EMPLOYEE !! You are Going to Help Me or I Will make your Life Hell ! | r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to our slash I don't work here lady if only people would listen to the whole explanations they're given then we wouldn't have these three great new stories and the first of them I work in the hospital not for the hospital sorry in advance for being long-winded I'll put a tldr at the end I'm also posting on mobile so again sorry for any formatting errors I used to work at a coffee shop that was inside a major Hospital its employees don't work for the hospital itself all of the baristas contracts are with the small business and none of the baristas have any clearance to go anywhere that isn't already accessible to the general public most of the baristas could get to places that were nearby or important the nearest entrance the main entrance elevators bathrooms on our floor gift shop cafeteria etc but none of us know the layout of the hospital because we aren't allowed into most of it people often ask the baristas for directions because our cafe is in a more centralized location than the information desks and a couple college students in aprons are far less intimidating than hospital security cars the hospital is pretty labeled and has a lot of maps but people often aren't in the best frame of mind while they're visiting people in there so it can't be confusing we try to help as much as we can not to take rudeness too seriously and it's usually not a problem usually now if you didn't know hospitals are practically powered by caffeine doctors specialists nurses Tech's even guards and receptionist work very long and very stressful shifts when the shop has a rush it has a rush and as our result our island counter of various creamers and sweeteners needs to be refilled frequently during one such rush a regular customer asked me to bring out a new canister of 2% milk and refill the sugar shakers my coworker offered to make the orders we'd already taken so I came out to restock the counter entitled lady e-l saw me while I was wiping down the counter after refilling everything she approached me as I turned to walk back to the register area behind the main counter yeah excuse me can you take me to room number I don't remember the specific room number but it's not really relevant besides the fact that it started with the number of for me no sorry I don't know where that is and I can't go most places here I assume it's on the fourth floor since it starts with four maybe one of the volunteers or guards can guide you as we talk I tried to move around her so I could get back to work but she moved back in front of me to block me yell that's ridiculous you work in the hospital but you don't know how to get around in it don't make me laugh me no really I do my father was admitted last night and I need to see him you need to take me to his room right now me ma'am I'm just a barista I'm not allowed in feel if you don't cut the crap I'll have you fired me ma'am yell who's your manager my father needs me and you won't bring me to him you have no compassion what's wrong with you at this point it was pretty obvious that I was being harassed the people still in line clearly saw what was going on but no one wanted to lose their spot so none of them intervened typical my coworker went into the back to phone security while one of the nurses waiting on her order started walking down the hall toward the nearest security station I know help us on the way and just kind of give up and stop talking since al is facing me she has her back to the shop and probably doesn't know she's in trouble she's furious that I've stopped responding to her after only a few minutes of being berated I see the nurse returning with two guards g1 one of the senior security staff in g2 a newish guy shadowing him g1 what's going on g1 moves in front of me so she can't yell directly at me g2 turns to me and starts to ask if I'm okay but is interrupted yell finally this employee is refusing to help find my father's room he's sick and he needs me I need to speak with her manager then I need to go to him he's in room number whatever g1 ma'am please calm down this is Red Riding wolves and she is the manager of the coffee shop if you need a coffee or have a problem with something that the cafe saw she can help you she can't take you to your father only relevant staff and verified visitors are allowed in that area yeah that's ridiculous she works for the hospital why shouldn't she take me to where I need to go in the hospital don't g'wan ma'am you need to calm down my colleague and I will have to escort you off the property and you may not be welcome back if you need help finding a room you can ask one of the volunteers at an information center while al is busy huffing at g2g one walks with me to my counter so I can get back to work g1 ended up walking her to an Information Center while g2 kept an eye on me and my coworker we made them their usual drinks on the house as a thank-you I told my work group chat to make sure that the nurse that got them had their next drink on the house as well the best of my knowledge al wasn't banned from the hospital campus but that's fine with me I know people don't always behave their best under extreme stress I just hope L didn't hamper her father's recovery he needs me but I need to speak to her manager first priorities and our next story I don't work there and you called the wrong number I work at two different jobs so my personal phone number has the following for the answering service for my phone number you called XXX and reached xxs if this is exactly who you're looking for please leave a brief message who you are and your phone number after the beep I'll contact you as soon as I can usually that stops people who call the wrong number I had a hospital call me a hundred times before I put that message in after I put the message in the hospital called me a few dozen times before I got in contact with their legal department and asked for help with the situation I don't know what they did but it worked a year later I got a different company's customers calling me what I called their company hoping to get the same help I got from the hospital the company instead told me to screw off I'm technically following their directions this one lady caused me a few hundred times in a row always around 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time every message she leaves is pick up the phone or fu so I block it that a new number does the same thing I block that repeat ad nauseum so I pick up the phone me hello lady finally what's your problem me I hate your face it's so freaking ugly every time I hear your voice it reminds me of that crap lady I want to speak to your supervisor me okay then I hung up I figured she'd call back but she didn't that day I almost felt bad for that company until I remembered they told me to screw off she called back three days later with the same crap I didn't block the number my phone wasn't on me so I had no clue she was spamming it when I got to it I blocked that number but she called me the next day with a new number that I answered after she called the phone a few dozen times me hello lady finally I need you to reset my password me I don't work at XXX company you called the wrong number lady fu why would you know the name of the company if you're the wrong number me the phone numbers off by one digit I get lots of fools who are unable to dial a phone lady what did you call me me a fool lady I want to speak to your manager me I don't work for xxx so I don't have one lady I need to reset my password either you're going to help me right we'll make your life hell me okay fine what's your name lady it's xxx me what's your user name lady it's xxx what's the last four digits of your employee number since when do you need that me new policy lady fide it's xxx me what's the serial number of the device that you're logging into lady what you never needed that before me new policy lady one minute so this takes her several minutes at this point my boss at job one is asking me what's going on he asks if he can get in on this I told him sure if she asked for my boss again he's finding my suffering hilarious lady all right it's xxx me I don't work at xxx and you're a [ __ ] seriously find a six-year-old to dial a phone for you lady she starts cursing and ends with I want to speak to your supervisor me hold on my Boston gets on the phone boss is this the lady with the ugly face lady what boss lady your face is so ugly it makes me puke I personally delete your password every day just to relieve the pain of seeing your ugly face if it wasn't for the fact that I could touch myself to your lovely voice I would have deleted you from the system months ago then he hung up she hasn't called back yet I haven't heard back from the lady and it has been months I'm both kind of curious and really relieved that it stopped and finally a little history for dessert well can't you still help me a few years ago while I was working as a waiter I just got enough work from a long and stressful shift walked across the parking lot to the Rite Aid and got half a gallon of booze and some mixer go to walk up to the checkout lines when I see a friend getting ready to go into work we talked for a minute but in the middle of it a lady in her mid to late 40s walks up I still have my work clothes on by the way lady excuse me do you guys carry batteries for watches me I make eye contact with her looked down at myself still having my apron and name tag of the restaurant I worked at on and look back at her um I don't work here lady well that doesn't mean you still can't help me me um that's exactly what that means lady look reading my name tag you are in the service industry and I need help so help me I'm sure you wouldn't like me going to your boss and telling him how rude you were to a potential guest now I'm not usually a rude person and if I had known what she was looking for was in the store I would have helped her but the tone of her voice in the sense of entitlement kind of pushed me over the edge me look lady I'm not getting paid to deal with your bullcrap I'm off work and heading home go ask somebody who's getting paid to give an F about you she just stood there with a stupid look on her face and walked over to the cash register the next day I went there before work for an energy drink and asked what happened afterwards she complained that I was rude and unhelpful to which the store manager said well he doesn't work here so I don't know what you want me to do and then apparently she went to my work and complained to my manager who told her that outside of business hours they're not responsible for my actions which I'm sure she still thinks about to this day I do live in a smaller town so in you see people around you know from around town and to this day she still gives me a stank eye hey guys thank you all for watching the video to the end and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 56,835
Rating: 4.9544306 out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, EMPLOYEE, employee, You are Going, to Help Me, or I Will make your Life, funny reddit stories, reddit stories, i dont work here, best of reddit, r/entitledparents, storytime, entitled parents, reddit, r/, r/IDOWorkHereLady, i do work here lady, reddit top posts, r/prorevenge, r/entitled parents, r/ Tales From Retail, r/talesfromretail, r/Maliciouscompliance, r/TalesFromRetail, r/Prorevenge, i dont work here lady, r/IDoWorkHereLady, RedWheel
Id: 2u6YKnNzRSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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