i made the thockiest keyboard possible... (kinda)

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hey so recently you may have seen a semi-viral  video going around from brendan b shout out to his channel by the way his video is actually  really good the video is titled the deepest keyboard toccs possible and it shows a build  by brendan consisting of a tofu 65 with a polycarbonate plate and boba switches on the desk  mat which he calls the t-shirt it sounds really good right it's like super thocky so i had this idea what if i could be brandon at his own game of toccs what if i could take his keyboard make it a little better and re-upload that video onto youtube so i too... can also get that one million views  because he got one million views and that's that's some crazy [ __ ] so to start this off i first  need to recreate the build well brendan mean the fool he is he left his secret recipe  in the description also known as the build so i went to get out the same parts you  know and we're going to start the build so we first start off with the case it's a  pretty cool case it's a tofu 16. oh [ __ ] i forgot about today's sponsor uh this video is  sponsored by squarespace okay originally this app was supposed to be a funny ad where i go into the public and i ask them do you want to build a website and they'll be like oh what's a website and then i'll transition straight into this but thanks to the new c**** restrictions i can't  go out there anymore so squarespace is all in one solution for anyone who's looking  to create a website they've a ton of world-class assets and templates which makes life so easy when designing a website and personally my favorite feature of squarespace  is that every website template and design is actually compatible with mobile considering most people are mobile these days it's very important to have mobile compatibility plus if you're not confident in making your own website you can actually head over to squarespace.com and you can actually create your own website for free it's free of charge and once you're ready to launch their website you can actually head over to squarespace.com/squashyboy or use the code "squashyboy"  for 10% off your first website or domain and with that said let's get back to the video so the first part is to recreate his thockiest keyboard if i can't even do that then i don't think i can  make it thockier the case he used was a tofu 65 and i have a tofu 60 with me which is roughly the same it just has a small cutout in the center brendan uses the kbdfans PCB which is soldered  but i'm going to be using a dz60 which is hot-swap   now the plate he used and i'm using is a  polycarbonate kbdfans plate and it fits the keyboard as it would polycarbonate  plates actually produce a very ThiccTockk i got some Durock v2 stabs and i'm going to be  lubing them with this new trick that i found out it didn't work the switches were Gazzew Boba U4T switches and  they were lubed with Krytox 205 grade 0 and   filmed with Deskey films and they were lubed  and filmed at... yo we are actually live on twitch right now we are actually literally streaming  this so yeah join us at twitch.tv/squashyboii and you can join me for my speedruns say hi chad so with the switches installed it's time for the keycaps i went with some gmk hennessy keycaps this may change the sound a little since he was using pbt material keycaps and to be honest i much prefer the sound of pbt compared to abs it just has a slightly thockier sound and with  all that done here's my recreation of branden's keyboard oh we almost forgot the t-shirt okay it doesn't sound as deep as brandon's  keyboard but here comes part two so in this part i'm gonna try three things  to make this keyboard sound tocky and the last part is gonna  be something special which   i don't think anyone has tried before  because no one's stupid enough to do it so i was wondering what if you replace the foam in  the case with a t-shirt it may sound dumb but you   know the t-shirt made it sound better on the table  so what if i put the t-shirt into the keyboard   also this mod made it so that this keyboard is  actually now gasket mounted it's pretty cool uh okay the t-shirt mod didn't really do much because  it kind of reversed the effect of tocky so this next mod was actually something i saw off Keybored shout out to his channel by the way he actually has really good stuff as well he decided to use  noise dampeners for cars as the foam material it's actually pretty cool because it's a noise dampener  and it's also some sort of a memory foam material i actually got mine for really cheap at two  dollars a piece but it was a bit too thick so it couldn't fit the case i had to roll it out with a  rolling thing i also cut it up into smaller pieces so with the keyboard back in here  is the sound test for the foam mod oh okay we're definitely on the right  track this thing is getting thocky so let's try out method three yes we'll be modding the keyboard with concrete now do bear in mind that  this is the first time i've   ever used chopsticks so it may look a little weird so this is what happened to the keyboard  after two days so i started by removing the tape that holds in the screw points i also used some sandpaper to even out the surface and brushed off the rest of the dust and with the keyboard screwed back in here is  what a concrete keyboard sounds like oh no oh no oh god go back can we go back so in the end brandon still won for the most thockiest keyboard but i would say the car installation mod and the concrete mod actually took me by surprise one actually being really good and the other one being concrete so yeah i hope this video thought you something about keyboards like this video if you liked it dislike this video if you  didn't like it comment down below your crazy keyboard mods and i'll be sure to try them out in another video and i'll see y'all in another video SHEEEEEEEEEE-
Channel: Squashy Boy
Views: 2,345,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Squashy, boy, squashyboy, osu, osu!, unboxing, osu2018, Thockiest keyboard, thocciest keyboard, best keyboard asmr, keyboard asmr, the loudest keyboard, custom keybaord, thockiest custom keyboard, boba u4ts switches, boba switches
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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