The new secret Terraria seed is PAIN

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holy [ __ ] I'd rather not saying good morning hey Google turn on all lights hey Google turn on all lights no hey Google turn on six all lights hey Google brightness 100 oh my God it's only the bedroom once let's Google home I just wanted my background to look nice that's all I wanted anyways we're gonna play this now for those who don't know gets fixed places seed in in Terraria that combines every other unique seed in Terraria and it makes the game extremely painful especially if you play it on Master mode because one of the seeds that has added to the seed adds one more layer of difficulty Beyond Master mode which is legendary mode which you normally can select basically it's hell and I'm gonna play it I'm going to hate it and you guys are gonna love it purpose listen in the beginning in the beginning you die in one hit everything one shots you so here's what to do you go in here at the seed get fixed boy in one like that we go Master we go random here medium [Music] you have any strategy no I just know that I need to get up and get I need to get rocks I need to get wood wood for fishing rod rocks for furnace and once I have those two resources I can start like actually progressing so we start in Hell which is great um also with a bunch of MP3 NPCs named after the developers I think step one gets wood I think it will make a couple of houses not sure exactly how many but I make like one or two houses I think so about this will I reach the surface before 9 10 times I don't think I will but I will say I'm I'm a doctor myself right here this should be good for like some storage space can I make a chest I cannot but when I do find chest I can put them over here next up uh I think I want to break some some arms yeah I want to lose like a 500 ropes but I guess 500 rope I will go start going up okay that's the end of it so I guess I'll start building up now up we go that's instant gold that is that is that is not bad I'm not gonna have use of gold for a while but that is not gold that is iron it looked very yellow to me I hit my own that's one death well now we're back here we can we can make a rope appear instead I don't see anything up here there's some ore there but I don't think I'm only that like right now it's gonna be also useless until I get my Anvil or like the furnace so there's crispy blocks there I gotta avoid those the the crispy blocks here they make lava and I I I kind of myself on that a lot last time I'm not trying to avoid them is that [ __ ] honey there's so many of this that dangerous rocks dude in this is here as well I thought the honey would heal me but it actually just killed me thanks I wish I had some childhood oh it might be something down here I'll keep a distance here so I don't like it caught in lava if there's a crisp block hopefully we can find like a chest or something down here oh then Mr stick no damage from lava now in this seat which is great another fun thing is that you can't actually use uh like in the regular Ferrari you can use uh oh my God it's actually gonna make it here [Music] there's rocks based am I on the surface right now I don't I don't think so Matthew thank you for too well man oh something in the dark I wonder what the [ __ ] though okay well I got my stone that's very nice oh it's because of uh it's because I don't starve in this Don't Starve you die in the dark I'm sure that's why that's probably why because sometimes yeah don't start dark is dark is dangerous it's probably the same here we go again we can make it for us we can make iron bars nice dude [Music] I couldn't lock the door [ __ ] Okay well I should go get the materials there's the [ __ ] fish okay oh yeah I'm gonna get that I should get that dude what a watch out for the Mind coupling shut the [ __ ] up of course oh my god of course oh my God I can't defend myself I have to mind this for believers for believers retreat no I thought he fell off he fell off he fell off coming out of the closet to Twitter monkey I just did it for likes I'm not actually gay uh iron bar I got mad iron right now unveiled paste reinforced fishing pole iron pickaxe I think pickaxe is important now uh better pickaxe is strong that's all for now uh we also want some machines for a later hook shot and now we get more iron I'm being overrun by slimes and never mind they're leaving they're passive AI so if they hit the wall they will just turn around and never come back and I won't show this that's Epic okay great and we got some around though that's a big [ __ ] juicy when I've ironed it we can fix this run base 10. I don't know if I need tin but I will take it anyways if you like making good deals in twitch Prime is for you it's a good deal I'm gonna go plant some trees for Mr breast after I make my epic uh ingots look at those veins there's some fat [ __ ] veins dude nothing better than a fat vein of iron except maybe a hashtag man hashtag yeah hashtag I'm gay oh taste based money it's [ __ ] you can turn on auto fire in the options to save your clicker finger can you how on oh thank you thank you thank you now don't have to click a million times there we go I'm getting mad gel now I manage horses okay good thank you [ __ ] more iron from me and a Mind Trap up there too actually okay it's raining in a cave I don't I don't know how but it is okay what is that [ __ ] bouncing ball in there dude bouncy Boulder yeah I was at the boulder I need to make some I need to make more torches because then I only had like [ __ ] uh glow sticks which is not good enough anything else yeah silver bars I wonder if that's good I think silver is better maybe a silver broadsword and yeah it does do more damage not to go up again explore some more because we actually apparently need even more iron in this like holy crap tell you to say it back okay stopping a tree you drops a bomb okay that's that's fine nope no problem Among Us Among Us they hadn't read this game that is also silver now copper I don't really care much for actually terrorized by maggots right now dude [ __ ] off okay dude my guys are so [ __ ] annoying dude I don't have weapons to deal with them right now I need like a long a long weapon a long stick to beat him with this this heat is so [ __ ] bad dude it's so bad I love it though it's funny it's funny funny scene dude [ __ ] every time a maggots every time I got call it Charlie Merchant because it sells food bricklayer it sells two valuable things but I can't afford it so Brickly around that other thing for like uh later but whatever also I should just make a silver roll sword so I can have like some maggot protection because that's easier to hit Mega with the Broad Sword than a short sword for sure even before my God if my God spawns now I swear to God I will [ __ ] freak press the on the train track no oh cave music dude can we get the brown ninja okay what the [ __ ] up we go again I haven't found a single yes yet I found like five the last time but no rocks here I get instant three rocks okay my God okay of course my God Instant by God I went to the cave for one second my God and what is that okay also we get maggot on keemstar how do we handle this we're gonna beat it for a minute boys I'm gonna get myself some loot if it drops chest flute pretty hard more just lose it is worth it is worth because I have nothing right now and this would be one more chest so I think it's Mega birth to go for this or alternatively they might explode like a dynamite on that uh I'm also going to that's also a possibility but even at least then we know at least let me know surely no explosion almost there boys cloud in a bottle see nice nice and 10 money that's really good I can double jump it's the worst double jump in the game as far as I know but it's a double jump I gotta go back and put that money in the bank now I'm most likely will not try to fall damage anymore put the money in there okay good good good now like some pouches houses in case we uh get the merchant what the [ __ ] is an ivy oh this [ __ ] again where's the armor iron armor that's better now we got some more defense can't really make their leggings yet but so much so much better to move around right now oh my God what's this then oh that's actually regular with this net you got the ferry Hollywood moment yes oh my God that's nice finally blueberry I wonder if the colors matter oh we found something pressure plate I [ __ ] knew it thank you there's the heart noise now I might not get one shot everything by everything a rainbow house is that a pressure plate that's a pressure plate isn't it there's one there oh my God this is a this is hell in the bottle again we've got to recall though we got Rico though just third loss spelunker Honda Spencer cool it doesn't look back oh no we're getting closer though we're getting closer we're out of the the rainbow biome I think holy boom holy heart heart okay underground oh [ __ ] the heart we're getting good good health that's a boulder another one holy [ __ ] dude dude gigabased slowly but surely making our way to the surface voices here it's happening hook jump I missed suspicious Moon Lord likes oh okay thank you what is this red door it's probably like [ __ ] explosive or something but I can't mind that now touch it and get the AIDS like I'm playing Calamity or something the merchant has arrived cool now we can actually get a piggy bank for our money the oh Shelly those are pretty mean I think I would probably fall down here and I can stab him okay one damage great yep he's gone demolitionist cool what's this is this Platinum get it yes yes get cheese idiot what is this over here your little [ __ ] belongs [Music] [ __ ] me it's [ __ ] Tim boys it's over God damn it there we go got him my goat of course come on man of course my God can I make a hook a chain I have tanned I got to make a hook I have chain and 10 to pass you need 15 oh my God holy [ __ ] that's a lot cool uh do you have one of those Nets yes thank you so I can catch it what what you need something different for it low proof oh okay let's go with crimton I think if possible there you are in before it doesn't work it worked great shrimp tanor neat there's a TNT in the scale over here hello please torch where's my torches why didn't he place the torch I don't get it calm the [ __ ] under but now I can use the Kim tonight something worse a flashcatcher which one is best the Lopez blood blood butcher is better there probably a good sword am I actually actually was out of torches I didn't realize that's why I [ __ ] died and that was 12. so it's like four per 16 per way more damage now basically we're back to where we are we keep [ __ ] dying if Tim shows up he's he's getting [ __ ] in the [ __ ] oh oh my God I can't hold backwards over there dude I didn't I thought they would stand on the platform and I could just hit him for free [ __ ] me dude this is AIDS I basically have to chase enemies because I cannot I gotta heal I could heal I could heal Merchant they didn't Merchant though traveling oh we're going back what you got what you got what you got extendo grip gentleman scientist leopard skin baby Harpy Panda ears nice dog [ __ ] yeah uh back up ago you should set up a house at the furthest place you reach so that you can put a bed there and not have to backtrack maybe I should yeah I can make I'll make a loom uh I'll use the room to make some stuff [ __ ] salamanders okay and the micro Slayer [ __ ] this oh my God that's my first maggot kill making progress boys he's stuck there's Chester there but it could mimic it's beautiful it's pretty sweet what about the CNT oh got it got it I I didn't even know that was a thing oh flare gun cool really really okay okay okay okay okay yeah I that's great that's great it was a live Crystal it's still there okay okay dude look at this game I wonder what's gonna be on the surface like what could possibly be worse than this what could actually possibly worsen this [ __ ] bouncing Boulders livestream Boulders lightning from Calamity mode maybe with one shot see or some [ __ ] that's where chat is I can't wait I forgot to make the silk God damn it I can pick a bed oh bloodman great awesome I love this and we're back just like that time to stay alive for a bit give me that people we got we got mad Health right now hello play me close loaf okay I'll buy this thank you and we can like slide off walls and [ __ ] that's pretty nice [ __ ] yep yep can't have [ __ ] in this game it's a little turn yep holy [ __ ] okay oh my God there's so many of this dudes but the sword doesn't [ __ ] work all the time oh okay I like I like it this 130 damage that's nice how long is this [ __ ] last gaming okay okay and that goes just comes from [ __ ] nowhere that's great great Merchant and like if it would [ __ ] cleave it would be good but it can't clear okay holy crap the amount of [ __ ] damage deals he's mine let's go I'm gonna kill him come here three gold house building time Isaac can I make Platinum Platinum X 60 that's per Burger now I can chop fast so it's a fine [ __ ] housing never go to space for even more awesome bad I just want a regular ass bad man can I get a battle normally as bad hello 5 and 15. okay cool well Ashford buddy will work all right we got a better oh we got the furry hello my wife to sell burn it all based leather whip squirrel hook we got personal's wife here except she's not fat enough oh we go we got a glow sticks from that zombie invasion that's like one nice thing that came from it just the moment okay [ __ ] Aimbot you if you go down dude okay never mind then they aim bought you so hard hey there we go I give us one point foreign yeah it seems to work try and beehive here is pretty nice I like it I've been spotted by a beast I think I heard someone shoot yep there it is you can arrange the enemies books approaching is gonna be hard because I can't really two blocks at a time [ __ ] it oh no [ __ ] you Tim piece of [ __ ] is this surface nicely I like this new music it's pretty nice we have a new respawn point but have a recent point we're almost there but if we're here this [ __ ] close right now dude honey or lava maggots the answer is my God look at the [ __ ] [ __ ] shell of me totally crappy he lives so far oh my God [ __ ] biggest maggot ever I'm so brave holy crap he's fast oh Mega bit you better to be careful another set of some walls my voicemail once said we're gonna build a wall when the queen bee is going to pay for it okay hilarious oh my God this technique of advancing on the original image should be like a name after me dude I'm just that good innovating Terraria meta against the annoying maggot Beast oh big big now I can this is on shoot right you shall not shoot me man yeah yeah [ __ ] out of here dude [ __ ] out of here I got him surely some more security measures are we put in place now oh gig oh my God oh my god dude there's no way no that is just the GG the big my goodness GG big magazine oh why why why dude I didn't see him I wonder if it's still alive that would be nice you see no of course he [ __ ] off okay oh we killed the maggot we killed the gig oh my God boys it's over holy crafter baby okay I see the surface that is the surface though but there's so many of these dogs we can make it this is the last try [ __ ] those maggots dude what is my Surface axis have to be a [ __ ] uh magnet volume oh my god dude we are at the surface though dude we are at the surface we actually are though this is the surface here I want to check something wait according to the depth please my Surface extends about 500 blocks below the top blocks so therefore Believers win Believers win because this series Surface level this is surface level confirmed foreign [Music] I can't even leave phone rates are about three to five times more and the enemies are larger than normal enjoy oh I want to go to Jungle by one get some jungle stuff though my hook is a mimic for sure it's falling for your [ __ ] tricks this time I [ __ ] knew it that's right that's right I've got here shoe spikes nice that oh we can combine that with the classical then we have both holy [ __ ] I was actually so far away from that dude barely end range for that dude that was so many bombs how many bombs was that like 10 bombs okay well we got to uh yes so I think I'll go back now because there's so much money okay okay I didn't die from that that's good 15 go holy [ __ ] they dropped so much money 32 gold now God the [ __ ] damn can I make a oh [ __ ] thank you based it's not a good one but it will work now um okay what do I do Lord I hate this sorting system I hate I [ __ ] hate this just I'm [ __ ] I'm hungry but I don't have any food I wanna I wanna eat so I can continue streaming but I don't have enough food I'm eating like some cracker but here and there it's not like enough I gotta get some more food makado avocado uh garbage looks like what do you have anything else oh I could BRB for like five minutes and go get uh like a little meal and then I can eat that on stream and take a salad check this out chat this bread here this bread that I got it's they just baked it it's like warm to the [ __ ] touch good bread good bread foreign [Music]
Channel: Not Albino
Views: 220,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MOn8ePZNzs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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