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I had Manjaro implode 3 times on me.... never again..

I find fedora the best compromise, up-to date stable, tons of packages. Fedora is the new "Ubuntu".

It's interesting to see all the youtubers covering linux lately. It can only be a good thing even if their experiences are not so great.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 54 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/inkubux πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ok , while i understand the frustation i want to make something clear. Arch ->

As much as i like things like aur / chaotic-aur / archlinuxcn and all the other sources of packages for arch linux , they aren't officially part of !! Arch !! linux.

Maintaining something like Manjaro / EndeavourOS & Garuda (and many more flavours of Arch) is a hell of a job and i have high respect for them, but if you mix Arch with those other package sources (like some of those distributions do) and afterwards blaming Arch for being not stable is not fair to the great work of the Arch people.

That might explain why you / he got a strong negative vibe from the "Arch" community or official Arch channels. His first contact in this cases always should be the distribution creator (in this case Garuda) see

Second there are big differences between wine versions nowadays i can at least name a few. My guess from the screenshot above is that he had wine-tkg... installed before (cause it is most likely the closest version to proton) instead of wine or wine-staging. wine-tkg-fsync-git isn't by any means meant for end users with the focus on stability.
(in this case i don't try to explain, why the program installation screwed it up, but i have an idea. The keyword are -> hard dependencies on arch packages)

Small advice , whenever you can us steam and it's very well made environment which doesn't interfere with your distribution (

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Glog78 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is why im just recommending people wait until SteamOS comes out. Given valves resources, and the steamdeck, it should be well maintained and solve a lot of these issues.

Also, flatpaks needs to be highlighted more. Most of issues he talks about, are solved via flatpak.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Master_Zero πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Garuda breaking up and him blaming Arch for it is exactly why Arch users hate when people do not use straight up arch and just rely on some "Based on Arch" Distribution.

I am running Arch with KDE on my Computer after trying Manjaro KDE and hating it because everything broke and it was terrible.

Also No idea where that User is the one to blame Arch community thing is coming from, the Arch Wiki is mantained by Arch Users lol they love fixing stuff, I have messed up my own installation and have managed to fix stuff thanks to the wiki. Also if following a guide fucks your OS maybe you should blame the guide?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/StaffOfJordania πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The community thing always is mentioned and it's a pity honestly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/QushAes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone knows why he had this weird problems with Garuda? What happened?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/waldelb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm a long term but still casual linux user who recently left Manjaro after I had some random problems with Pamac which I couldn't get resolved with community help, despite trying... I'm using Pop now, which for its recent problems with Steam seems pretty reliable.

A lot of the advocacy for different distros seems to come from people with a high-level knowledge of how the operating system works and not my end of things. I just don't understand why Arch based systems are being proposed to anyone as a newbie-friendly way in to the operating system. We've been v. lucky with the focus on Proton and getting games to work, but the next step is a desktop that doesn't scare people off. I don't think there's been a professional effort into that since the early Ubuntu days, to be honest - which realistically some company (Valve?) is going to have to fund if they are serious about Linux as a gaming thing.

Edit: thanks for the award :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brighton_on_avon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where does the 'community' recommend not installing updates ? And this Garuda emulator installer running pacman -Syu before installing a package is the correct thing to do. Otherwise there's probably going to be library dependency issues. More likely depending on how long it was since you last ran pacman -Syu.

It's a matter of habit for me to always pacman -Syu <pkgname>every package I install and it never breaks my system.

Both this video and the latest LTT WAN show keep saying "The community says you're dumb for updating" ? I've always read the opposite. Where is this coming from ?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gripped πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video was mentioned by Luke in the recent Linus tech tips video. It's a fun watch and explains the challenges which new users face with Linux.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Medical_Clothes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
yeah i've seen your comments and i get it windows 11 is exciting for people who are windows users but just another wave of bad stuff for those who are right or die privacy fans or linux users you know how i said there was no way in hell i'd switch to linux full-time many times over the course of past few years on this channel well that finally changed today or a month ago kind of well i'm glad i put kind of in my original script because things got a little hairy i have been using linux on this rig for three or four weeks now and most of that before this video was recorded of course i used it for a few weeks when the sleeper pc you know as i was wrapping up that video was here in the studio and then i've used it for a week and a half in the house as i was playing games and using that to relax at night and finally had what i wanted going and not literally just the night after i recorded the original take for this video and the following two days did the entire experience deteriorate to the point where i just had to do an entire fresh install and all of the usual complaints i have about linux and the problems with it and the communities that try to support it came back in full force but we're gonna we're gonna work through this video because a lot of what i had originally said i want to still say i just want to let you know that this got a little bit more interesting than it originally sounded i'm eposvox the stream professor and my history with linux has been a colorful one i started using linux as a kid in the 90s with red hat 5 and spent my later middle and high school years using earlier ubuntu releases on my laptops for school and work and secondary pcs i still have some of the release disks i also covered linux off and on over my entire career on this channel and a previous one with anything from showing you how much faster it can make your computers to showing you how to set it up in vms pc build ideas covering the release of proton with window and a vlog series a few years ago trying to switch to linux for my gaming rig but for gaming or work pcs i'm used to always pulled back this usually comes down to a big core reason the things i want to do and the tools i want to do them with are not supported editing software plugins capture cards audio interfaces multiplayer games everywhere i turn there's something that just flat out doesn't work at all on linux or is a far worse experience than its mac or windows counterparts and the linux alternatives don't cut it my work pc isn't going anywhere anytime soon i still have to cover windows in general use tools that don't run on linux and use software to make my videos that don't run on linux davinci resolve may have a linux release but my plugins don't nor do the various other apps i use to make my work though this rig might swap for whatever m1 mac pro desktop apple has cooking for the next year or so based on the macbook pro m1 max performance i've been seeing stay tuned for that my gaming rig however is something i've been trying to switch to linux ever since proton released and i think i finally made it work this is all thanks to a wonderful distribution called garuda specifically the garuda elite speed dragonized edition kde release this distribution is a flavor of arch linux designed to from the ground up to give you everything you need to use in game without fighting terminals and looking up shady install scripts online or accidentally uninstalling your desktop environment to install steam what is the point of having a oh my computer just hard reset and i mean everything steam wine proton lutrus dxvk proprietary nvidia drivers and tools to manage your nvidia gpu if you're using one freesync and g-sync works you get support and configuration for a wide gamut of controllers for xbox playstation and even nintendo switch game pads it is wild the initial install process is buttery smooth and gives you so much control to get exactly what you want as quickly as possible even discord i'm serious i know that every time someone tells you that linux is easier to use now you go and try it and you immediately have to type in some junk in the terminal to get it to work i'm pretty sure i've used the terminal a total of four times on my main installation of gerudo linux that i've been running for all of october so far and most of that was to fight with the settings for a specific modded version of an older call of duty game and i didn't even need to do that in the end and that's it you might notice how up and up this experience seems to be compared to my previous vlog series or the ongoing one on linus tech tips with luke and linus i originally scripted most of this video prior to their experiences going live and have come back to revise it because boy are they just running into some nonsense the same nonsense that i run into every time someone convinces me it's fine yes i've used linux since the 90s but i've done so casually and every time someone tells me that to install a basic thing or configure a simple setting that i need to dig through the man pages for a specific command on an infinite scrolling terminal window or every time i encounter an issue that i should just be using an entirely separate distro in the first place i throw my entire pc out the window and start anew little did i come to expect that this very experience would also have me throwing my computer out the window so garuda is still pretty cool everything that i said about it coming with everything you need for gaming and the like still true i still want to point out that all of that is still valid but that comes at a cost first and foremost you're unaware about how linux distributions and stuff works and again i mentioned in this video like i want to do a linux demystified for gamers series or something like that or for streamers let me know in the comments if you want to see that garuda is a distribution based on the arch flavor of linux arch is more of a kind of rig it yourself more experimental hacky work around kind of type of linux where you're previously used to always have to build your own and all of that and it is a rolling release style of distribution whereas the ubuntus and the mints and stuff like that of the world the debian based distros are you you have cyclical releases and then you have regular updates that come in but arch is something that is constantly updating literally packaged packages are checked for updates every hour and it will literally tell you that there are new updates constantly and these break things and i have been recommended videos from people on how to make art more stable those videos usually delve into incredibly anti-user rants about how things like installing updates are just the user being dumb because linux people hate users apparently it's just that stuff blows my mind the point is you're not actually supposed to run updates very often and if you do it is supposed to be your job as the end user to then research which updates are the right updates to install and not install packages that might have been marked as outdated because they can break your system by installing broken other dependencies that the package needs but also if you if you install a program and then it becomes outdated you just have to leave it alone it's a whole ordeal and that is where things really got kind of scary and messy for me after it worked fine for like two weeks but i'm gonna let you i'm gonna i'm gonna leave the original big bold statement i wanted to stand behind for this video and we'll come back to this despite everything that i said in past linux videos i can confidently sit here today and say that garuda dragonized linux other than having way too many different versions of which garuda you want to choose a plague that linux has always suffered from garuda is by far the most feature complete user-friendly get started and go installation and onboarding experience of any operating system windows mac or linux that i have ever used and it stays that way once you're using it the seams show sometimes but this has been the most pleased i've been with my computer in a very long time yeah the scene the seams show big time once you started interacting more with the arch part of the distro and it definitely didn't stay that way so i i still stand behind the stance that the entire installation process of garuda was incredible it gave you all of the options to install a bunch of different programs and set up your various game installers lutress and wine and steam and all of that in ways that again linus ran into trying to just install steam from the pop shop and pop os completely brick operating system well it uninstalled his de and all sorts of other stuff it comes with all of that built in but apparently the changes that they make behind the scenes to really make it you know so customized and things like that which is often the case with these more niche or edge case distributions uh makes it really fragile so whenever things up update on the arch side of things it can break stuff in garuda and i ran into this wall big time so the first time i started having problems i just wanted to install retroarch i was going through my list that i had for my script for this video capturing gameplay footage capturing screen screen capture and stuff that i'm still using for this video because it's effectively the same for different operating systems but to illustrate my point and i realized i didn't have any emulator footage so i pulled up the garuda you know gamer program which helps you install a bunch of different games and emulators and all that which everyone brags about as being a cool inclusion i thought it was pretty neat i chose rp cs3 uh spp for the playstation portable emulator the ps2 emulator i chose retroarch and then a couple open source games like zonatic and things like that that i usually want on my system anyway i click apply and suddenly it's updating wine staging and a bunch of other weird stuff that it wasn't supposed to update and then things started getting weird i uh first and foremost the thing that got weird was after it just randomly closed the terminal that it popped up to run all these installations it didn't seem like it really installed much of anything that i originally had and i don't have any of this on video because i wasn't recording me installing the program i just wanted to show the program because installing a program is not an unrealistic thing for a user to do despite what some of these weird videos and support forums might tell you turns out that the garuda gamer program in order to install programs prior to installing those programs runs the pacman-syu command which is a full system update so despite everyone in coming out of the woodwork every time we talk about windows updates to say that linux is so much better you're considered a stupid user forever installing updates in the first place and it's not always in your control with every universal application in linux whether updates even get installed on your system the hypocrisy is everywhere but that's not the point all right here's an example of this in action i installed garuda on a test bench so i could just get some final screen captures to kind of illustrate my points for this video i told it to install obs studio that's all i wanted that and the optional dependencies and instead it's installing six gigabytes worth of stuff which are not in the things i selected in the optional dependencies it's just running away with so much extra stuff to install 66 other things just to get obs studio this doesn't happen on other distros so by trying to install a singular program apparently it decided it needed to update the entire system on the whole which again wasn't ideal wasn't what i chose and in doing so it broke i think everything well not not really everything but it it installed some other you know it replaced some important packages that made garuda kind of garuda like the customized stuff it replaced those with more general purpose arch stuff it somehow updated wine in a way that just broke like half of the games i i talk about i think later in this video i talk about uh getting my call of duty mods to work for call of duty 4 world war black ops 2 modern warfare 3 things like that those just didn't run anymore which was my first red flag that something was really wrong because i was because i included in the script i was like i got some of my favorite multiplayer games that aren't modern running and i was super stoked i went to play after that update and they just didn't run anymore it got like weird fatal errors and windows crashes and things like that i was like well that doesn't make sense it worked yesterday what the hell apparently i just completely borked wine and i tried doing all sorts of stuff i completely removed all packages relating to wine reinstalled them i tried manually selecting my versions i tried re-running the lootrests and scripts and stuff like that that i used to install the mod in games in the first place they didn't run i tried just re-downloading call of duty 4 from steam steam and running it vanilla which has a platinum rating on proton tv i even selected the manual one that everyone said worked with it and everything still got the fatal errors and then other games stopped working as well again i removed all the wine things i manually installed all the packages and dependencies for lutrus and nothing was working started running into other issues i pulled a hail mary and uh garuda actually gives you a reinstall all packages option so i kind of figured hey this might be something akin to windows is like let's just reset everything button well it tried to reinstall all packages it probably failed at some point and then said i needed to reboot to apply the changes and then it just gave me errors and would never let me back into the operating system so the weeks of customizations and game downloads and everything that i did the game downloads which by the way ran very slowly i don't know if garuda just couldn't interact with the the the driver of my particular uh network card or something for some reason but at multiple instances be it in the studio and in the house i kept asking myself why steam was running downloading so slowly and so did like updates and stuff like that whereas kabuntu downloads super fast now i attempted to reinstall garuda just over it just put the same drive in reinstall everything and it appears whatever updated packages it grabs from the arch repository and all of that just breaks garuda or at least on my system because again i installed from a fresh install i was like all right i learned my lesson i was going to reinstall garuda i was going to run updates beforehand and then i was going to set up there's like time shift in snapshots with butter fs and things like that that you can set up so if an update breaks things you could theoretically shift backwards to one of those previous snapshots which is one of the recommended things because arches are just show that just breaks stuff often and the entire point of being a linux user is just to keep fixing your computer instead of using one that just works from the beginning apparently anyway i'm sorry i i i am getting super salty and like snarky about a lot of this because the big frustration that i have and why you might see me kind of lash out against linux users and my comments or things like that is any time i talk about windows related things i get an onslaught of people who say that i'm evil for using windows or just keep pestering me that you should use linux talk about when i'm going to cover it more and despite the fact that i have used it for my entire life it is always this things work great until they get catastrophic all of a sudden or even just basic things turn catastrophic especially if you don't know how to troubleshoot it properly and despite everyone saying that you don't need to use the terminal much anymore every guide to just install like obs or a random program it's going to have you open the terminal even if there's a way to do it without it if you're a new user you're not going to know that and then all the attitudes i find especially from the arts crowd is just this anti-user-like if the user arch isn't unstable the users are just bad at using it and when the case in point example is user ran updates update system user to blame running updates is an expected user behavior if an expected user behavior breaks the system the operating system is to blame not the user when windows updates break windows you may show up and say hahaha come use linux but you still blame microsoft for the update being broken not for the user for running the update anyway all that to be said i reinstalled garuda and even with whatever it updates it attempted to download like during the installation after my first boot back into it just trying to run the basic system update that i did the first time would not work at all it couldn't install packages it kept saying the gpg keys were missing even though i told it to add them like in the prompt it'd be like press enter or press white add why add and then to be like nope they're gone can't update and it just cancels the entire process which is like a bajillion updates same thing with installing programs it just purely wasn't functional anymore so i said screw it that was the that went from the best experience i ever had to a video that i already shot for it to expected catastrophe and i wanted to go back to kubuntu because i still wanted to stick with kde but you know ubuntu is good or reliable it's much harder to break overall and we move on from there but let's talk about the overall what works great in linux and things like that conceptually continuing the video here it's not just about the operating system gaming on linux has come a long way too ever since the introduction of proton and dxvk back in 2018 which allow you to basically translate directx titles to the vulcan rendering engine which works on linux and run games and compatibility layers that run on linux often on par with or in some cases faster than the windows native performance you'd get more and more games continue to be made to work through both developer support and community contributions towards configurations and install scripts for lutrus and so on valve's upcoming steam deck which also ships with linux by default is sure to be a catalyst for more developers to follow suit as their games will need to run there valve also even just pushed an update to half-life 2 introducing bulk and support and other high-spec improvements and patching ancient bugs so you know they're serious after two years of begging easy anti-cheat finally updated their linux client and enabled proton compatibility for windows games running on linux which is supposed to only require a basic sdk update and just work but most developers of games using eac have yet to implement it or comment on it this means i still can't play games like apex legends or halo master chief collection multiplayer unfortunately and it's doubtful that hardcore anti-cheap for games like ballarant or warzone's upcoming model will work anytime soon literally as i'm writing this a steam beta and proton experimental update just released which enables games with the ceg drm to run properly which includes games like mafia 2 hitman absolution the darkness 2 grid 2 warhammer 40k space marine and so on i also wanted to applaud 1047 games who released a linux native port of split gate seemingly as soon as the easy anti-cheat compatibility released they didn't even just enable the new eac for proton they specifically gave us a full fat native port so while most of my multiplayer games that i prefer to play aren't working yet i'll be playing a lot more split gate and i'm fine with that i've had a blast playing a variety of games so far hades streets of rage 4 runescape split gate of course doom eternal unreal tournament warframe battlefield 4 and bad company 2 titanfall 2 cyberpunk so many games just run wonderfully to monitor the game performance we have tools like mango hud which run with g overlay which is an rtss like overlay for frame rates frame times temperatures clock speeds etc and awesome tools like replay sorcery and shadow replay attempt to give you the nvidia shadow play-like capture capabilities i've had issues getting those to accept hotkey inputs on my specific configuration obs studio is of course linux native and works wonderfully the version you get with garuda comes fully updated with everything working including invinc which has been an issue on some arch distros that being said i am having a weird performance quirk here where sometimes when recording i get encoder overloaded issues in scenarios where i absolutely would not on windows just basic 1440p 60 game recording it's not a huge amount but it's really frustrating to not figure that out yet so far it seems like my gpu might be down clocking for some reason or something or maybe it's just getting too hot in the sleeper build still got to figure that out but i've got custom themes mouse pointers which scale up decently for high dpi screens 144 hertz working great you can even enable g-sync on freesync monitors with the nvidia x server settings tool which is awesome hell there's even a tool now to install a macbook pro notch if you'd like my xbox one gamepad works perfectly as did my ps4 scuff controller though i had a weird issue where streets of rage 4 went except the square button during gameplay even though it worked fine in the menus that seems to just be an issue with that game and ps4 controllers versus xbox controllers in the first place hell the ps4 scuff controller even lets you use the touchpad as a cursor right out of the box and garuda came with a program to set the controller up to control programs in the operating system in general so tv pc wins here as well my 3.5 millimeter connected speakers seem to work fine as does my epos sennheiser gsx 300 sound card nice you've got control over hotkeys across your entire operating system and individual programs in one place full control over updates a tabbed file explorer window snapping virtual desktops hell there's even powershell for linux plus you can put your home directory on its own drive if you want and have much easier backups persistence across multiple reinstallations keep it around for decades it's wild of course a lot of streaming stuff still doesn't work go xlr doesn't really work at all elgato wave works for basic in and out even with clip guard but no led indicators or multiple audio tracks and i just made a video about linux compatible capture cards as many do not work a lot of these devices will never work as the manufacturers won't support it and it's a little too hardcore for the community to work around and develop their own tools but there are community developed tools for things like rgb controllers there's a whole slew of like stream deck compatibility apps and plugins progress is being made audio is kind of the worst part right now i know this has been a long video but hot damn i just really wanted to geek out over how great of an experience this has been and how fun it has been installing a bunch of games with platinum and gold ratings on proton db it's like setting up a new game console for the first time since it's kind of forcing me to take a break from my usual multiplayer games i'm clearing out some of my backlog finally which is awesome hades is incredible go watch the noclip documentary on it that being said while it did take a little fighting to get installed at first and i had to send fixes to the lutra script the cod 4x mod of call of duty 4 iw4x for modern warfare 2 as well as plutonium for black ops 2 modern warfare 3 and world of war which give you custom content unlocked fps fov changes and much bigger player bases all do run really well on linux 2. i'm amazed my classic games are still going strong here's to you garuda team no no here's not to you garuda team i will give garuda huge kudos for attempting to do something that most operating systems don't do and that's providing everything an expected target user would need or want up front right out of the box that no operating system under the sun does today be it linux mac windows otherwise they do a good job at what they're attempting to do but i think they're held back by what they're based off of and you know things out of their control that being said the good news is is most of what i described here in terms of not the included software but what actually works and is compatible is kind of true of linux in general i didn't realize this because my last attempt at full-time endeavor was back in 2018 after proton launched and my attempt to get things set up back in june apparently a specific nvidia driver was broken or something it didn't end super well and i just hadn't bothered in a little while but all of the you know game compatibility my specific devices i listed the controllers working all of that still applied to kubuntu so that was really nice to see and since it's the same desktop environment i've also got the same aesthetics the wobbly windows that i love i i wish we could get the other compass effects that i was melting my laptops with back in high school but uh wayfire's supposed to be bringing that forward we'll see if that turns out isn't working great on nvidia yet because wayland isn't thankfully i think i'm going to have just as smooth of an experience overall with kubuntu i just had to manually you know add in the features and the things that i want i had to install all the dependencies for lutris and all of that and get steam installed obs in the included app store in kubuntu is like three versions behind for some reason i never understand why that's a thing but you can just add the repository for obs studio to get the official pipe of obs installation and then install it that way it works fine and in vinc works fine and in my initial i've only recorded one game but in my singular game test i wasn't getting the burst 7 coding lag that i was getting on garuda for some reason could just be a fluke i haven't actually recorded split gate yet which is where it really flared up so we'll see it might actually be performing better which is pretty cool uh the only thing i had to do was performance out of the box in hades was a little wonk it kept like freezing at random points but the game was still running the visuals would just freeze uh you have to enable the background shader processing in steam and it'll go through your games and that seemed to work out a lot better otherwise we're we're just gonna get this video rolling i just i i wanted to be transparent here because i originally made this video when i was on cloud nine of finally like my dreams had mostly come true in terms of at least for gaming side linux being viable and seemingly the best option for users wanting to jump in and have everything kind of configured for them because i think that's partially important especially because you have to go through and do so much to get some of this set up by default or you used to and these days it does seem a lot better given that it was such a positive video and i was kind of ignoring a couple seams because they weren't a huge deal like the download speeds i assumed it was on my end after seeing it in kabuto i don't um i think it's transparent that i still provide this i don't think it's necessarily the best i've made videos in the past where it's just me after two straight days of trying to troubleshoot things in the community just being absolutely toxic as hell as usual and me just being like yo look at this this is terrible i'm done uh i didn't i wanted to jump on the past couple days and make those videos and i decided that wasn't the way to go so i waited till i had things working again and was a little bit more calm and chill huge shout outs to the people on our discord server in the linux channel as well as the people on the lucha server and a couple people on twitter who helped me work through things in the proper mindset a little bit and remind me that most the people who you see saying these terrible things don't represent what linux people want them to they're just terrible vocal minorities or something i think it was important to be transparent that for all the positive things i said in this video linux is still linux it's not a consumer operating system it's a an operating system designed where the users are also i think it's misleading to say developers like they're not necessarily expected to be developers but you're expected to be someone who partakes in the process of tinkering and tweaking and things like that and inherently due to all of the things going on with linux the open source nature there's so much that comes with that in terms of lack of funds not bringing in private people for studies to watch their ever move as they use an operating system like apple would do you know there's a ton that comes in the open source bubble on top of it being mostly volunteers on top of them not having private ownership there are some private entities involved with linux but most of those come with a ten thousand dollar person that manages your red hat installation or centos installation uh inherently due to all the ways that linux works it is not a consumer operating system where the end user is expected to just have a smooth experience and have the support in place that they do with mac or windows and that is frankly never going to happen and until the community or the vocal minority the community or the developers because i've had quite a few of you end up in the comments and my emails were just being insane uh gets over their anti-user mindsets i think linux is doomed in terms of the year of the linux desktop but i still i get so angry because i truly believe in what linux and open source is about my entire channel is kind of built on supporting an open source program as an alternative to the industry standards at the time like i truly believe in what it's about i have used it since i was a kid i want to support the endeavor but there's just so many situations where i can't use it for myself and i'm always frustrated with that fact and i want to try to fix it and get frustrated that there seems to be no option for it but also frustrated at the community for as far as i'm concerned ruining the whole thing and making that more much more difficult to both advocate for and actually be a part of so go finish the video thank you for hearing this secondary rant part of it hope you had a great halloween holiday if you celebrate it and let me know your thoughts on all of this mess in the description below again i really want to make a i think i really want to make a linux demystified series targeted at gamers and streamers where i explain things like distros and flavors and how to do the things that it says to open the terminal for without opening the terminal like adding repositories how to manage your drivers how to win kubuntu you install kubuntu on an nvidia system and it doesn't set no mode set for grub so it just locks at your bio screen and you think you don't have access to your operating system anymore after three reinstalls things like that and just make it a slow paced series instead of like an all at once master class make it a slow pace series where i have a couple videos where i know what i want to talk about and then kind of go based on your feedback but let me know if you want to see that at all in the comments below because i'm going to be heavy filtering with the comments on that because every time i talk about linux there's always the it's going to slash linux and you're doing it wrong and how dare you use an nvidia gpu when you're doing it the windows way which is all just utter noise that needs filtered out but i want to do it if it would actually help some people get where they want to go and i want to show off the stream deck apps for it and things like that so yeah thank you i'm going to stop interrupting this video now i made it like three times as long as it originally was i hope linus and luke get things going a little bit more smoothly soon i've been where they were a dozens of times i usually stop trying to do anything but office work and web browsing on linux after a certain point just on the principle of you shouldn't treat users that way and for much of that i still feel that way but i finally found a distro that works both for my you know niche needs and the best beginner experience and i want to spread the word this might also be a good time to do an introductory kind of linux gaming series so comment below if you want that otherwise drop kick that like button comment about how it's gnu slash linux or how i'm doing everything wrong so i can shadowband you and join us on discord at discord.gdg eposvox we have a linux chat there remember be kind rewind
Channel: EposVox
Views: 47,052
Rating: 4.7712374 out of 5
Keywords: switch to linux, how to switch to linux, linux vs windows, switched to linux, switching to linux, switching to linux from windows, should you switch to linux, operating system, windows 11, windows vs linux, open source, what is linux, linux operating system, switch to linux from windows 10, switch to linux linus, switch from windows 11 to linux, garuda linux review, garuda linux installation, garuda linux gaming, garuda linux dragonized, garuda linux vs ubuntu
Id: 3zOrkjPMajY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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