I have NOT had a stable Linux experience

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Look man, the truth is Linus IS representing a portion of the population that might consider Linux. His concerns are valid, even if many are addressable by an experienced Linux user of the conventional type. His ilk will not being using Linux the way I use Linux, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that.

They want to hop on, game, and reasonably use their system from the GUI, and only the GUI. His criticisms of Dolphin are valid, and the response the community gave to those criticisms were braindead. "You shouldn't want to do that." "If you're experienced enough to do that, you should be able to use the command line."

First, what he's doing is fine, there's no reason to say "it's fine to do in the terminal, but omg, why do you want to do that from a graphical file manager?". And the second one, my fucking god, if they know where their files go, then it should be as simple as putting them there, just like it is with mv.

I'm not going to rewatch the video today to remember all the points, but, if you have particular grievances, name them and engage the points, skipping straight to "omg he's a shill" primes me to consider your take as an emotional response.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

The loonix users couldn't be anymore autistic than this. Linus owns a tech company and well proficient at what he does. I'd sure take his criticism over loonix users like you. While you, a hilarious masochist ricing your counter-productive OS all day. This is the reality, people don't like extra steps/unnecessary shit. loonix is far from "just werks" that's Windows and OSX.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/gnulinuxdelusion 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Actually using the OS gives him credibility. He brings up legitimate issues and also talks.about what he likes. This kind of feedback will lead to dev's prioritizing these issues to fix which is a good thing.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/CrazyKing508 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
can i just say that my experience with linux desktop has not jived with a lot of what people have told me and with my own experience with linux on server linux you don't have to restart it it's crazy stable whatever it is that you're talking about that has not been my experience in no particular order i have experienced um the system refusing to reset correctly i have experienced the display refusing to go to sleep i i have experienced um failing to wake from sleep uh i actually it's wakes from sleep every time for me okay so i've been pretty good on that so far and uh what was one of the other really oh not being able to force close apps that one's yeah that one was very surprising to me that you had that problem i just i am just having uh and this was a really weird one unfortunately it was one of those things that is impossible for me to have documented because what happened was i rebooted the system and i went to sign in and it said your credentials are wrong and this was quite early on and i was like there's no way my credentials are wrong uh this is a password that i have typed in a lot of times because it's it's uh it's just a phrase that i've typed a lot of times there's just there's no way but i'll try again didn't get it try again didn't get it i was like did i do that thing again where i type on my password twice when i'm creating it in the same way i've done it before yeah it's terrible terrible i had to reformat a windows server installed that i i set up got everything exactly the way i wanted and then rebooted and was promptly not able to get back into it anyway i was like did i do that again so i was like i hunt and pecked it i was like no no no no no no no no and i went it wouldn't let me sign in i was like okay i must have done that again so i rebooted it just to see typed in my password logged in i've never i've never seen and i swear to you so i couldn't record this because a it involved reboots and b i'm not going to record myself using a password that i like use for my computer in a bit of a weird one that's just really stupid i'm not going to do that yeah um and so i i can't prove it to you but i swear to you on my mother's grave it happened she's not dead and she probably won't have a grave she's more into cremation but that's not the point the point is i swear to you it happened and to be clear like it's not like windows doesn't have its own bad behavior i had i had a problem with my nvidia drivers haha yeah they got that in common i had a problem with my video drivers for a long time where my display wouldn't go to sleep i finally solved it i it ended up being like a bunch of googling i had to go in the command line i had to go search for what process prevented the machine from going to sleep last blah blah blah blah blah the whole thing anyway managed to figure that out um and even in part one of the linux challenge i showed this bizarre thing that my computer was doing where it was like the up arrow was locked on so i would press the start menu and it wouldn't even let me restart it windows yeah it has all kinds of problems the windows search barely works windows has had issues with sleep and wake for forever but yeah but before you sanctimoniously declare that linux is so so so much better um maybe just kind of kind of do a little reflection and maybe see if you're just more used to it because as a user of both now hey yeah they're both bad both have flaws they both definitely have flaws there's things that could be absolutely way better something that didn't make it into into the video that i shot today and this would have been the most appropriate spot for it maybe i'll put it in part five that's more of like a summary is the way that fonts fonts and text size is all over the place in my desktop environment oh not mine yeah it's just it's it's i'm not the kind of person who's all like oh the lines on these this new iconography blah blah blah like i don't really care about that kind of stuff but having fonts just like markedly different from one window to the next is pretty distracting for me yeah that makes sense it's pretty annoying i though have not had the same issues that you've had with smoothness the actual the actual kde desktop environment like interacting with things has been great save for dolphin can i just say if you're a dog you are not gonna like no part three dolphin is a piece of garbage oh this is gonna be yeah it's gonna be really interesting yeah i switched over to i forget what it's called i think it's the ubuntu default one it's called two different things it's called files but then it's also called something else it has like uh it has like another another name file manager linux i'll double check i'll figure out what the name is maybe dolphin just isn't for you nautilus nautilus oh man yeah nautilus has been has been at least better from a functionality standpoint but there's all kinds of like little weird stupid things that are not cohesive even when it's working really well so for example i opened up a zipped file or a zipped folder rather excuse me is as i guess a zip would be a file that contains a folder the point is i opened up a zip all right and that opened up in whatever my default uh file decompression application was and in windows or in mac os uh you would be able to take one of those files if all you needed was one of them and you'd be able to drag it over into your file manager so finder or windows explorer whatever the case may be you'd be able to drag it over there and it would just extract that file and it would copy it there well no not not in kde on manjaro at least maybe other distributions handle this better but no instead you actually need to like a caveman click the extract and find the target and and extract it to there that way you could have just done it through command line bro no if i want look that's something that comes up a lot we've done a couple of streams uh luke and i together have done a couple of streams just troubleshooting things we did one last night actually when we were trying to get this uh we were trying to test this feature and also try and get uh obs updated with a plug-in which was boy was that a journey and also we got anno 1800 working so those were those were our missions last night that ended up taking a total of about two and a half hours i think um it took it took a little bit so we've we've done something to be fair to be fair we we kind of sat there with you like afk and anno just talking to the stream for quite a while yeah that's true the actual the actual diagnosing portion still i think was like an hour long no it was more okay yeah it was more yeah because we didn't even start streaming at the beginning of that right yeah we were at it for quite a while yeah yeah yeah so the point is um we've done a couple of these streams sort of going through some of the challenges that we've faced live and there's a lot of comments that come up a lot and one of the really popular ones is just use the command line and i can get things done in a command line you know i'll create a windows storage space stupid array thing in powershell or you know i'll i get as long as i have kind of some instructions to follow i'm not i'm not familiar with a lot of the syntax for linux but you got to remember i've been using computers since the windows 3.1 days like if i if i have to go in in cd dot dot whatever i know i know the syntax for windows so i can find my way around a windows command line but i don't know the syntax for linux so a lot of the time i'll end up fudging my way through it to a far greater extent but it's not like i'm completely incapable of using it it's not like i don't understand the power of it it can be outstanding but what the people saying that have to understand is that you are completely off base the average user like the average user is not as soon as they see that they're going to be like what is this i thought this was a computer and i thought i thought this was i thought this was finished one of the benefits i think there's some drawbacks but one of the benefits of having a bunch of different distros and desktop environments and stuff means that there can there can be like no gui no desktop environment command line only really like sick like infrastructure server setups that you have whatever stuff like that with like insane uptime and and whatever else um there can also be gui experiences that are that are much more advanced for very advanced users that maybe work in the infrastructure space and then when they want to come home they want to be using the same type of operating system it's very cohesive for them flying through the command line is second nature yeah it's it's basically like walking there's all that kind of stuff but if we're trying to accomplish this goal that has been touted for quite a while now of like it's it's the year of desktop linux everybody's gonna be using linux it's gonna it's we're gonna have massive penetration on the market [Music] you're not gonna get the whole worldviews command line it's just not gonna happen no and there are certain tasks like copying a file from one folder to another that like maybe you're mr fast fingers and you can get that done real quick in command line but it's also really really quick especially if you know certain shortcuts and and like middle mouse clicks and stuff like that to drag and drop yeah yeah it's objectively faster i will one v one you i won't be one i will 1v1 you copying some files from one folder to another rust okay like i just ah i get it it's great for lots of things but some of the things that it's great for it doesn't need to be great for one of my issues with dolphin is that it doesn't allow you to copy files into a folder that requires administrative privileges and not just you have to open uh open dolphin as administrator or you have to go into that folders permissions and and edit them actually it does not allow it and one of the responses on the i believe it was it on the manjaro forum you know i don't wanna i don't wanna say the wrong thing so i'm just not gonna say where it was it was on some forum but one of the responses from the community was well you shouldn't want to do that and i was like but i do because i need to copy actually it came up a couple of times already in the first just few weeks of daily driving linux once when i wanted to install a specific version of java so that i could get the game client for forged alliance forever working and once when i wanted to copy that obs plugin into the obs plugins folder so it's come up i do want to do that now i need a way to do that and the answer was well you shouldn't want to do that yeah use the command line if you're a power user enough you should be able to use the command line no if i'm a power user enough to copy a plugin into a folder that doesn't mean i need to use the command line i should just be power user enough to go and take a box get administrator privileges and copy the thing on on the other hand i really like how mint does it i just right click in the folder that i need better permissions on yeah that i need temporarily better permissions on i just open as root and then there's this like red banner at the top that is like you have this folder currently open as root and i can do that in nautilus yeah yeah that's sweet i actually really like that one of the worst gatekeepy things that we ran into during one of our community streams was someone critiquing us for trying to get forged alliance working yeah like well who even plays that game anyway yeah we do we do that's why would they choose that random game because we play it we don't choose games based on what runs on the platform yeah that is the definition of ass backwards you choose games based on games you want to play and then you go with the platform that supports those games that is how if you need evidence because you don't believe me that that is how the world works look no further than nintendo does nintendo make a single piece of hardware that could stand alone as a piece of hardware no okay then it's almost like people choose platforms based on content switch is kind of interesting it's kind of interesting yeah but it also has like at this point what a six seven year old like mediocre arm-based processor in it like it's for the price i think that if all yeah also i want to add that there is a guide for that game that we play there is a guide that says like this is how you get it working on linux yeah so like when we dove into it we there was some amount of expectation that we would be able to get there you know and to be fair i got really close i was able to get the launcher open and there's one bug remaining that there are some kind of antiquated but like i was talking about before i can probably figure it out steps to troubleshoot i think i might actually be able to get it working i think it is possible but it is a journey because that whole guide which is pretty long none of it works you have to change everything but again it's like it's it's a bit of an interesting experience but it's not that interesting experience when you're getting berated by the community
Channel: LMG Clips
Views: 272,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linus, tech, tips, wan, luke, podcast, clip, snippet, opinion, technology, gaming, pc, hardware, Linux, glitch, challenge
Id: rVmJooy5NiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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