Illegal Halo

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[ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up one of those why is there a warthogs there's nothing you want the warthog here to catch okay holy okay this room is terrible it's the worst part is it's bad because of the [ __ ] grenade okay catch polish yeah yeah okay okay okay trap I'm killing all of our teammates because they're throwing Nets okay can this game still can this game coming through I don't know what exploded it was but uh we have a checkpoint though it's not over we're back here back the biggest hardship has now been conquered now Mr President oh my God he controls are reverse I think that I fixed everything I fixed I fix it there was the upside down gun it reverses your controls too apparently I'm trying to hit them I guess oh I guess I don't have to guess what the Muslim guys oh what is this tunnels black hole oh my God I got a black hole uh there's nothing maybe I could try dragging you up there with a black hole or argument see oh the door's open I fixed it it's over that'll be figured out if we have to start from where okay yeah nope oh oh okay nice you surely this is gonna be safe this year oh they're still blowing up in there man what the hell oh oh what do we got oh it's a black hole it's a black hole don't go into that room don't go into that room what's going to happen wait what is he gonna use a propaganda uh do we restart now because this is my d-sync but is it insecure gun s [Music] it just unloads the entity there oh Lord what he could die if he dies it's over wow you don't say yeah I didn't know that I didn't know that we're going to get kissy yes I never would have hey man listen it's okay just don't run them over with the car or something don't run them over with the car I never would have guessed yeah there's not something now that you say it out loud he seems kind of smart what the [ __ ] are you okay Chris no Captain [Music] [Applause] I gotta okay [Music] you're so slow it was too slow but I could fix that I can fix that what's that sound like this [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] no money all the way down here again we gotta we got a motorcycle logo what what is this get in get in get in laughs no spawn no spawn no spawn wow game wow [Laughter] I can't okay no we're going back to the Hobby I can't believe you look fine to me yeah you still use you look very fine to me too soon does it shoot doesn't shoot I can't shoot your gun oh there we go I have respawn by the way I respawned for a frame I missed my eyes in here because I'm here look let me respond oh I've already I I don't even get to see myself alive maybe this is a 60 FPS dream maybe I get to uh I get to see I can dude I got this I'll get us to safety all right right [Laughter] it doesn't work because [Laughter] you can get through foreign [Laughter] there it is my ride that's all right limo okay Mr President get down okay let's just get okay I'll Go Passenger and they don't have to drive I'll just do this car is so small okay you roll into it wait okay yeah you tried to kill me with that you okay are you I got killed how did you how did that oh my God I gotta watch that other car okay rip cars wow you're already there yeah don't worry I'm here to help everything will get solved quickly watch out oh okay thank you actually potions work really well against the records as well that's good this works too that's how Blunderbuss this time this sucks holy don't die don't die don't die this is a mega Shield or something what the hell [Music] he's just so strong I can't move he doesn't have shield now so it should be fine like that ladies and gentlemen oh my God playing hoodie though see ya I went so fast in this voice morphed oh man sit down Santi how do I sit down stop shooting me I can't respawn because there's a Reaper right there [Laughter] you understand myself Team Rocket ass like outro there thanks for the Thruster on me help God that's some good [ __ ] you must think you're very funny you must think you are very funny oh fine I'm fine I'm fine you're fine if you stand here like on this well that works too actually orders yeah [Music] I'm out of the map there you can reach them okay good nice oh yeah I'm running over on the bridge on the bridge well they're shooting squares man dude I can't do anything there's oh that's okay I don't know I'll go with Ridge [Music] we're fine we got that check we're gonna check but we're gonna check for this one we got a checkpoint I'll adjust this is perfectly all you got to do is keep oh head on the right I had on the right hand right there there oh yeah you got one you hit it but it didn't die I think this is the hardest to drive I've ever done in my life that's what Drive said in the movie Drive in 2006. they're shooting balls places oh we got on the second one look at that because the car flips hello hello I'm being Rift what will you get why is this a checkpoint this is the most cursive checkpoint why is this before we had a perfectly fine checkpoint and all of a sudden now it just wait oh okay now we go what the [ __ ] hellish Sleeping Dog there you go very good very good very good very nice foreign [Laughter] man it's actually so far man oh my god wow well well This truly is hell cover all my bases is there any more grenades here for me to pick up yeah there was okay you really wanna you really want to continue doing this okay foreign [Laughter] oh I lived uh is there like a button to open this kit oh it's down there for no reason epic is it this place over here no it's in the gate to respond there we go okay it's opening okay I'm not going in there I'm pretty sure everything inside there is that that's what all right time to win yes can you get those swords actually oh never mind compared to that we're done we're done okay we're done here's the funny float level but that'll be for another time I'm tired of laughing dude my I actually got like exhausted from laughing at some point like I I lost it I when I got to the thrusters and I used the thrusters on Sunday and you started spinning at a corner and he couldn't even moved I was insane that was so oh and the random wheel that had put it with the nades the room we were stuck in for like an hour with the keys missing Mission occasional Luke yeah this was hilarious this was a great stream so thanks for watching thank you for the Subscribe it's been it's been fantastic hope you enjoyed it I sure did I definitely did thank you [Music]
Channel: Not Albino
Views: 110,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VQuV19xkItI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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