II Chronicles ~ 3:6 to 4:8

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family about Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to we'd love to have you we're gonna pick it up today second chronicles chapter 3 verse 6 and after years of preparation Solomon has begun the building of the Solomon's Temple the house of God a permanent or a lot more permanent than the mosaic Tabernacle I guess nothing made by the hands of man is permanent but then beginning in the year 1979 17 BC the temple would take over seven years to construct and we learned in our last lecture that they had a hundred and fifty three thousand six hundred laborers working not only at the site where the temple was made but cutting stone and the quarry's and keep in mind too that at the same time that the house of God was being built Solomon's Palace several other building projects that Solomon undertook were going on at the same time so it seemed like a large workforce but a large workforce was needed that's that's that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day as we pick it up second chronicles chapter three verse six and it reads and he garnished the house with precious stones for beauty garnish means that he covered the walls another and the gold was gold of Parv a.m. now these precious stones it reads in first Kings chapter 10 verse 11 were from over the same place where the pure gold of Ophir was picked up and brought back to Jerusalem Parv a.m. and the Strong's Concordance strong chose to describe it as an oriental region no matter where it was obviously it was a place of rich gold reserves now the main part of the the biggest room in Solomon's Temple in our last lecture we outlined as being approximately the measurements were given are in cubits and cubits are anywhere from 19 to 25 inches depending on whose cubit you're going by and we chose to use 24 inches 2 feet per cubit for easy figuring and the largest room in the tabernacle was a hundred and twenty feet long 40 feet wide and 60 feet tall and then the porch as you work your way out or getting ready to work our way back into the Holy of Holies but the porch was 40 feet wide and 40 feet high number seven he overlaid also the house the beams the post these would be the thresholds walkways doorways and the walls thereof and the doors thereof with gold and graved cherubims on the walls cherubims a type of angel their main duty protecting the mercy seat for one thing but no matter where the cherubims were they were assigned protection of some type you may recall after Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden God placed cherubims on the outside of the Garden of Eden to protect now verses 8 through 14 and we move back into the most inner sections of the sanctuary and understand that people not everyone was allowed into the inner court you had to be a priest to enter the inner court now we're going to moving in even further to the Holy of Holies which is where the Ark of God was kept and only the high priest would be allowed to enter the Holy of Holies and that once per year that being on the day of atonement which would has held each year on the tenth day of Tishri on the Hebrew calendar and again he had entered with the blood of goats for his own sins and the blood of a bull for the sins of the people but only once per year was the high priest anyone else that would have gone in there probably would have been struck dead I don't think probably definitely again we moved to the Holy of Holies verse 8 and he made the most holy house the length where of was according to the breadth of the house twenty cubits approximately forty feet wide if we keep to our 24 inches per cubit and the breadth thereof 20 cubits 20 feet 40 feet in length and 40 feet in breadth and he overlaid it with fine gold amounting to six hundred talents now what they would have to do is beat the gold in two sheets and when they say they affixed or overlaid and obviously they had to build the structure out of wood and then they would use gold nails to attach the gold sheets to the wood material there was no iron nails allowed in the sanctuary and that was forbidden verse nine and the weight of the nails was fifty shekels of gold and he overlaid the upper chambers with gold a magnificent house for the Lord now if you have a companion Bible you might want to make a note of Appendix 68 it gives you a diagram showing where all of these things that are being described here are and if you're like me sometimes it helps to have a a visual picture of the way things were set up and where the molten sea or the brazen sea is it's also called was located etc that's appendix 68 in your companion Bible now if you take the measure of the mosaic tabernacle compared to Solomon's Temple it's basically doubled as far as the dimensions but if you consider the volume of space because of the raised ceilings in the Solomon's Temple it was the volume of Solomon's Temple what it would hold inside of it was some eight times what the mosaic Tabernacle was they used as a source for that book that we offer in our library called King Solomon's Temple it's written by a biblical archaeologists and biblical historian by the name of ear Amon cap and if the subject interests you you might consider it because you also not only get text you also get artist renderings of what Solomon's Temple various aspects of it looked like and also the furniture that was contained in Solomon's Temple verse 10 and in the most holy house this is the Holy of Holies also referred to as the Oracle because it was seen as the place that God's voice could be sought that's the reason it would all so be known as the Oracle and in the most-holy house he made two cherubims that he here being who RAM in the Chronicles he's called Hiram in the Kings to cherubims of image work and overlaid them with gold now there would be no breach of the second commandment here and some scholars believe it or not say that this would be a breach of the second commandments which states that you'll have no graven image before you now the condition there though in in Exodus chapter 20 the second commandment is that you shall not bow down to them and nothing is said here in the instructions from our Heavenly Father to you first of all David and then David gave the blueprint for the temple to Solomon God would not give instructions to his people to break one of the Ten Commandments in other words some would say well that's angel worship because the cherubim are angels but again if you don't worship them no problem again the purpose of the cherubims to protect well what is it they protected well the mercy seat and and for those of you who don't know the mercy seat sat atop the Ark of the Covenant and in Ezekiel chapter 28 you have the king of Tyre there who is a type for Satan was promoted to the cherubim he was created first of all the full pattern full of wisdom full of beauty and God promoted him and he deserved it does God's fair god was not a promoted Satan to the protecting cherub over the mercy seat had he not earned it but what happened he got too got puffed up in himself and he didn't want to protect the mercy seat he wanted to sit on the mercy seat the prowl that place is reserved for Jesus Christ verse 11 a further description of the cherubim and the wings of the cherubims were 20 cubits long it's both of them standing side by side combined one wing of the one cherub was five cubits reaching to the wall of the house and the other wing was likewise five cubits reaching to the wing of the other cherub now it's kind of a complicated way of saying that they stood wingtip to wingtip and we're going to find that they covered the entire breadth or width of the holy of holies and stood approximately half the distance between the floor and the ceiling of the holy of holies which would be some forty feet total and distance in other words the cherubim or twenty feet tall they covered a wall-to-wall of the Holy of Holies being the point verse 12 and one wing of the other cherub was five cubits reaching to the wall of the house and the other wing was five cubits also joining to the wing of the other cherub covering the entire width of the holy of holies verse thirteen the wings of these cherubim spread themselves forth 20 cubits if we stick with our 24 inches per cubit 40 feet and they stood on their feet and their faces were inward in other words toward the house or better said toward the Ark of the Covenant which would have been set in the center of the Holy of Holies and important to remember to where all of this is being built God chose it and it's Mount Moriah the threshing floor of Ornan is its called in verse 1 of this chapter 3 god chose where this was going to be built verse 14 and he made the veil of blue and purple and crimson of fine linen and wrought cherubims thereon now this veil is what separated the entrance to the holy of holies from the inner court and again if anyone went in there it was certain death at this time other than the high priest and then only on the day of atonement the blue purple and crimson always symbolic of royalty this word wrought is interesting word and when I think of Roth I think it means to fabricate or to make something if you some of you even got a reference Bible that says that rot you have a note that rot means he caused to ascend in other words on the veil that separated the holy of holies from the inner court there were cherubims that had the the illusion that they were ascending up to heaven now this veil was symbolic of the veil that Jesus Christ rent or tore from top to bottom in matthew 27:51 and it was soon after his crucifixion that he rent that veil that separated God from common man from top in other words from heaven to bottom to earth in other words he made it Jesus made it to where we can approach God directly ourselves we don't need a high priest to be our intercessor Jesus Christ is our intercessor and but you have the right now to go right on in to that holy of holies by that I mean you can address your heavenly Father in prayer verse 15 also he made before the house two pillars of thirty and five cubits high and the catheter that was on the top of each of them was five cubits now in first Kings chapter 7 verse 15 we learned that these pillars were 18 cubits now that would be approximately 36 feet in height you take that and but actually this thirty and five cubits high I think in Chronicles here is both of the pillars combined and I think the the measurement in Kings is probably accurate eighteen cubits for each of the pillars but then you had to consider on top of each of them you had this catheter which is just a decorative top to it crown you could think of would be five cubits which would add to the 18 would be 23 cubits so your total height of the pillar with the crown on top of it would be some 46 feet and height approximately and that fits pretty much proportionally when you consider that the porch and these pillars were located just on either side of the porch which is the entrance to the house of God and 46 feet would be pretty proportional to the porch the height of the porch which was some forty feet verse sixteen and he made change as in the Oracle in other words that word means the Holy of Holies the place where God's voice could be sought and put them on the heads of the pillars this would be on the Crown's the catheters again and made an hundred pomegranates and put them on change now what this is is wreath and work entered mingled wires intertwined wires you can think of it like a garland or a latticework and then to the latticework were these pomegranates attached all of this symbolic and scholars disagree on what the symbology is I think on the pomegranates that if you know the fruit the pomegranate it has a lot of seeds and what are we to do and serving God were to plant seeds and hopefully those seeds will germinate and grow to produce fruit for our heavenly father verse 17 and he reared up the pillars before the temple one on the right hand and the other on the left and called the name of that on the right hand jaw Keane and the name of that on the left Boaz Jacques Keane if you translate it means he shall establish or yah shall establish Boaz mean means in it is strength if you translate it from the Hebrew language and certainly the people of Israel saw the establishment of Solomon's Temple as God establishing the nation of Israel his covenant with that nation and also the people saw that in the the temple the tabernacle they could find strength and I look forward again to that day that we don't have a tabernacle a temple that's made by the hands of man in the Eternity the temple is going to be our Heavenly Father God Almighty and the lamb and I hope you find that in them is strength today and you know there's a temple temple it's called Jesus Christ he said if you tear down this temple in three days I'll raise it back imp and he meant by that he'll resurrect but that temple is a sanctuary that you can go today beloved I don't care how tough things get how rough things become you can go into that refuge that temple of Jesus Christ and take refuge doesn't matter where you are or what time of the day it is that place of refuge is always there for you chapter 4 and verse 1 we continue with the description of the temple and now we're going to move into not only the temple but also the Articles that were used for worship in the house of God when we get to chapter 5 we'll be covering the fabulous dedication of the house of God that Solomon oversaw chapter 4 verse 1 moreover he made an altar of brass 20 cubits the length thereof and 20 cubits the breadth thereof and 10 cubits the height thereof now what we're talking about here is the altar of burnt-offering then you might think wow 20 cubits and we're gonna use to 24 inches to the cubit that means that this is 40 feet by 40 feet and 20 feet high you know how could a priest most priests or what five and a half to six and a half feet tall well you have to think that what this is is it starts off 40 by 40 at the base but then the mitten no matter which direction you're going then approaching the altar of burnt-offering you have steps that you have to go up and by the time you get to the top you're not talking anywhere near 40 feet by 40 feet but it has to be considerable size when you consider that on many occasions they offered multiple burnt offerings and a burnt offering basically is after they washed the the intros out it's basically the whole animal bus except for the hide and so when you have multiple full burnt oxen or bulls it would have to be a considerable size of an altar and of course on major holiday would have set up temporary altars of burnt offering which could be used as auxilary verse two also he made a molten sea of ten cubits from brim to brim round encompass and five cubits the height thereof and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about now what we're talking about here is the brazen sea it's also called that Solomon had made now what this would be used for would be for the priest to wash now it's not written whether the priest washed before they made sacrifice possibly after or both it's not written but what we're talking about here is it was 10 cubits from brim to brim so the diameter of this thing would be approximately 20 feet across the circumference if we take 30 cubits times 24 inches 2 feet per cubit we're talking 60 feet and in a circle that that this huge molten sea was made now sharpen up for me verse 3 and under it under the the brim of the brazen sea was the Simla tude of oxen which did compass it round about 10 in a cubit compasses the sea round about two rows oxen were cast when it was cast now this word oxen is not a good translation moffat caught this and translated gourd like rosettes and what we're talking about is a ornament and oxen don't fit with ornament now oxen do fit in the following verse and I think what happened a copyist error the words from the following verse and and miss wrote it incorrectly here I think it's supposed to be in first Kings chapter 7 they're called knops or our gourds you could think of them and here I think we have a copyist error now we say it was cast cast if you're gonna cast something this by the way is made out of brass and cast means that you have to make a form for it and then you have to heat the metal that it's going to be made out of to the melting point and then you pour the melted metal over the form and let it set and dry and cool off and it reharden x' and then when you peel it away from the mold you have what you have cast that we're gonna learn that they cast this in the clay near the Jordan River can you imagine how huge of a hole in the clay that they had to pour to pour this brass into to make this molten see it was big verse for it the molten see the brazen sea stood upon twelve oxen now we have oxen and correctly translated three looking toward the north and three looking toward the west and three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hind er parts were inward in other words they were all facing outwards with their hind er parts on the inner part of the golden sea so you have this huge brass basin and then it is set upon twelve oxen why twelve well you have twelve tribes of Israel and I think that's what the oxen are symbolic of is one for each of the tribes of Israel verse five and the thickness of it was and handbreadth approximately four to five inches and the brim of it like the work of the brim of a cup cup usually slightly bent outward around the edges the flowers of lilies the ornamental lilies and it received and held 3,000 baths now a bath of water or a bath of any liquid is four and a half to five and a half gallons we have here recorded that it was would hold three thousand baths in first Kings chapter 7 verse 25 it's recorded that it would hold two thousand baths and I think that the difference being what the three thousand would be if you completely filled it up 2,000 if you only raised it to a level that it was useable by the priests but so that you can get an idea though if it were two thousand baths and you have four thousand or four point five gallons to five and a half gallons per bath you're talking approximately ten thousand gallons of water you know if you that's a small swimming pool is what you would be looking at here that's a lot of water it's not written anywhere how often that they had to change this water but if the perp the priest washed themselves after they prepared sacrifices I would think that the water would have to be changed quite frequently besides that God does not like standing water many times people are instructed to use water that is alive running and that's I think the way God looks at standing water is it's dead and mold grows in it and moss grows in it etc so you know at the time of Solomon to the Nephilim those were given to the priest for service were what was their function to haul water and wood for the water for these various receptacles and basins the wood for the altar of burnt-offering of course so they kept them busy and can you imagine how many buckets full of water it would take to scoop out and clean out the molten sea the brazen sea and how many it would take to fill it back up we're talking about a lot of water verse 6 hmm he made also 10 Labour's and put five on the right hand and five on the left to wash in them such things as they offered for the burnt offering they washed in them but the sea was for the priest to wash in the the brazen sea in Leviticus chapter 1 verse 9 that the it's instructed that the burnt offering that there to wash the legs and the inward parts before that meaning the bowels or the intervals if you will before they place it on the altar of burnt-offering so these Labor's you could think of them as a medium-sized Bazin they contained approximately and in first Kings chapter 7 verse 38 it states that they were also made of brass each one was placed on a stand and contained approximately 40 baths of water in each of these again for washing the the offerings before they placed it on the altar of burnt-offering verse 7 and he made 10 candlesticks of gold according to their form according to the form no doubt identical to what God gave to Moses in Exodus chapter 25 and set them in the temple 5 on the right hand and 5 on the left light is always symbolic of truth and that's what the golden candlesticks were meant to show forth the light the truth of Israel to the world we're going to talk a little bit about why Moses there was one golden candlestick menorah in the Hebrew language and 10 here after we talk about the 10 showbread tables verse 8 he made also 10 tables these would be for the showbread and placed them in the temple 5 on the right side and 5 on the left and he made a hundred basins of gold and he's probably corresponding to the service with the the showbread on the showbread table show bread for those of you don't know it's called bread of the face and it was brought the priest in clothes where they could approach the face of God if you will now why would Moses have one golden candlestick and one showbread table but we have 10 golden candlesticks in Solomon's Temple and 10 showbread tables well then we keep in mind that when the tabernacle of Moses was made it was made and all the contents were made with the thought that we're gonna have to occasionally pick up stakes and move everything to another location so keep it to a minimum when you have to pick it up and carry it being the point I think now though the Solomon's Temple is a lot more established a lot more permanent fixture than the mosaic tabernacle and therefore you could have multiples of these items truly a magnificent house for our father and an undertaking quite an undertaking by Solomon and Israel to build well we'll come back in our next lecture and conclude the building of the temple but then we'll go into the dedication and oh what a time of joy and what a feast that Solomon and Israel through to celebrate the completion of the temple of God we've got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett arkansas 72 73 six don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good throughout the u.s. and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that question and leave your question please don't ask for a written response to your questions the only format for answering questions is right here on the air by the pastors teaching please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others by name serves no purpose we simply won't do it well that God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world and not able to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour will give you our mailing address got a prayer request you don't need a telephone number we can do away with that talk to your Heavenly Father and you know you should be able to talk to him just like you would your own flesh father he is the closest relative you have and your relationship with your heavenly father doesn't depend on him he's the same yesterday today and it will be the same tomorrow your relationship with your heavenly father depends on you and how can you build that relationship by talking with him in prayer you know go to him thank him for the many blessings that he bestows upon you that and if you don't think he bestows blessings on you you're probably taking them for granted we do have these prayer requests father we come United as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs healing for illness father marital problems you know father if it is your will a special blessing on each of these we ask you to watch over a guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions see what's on the mind of folks around the country first up we have Mike in Maine will the Antichrist have the same healing powers as Jesus well he will have supernatural powers we know that from Revelation chapter 13 verse 13 he's going to be able to snap fingers and make lightning come down from heaven it's called light there in Revelation 13 13 foss in the Greek language but it means lightening in verse 14 it goes on to state there in Revelation 13 that he deceives those on earth by those miracles that he has the power to do are you ready for that I'm talking physically spiritually and mentally prepared you better be you better be standing in place with your gospel armor or you're liable to be deceived as well Terry in Minnesota did the serpent take a physical form to seduce Eve no but neither did the Nephilim the fallen angels of Genesis chapter 6 they were able to impregnate the daughters of Adam and the result were deburr the Giants sean in new york why does it not say in genesis about other people genesis says only adam and eve well you're mistaken start with Genesis chapter 1 start with verse 26 and the following verses God says to the Angels let us make man in our own image and he made man there the races were created in Genesis chapter 1 the races other than earth Haddam let me qualify then in Genesis chapter 2 we have F Haddam created that's Adam and Eve and let's leave it at that Maria and New Hampshire why don't you all seem to believe in the Virgin Mary do you not believe in the Assumption well we believe that the Virgin Mary was the mother of Jesus Christ the assumption which for those of you don't know I had to look at it myself means the taking up in other words I guess some folks believe that Mary was taking up or transfigured much like Elijah and Enoch were the taking up of Mary in heaven is not biblical that is of the traditions of men the taking up of Elijah and Enoch is biblical Marilyn from Arkansas I lost my son earlier this year will I still be his mama in heaven well we're sorry for your loss we hope that God has sent the comforter to comfort you I think the loss of a child would be very very traumatic it's it's out of the natural order of things usually children buried their parents parents don't bury their children normally but yes I think you will know your sign in you will still be his mama in one shape or form or another because of Ezekiel chapter 44 verses 25 and 26 in spiritual bodies does a doc a God's election will be allowed to go to their immediate family members in an effort to help them the ones who did not participate in the first resurrection of Revelation chapter 20 verses 5 & 6 to go to them you would have to know them and recognize them Kathleen and Maryland I am the only believer in my household of five even though my husband said he was a Christian before we were married and even though I raised my children in the church and in Christian schools the influence from outside the home has led my children astray I am getting frightened that they are running out of time and I believe God's promised to raise up a child in the way he shall go and he is old he will not depart from it and you quote proverbs 22:6 however the way our world is going and the signs of the time say they will most likely not get time to grow old I look to acts 16:31 that says believe in Lord Jesus Christ and you and your household will be saved does this mean they are saved - no you cannot be saved for your children everyone's salvation is between them and our Heavenly Father you you that that does not is not what that scripture meant what that scripture means is that if your household is Christian then everyone is saved obviously but if you're the only believer in your household you can't be saved for the rest of your household if I were you I'd be praying to God that to keep his promise that if you bring up a child in the the word that they will not astray from it Margaret from Arkansas I thank you and your staff for doing a good job keep up the good work and we will as long as the father wants us to I have three questions one is are we in the ending of the fifth Trump or in the beginning of the sixth Trump we are in the fifth Trump when the sixth Trump comes to pass Antichrist will be here - is heaven going to be in heaven with our Father or down here on earth the eternity will be here on earth Revelation chapter 21 verse 1 in the following verses the throne of God descends to earth and this is where the eternity will be Mary was a virgin and Joseph was her concubine I don't know where you get Joseph was Mary's concubine but does that mean Joseph is Jesus a stepfather thank yes you would consider Joseph to be the stepfather of Jesus Joseph's genealogy has nothing to do with the genealogy of Jesus Christ mark in New York regarding Revelation chapter 9 what are the supplies were going to need on hand the absolute basics in Revelation chapter 9 is where Satan and his locust army are here on earth the absolute most important thing for you to be sure of concerning Revelation chapter 9 is that you're sealed with the Word of God in your mind why because in verse 4 it states instructs Satan and his that they cannot harm you Bob and marriland once saved always saved is this true is there anything we must do to keep our salvation once we accept Jesus Christ well we'll all be judged on the sins that we commit that we have not repented of and doesn't matter whether you believe on Jesus Christ or not if you don't repent of it and ask for forgiveness there's going to be a price to pay on Judgment Day and it is possible for one of God's elect to commit the unforgivable sin which is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit is the way it stated in the King James Version Bible that means that one of God's elect would refuse the Holy Spirit I don't think that will happen but that would definitely cause them to lose their salvation seers in Michigan did pastor Dennis say that pastor Arnold passed away in 1997 no you misunderstood my mother Annamarie pastor Arnold Marie's wife passed away in 1997 my father Arnall Marie passed away in 2014 Eleanor in Alabama please explain revelation 22:15 most of the book of Revelation John is taken in the spirit to the third heaven age to the eternity if you will the Lord's Day and then the eternity revelation 22:15 which you are asking me to explain you have to understand that John is no longer in the spirit in the Lord's Day or the eternity he's back on earth in 95 AD and certainly without there in other words outside there are dogs and sorcerers drug pushers is what that means mongers murderers and idolaters but the key is he's no longer in heaven he's back in 95 ad and just as they had him in 95 ad we have them today are they going to be in the eternity no and thank goodness Sharon and Alabama are all the people on the earth the one-third who followed Satan in the first earth age and she's referring to Revelation chapter 12 verse 1 in the following verses if I am a bad guy I want to know it well God's elect are also alive on earth at this time so not everyone on earth are the third who followed Satan at the Cata Bowl Satan's overthrow and I think would be excuse me I think it would be appropriate for the one-third who did follow Satan to be here on earth at this time why because they worship Satan and followed him and the first Earth Age God wants to know are you going to follow me and Heavenly Father speaking or are you going to follow Satan the time I think that is probably a reason that we live in such an evil world an evil generation at this time because that third who did follow Satan are here in the flesh on earth now Dan and Virginia can you explain f Haddam I sure can if the atom that was created in Genesis chapter 2 ha Adam is Adam in the Hebrew 8th ha Adam is with the article which is just the word the t-h-e the man Adam is what it means and he was created in Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 it would be through his family on down through the generations Abraham to David that Jesus Christ would be born Duane in California was John the Baptist born on March 25th your clothes I calculate John was conceived on June 24th and born on March 28th or 29th and it's through understanding the courses of the priests that were established in 1st chronicles chapter 24 specifically the eighth course which is known as the course of abaya you can tie that in first chronicles 24 directly with Luke chapter 1 verse 5 and determine when Zechariah was serving in Jerusalem and that's when Gabriel told him that his prayers had been answered and he was going to have a son and named him John by taking off with that date you can figure out when John the Baptist was conceived therefore approximately when he was born we know that Jesus was six months the junior to John so we also can calculate the date Jesus was conceived and the date he was born as well Bryan in Nevada in which book did Jesus beg Satan for his four and mercy and was denied because this is what really happened well if you know that is what really happened why are you asking me to document it biblically why don't you Brian and Nevada tell me where it states that Jesus begged Satan for forgiveness and mercy and was denied because that is what really happened I think I better let go of that one right there Kim in Michigan is pastor Dennis Murray still alive yes Pat in North Carolina why did God hardened Pharaoh's heart concerning the children of Israel well he wanted Pharaoh to let his people go he also wanted his people to recognize that he was the God of heaven and earth Exodus chapter 11 verse 9 the Lord said unto Moses Pharaoh will not hearken unto you that my wonders may be multiplied which sanctified father in the eyes of his children they knew after they saw the ten plagues brought upon the people of Egypt that they were serving the God of heaven and earth Joseph in Georgia are there any verses to help me with lost family every year I have trouble celebrating holiday seasons because most of my family is deceased please help well I know the holidays are tough I too unable to empathize with you and having lost a lot of family be happy for them though you know they are in a lot better place than we are and they're happy they're serving the Lord take comfort in knowing that you will join them someday you know the period of time that we spend in this flesh compared to the eternity is but the blink of an eye you might think about getting away for a holiday vacation on the holidays do something different if you stay you know in the same house where you miss the relatives that have gone on yeah it's going to be tougher maybe you'd be good for you to try getting out of town and having a vacation just a suggestion pray about it Melissa in Texas are the fallen angels in Bieber on the bad side of the Gulf Jude chapter 1 verse 6 tells us exactly where the Nephilim the fallen angels are they're reserved in Chains of Darkness unto judgment I would imagine most of the giver if not all the giver are on the bad side of the Gulf and I'm referring to Luke chapter 16 for the excuse me that are not familiar with the Gulf Paul and Illinois do you believe that Isaiah 44 - Jessie runs spelled without the H is another entity then the gesture runs spelled with an H found in Deuteronomy 30 to 15 now they're both the same but simply spelled differently Deuteronomy 32 is spelled Jes H you are you in Isaiah 44 drops to H and therefore it's spelled Jes Jes you are you in if you have a reference Bible the two scriptures are linked together so they're one in the same just you run for those of you don't know is Israel when they were fat dumb and sassy when things were going good they got their bellies full and started looking around saying look what all I did with my two hands rather than giving God credit for creating everything Denise in Texas they tend to forget God when they get that way Denise in Texas please explain reincarnation do we as God's children Orion there is no such thing as reincarnation some people I think hear us teaching about the three world ages and somehow think that we're talking about reincarnation were not talking about reincarnation everyone dies one time in the flesh Hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 will document and if States there as it is appointed unto men but once to die why did God flood the earth well to wipe out the descendants of the fallen angels the Giants the gebe ER you see it was Satan's plan to destroy the seed line through which Jesus Christ would come if he could have done that Satan would have won because he knew Jesus Christ brought about his certain death Hebrews chapter 2 verse 15 the reason Jesus came to earth the 14 and 15 was to defeat he who has the power of death that is to say Satan out of time I want you to know that I love you a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word in depth it makes your father's day when he looks down and he sees you seeking Him the knowledge of him through the letter he wrote to you the Bible we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing that's most important though beloved it's this you stay in his word every day every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble you know why Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,072
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Murray, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Shepherds, Book of, KJV, Pastor, Book of 2 Chronicles, Arnold Murray, 2 Chronicles, Holy Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold, Book of II Chronicles, Pastor Murray, II Chronicles
Id: u266wk0PjSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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