I'm leaving linear gang? - Penguins Switch Review

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this right here is a penguin no not that type of penguin it's a switch now i'm a proud member of linear gang but for some reason you rascals kept asking me to review this switch so here you go if you're one of the members of tactile gang and you're looking for an informed review uh this ain't it chief go somewhere else now that i've successfully gotten rid of tactile gang how's it going linear game how's it going anyways i'm hypiotech i just chugged a cup of coffee and i'm here to tell you about these penguin switches from kinetic labs full disclosure here kinetic labs is a sponsor and they sent me these switches for free if you want to buy these switches and support the channel there's also an affiliate link in the description that gives me a kickback when you make a purchase with it disclosures aside though they really don't care what i say about these so i'm going to give them a fair shot in this video i'm going to be taking these bad boys apart lubing them up with some carbon gs1 grease and then putting them in an idabow id80 with gmk pulse now you might be asking oh hippo why are you lubing these up so fast well we're gonna be talking about that right after this little clip so the fact of the matter is these switches were made to be lubed they come without any factory lube on it and the only way to make them good is by putting some on yourself the reason for this is they wanted you to lube them themselves and these are a very distinct mid-bump tactile which means that you're going to have return issues if you don't loop them up after you take all the switches apart it reveals what makes these switches special these switches are manufactured by jwk and are pretty similar to cherry ergo clears this means that they have a little bit of pre-travel a nice mid bump and then a little bit of post travel before the bottom out they come in two variants with a 63.5 gram spring and 67 gram spring however kinetic labs recommends that you do not spring swap them below 63.5 at all the reason for this is that any lighter spring won't have the strength to push the stem back up and you'll have some interesting return issues these switches also come with a bunch of 78 gram springs to use on your modifier keys like your space bar and enter key now i didn't personally find these necessary but some people might prefer using these as it gives a better return on the big boy keys also yeah maybe my fingers are pretty weak oh is it fun fact time oh i guess it's fun fact time so these guys are based on little penguins which are a cute blue breed of penguins kinetic labs said this wasn't important but i think this is very important very so the pricing scheme for these bad boys is a little bit interesting if you buy 70 of them it's going to run you forty four dollars and ten cents and if you buy ninety of them it's gonna cost you fifty four dollars and ninety cents these switches also come with a cute little psa this note says lube the legs of the stems don't spring swap below 63.5 grams you can use a heavier spring on the mods and switch films aren't needed i like that part now what are we doing here you might ask yeah we're bag lube in the springs i'm very lazy this is what we do here on the hippotech youtube channel we bag lube springs i've documented this process quite a few times but essentially i use some super lube oil and i go shake shake shake shake shake shake and then massage massage massage massage massage after that's done we pour him out on a little tray and we're gonna have to detangle those later but not think about that to lube these little penguins i used kinetic lab's carbon gs1 grease this is a very thin semi-liquid grease that's rather easy to spread and they recommend it for using on tactile switches or switches that have been factory looped to me this lube feels a little bit thinner than tribosus 3203 which is the standard tactile recommendation to figure out what i liked best for these switches i experimented with applying a little amount of lube a medium amount of lube and a lot of amount of lube i found that the more lube you used especially on the legs mellowed out the tactility and made it an overall smoother feel in my personal preference i preferred adding more lube rather than less lube but i recommend experimenting with a couple switches when you do this yourself now this is pretty standard lubing protocol here and keep in mind i was doing this through a viewfinder so it's not the best essentially what i do here is three passes on one slider flip the brush three passes on the other then i go around the world and in the hole in the whole part isn't very necessary but you know it's fun after that the bottom housing is done so we simply just grab a spring and we can detangle these if they got too tangled from bag lubing but this one was fine i've probably had a little bit of trouble putting it down here oopsie and after that we're ready to get our stem on our stem holder and put a little bit of lube back on our brush for round two as you can see here it's really really liquidy and i kind of just made like a public pool to dip my brush in then what makes this tactile switch unique is they recommend lubing the legs so i gave all of the high contact points on this brush a very hearty coating of lube lubing the legs definitely reduces the tactility but using a thinner lube like this makes it so it's not very noticeable and it makes it a very smooth transition between the tactile bump and the pre and post travel i tried not lubing the legs for a couple switches and it just made it feel a bit scratchier and not very satisfying so i definitely recommend doing that when you use these switches so then let's plop our little stem down grab our top housing and we're done i tend not to lube top housings i don't feel it's that useful but if you do that then go for it have some fun and just like that all of the switches are looped well it wasn't just like that it definitely took a couple hours well we can't really use these switches without a board right because some of you rascals tend to call me senpai idabao i've decided to use my id about id80 for this build i found that tactiles are more suitable for a stiffer plate so i'm going to be using this which has an integrated plate and durock v2 stabilizers that i've lubed myself not very well though i'll save you guys some trouble here i'll pull out my magic spell again i'll hit them with a little bit of bada bing bada boom switches are in of course here we go make sure when you're putting in any switches you don't bend those their pins so i'll just take a second to appreciate how cute these are if you're building any blue based build or arctic based build these look really nice granted you won't really ever see them but man they look nice to pair with this build i decided to buy some gmk pulse from drop.com now these were in stock which made me very very happy as i didn't have to wait the typical six months to a year of lead time for a gmk set pretty good in typical gmk fashion though the trays suck and apparently silverfish like to eat these i that scares me the set was made by mido and it's definitely one of my favorite colorways i might be using this in some more builds in the future for some reason my magic spell malfunctioned here and the keycaps are just magically on but i hope you appreciate this build i think these look super super sleek and they match the switches under the build even though you can't even see them next i'm going to give you just a little bit of a sound test but this isn't representative of the switch itself just this particular build you guys just like sound tests so this wouldn't be much of a switch review without my thoughts and keep in mind these are pretty subjective thoughts i've tried these switches on one particular board with one particular loop and one particular spring weight for not having much tactile experience i think these feel pretty nice i found that if you type really lightly the bump is significantly more prominent i've become a bit of a heavier typist but i still prefer lighter switches which is a bit of an enigma here as far as the tactile bump goes the best way it can be described is sharp and i think i definitely like a switch with a little bit of pre-travel and post travel as it really makes the tactile bump feel like it's serving a purpose so the answer to will these become my new daily driver is no i used these switches on and off for a solid two or three weeks they felt really satisfying to type on but anytime i was doing a task like gaming i felt like the bump ended up just being more distracting than helpful most of this is just my gripes with tactile switches as a whole so if you're looking for a nice sharp tactile bump these might be it i'm going to leave you guys with the sound test remember if you like this video give it a like hit subscribe and do a typing test of your own in the comments to let me know what you thought of this video also please watch the whole sound test to support my youtube algorithm overlords otherwise they won't let me eat if you thought this video was helpful please consider hitting that join button down below for as low as 499 a month this will give you access to exclusive perks and if you join the hipio's chosen tier you'll get a special thank you like thank you zack cody j platyplat and aquarius
Channel: Hipyo Tech
Views: 692,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyboard, mechanical keyboard, mechanical, switch, switch review, novel keys, keys, gateron, kalih, sound test, switch sound test, keyboard sound test, keyboard asmr, asmr, typing asmr, mech keyboard, aesthetic, wholesome, reddit, id80, panda, alpacas, krytox 205, krytox, type, test, keyboard mod, keyboard asmr mod, TKL keyboard, red, 65%, 60%, RGB 65%, taehatypes, :3ildcat, 3ildcat, tech, MKBHD, Linus tech tips, Taeha Types, Tech Review, Banggood Review
Id: c3bnRwiluAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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