I'm learning a lot about the Linux Community...

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I think the biggest problem Linus will face will be himself.
He's an experienced Windows user for so long, Windows is ingrained in his way of doing things, in his expectations. He knows a lot about how an OS and the whole ecosystem around it is supposed to work, but that experience is deeply tied to Windows, and that specific knowledge will be rather a hindrance, than something helpful.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/airspeedmph πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

While I do disagree with some points that Linus makes I am still happy that him and Luke are doing this challenge I wouldn't be surprised when the Linux challenge video comes out or they talk about this on the next WAN show that there opinions would change. Also, I do not believe that he is a MS shill because of the videos they made about Linux before

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YogurtclosetFrosty39 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I never really watched Linus before he started doing some Linux videos. Coming from an IT background, I have a really difficult time relating to him when it comes to his issues with Linux. That is nothing against him. In fact, I think that is what makes me enjoy these videos. I think it is good for the Linux community to get more insight into the new user experience (albeit from a fairly savvy Windows user) that the different distributions offer.

Part of me just wants to slap him upside the head and say, "Well, why are you using the desktop environment for that? Just use the terminal for everything you possibly can and enjoy the DE for shiny colors and window management!" That is obviously not a valid approach for all users and is not going to be relatable to the PC gamer, consumer crowd he is targeting.

I agree with a lot of their points. Their complaints about the Windows desktop are some of my exact complaints as someone who has managed thousands of Windows desktops/laptops. Also, the fragmentation of the Linux desktop leaves almost too much choice in how to accomplish tasks. I believe if they give this challenge any real amount of time, they will be fine with using it. The real issues will be the same issues this community deals with everyday. Support for triple A games early on, EAC (hopefully getting better), no Xbox Game Pass (I know... but you know some of you have been bit by spending 5-10 hours on a game that was available day 1 on game pass).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Slash_Root πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can't say I disagree with him. ~5 year experience with linux has been flooded by the "vocal minority." What people don't really realize about that term is that they're usually the ones that are deeply obsessed with whatever they're a fan of, and are quick to hop on any opportunity to argue. A lot more so than a normal user will just browse around looking to help.

I've met many great people that have helped a lot with my Linux journey, but I've met many more of those that have tried to argue with me because "x is bloated and instead of asking for help just switch to this terminal program that in reality does less but is like 3% more efficient for me"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Crows_Crows_Crows πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Maybe I'm hanging around in the wrong places, but I see vastly more complaining about gatekeeping elitists that I actually see elitist gatekeeping. I think at this point it's more a thing that "everyone knows" than a thing that happens on the regular.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/INITMalcanis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Knew this was going to happen. haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BlueGoliath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Linus Sebastian doesn't spend nearly as much time with Macs as with Wintels, but I'd be interested in his perspective comparing those two specifically.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pdp10 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think that Linus will do at least OK in this experiment overall.

However, I do have a couple of issues with comments about "the Linux community." One is that people encounter jerks within the community and then pretend that this is unique to Linux fans. It is not unique in any way. There are jerks amongst fans of everything, not just Linux. Another is that some people say that they quickly encounter hostility every time they have an issue and that they encounter more argumentative, hostile people than helpful ones. In my experience, the people who claim that come into those conversations with a chip on their shoulder and a critical attitude, then they are surprised when people respond in kind.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CFWhitman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What was it about?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shmerl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
because honestly i can tell you right now the linux community is going to absolutely hate my part one they are going to hate it and some of them will probably hate me because you just honestly i couldn't i i couldn't i couldn't write some of the stuff that happened to me yeah like i couldn't i couldn't make it up um truth was was stranger than fiction and the thing is anytime i say anything whether it's positive or whether it's negative there's going to be a small subset of users who are going to say he's shilling for this or trashing that or whatever he's got it he's got some agenda he's got some hidden motivation right and i guarantee it now mark my words someone who didn't watch this show didn't see me make this prediction is going to accuse me of fabricating yeah some of the things that went wrong for me to make it more dramatic to make it dramatic or to to dunk on linux or whatever whatever maybe they think that bill gates's vaccine in my 5g reception is making me chill for windows like i don't i don't know i can't i can't put myself in the head of these people but i guarantee you that based on my experience someone will not believe how badly it went for me and will find a way to to make it about my hidden agenda here and then hopefully hopefully yeah hopefully my side does at least my part one because i haven't done the rest of it so maybe we'll maybe we'll switch sides later on um but hopefully my part one does contrast that because the the biggest problems that i had required uh sometimes slightly more than but pretty much just a restart right that was that was like pretty much i was surprised how much i have to restart on windows or on linux windows has kind of fixed that there is some stuff you can get like i don't remember exactly what it's called but there's a live updating tool right that makes so you don't have to restart um yeah i don't know i just i was just surprised like i i booted up and was just doing stuff like nothing with a brand new fresh image it was like hey you need to restart your computer because like we did some stuff oh really not okay i mean i guess yeah i guess windows does it all the time too i guess i just don't notice because it just schedules it and then just like runs in the middle of the night some stuff like the like it did it automatically yeah okay we're having a very different experience i'll just say that much nothing happened automatically on my side um which was i i mean that's just probably i haven't revealed what distro and and um desktop environment i'm using yet but that is going to be part of it this is great rich 77 linus the linux community is here to help not slam a new user we are here for you that's rich get it yeah like yes you know what i'm sure that it's a minority of extremely toxic users just like any fan community there's going to be a minority of really toxic users there's just there's a special there's a special kind of toxic gatekeeping that seems to go on in the linux community and you're going to get calls also in this video sorry there is there is extreme there's a lot of extremes there's toxic gatekeeping and then there's people that will just like stop at nothing to try to make sure that you know the door is open as wide as possible yeah um sometimes to your detriment like no no it's really good it's really good it's really good there's no problems ever i'll help you you can call me anytime night or day it's like right but i don't want to talk to you for three hours a day yeah i just want to use my still work is there anything so far um and maybe this is going too much into it but is there anything so far that you've really liked or has gone really well hold on speed style says the linux community is here for you now until they see your video and can't wait to correct everything you i've done yeah um so it's not so much that i've seen things that i absolutely love about linux as much as i've been reminded that i should really make sure that i'm not coming at this from a completely one-sided standpoint and my rants should include rants about windows yeah okay something something i complained about with linux in general is that there's a dozen different ways to do things and from a normal person perspective i don't want a dozen different ways to do the same thing i don't want that i want one good fast way maybe an alternate way in the event that that way is not working like you know looking at you finder you know how you know you can't manually refresh the contents of a folder in finder because it should just work yeah it should but sometimes it doesn't it doesn't and it needs a refresh button apple anyway the point is um [Music] i pointed that out like so i found something that drove me you know really bananas uh and i pointed out that microsoft has actually done an astonishingly bad job of that they started transitioning to their new style control panel with windows 8. windows 8 was when they started transitioning to remember the new control panel yeah when did when did windows 8 come out windows 8 release it's like 2008 or something 2012 okay 2012. this was a nine years ago nine years ago windows came out with this new control panel there is still core functionality in windows 11 nine years later that you have to go into the classic control panel for so make up your mind microsoft do we do it this way or do we do it that way just let me write the classic control panel in my opinion but yeah exactly well that's a whole that's a whole separate conversation i ran into another thing where i had just like i signed into steam and all my like friend requests and crap popped up in the bottom right corner and i couldn't see anything in the bottom right corner or click on anything until it went away like yeah this is a terrible experience it happens to be exactly the same terrible experience on windows i haven't tried it on 11 yet but on windows 10 it's exactly the same way if you get like a handful of notifications at a time it's limited i think it's three and then they go away and there's not enough time to click and then it stacks back up again and you just can't click anything in your system tray until they're gone it's it's horrible it's it's it's like it's like the people using it never it's like the people designing the product never used it it's that kind of thing like i searched for this is great i searched for explorer okay in the start menu of one of our ingestations to shoot a completely unrelated video yesterday and get this get guess what the the top highlighted best match was well okay first of all what do you think i wanted i i'm assuming you wanted like actually i don't know why would you search explorer explorer yeah well what what what like what do you think i might have been trying to do my my brain immediately jumped to like uh the the starting web browser but that's edge these days so file explorer but i wanted file explorer okay okay and it should come up with that because explore the web browser doesn't exist anymore so file explorer should be the first thing that comes up so it comes up with microsoft edge okay so somebody manually intervened clearly manually intervened in the search results and said nope nope that thing that is an exact character for character match is not the best match it's this other thing it's this thing that we really want you to use please use it please please use edge please use edge we're gonna we're gonna re-engineer how uh open with preferences work to make it way harder to not use it please use it please use it i mean it's it's infuriating um and so i guess yeah i haven't been reminded i haven't found so much things that are so much better with linux as i've found things that are also horrible about windows but that i just didn't really think about because i glide right through them like okay here's something that has bothered me on the particular desktop environment i'm using when you click the button that clears away all your windows and takes you to the desktop okay okay when you click that it does what you would expect okay and then if you if you alt tab and like find something you want and click it it brings everything back oh okay like who thought this was what i would want to do i i just i've had two things so far that actually liked a lot one of them was the the media control area sure i've really really liked it um like something that i enjoy quite a bit is sometimes when you have something playing in a browser tab you and i both have some some issues when it comes to browser tabs yes um sometimes it can be kind of hard to find it yeah and like if if i restored all my tabs and then it's like buried somewhere like it can actually be a serious pain and yes there's the little speaker symbol on the tab but yep when you're when you've got a lot of tabs open it's pretty small and you know so this one will show you the different media things that are playing in the sound control panel right and you can just pause play do whatever you want individually right there that's pretty cool i really like it it also if you had like some native app like say shop or not shopify spotify yeah or one that's looking locally those all the controls for it would be available in there as well that's pretty cool next song pause everything and then the other thing that i really liked was during the installation of the operating system instead of like asking if the operating system can steal your data in 47 different ways yeah it it just had essentially a like hey if you want to do productivity things check out these apps for these things right if you want to play games check out these apps i liked how easy it was to encrypt my drive that yeah uninstall yeah why isn't that just an install option on windows i mean microsoft you're the only major operating system left that doesn't just have a quick and easy way to encrypt your boot drive when you install the operating system ios android linux and mac os all prompt you like right when you're setting them up in fact ios and android is encrypted by default now like it's it's ridiculous now my um volume uh panel is not as good as yours i think i i noticed a problem with it almost immediately because i have so many audio devices on my computer yeah um that when i went to scroll through them with my mouse wheel because the the indicator to move it manually is like this little tiny thing uh i started immediately moving the the sliders so the scroll wheel does both yeah like tilting or not tilting we're like rolling through all the uh interfaces and also adjusting the sliders so it's like impossible to use our layouts are so different that wouldn't even be possible on mine the thing that i really liked like really really liked yeah about that like that it was a slide show essentially a suggestion slideshow yeah is the the new user experience there is so strong because if i'm if i'm genuinely a fresh user to linux yeah i probably did some amount of research yeah or like what if you just want to play video games you also might have done none right you don't want to pay for windows and unless it's that simple i actually really like a lot of them but the application names are often quite different yeah i i uh i wanted to open something and it's like would you like to use kate yeah and i'm like what is kate yeah like i have no i had to google it yeah on windows it's like would you like to use notepad nope that's pretty self-explanatory really straightforward yeah yeah so what i really really liked about that was it went through basically all the standard things that you'd use your computer for yeah and it gave you like these are i don't know not necessarily the best but in a lot of situations pre-installed options or very easy to acquire and use things that you can do yeah to get this really genuinely wide range of things done right i actually thought that was awesome because if i was a new user i would have very likely either written that down or taken pictures um but like been way more prepared genuinely way more prepared to actually use linux than i would have before that slideshow floatplane chats freaking out they figured out what desktop environment i'm in well guys wait for the video because there's definitely still going to be surprises luke actually knows one of the surprises that is going to be in the video because i couldn't help it i was like messaging him at midnight i'm like have you ever seen anything this wild genuinely no actually which is pretty crazy it was it was absolutely wild
Channel: LMG Clips
Views: 372,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linus, tech, tips, wan, luke, podcast, clip, snippet, opinion, technology, gaming, pc, hardware, Windows, Linux, problem
Id: fJB9fdXWiiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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