I'm a Big Boss ! You Already Lost your Job! You Probably Don't know my Husband r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to our slash i don't work here lady and today there are two great stories waiting for us so let's get started i don't work here ma'am i don't work here manager if you're from malaysia you know that salesperson who is working in any department store wear black or white uniform for some brands they either wear long black sleeve with black pants or white long sleeve with black pants but for cosmetic department they have to wear either black skirt with black long sleeve or black knee length dress never white top back to my story i can't say which department store this is to be honest i love this store and it's been since 1999 i'm 39 years old this year and when this happens i'm around 20 something from the first renovation to the recent one and some workers stayed from the first renovation too the old staff know me as a regular and my relationship with every salesperson is friendly the only changes is manager or the floor manager they come and go like a fast car cast me is me salesgirl is sg secrets customer sc i forgot to mention in every department store they pay someone to become a secret customer i'm not remembering if it's the right words basically this person will become a customer to see if the sales person is doing their work or not and they'll give the information about anything or whatever to the manager sometimes resulting in the salesperson getting fired or the brand closed down and they normally come in on busy day like the weekends or holidays manager slash floor manager m and this just happened to me on sunday a few years ago after back from church for sunday mass 5 pm mass i was thinking to do some shopping at the mall department store near the church and my house is quite far from the church so it'll be time wasting to go home to change my clothes and then go back to the same direction of the church nothing wrong what i wear just black knee-length dress with black shoe i just feel comfortable wearing black when i'm going to church with the rush hours and everything not a good idea as usual i started from cosmetic department as it close to entrance while i was browsing the perfume in there pixelm suddenly the sales girl had to go to the toilet if you have to go you have to go and i told her i'll be okay few minutes or so my husband just came from the man section and told me that he wants to go to his shoe section and told me if i'm done to meet him over there i said okay andy kissed my cheek and hugged me this is normal for non-malaysia but not so for local it's our first mistake at that time i do notice the lady just staring at me and my husband so i just ignore it but my second mistake is while i was browsing the perfume bottle i stupidly rearranged the bottle because i was trying it on and thought if you make a mess you have to clean it or something or just tidy up and that's when it happened the um i thought she just wanted to test the perfume herself so i moved a bit and the sound followed me so i turned and looked at her me i just look at her sc's she looked at me we look at each other for a few minutes and that's when i started the conversation or questions actually me yes and she straight to this sc are you blind i've been standing behind you for 10 minutes me oh my apologies here and i moved i'm nearly done but my heart's beating so fast i'm a bit surprised and angry too sc i want to get blank for a present while spraying and touching the bottles i just look at her and thinks she's needing my opinion or something and she turned around to look at me again i looked at her with a blank face me okay sc don't you okay me are you stupid or what help me find something suitable for blank sales girls nowadays are so stupid and acting like a [ __ ] they prefer the male customers than women that [ __ ] basically this is a mild translation from the malaysian language but when she said it in malaysia it makes you want to spray her mouth with kenzo perfume or with antiseptic spray and with that i fire back me pig i don't work here and this have nothing to do with me so stupid and i walk away i didn't know during that conversation she recorded me so i walked to where my husband was while my husband was trying on shoes i sat in the sitting area next to it and talked with the sales girls and salesmen about some random things i just sat there for about 20 minutes or so and my husband was busy trying on shoes and people say women spend hours trying on shoes well they never met my husband that's when suddenly the sc and another lady manager comes like a dog in heat sc says loudly that's hurt that [ __ ] pig blah blah blah blah blah manager what are you doing here me crossing my legs looking at her and saying sitting manager you know today's a busy day it's sunday why did you leave your counter me i don't have a counter i don't work here sc you have to do something about your staff she behaves like a [ __ ] kissing and hugging male customers what is this place a prostitute house she works here so she can find a rich customer to f while she played the recording of me insulting her when sc insults me with her loud voice everyone i mean everyone on the floor came closer to listen and watch i just looked around you have no idea how mortified i was i was worried that if sc attacks me hair pulling attack is very scary me if i were you i'd be very careful what i'm saying hide your stupidity a bit you're embarrassing yourself manager how dare you talk like that to a customer give me your supervisor number i want you out of here what's wrong with you do you think this is your father's house sitting like that shoe sales girl ma'am manager shut up you're all here to work not chit chat and ignore customers the customer is always right that's our store motto blah blah blah blah blah i just switched myself off at that point and that's about the time i'd had enough i just screamed me honey my husband came with three boxes of shoes with him dropping the boxes and standing in front of me husband what's going on me i i i stuttered and started to cry and that's about the time the crowd became more and i felt suffocated i couldn't talk i just cried husband i ask you what's going on to the manager and the sc manager i'm so sorry sir who are you sc that's her sugar daddy the one i'll show you in malaysia language my husband is not local and he doesn't understand the language they spoke husband i am her husband what did you do to my wife the sc and manager just stood there looking at me my husband all around them stuttering something the sales girl started to explain everything to my husband about the recording the insult that's when the m and sc thought that i was a sales girl and my husband started yelling at them you recorded me kissing my wife how sick are you do you enjoy harassing married couples and you think my wife works at your department store look at what she's wearing do you think let's see she's wearing uniform husband you dumb cow it's sunday we just came back from church that's definitely not a cheap black dress like your staff wears how come you confuse her to be one of your staff and didn't know who works at your place manager i just recently transferred here i husband that's not an excuse even if my wife is your employee no one in his or her right mind should insult their staff in public that's not the way you do your job you think you're showing good leadership but you're just showing that you're stupid and arrogant that's about the time the cosmetics aka perfume sales girl came over with two boxes of my stuff perfume sales girl mrs blank here's your and she stopped talking and looked around emma and sc just stood there like mannequins i could see em's face looked scared now husband we cancelled our purchase i'm sorry i can't buy stuff from a store that disrespects people on that day i can say they lost a lot of money from customers us i don't think they'll mind losing a sale that day they still had other customers but the manager had a bad reputation after that what we heard was that she didn't work with any department store we heard that she caused so much trouble at the department store she worked before this one her stupid rule and habit of insulting staff in front of customers made her a target of other angry staff and her car doesn't matter where she'd park it it would always be scratched or broken windshield etc she changed her car same as how she changed her job from one department store to the other until she resigned completely this is an example of a serious workplace problem assigning supervisory duties to unqualified people and failing to train them to manage people it's such a stupid mistake and so easily fixed the story is lost at least two forever customers that day and although the manager ultimately lost her job for it the store is the real culprit i'm glad your husband stepped in and put them both in their place and our second story i don't work here why not do this again now i'm pretty much a fixture in the local grocery store almost every day i'm in there because i like to cook but i don't always remember to get all the ingredients and have to go back i'm in the grocery store so much i know most of the staff by name a couple of my neighbors even worked there but anyway i was walking around the aisles picking up beef broth vegetables and whatnot when i saw a lady wandering the aisle aimlessly so i thought i'd be considerate and ask her if i could help the elderly lady was looking for baking goods i know this store like the back of my hand and know exactly where that is so as we walked to the baking aisle we struck up a conversation the sweet elderly lady asked me if i would help her with her shopping because she'd never been in this store before i said sure why not i was in no big hurry i mean i live in the apartments right behind the store i mean actually right behind the store i can stand on my patio take off a shoe and actually hit the back of it so we wound up doing all of her shopping together she began to tell me about her kids and grandkids and she was soon to be a great grandmother she's a very pleasant woman i actually learned a few things she told me that she'd seen in her lifetime we walked the aisles taking the items on her list and throwing them in the shopping cart and she'd check the items off finally about half an hour later we proceeded to check out i told her i'd be right back because i almost forgot what i'd gone there for as i returned to the register the elderly lady was telling the manager what a nice employee i was and didn't want me to get in trouble for taking up my time dean the manager smiled and told her that i don't work there the elderly lady looked at me puzzled and apologized for taking so much of my personal time i told her i was in no rush and that i live in the apartments nearby turns out she just moved several apartments away across the apartment complex we walked home to our apartments and she smiled and asked me why i helped her if i didn't work there i said that my parents raised me to help others without reward i gave her the groceries and told her if she needed any help or wanted to go shopping to let me know the elderly woman said she did her shopping every monday and if i wouldn't mind going and keeping company i told her it was very kind of her to try to keep me from getting fired even though i don't work there so now i have a shopping buddy and someone to talk with and share coupons i know this doesn't have a screaming entitled karen or a brat but i just wanted to share this i don't work here story so thanks for reading have a great day and thank you all for watching the video to the end i'll see you in the next one
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 71,804
Rating: 4.9538717 out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, Big Boss, I'm a Big Boss, my Husband, You Probably Don't know my Husband, When you Come, to Work, I'm the Boss, Chief, Boss, fire, fire You, reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady storiers, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, idwhl reddit, mistaken employee, i do work here lady, r/idoworkherelady, idontworkherelady, i don't work here, r/, r/ i don't work here, idoworkherelady, Work, manager, I'll fire You, FIRE YOU, BOSS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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