in the creepy parking garage of an abandoned mall i immediately decided to leave but just then someone put a hand on my shoulder what you do in here kid did the cops send you i turned around in horror to see three huge men behind me i tried to make a dash for it but i tripped over something and fell oh are you hurt little girl you will be if you don't step away from her this minute from behind the goon stepped out gavin and some police officers as the police took them away he helped me walk to the car later at home mr armitage was extremely distressed it's so lucky gavin tracked your phone's location when you didn't come home but why would you go to such a place child i guess i just got lost i was only looking for siri at the address dakota gave me everyone suddenly froze and looked at me like i was crazy then mr armitage turned to dakota and started shouting at her i can't believe you would play such a horrible prank you put amara's life in danger but dad i didn't think she was stupid enough to actually go not another word i'm really disappointed in you just go to your room dakota burst into tears and ran away gavin helped me to the guest bedroom and gave me a good night kiss on the cheek just as i was drifting off to sleep i suddenly set up in bed startled there was a shadowy figure standing in the doorway it was miss mercedes staring right at me amara you listen to me very carefully stay away from my gavin he's supposed to be with a rich girl like dakota if you want to keep your little secret you won't mess with me and with that she walked away i was horrified could she really know i couldn't sleep later that night i got up to get water when i saw a light coming from the study i peeked in to see mr armitage at his desk looking worried he spotted me at the door and told me to come in when i asked him if something was wrong he sighed i don't know why we're making losses it's just all a mess mind if i take a look he looked really surprised but nodded as i started to go through the accounts i began spotting some problems and gave him a few suggestions to fix them he looked stunned wow what a gifted young girl you are uh i can't wait for you to be part of my company one day wait me a part of his company that would be such a dream listen amara i'm going away on a business trip but once i'm back there's something really important i have to talk to you about you should go to bed now but i woke up the next morning to the most horrible news we found out that mr armitage had been in a bad car accident on his way to the airport we rushed to the hospital waited for hours for the doctors to give us some news dakota couldn't stop crying and i put my arm around her the doctors finally told us that he'd suffer head trauma but was conscious now dakota went rushing to him daddy and she hugged him and cried on his chest he stroked her hair and said he was just fine he smiled at everyone and then his gaze fell on me and who was this young lady we all looked at him in shock it's me mr armitage amara he looked confused i'm so sorry but you're not familiar to me at all when we told this to the doctor he said that it was possible the head trauma had made him lose his short-term memory and he couldn't remember recent events there was no way to know for sure if it would come back i was devastated that he didn't even remember me anymore and now i would never even know what he wanted to talk to me about a few days after mr armitage had been moved back home miss mercedes walked into the dining room and dumped a bag on the floor it was my bag i've made a decision i'm sending you back to your village amara mr armitage doesn't even know who you are anymore so i don't see any point of keeping you here i stared at her in horror oh my god i couldn't go back suddenly dakota got up from the table she's not going anywhere i don't exactly love her but my dad wanted her here so she'll stay yeah mama why would she go now besides we really like having her here the vein on miss mercedes head looked like it was gonna pop but she just pursed her lips and walked out of the room a few weeks passed peacefully mr armitage was recovering well but still didn't remember me i was doing really well at school though and gavin and i had started going out little did i know that this was the calm before the storm one night at dinner there were two extra plates at the table when gavin asked his mom who was coming she just said excitedly oh you'll see there are some very special guests a few minutes later the butler came into the room followed by someone when i looked up i nearly fainted the whole reason i'd run away from the village was standing in front of me my fiancee dimitri and there was mama right behind him oh amara my love i came back to the village when you stopped writing to me and i found out you were gone gavin spat out his food what is going on here oh this is amara's fiance she just forgot to tell us about him i rose for my chair no i can't explain i was forced into this engagement because mama owes his father money i don't love him kevin you have to believe me gavin just looked at me and walked away i was about to run after him when demetri grabbed my arm can you please pay some attention to me your future husband there was complete silence in the room you and your family will pay for this amara and with that he strummed off mama burst into tears and said i had to come home and fix things with dimitri or she my siblings would be kicked out of our house she looked so much weaker and it broke my heart to see her cry i said i would leave with her the next day the next morning as we were leaving i told mama that i want to say goodbye to mr armitage mr armitage you don't remember everything you've done for me but i wanted to thank you what do you mean i don't remember amara i know exactly why i brought you here i looked at him in shock wait your memories back just then mama came running saying dimitri was waiting for us when she suddenly froze she and mr armitage were staring at each other like they'd seen ghosts you you how dare you trick my child and take her away from me amara we're going now she dragged me towards the door and i kept yelling at her to let me go please just stop i was going to tell her everything i'm really sorry i didn't take a stand for you all those years ago but i'm trying to fix all that now with our daughter dakota and i shriek together daughter dmitry put an arm around each of our shoulders huh your sisters that's so cute i can't wait to get married to amara and have daughters of my own get your filthy hands off my daughters after he and gavin kicked dimitri out mr armitage walked over to mom please give me another chance for our daughter's sake she's not your daughter her father left us a few years ago you men are all the same mr armitage looked stunned then he looked at me and said oh she's not well um yeah okay actually that doesn't matter i think she's an amazing girl and i would like her to stay i can send her to the best school and university and pay for your treatments i'll even pay off your debts for a second mom looked shocked and then she jumped at him and hugged him my darling i missed you so much well long story short mom did give him another chance he paid off our debt and mama and my siblings moved to the city too for her treatment dakota and i are kind of friends now although she did kick me out of her room and most importantly mr armitage fired miss mercedes after he found out she'd try to get rid of me she and gavin moved out but he refused to stop seeing me so he's still my boyfriend who'd have thought things would turn around so much for a poor village girl
Channel: My Story Animated
Views: 2,134,688
Rating: 4.911694 out of 5
Id: 5AdeUALpGes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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