II Samuel ~ 19:24 to 20:10

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to we're gonna pick it up 2nd Samuel chapter 19 verse 24 today in our last lesson we saw Absalom killed the leader of the rebellion against David the type of our Antichrist if you will he was trying to steal the throne from the rightful king Absalom was dead and it appears that the people of Israel were a little hesitant in asking David or seeking David to come back across the Jordan he was in Mahan a.m. on the east side of Jordan when the civil war took place and but the tribes of Israel the tribes other than Judah were nitpicking each other they were what what Israel needed at the time was a rock I mean they'd just been through a civil war most of them had supported Absalom in the rebellion that's the reason David fled with those who supported him because most of the folks were went with Absalom in the rebellion well instead of asking David to come back they were bickering amongst themselves David finally sent two by Othar and Zadok the high priest and said why hasn't my own tribe Judah at least asked me to come back to Jerusalem to rule as king and we saw there are several people many people in a matter of fact two were probably a bit nervous about David coming back those who had supported Absalom they're going to be just like those who worship the Antichrist but then when the true Messiah returns they're going to be praying for mountains to fall upon them well it's kind of a similar situation not to the same degree but we saw shimmy I the one who cursed David and threw rocks was one of the first ones to meet David when he crossed the Jordan and he begged forgiveness and Abba shy one of David's nephew said let me go over and take off his head he's worthy of death but because he cursed God's anointed and David said this is not a day of executions this is a day of celebration but and he did forgive shimmy eye and said I'm not going to kill you or have you killed for the crime you committed throwing rocks but David left it with Solomon to make sure that shimmy I went down to the grave in a violent death then we're gonna pick it up today with Mephibosheth and you remember there was a servant of Saul named ziba who came out and met David as they were leaving Jerusalem fleeing Jerusalem from Absalom and ziba made up a lie as what he did he David asked where's my Phoebus chef who was ziba was a servant to Murphy Bichette David had restored all of Saul's property to Mephibosheth and in commission ziba and his sons and servants to farm the land for Mephibosheth well what did ziba do he met David as he was leaving Jerusalem and made up a false story he said David said where's my Phoebus shaft and he said well he's in Jerusalem and he's claiming that God is going to restore the kingdom of his grandfather saw to him which was a total lie mephibosheth was in no position to challenge Absalom who had complete control of Jerusalem but at that time David gave all of Mephibosheth land to ziba under the false receipt the false deceit of ziba so we're gonna pick it up today with mephibosheth coming to greet David as he's returning to Jerusalem let's ask that word of wisdom in Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears today as King David returns to Jerusalem verse 24 and mephibosheth the son of Saul actually he's the grandson of Saul the son of Jonathan who is of course Saul's son there is no word in the Hebrew language for grandson grandfather etc the son of Saul came down to meet the king and had neither dressed his feet nor trimmed his beard nor washed his clothes from the day the King departed until the day he came again in peace he looked a mess hadn't washed his clothes since David had left Jerusalem and all of this you know letting yourself go in this manner is a sign of great grief and I think it's stated here which it kind of adds validity to the statements that Mephibosheth makes over the next several verses now I don't know that it's anywhere written how long David was away from Jerusalem but you can bet it was months so Mephibosheth looked a mess this to dress the feet some scholars think that that means he just simply had not washed his feet the word dressed in the Hebrew means to do or to make some scholars think possibly he didn't clip his nails on his feet be that as it may burst 25 and it came to pass when he was come to Jerusalem to meet the king that the king said unto Him wherefore when is not thou with me Mephibosheth and this is a justified question especially what with that what David was left thinking of Mephibosheth due to the lies of ziba in other words he's ziba said mephibosheth said today Israel is going to restore the throne that belonged to my grandfather to me so David's a little suspicious of Mephibosheth the when he was come to Jerusalem kind of loses it in the translation this is talking about the inhabitants of Jerusalem came to Jerusalem in other words those who went with David returned verse 26 and he answered mephibosheth to david my lord o king my servant deceived me ziba lied and that's the truth for thy servant said I will saddle me an ass that I may ride there on and go to the king because thy servant is lame from the age of five years old when his nurse fleeing after her receiving news that Saul and Jonathan had been killed at Mount Gilboa fighting the Philistines she dropped Mephibosheth accidentally and he was lame in the feet from that point on but this is the truth he's saying David ziba lied to me I asked ziba to saddle an ass so that I could go with you as you fled Jerusalem and he went off and left me verse 27 and he has slandered thy servant he's he's been a tail bearer is what this means unto my lord the king but my lord the king is as an angel of God do therefore what is good in the ionized ziba left it with that mephibosheth had rolled over on david and was trying to take the throne for himself that wasn't the case but now Mephibosheth is totally leaving this in David's hands david has been nothing but good to mephibosheth keeping his promise that he made to Jonathan and to soul that he would always show favor to the house of Saul meaning the descendants of salt which mephibosheth is about all that's left of the immediate family of soul verse 28 for all of my father's house were but dead men before my lord the king when you took the throne of all of Israel if you could have it was within your power to kill all the male's of the previous king yet ditz now he set my servant among them that did eat at thine own table what right therefore have I yet to cry anymore unto the King fiblets not a poor me baby he's saying you know I realized that you allowed me to eat at the Kings table you've heard of the phrase eating like a king well Mephibosheth ate like a king for he ate the same thing that the king and the king's sons ate he was treated like a prince David realizes though that he was deceived by ziba 29 and the King said unto him why speakest thou any more of them at errs I have said thou and ziba divide the land now that's not what David said originally chapter 9 verse 7 David gave all of Saul's lands to mephibosheth and as I said earlier Commission ziba his sons and his servants to farm the land for Mephibosheth all that was mephibosheth was given to ziba when David was leaving Jerusalem and ziba made up the false report David's only half way writing the injustice that was done by ziba unto mephibosheth saying that he only gets half of the land I think we see David's judgment becoming more and more clouded as these events are hitting close to home by that I'm talking about the death of Absalom David was just simply too tender-hearted concerning his sons and even when they messed up like Absalom did David had very little trouble defeating the enemies from without it was the enemies within including himself that David had trouble controlling speaking of the matter of Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite verse 30 and mephibosheth said unto the king yay let him referring to ziba take all for as much as my lord the king has come again in peace unto his own house and this kind of made me think about the doc what does God say about the Zadok in Ezekiel chapter 44 verse 26 and the following verses he said you don't give these a dock which are his election those who don't worship the Antichrist don't give them any inheritance in the kingdom of God because I am their inheritance the Lord speaking Mephibosheth is being totally unselfish here he said I don't care give all the lands that belong to my grandfather Saul to ziba I'm just happy that you return to Jerusalem in peace victorious over absalom's rebellion verse 31 and barzillai the gileadite Gillett Gilead on the east side of Jordan came down from rogue Elam and went over Jordan with the king to conduct him over Jordan now in chapter 17 verse 27 Barzillai was one of several wealthy men who brought provisions to david and his family and his men who were in desperate need at the time there probably would have been some of them starved to death you see Absalom had a way to establish supply lines back to Jerusalem David didn't have that luxury he had to depend on the people who were in the area that came to help him now Barzillai was a very aged man even fourscore years old scores 24 score means he was 80 years old and he had provided the king of sustenance while he lay this word lay in the Hebrew is Sheba it means to reside and let's read it that way he provided the king of sustenance while he resided at Mahan a.m. on the east side of Jordan for he was a very great man he was a great man in possessions which he was very generous to share with David and his family and his men he was also a man of a great heart showed compassion to David the king verse 33 David owes Barzillai big time and the King said unto Barzillai come thou over with me and I will feed thee with me in Jerusalem allow me to return your kindness Barzillai and come to Jerusalem and you took care of my family and me and mine now let me return the favor I'll make it the same as mephibosheth had it that you eat whatever the King eats verse 34 and Brazil I said unto the king how long have I probably better said how much longer have I to live that I should go up with the king unto Jerusalem I'm an old man David I'm 80 years old I don't have a lot of time left I am this day fourscore years old 80 and can I discern between good and evil probably better said can I discern between pleasurable and unpleasurable can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink the old taste buds just aren't what they used to be I can't tell the difference between a filet mignon and a bowl of soup I can't tell the difference between good wine and bad wine can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women my hearing is shot it's just not what it used to be where four or why then should thy servant be yet a burden unto my lord the king what good could I possibly be to you in Jerusalem I'd be more of a headache to you then I'd be good to you so thanks for the invitation David but I don't think I'll just stay at my own home you know there is no place like home verse 36 thy servant will go a little way over Jordan with the king and why should the King recompense at me with such a reward it's very generous David what you're offering me but I declined 37 let thy servant I pray the turn back again in other words Marcel I saying let me go back home that I may die in my own City and be buried by the grave of my father and of my mother but behold thy servant Shem ham let him go over with my lord the king and do to him what shall seem good unto you and in first Kings chapter 2 verse 7 when David is giving last-minute instructions to his son Solomon who is about to take over the King ship the the reign of Israel not only did David instruct him concerning scores to settle with shimmy-shimmy eye for example with Joab for murdering Abner and we're gonna see that Joe ABS not finished murdering people when we get to chapter 20 but also David instructed Solomon that there are some that I want you to show kindness to the sons of Barzillai were the ones that David told Solomon you take good care of them you make sure that they eat at your table David very much wanted to repay Barzillai for the kindness that he showed now it's nowhere stated that Jim ham is the son of Barzillai in the Bible historically in the writings of Josephus again that's not biblical that's historical but according to Josephus Jim Hamm was Barzillai son and I the the Smith's Bible dictionary states that Jim ham was possibly Barzillai son I think it's very possible and likely 38 and the King answered Jim ham shall go over with me and I will do to him that which shall seem good unto thee and whatsoever thou shalt require of me that will I do for the David ode Barzillai a great deal and here he's promising to take care of Chim ham as he would have taken care of Brazil I what Brazil is doing basically is putting one of his sons who is younger who the taste buds still work the hearing still works and letting him go to Jerusalem with David hopefully to enjoy the rest of his life verse 39 and all the people went over Jordan all the people that were with David and when the king was come over the king kissed Barzillai and blessed him and he returned unto his own place David probably tender-hearted and emotional realizing that this was probably the last time he would see Barzillai face to face verse 40 then the King went on to Gilgal this is on the west side of Jordan and Shem ham went on with him and all the people of Judah conducted the king and also half the people of Israel if you have a companion Bible Bullinger makes an interesting note concerning this verse he says the people the statement all the people of Judah means that Judah wholeheartedly supported David on the other hand the half the people of Israel means that the people of Israel half-heartedly were with David there's trouble on the horizon between Judah and the other tribes of Israel verse 41 and behold all the men in other words their representatives and elders of Israel came to the king and said unto the king why have our brethren the men of Judah stolen the away and have brought the King and his household in all David's men with him over Jordan and we weren't invited here they're complaining to David why didn't the people of Judah let us know that they were coming to greet you we would have come I kind of doubt it you see most of them had supported Absalom at the time of absalom's rebellion back in chapter 19 verses 9 and 10 it states that the tribes other than Judah were so busy bickering among themselves about what should be done now that Absalom is dead nobody was doing anything all they were doing was talking kind of reminds me a lot of our Senate in House of Representatives today all talk and no action 42 and all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel because the king is near of kin to us wherefore then be ye angry for this matter have we eaten at all of the king's cost or hath he given us any gift the men of Judah are kind of slamming the other tribes especially I think this is a slap at the Benjamites you remember when Saul addressed the people of Benjamin in 1st Samuel chapter 22 verse 7 Saul said they were talking about whether they were gonna support David or not and Saul said is the son of Jesse going to give you vineyards and olive yards as Saul had done in other words there were perks that were involved in being of the same tribe as the king of Israel but the people of Judah are saying have we we haven't eaten at all at the king's cost we didn't take advantage of being of the same tribe David is as you did with soul again always a bit of contention between Judah and the other tribes of Israel and we're gonna see it grow into all-out conflict verse 43 and the men of Israel answered the men of Judah and said we have 10 parts in the king and then there are 10 tribes of us is what this is saying and we have also more right to david than ye they should have stuck with david then when Absalom stole the heart of the men of Israel and the throne the kingdom why then did you despise us that our advice should not be first had in bringing back our King their King was Absalom for a short period of time and the words of the men of Judah were fiercer than the words of the men of Israel trouble brewing it were at this point about approximately 50 years from the time that the nation would be split two tribes to the son of Solomon Rehoboam ten tribes to Jeroboam the king of the ten northern tribes what was one stick was broken into two sticks will seed as the prophet Ezekiel prophesied in chapter 37 of Ezekiel those two sticks will become one stick once again future to this point in time discontent leads to another rebellion from David by the other tribes this being the rebellion of Sheba chapter 20 verse 1 and there happened to be there a man of Belial balajl means shameful or lawless worthless can't even mean evil whose name was Sheba the son of victory a Benjamite and he blew a trumpet and said we have no part in David neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse every man to his tents of Israel a house divided folds and we see the divisions beginning with this what will David do verse 2 so every man of Israel went up from after David and followed sheba the son of bichri but the men of Judah clave unto their king from Jordan even to Jerusalem early indications of to come remember david has appointed a masa who led the armies of Absalom against his men a little bit of why he did that because David was angry at Joab for killing his son Absalom verse 3 and David came to his house at Jerusalem and the King took the 10 women the his concubines whom he had left to keep the house and put them in word and fed them but went not in unto them so they were shut up unto the day of their death living in widowhood he didn't kill them or not fail to take care of them but they were widows from that point on these ten of course are the ten that David left behind when he fled Jerusalem and a hit the fell who was a counselor to David but betrayed him for Absalom counseled Absalom to go in and lie with the concubines of David thus fulfilling the prophecy of the Prophet Nathan in 2nd samuel chapter 12 that they're a sword would never pass from David's house and the Nathan Nathan of God through the Prophet Nathan said and I will have your neighbour will take your wives under the Sun in other words in broad daylight where everyone knows about it because what you did in secret with the wife of Uriah the Hittite Bathsheba verse 4 then said the King to Amasa assemble me the men of Judah within three days and be thou here present again a massa was replaced Joab as the leader of the armies of and looks like Judah pretty much at this point there's only one problem with this a massa led the military for Absalom at the time of his rebellion now let me ask you if you were a member of the troops who served David loyally and risked your life and limb for David how much would you be interested in serving the leader the general of the armies that you were fighting against when Absalom rebelled not very I'd be afraid he'd turn around and kill me he's going to have trouble convincing the people of Judah to gather behind him in three days verse five so I masa went to assemble the men of Judah but he tarried longer than the set time which he had appointed him undisciplined and again I think the main reason was that the armies of Judah had no interest in following Amasa their general was Joab and now David's asking them to follow the general of Absalom's army who led that rebellion verse 6 and David said to abash I this is one of his other nephews by the way a massa is also one of David's nephew because his sister's Araya had a sister named Abigail and she was the mother of a massa so a lot of cousins here verse 6 and David said to have a shy now shall sheba the son of bichri do us more harm than did Absalom he's going to be more dangerous to us than Absalom take thou thy Lord servants take Joab servants I think is what he means and pursue after him lest he get him fenced cities and escape us if sheba makes it to a walled city a fortified city then it's going to be even more difficult for us to rout him out this escape us means to deliver himself from our highs some scholars even say it means to tear out our eye in other words to do a serious injury verse 7 and there went out after him Joe abs men and the cura thights and the Pella fights and all the mighty men and they went out of Jerusalem to pursue after sheba the son of victory the Kirra thights or the executioner's not necessarily those who executed people at the king's command those who executed the Kings commands the parasites were more or less messengers the two groups the cure types and the Pella sites made up David's royal bodyguard or whoever the king was at the time and it reminds you in verse 6 David commanded abbess shy but we're gonna learn that Joab is with them I guess David was not talking to Joab at this point in time verse 8 when they were at the great stone which is in Gibeon Amasa went before them in other words to meet them and Joe ABS garment had that he had put on was girded unto him and upon it a girdle with the sword fastened upon his loins in the sheath thereof and as he went forth it fell out did it fall out by accident or by design verse 9 and Joab said to Amasa art thou in health my brother in other words how are you doing a friendly greeting and Joab took a massive by the beard with the right hand to kiss him and he's got the sword that fell out in the other hand this is what you could call the kiss of death but a Massa took no heed to the sword that was in Joe ABS the either didn't notice it or it probably would not be unusual to see a sword in the hand of Joab he certainly didn't expect that Joab was going to attack him though so he smote him there with in the fifth rib anytime that you read in the Bible I think it's four or five occasions that this term is used anytime someone is struck in the fifth rib it means it was a fatal instantly fatal blow and shed out his bowels to the ground and struck him not again it was not necessary to strike him again he was dead and he died so Joab and Abba Shai his brother pursued after Sheba the son of victory the reason that Joab killed a massa I think jealousy but then again Joab I think had some rights to be angry at David should he have murdered a Massa and that's what God considered it because David told Solomon in first Kings chapter 2 verse 5 and 6 that you don't let Joab go down to the grave with a hoary head a gray head in other words for what he did in murdering Abner and now a massa you take Joab out there David had another son by the name of Pat Anaya and Aaron ayah was not God's chosen to assume the throne of Israel that was Solomon Joab unfortunately supported a danaiah and Solomon once he found out that at Joab was supporting a Tenaya he instructed his servant benaiah to take Joab out Joab fled into the temple and laid his hands ahold of the horns on the altar and benaiah went back to Solomon and said he went into the temple and he laid his hands on the the the horns of the altar and Solomon said I don't care go take him out and Ben and I have fell on him and took Joab out well how will all this work out with the rebellion of Sheba we'll find out in our next lecture we got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the book of James James is a book that I know you'll enjoy because it is written when you rightly divide it to those that are scattered abroad that's to say the 12 tribes the ten tribes scattered abroad being very specific in your freedom of Christianity the repentance giving much personal instruction as far as controlling our thoughts and finding peace and giving us those parameters we're in Christianity defining those things that come from the Word of God example that bitter and sweet water cannot come from the same spring well from God's Word you should not have both either the practice of healing brought forth in this book of James I know you're gonna like it James that great book of instruction welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 6 4 3 4 6 4 5 that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others especially our brothers and sisters in Christ serves no purpose we won't do it we'll let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's I'm not able to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in if you wish got a prayer request well you don't need a telephone number you don't need a mailing address your heavenly Father is there for you 24 hours a day seven days a week I encourage you to go to him do it often let him know that you love him I really don't think you have a lot of competition these days it seems like everybody is so busy running here running there trying to make a living and they just don't have time for God and guess what you don't have time for him he doesn't have time for you either we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ father you know the needs of these father alcoholism addiction to drugs you know father if it is your will a special blessing on each of these and we also lift up our military troops who are in harm's way around the world father ask you to watch over guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions see what's on the mind of folks first up we have Rhonda in Texas my question one of the most beautiful places I go for to vacation is in Colorado I go I go do nothing but meditate with God it could only be made by him the mountains of Colorado are beautiful in the end times and God returns will places like this be totally remade here on earth I know it will be good it's going to be better than good Rhonda it's going to be great read the Revelation chapter 21 the first few chapters the first few verses where it states that God's gonna wipe away the tears of his children and there's gonna be no more sorrow there's gonna be no more death it's going to be a very wonderful place God never takes anything away without replacing it with something much much better Ned in Texas we're in the word does it tell us not to to abstain from fellowship with other Christians and does this mean we should attend a local church if we are able and well let's talk first about where you're supposed to separate yourself from Christians in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 14 it states there that if any obey not this epistle the Word of God in other words have no company with them the second epistle of John verses 910 it states there that if any come to you without this doctrine the doctrine of Jesus Christ that you have no company with them don't invite them into your home because if you even wish them Godspeed which is a salutation have a nice day it makes you uh partaker of their evil deeds you follow it the second question I'm beginning to pray regularly to God am I wasting my time to go to the church I attend because our pastor puts more emphasis on music and not the Word of God I pray for you and brother Dennis and your staff well thank you for the prayers and you're in our prayers as well now Ned we can't tell you to go to a church or not go to a church it may be that God has you there to plant a seed I don't know pray about it and and take God's lead I know what you're talking about though that it seems to me that a lot of churches spend more time on things other than teaching God's Word what could be more important than teaching God's Word in a church I can't think of anything Robert maybe that they don't know the Word of God is the reason they don't teach the Word of God Robert in New York blessed be you your family and your staff well thank you for that I've been studying with you and your father for several years and I've learned more with the chapel that I have learned from any other church that I know that I have attended probably wouldn't surprise you how many times we hear that a good friend of mine who is also a Christian told me that to have my sins forgiven I have to tell God each and every sin that I have committed my problem is in the past I don't have I didn't have Christ in me so I committed so many sins that I can't remember each and every one my question to you is it alright to ask father for forgiveness or for him to forgive all of my sins and to repent all of them at one time I would greatly appreciate an answer on your program okay and yes you can repent for all of your past sins now you want to make sure that you doing so with a repentant heart you see God can read your mind he knows your heart and he knows when you mean it or not and but he's very intelligent as well you don't have to waste your time or God's time by sitting down and going over an itemized list of a hundred sins you've committed in your life ask God with a repentant heart for forgiveness he blots them out the sins are it's like they were never there you could ride them all on a chalkboard and then take an eraser when God locks them out it's like they never existed Robyn in Mississippi I have a question as I do not want to perish for lack of knowledge when you preach about the seven Trump's does it mean that we will actually hear sound of a trumpet when they begin and if so will they be sounding one right after another or spread out over a period of time please explain this for me well that it's not the actual sound of a trumpet that it's talking about where you find the trumps listed in Matthew chapter 24 and Mark 13 they're there specific events that have to come to pass before Jesus returns Matthew 24 verses 1 2 & 3 the disciples are walking through Jerusalem with Jesus and they say master look at these great walls and what tell us what it's going to be like when you return meaning of the second advent pastor Arnold Murray has a message entitled Matthew 24 mark 13 which goes over the Trump's quite well you might consider ordering that Charlene from Louisiana my question is did Jesus know who his disciples were before he met them and yes I'm certain that he did Jesus didn't walk up to Peter for example and say are you Peter he didn't do that with any of his disciples he walked up to most of them and said follow me so he knew who they were in advance Helen from Illinois what are the six or seven things that God hates where can I find that in the Bible thank you for your Bible study and thanks to all of your staff god bless you and thanks for remembering our staff we have a few employees a few volunteers that accomplished a lot of work for the Lord here at shepherd's chapel some people might be surprised I didn't thank God hated yes God hates and you find it in proverbs chapter 6 verse 16 in the following verses not only will you find one thing that he hates you'll find six things that he hates and yeah the seventh is an abomination the first is a proud look someone with a puffed up ego to a lying tongue three hands that shed innocent blood a murderer verse four and heart that devises wicked imaginations five feet that swiftly run to mischief six a false witness that speaketh lies and seven that is yeah is an abomination to God is those who sow discord among the Brethren that's proverbs chapter 6 verse 16 and the following verses Sally in Arkansas would the pastor please explain the black man which is the beast of the fields now the beasts of the fields are animals they're not human being black or any other color the black human being was created along with the other races when I say other races I mean those other than asked hadam which is the Hebrew name for Adam that was created in Genesis chapter 2 but all the other races were recreated in Genesis chapter 1 verses 26 and 27 where God said to the Angels let us make man in our image the last verse of chapter 1 God looked upon all that he had created and it was good he was pleased Gary in California when is the Antichrist going to come to earth well we learned in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1 through 4 that these things must come to pass before Christ returns and those things you can read them again for yourself second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1 through 4 but no man knows the exact hour that Christ will return at the second Advent but we are to know the season we are in the generation of the fig tree and all things will come to pass during that generation Wanda in Florida when heaven is shut up through the thousand years and we have a chance to go get our loved ones who didn't make it how will we know who made it to the right side and those who didn't my question is how will we know if some of our loved ones are on the left side will we have insight okay I think you're a little confused when heaven is shut up a thousand years that's during the Millennium and those who need to be taught will be here on earth being taught at that time when you're talking about going to loved ones that didn't make it you need to make a note of Ezekiel chapter 44 where we have God's election the Zadok those who did not worship the Antichrist those who participated in the first resurrection of Revelation chapter 20 verses five and six those who the second death the death of the soul has no power over them but during the thousand years the Millenium these a Dok will be allowed to leave the presence of Jesus Christ in the Millennial temple to go to their relatives their immediate family father mother brother sister who hasn't married in an effort to help them and they know that they need help because they didn't take part in the first resurrection or they would be in the Millennial temple along with you and Christ now there is a price to pay you talk about it also will the seven days of waiting be the seven days of our days or seven thousand years when is it second Peter chapter 3 verse 8 be not ignorant of this thing that a one year with one day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day but the sadaq will not be allowed to reenter the temple for a period of seven days which is a cleansing period judy in ohio and thank you for your kind comments and thanks for your prayers I am disabled I get a check every month so I don't know if I'm supposed to plant a seed or pay tithes so I prayed on it and left it in his hands referring to God I hope that way the right thing to do I am saving up for a Strong's Concordance and a companion Bible so I really need to know do I pay tithe first or okay I see your question Judy and we teach here at the chapel that if you're on disability you don't pay tithe this Tai's means 10 percent of your income and if you're drawing disability insurance that's not income and you're probably struggling to make ends meet so God does not expect you to pay 10% of your tithes now as far as obtaining a companion Bible and a Strong's Concordance we also teach here at the chapel that God would not be offended if you use part of your offerings your ties to obtain reference works or study materials that would help you be a better servant to God so quite all right you might want to order pastor Arnold Murray it sounds like I'm selling CDs today I'm not pastor Arlen Murray did a CD entitled stewardship and it's item three zero four six five would be an excellent study for you Dana from Florida I've been studying with shepherd's chapel for about five years and I've learned more than in the previous 75 and again it probably wouldn't surprise you how often we hear that question Ezekiel 28 18 it seems to say Satan will be brought to ashes in the sight of all them that behold thee is this his fate to burn or burn in hell when there is no difference you're right there is Ezekiel 28 18 is where he's called the king of Tyrus it's just another name for Satan and what happened well he was charged with protecting the chair of the that protects the mercy seat but he got all puffed up in himself and he wanted to be the one sitting on the mercy seat not protecting it in other words he wanted to take jesus's place he is condemned he's the only entity that has been condemned to death by name Satan and he will be brought to ashes from within revelation 20 verses 14 and 15 and when that happens he goes in to the lake of fire once ashes always ashes and we're not talking about flesh ashes we're talking about the death of the soul Susan and Oklahoma will my husband be okay in paradise even though he didn't yet know that Satan comes to earth first if your husband died in Christ which means that he died believing in Christ he's good to go into the eternity he's saved the danger is those who are alive in the flesh when Ana Christ returns and believe in the rapture and false doctrine they're going to be deceived Susan and Oklahoma we got that I've got a second question I receive widow's benefits monthly would I not accept them when Satan comes I don't want to do anything that would displease our Father it's okay to accept benefits the one thing you don't want to do when the Antichrist returns is worship Him that's what he's going to be demanding is the that if you want to partake in their monetary system that you worship Him that's the reason God's elect the overcomers won't be able to buy and sell during that period of time because we're not going to worship the Antichrist Anthony in Illinois I believe that once you become saved you can never fall out of salvation even when you sin you just repent where is this in Scripture well let me ask you this what about if you're saved and then you sin but you don't repent are you still saved I don't think so you see you're gonna be judged on your works Luke chapter 12 verses 10 and 13 is where the unforgivable sin you commit that I promise you you're not going to have salvation you're going into the lake of fire with Satan I'm out of time I love you all a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word in depth you know what it makes Father's Day when he looks down from heaven and he sees you studying the letter he wrote to you the Bible it makes his day we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness there's one thing that's most important beloved and it's this you stay in his word every day every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that's shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 530
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: 2 Samuel, Pastor Murray, Shepherds Chapel, II Samuel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Chapel, Book of 2 Samuel, Arnold Murray, Book of II Samuel, Shepherd's, Shepherds, Murray, Book of, Arnold, Pastor
Id: o5gMkX6KZkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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