I Chronicles ~ 11:1 to 11:47

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we're gonna pick it up today 1st chronicles chapter 11 verse 1 in our last lecture or we covered chapter 10 and chapter 10 covers the ruin of Saul and that kind of serves as a fitting introduction to the ascension to the throne of David and from chapter 11 through chapter 29 the last chapter first chronicles we're going to be covering the history of King David was King David a good King well all future kings of Judah would be compared to how they walked with the Lord with how David walked with the Lord was David perfect know he had faults like all the rest of us none of us are perfect but one thing David never did was fall away into idolatry as many of the of his descendants would chapter 11 we want to make a couple mental notes about it chapter 11 we pick up with the history of David and Israel at Hebron now that was before or after I should say chapter 12 when we get to chapter 12 we back up in time to when David and his men are at Ziklag and which case Saul is still alive at that point in time Saul is dead at Hebron when David and Israel were at Hembrough so let's ask that word of wisdom and you should Jesus precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day as we pick it up our study today first chronicles chapter 11 verse 1 and it reads then all Israel gathered themselves to david unto heparin saying behold we are thy bone and thy flesh therein lies the key of david knowing the bone and flesh from from father to son father to son umbilical cord to umbilical cord from David to Messiah that's the key of David now have Ron a little history on it it's an ancient Canaanite city as far as age it rivals Damascus known of in recorded in history centuries and centuries and centuries ago Hebron would lie approximately 20 miles south of Jerusalem and it's written in chapter 3 verse 4 of first chronicles that David was at Hebron for seven years and six months then he was at Jerusalem for 33 years David reigned a total of approximately 40 years he bran again lying about 20 miles south now at the same time we notice in this verse that all Israel gathered themselves to David and we have a little bit of a situation going on with the ten tribes to the north during this period of time Abner the lead general of Saul set up ich bush F the remaining son of Saul who was still alive as king over the ten northern tribes for about two years he was more or less set up as a puppet king because it was Abner who was running the show and verse 2 and moreover in time past even when Saul was king thou was he that led us out and brought us in Israel these are the people of Israel speaking to David and the LORD thy God said unto thee thou shalt feed my people Israel and thou shalt be ruler over my people Israel leading out and bringing in as a term Hebrew ism a figure of speech that means in day-to-day activities the people knew David and and knew him well remember he was but a youth when he killed the the champion of Gath the giant named Goliath so he he had a reputation from an early age on and you remember when Saul was having success against the Philistines when the armies would return the young ladies would sing Saul has killed his thousands David his tens of thousands so it wasn't that the people didn't know David and that the people didn't like David I like this that God said unto thee thou shalt feed my people Israel well what does a shepherd do a shepherd makes sure that the sheep have plenty of pasture in a spiritual sense that means that they have the Word of God and God took David a Shepherd of sheep and turned him into a shepherd of men David of course being a type for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the greatest shepherd of all time verse three therefore came all the elders of Israel to the king to have bran to David and David made a covenant with them in Hebron before the Lord is Lord as their witness in other words and they anointed David king over Israel according to the word of the Lord by Samuel and Samuel was a little bit reluctant to anoint David as it's written in 1st Samuel chapter 16 that that God spoke to Samuel and said Samuel how long are you going to mourn the fact that I have rejected soul as king of Israel and I want you to go and this was in 1st Samuel chapter 16 verse 17 get over it I'm not going to change my mind now you go Samuel go and anoint David the king of Israel so this is actually the second time that David was anointed the king of Israel David would be approximately 37 years old at this point in his life verse 4 and David in all Israel went to Jerusalem which is Jebus where the Jebusites were the inhabitants of the land now this is classic Hebrew writing a what what happened is stated and then we're going to have an explanation of how that came to pass following the fact of what happened Jebus most of you know was a Canaanite city the Jebusites are one of the seven Canaanite East tribes and they were the ones that built Jebus which would later be changed the name from by David to Jerusalem this is the city that God spread his skirt over and took the wife he married Jerusalem that's what God meant when he said you had in Ezekiel chapter 16 where it states that he spread his skirt over Jerusalem it states that you had God said to her you had an unclean birth and that's what he meant when he said that was that the heathen Canaanites the Jebusites were the one who burst if you will or formed or brought the city into existence now some of the Jebusites and all the Canaanite his tribes had mixed in with the Nephilim the fallen angels so you had Giants that were among the Canaanites you remember the the 13 the spies the 12 spies in numbers chapter 13 that went into the Promised Land to check it out they saw these giants and they came back and they put fear in the hearts of the people and said well there were giants over there there's no way that we can defeat them we were like grasshoppers in their sight verse 5 and the inhabitants of Jebus said to David thou shalt not come hither nethertheless David took the castle of Zion which is the City of David the Jebusites told David and 2nd samuel chapter 5 verse 6 that the city that the citadel i should say now understand israel had already destroyed the city of Jebus burned it basically to the ground what we're talking about here is the castle the the fortress if you will that it was very walled very defensible and in fact is the Jebusites told David in 2nd samuel chapter 5 verse 6 that we could all the fighting men could leave the citadel and just simply leave the blind and and the lame here and they would be able to protect and keep israel from taking it obviously they underestimated the the abilities of david and his men verse 6 and david said whosoever Smita the Jebusites first shall be chief and captain the commander-in-chief in other words of the armies so Joab the son of Zarya went first up and was chief xariah the sister of David had three sons the eldest was a Bechet Joab was the the next in line and then there was a younger brother named ASA hell all three of them served David and served him well joab would be the one though that he became jealous of Abner in fact as well we'll talk about that here in a minute let's go to verse 7 and David dwelt in the castle therefore they called it the City of David that was common at this point in time the the commander or the king of the defeating or the the the winning the victorious armies they would name the city the capital after him that's why Jerusalem or Jebus became known as the City of David one time at one point in history later years Joab was fighting against the capital of the ammonites raba and the siege had been going on for some time and he realized that the ammonites were about to fall and he summons David to come quickly lest they name the city the city of Joab he didn't want to take that honor I meant to say to in a moment ago Azariah you know oftentimes it seems to me that women are not mentioned by name in in the Bible seraya I can think of no other woman that is mentioned by name more times than David's sister xariah verse 8 and he built the city round about even from Milot round about and Joab repaired the rest of the city meelo means the filling up it's quite a bit of controversy among scholars as far as what was meelo I think that what David did was he built up the wall from the valley north of jebus down to the south of Moriah verse 9 so David waxed or became greater and greater and the Lord of Hosts was with him don't overlook that verse why did David become greater and greater because the Lord was with him and I mentioned in our last lecture well I hope you get out of Chronicles is that when you do things God's Way and you receive His blessings you're gonna be successful you're going to become greater and greater don't do things God's Way look look what happened to soul he was rejected of the Lord and he died under David and Solomon Israel would become the greatest nation in the on earth at that point in time the area that they controlled grew the geographical area grew the area that they had economic influence over grew even more than that they had economic influence all the way to the north to the river Euphrates under Solomon they had access to the Gulf of Aqaba in the south from which Solomon launched the ships of tarshish which would go to Ophir and bring back untold values of gold the finest gold that was known in the world from over under Solomon it's written that in Jerusalem silver was like rocks for its abundance so under David and Solomon the nation of Israel was quite successful until Solomon started worshipping the gods of his foreign wives that brought about the split of the nation verse 10 these also are the chief of the mighty men whom David had who strengthened themselves I think better translated they held strongly with him with him in his kingdom and with all Israel to make him King according to the word of the Lord concerning Israel and the Lord said that he was to be the king and 1st Samuel chapter 16 verse 12 now in the next several verses and well the rest of this chapter we're going to be talking about people who were tremendously brave and courageous who were ferocious warriors and if your first time through this chapter you're probably going to get a little confused but I'll do my best to help you stay straight it might help to preface it by saying we're going to be talking about first of all we're going to be talking about three men who were of the highest class of David's Heroes the highest rank maybe a better word of David's Heroes then we're going to be talking about three others who were also great heroes but they weren't as great as the first three and then finally we're going to be talking about David's thirty heroes in the final chapters of this verse I'll try and help you keep it straight as we go through verse 11 and this is the number of the mighty men whom David had Joshua beam and hot mow night the chief of the captains he lifted up his spear against three hundred slain by him at one time now times David had a ragtag army at first of all he had a ragtag army of 200 and you might wonder well how could 200 go up against the thousands of the armies of Saul and Israel well it's because David had men like Joshua beam who could go up against 300 anything 300 is a large number well make a note of second Samuel 23 verse 8 for there it states he could go up against 800 and defeat them slay them at one time verse 12 the second of the three greatest and after him was Eleazar the son of dodo dodo from the same prime in the Hebrew language as David it means loving an a ho height who was one of the three might ease ok well now we've discovered that we have three well where is the third who who is the third we might ask well we've got Joshua beam for sure we've got Eleazar in verse 13 the he starts off is referring to Shama well how do I know the third one was named Shabaab because I've read 2nd samuel chapter 23 verse 11 and Shema is the one that did what is stated in verse 13 the way it's written the way the chronicler wrote it it appears that the he is referring to Eleazar of the previous verse it's not it's referring to Shama who was the third of the three mightiest he referring to Shema was with David at past domum and there the Philistines were gathered together to battle where was a parcel of ground full of barley and the people fled the armies of Israel fled and running for their lives in fear from before the Philistines and they thus referring to david joshua beam Eleazar and Shama set themselves in the midst of that parcel and delivered it and slew the Philistines and the Lord saved them by a great deliverance with God on your side you always have the victory David was not one to run from his enemies and he had three servants that would set themselves make a stand against the enemy and when the rest of the armies of Israel were running in fear David josho beam Eleazar and Shama made a stand now we come to the second set of three mighty men of David verse 15 now three of the thirty captains went down to the rock to David into the cave of a deulim the host of the Philistines encamped in the valley of Rafi M Rafi M means Rafa was one of the great of the descendants of the Nephilim Giants he was a great as anak was and David was then in the whole he was safe in other words in the cave and the Philistines garrison was then at Bethlehem now David that's his birthplace and the enemy the Philistines has control of the town which you know rub David the wrong way and David longed or he wished for and said oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem that is at the gate be careful what you wish for and made known out loud when you have people under you that are as loyal as David's servants were Bethlehem not only the birthplace of David but the birthplace of Jesus Christ when I think of water and Bethlehem I think of the living water that came into being as a result of that water that if a man drink of it he would never thirst again and the three break through the host of the Philistines into Jerusalem and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem the water that David expressed that he would like to be able to drink that was by the gate and took it and brought it to David but David would not drink of it but poured it out to the Lord now this is a little difficult to understand if you don't understand that the thinking in ancient times was that a man's soul was in his blood and because these three risked their lives their souls to obtain this water David is saying it would be like drinking their blood and he would not do it when I think of blood and Bethlehem I think of the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross that made salvation a possible to ability for the whole world verse 19 and David said my god forbidden me that I should do this thing shall I drink the blood of these men that have put their lives in jeopardy they risk their necks it was kind of a dangerous thing that they did going behind enemy lines they they jeopardized their lives to obtain this water for with the jeopardy of their lives they brought it therefore he would not drink it these things did these three mightiest now this is what causes so much confusion to people when they study this chapter they think that this is still talking about the initial the highest class of mighty men moffat translates did these three mightiest did this trio of knights que ni ght s so their work and some scholars think that it is still talking about the first class of the three mightiest but I don't think so I think that there we had a complete second group of people from Joshua beam Eleazar and Shema verse 20 and Abba Shai the brother of Joab thus being the eldest son of Sariah the sister to David he was chief of the three and for lifting up his spear against three hundred he slew them and had a name among the three I think this is a Bosch I was one of the second class of three but he had a name among the three this meaning that Joshua beam Eleazar and Shama knew who a Bosch I was and respected him but he did not obtain attained to the highest rank that the first three attained verses 20 through 25 we have the second class of heroes again not equal to the the preceding three but they were still ferocious warriors of the three referring to the second level of three mighty men he was more honorable than the two I think this should have been translated he was honoured before the three as to in other words he was doubly honored for he became their leader for he was their captain he was their leader al biet he attained not to the first three he didn't make it quite to the same level as Josh o beam Eleazar and Shama I wanted to mention too don't confuse Eleazar here with Eleazar the son of Aaron that doesn't fly this is Eleazar the son of doto as we covered in verse twelve verse twenty-two benaiah the son of jehoiada the son of a valiant man of cobb zeal Cobb's ela city in judah who had done many acts great deeds he slew two lion like men of Moab also he went down and slew a lion in a pit in a snowy day and this Joab Anaya excuse me would remain faithful to Solomon when one of David's other sons ad Anaya led an insurrection trying to take the throne from Solomon mecca Note 2 of chapter 27 verse 5 we learned there that jihad the father of benaiah was the chief priest at this time verse 23 and he slew an Egyptian a man of great stature five cubits in height depending on whose cubit you went by at this particular time that would be between 8 and 9 feet tall and in the Egyptians hand was a spear like a Weaver's beam a Weaver's beam can be 26 feet long and he went down to him with the staff went down to him with the Shepherd's hook basically a stick and plucked the spear out of the Egyptians hand and slew him with his own spear now that's a ferocious warrior a normal-sized man goes down with basically a stick and takes the spear away from a man that's eight to nine feet tall away from him and kills him with his own spear these these were ferocious warriors these were the men that that David depended on to make his ascension to the throne possible verse 24 these things did benaiah the son of jehoiada and had the name among the three Mighty's again the three mightiest Joshua beam Eleazar and Shema knew who they were but they did not attain to the first class behold he was honorable among the 30 but attained not to the first three and David set him over his guard the guard is an audience in other words when the audience would be the location where the King in this case David would have his throne and people would come therefore judgment he might also give audience to foreign ambassadors visitors from other countries at that location in other words benaiah was the head of David's bodyguards a very trusted very honored position now in verses 26 through 47 we come to a list of David's thirty heroes as well they're often referred to in other places in Samuel and the kings now I'm not going to bore you with reading the names of all of these thirty but I do want to point out a couple that are important in in my opinion a sahel we find there in verse 26 he was the youngest son of the riah the sister of David and what happened - Aiza hell when he was still fairly young jota Abdur met up with Joab and the other men of Judah and there were men of Israel they're under Abner and they made sport they were they were practicing war and what happened was and you need to know a Sahel was very fast afoot and one place he said he can run like a row a deer he could run like the wind he was fast but at one point he took off and he was chasing after Abner and he intended to kill Abner and Abner was a seasoned veteran warrior and Abner out of respect to him and Abner tried to get him to turn away twice said he's a he'll turn to the left or to the right don't make me kill you well ASA hell wouldn't stop and Abner had to kill a Sahel in self-defense Joab would never forgive Abner for killing his younger brother as a hell in fact is under the cloak of friendship even so much as with a kiss Joab came up to Abner and ran him through the eighth rib and killed him for killing his brother the other party that you're probably familiar with in verse 41 we have Uriah the Hittite Uriah the Hittite was one of the thirty heroes of David and while you Raya the Hittite was off to war David saw Bathsheba the wife of Uriah the Hittite taking a bath in an open courtyard and he liked what he saw and even though she was a married woman he summoned her and he had a relationship with her an adulterous relationship let's call it what it is it was adultery and there was a child that resulted of that in an effort to cover up the adultery and the child coming forth David sent for Uriah the Hittite and under the cloak of pretending he was inquiring how the war was going and then he was hoping your ayah would go down to his house sleep with his wife and that would cover the fact that she was with child one thing David wasn't planning on though Uriah was very loyal to his men and he said I won't go down to my house and sleep in the comfort of my bed while my men are out there in the field sleeping in tents and in war well David committed murder let's just call it what it is he sent Uriah the Hittite back with a note to Joab for Joab to sin Uriah to the hottest front where he was killed in battle purposely on David's design but you know I think it's very humble of David to have chronicled these men in chapter 11 that that we see that they supported him but he supported them as well for for him to sit down with paper and pencil and write out their names and what courageous men they were it's notable and I think David loved his men I think his men loved him and we'll come back in chapter 12 we're gonna back up in time a little bit to when David was a Ziklag for a period of one year in four months in our next lecture Saul is still alive at that point in time remember we got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett arkansas 72 736 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good from the United States and our good friends to the north in Canada if you're listening somewhere else around the world by internet or whatever other means that you have to watch the program and you're not able to use that 800 number feel free to write in with prayer requests and questions if you do have a biblical question and please keep your questions of a biblical nature if they're not of a biblical nature they're probably not going to get answered the air but please call that number and leave your question who knows it might end up on the program I know if the Holy Spirit wants it to it certainly will got a prayer request do away with that number you don't need a telephone talk to your heavenly father you know all too many people I don't think you have a lot of competition these days everyone's so busy running here running they're never enough time to do this never enough time to do that and there were enough time to talk to God things start going bad when you ignore your heavenly father talk to him daily do it and didn't thank him for the many blessings that he bestows upon you and if you don't think that he's bestowing blessings on you you might do a little self analysis you know am i doing anything to deserve his blessings so and you're probably taking some of his blessings for granted we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ father we ask you to look upon these you know their needs father's sickness and families we need your touch of healing father weakness father against the enemy we know that you have the ability to give us a strengthening if we ask for it father we ask this on behalf of these if it is your will and Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions and see what's on the mind of folks first up today we have Mary in Indiana and your teachings are a blessing and I'm so grateful to and for you and your staff thank you well you're sure welcome it's a it's a labor of love my question is regarding to where it is found in the Bible that life begins at conception in biblical days did in a person's age start at conception well Luke chapter one verses 41 and 42 Mary just having been touched by the Holy Spirit and just having conceived our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ went into the presence of her cousin Elizabeth who was six months with John the Baptist in her womb and when Mary came into the room John the Baptist in his mother's womb lept at the presence of the Holy Spirit so tell me was the spirit there at conception yes it certainly was Jeremiah chapter 1 verses 5 & 6 Jeremiah was kind of saying Lord you know don't send me I'm young they're not gonna listen to me and the Lord said Jeremiah I knew you before I placed you in your mother's womb and ordained you to be a prophet so yes the the soul is in the embryo no question about it Rene in Minnesota are you teaching there is such a thing as reincarnation I will never believe that you stated something such as could you have been evil or bad in the first earth aids you answered yes what question mark what's the first earth-days question mark is that what you refer to as reincarnation you are scaring me please answer my question well we do not teach reincarnation it's written in the New Testament by Paul that is given to man but once to die you Renee obviously don't understand the three world ages you see God created all souls in the first Earth Age Satan led a rebellion and one-third of God's children followed Satan so God had a choice he could destroy a third of his children or he could have this the second earth in Heaven age which is the age that man would be born in the flesh most men some refused to be born in the flesh they're called the Nephilim the fallen angels but no we do not teach reincarnation a couple lessons if you want to continue studying with the chapel that might help you out CD three zero five three three entitled incarnate reincarnate and then also you need to study 305 o six the three world ages if you don't understand the three world ages you're never going to understand the mysteries as they are stated in the New Testament there are mysteries to some people because they don't know about it God's elect know what the three world ages are and understand his overall plan you see there is a third earth and heaven age coming it's when Jesus Christ returns as king of kings and Lord of lords there's going to be a great period of teaching during the millennium and then we go into the Eternity some of us go into the eternity some go into the lake of fire never to be thought of again Satan is one of them massimino in Nevada question raised because Adam and Eve were created by God instead of being born from a woman would this mean they were created like the angels or do I have it wrong you have it wrong they weren't created as the angels were in the first Earth Age what's the difference well God knelt down and scooped up some of the dust some of the clay and he formed Adam and Eve of the dust angels were not formed of the dust so that's the answer to your question Curtis in North Carolina what does it mean to pick up the cross and follow him well in Matthew chapter 16 verse 24 also in mark chapter 10 verse 21 if anyone chooses to follow Jesus they should deny their fleshly desires and pick up the cross and follow him you know he was willing to die for you on the cross or the question is are you willing to die for him and that's what that means by pick up your cross your cross and follow him sue and Kentucky are we in the millennial days when is the millennium know we're not in the millennial days the millennium is the Lord's Day that occurs when Jesus returns at the second Advent well how can you say the millennium is a thousand years you might ask how do you say that's the Lord's Day second Peter chapter three verse eight one day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day Rachel in California how old are we in spiritual bodies in heaven well it's it's a it's a good question but I want you to first of all realize that age in spiritual bodies is really irrelevant in a spiritual body time becomes less significant I can't biblically document it but I believe everyone will be approximately the age that Jesus was when he was crucified which would be 32 32 33 years old Melissa from Missouri my brother is married to a man I choose not to associate with him and knowing their relationship it sickens me I'm sorry for feeling this way what do I do well number one you shouldn't be sorry for feeling that way your heavenly father excuse me feels the same way that you do about such relationships they are an abomination to him is what the Word of God says in the Book of Leviticus well you don't understand pastor Marie that's Old Testament and when Jesus was crucified on the cross the New Testament and God is okay with homosexuality now no he's not it's even in the New Testament it's an abomination to your heavenly Father and those who say that it's all right now are turning things upside down they say what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right it doesn't change it in God's eyes but they obviously they're misleading a lot of people thinking that oh it's okay now with God for home for men to marry men and women to marry women it's not okay it's an abomination sue in Indiana I have learned so much from watching shepherd's chapel wish I had found you a long time ago I have a question how will we know when we are in the one world order will it happen quickly thank you so much sue in Indiana well we see the beginnings of the one world order even today you have the EU group of 28 nations that have a common currency I guess that's about to become 27 nations that have a common currency due to brexit you have the IMF the International Monetary Fund all of these things that tie international to monies are the beginnings of the one world order and you said will it happen fast well it's and it's not happening fast but you see the beginnings of it so everything is going to happen on God's timeframe those so you can read about the one world system the beast in in Revelation chapter 13 where you have two beasts mentioned the first is the one-world political beast the second is the Antichrist Kenny and Kansas good morning pastor Marie I wanted to thank you for your clear and simple way of conveying our Lord's letter to us it's rare and priceless well thank you for that comment Kenny my question today is though I'm patient and waiting for an answer from God how at the age of 43 do I find my gift for success from God how can I serve him best and still provide a good income for my family well Christians provide an income for their families you take care of your family first but you can do that and also serve the Lord now what your calling is Kenny I can't tell you what you need to do is pray to your heavenly Father ask him to reveal what it is that he wants you to do throw out a fleece as Gideon did he'll he'll answer we'll have it in prayer with you Mike in Texas your pastor Murray and family all members of the body my writing concerns study over the electronic airwaves and such many of us are isolated in our beliefs because of caution and fellowship you claim we are in church by just studying with you through the television is not the church the many membered body and needs one and the other yes members of the body depend on other members of the body I think that is the reason what you're talking about is one of the reasons that Passover is such a special time for Shepherd's chapel we have anywhere between 2500 and 3500 people that show up for Passover annually and it's such a wonderful time because I think a lot of people feel the way you do isolated and it's so refreshing to be around that many people do we all agree on everything of course not but we are like thinking and have the truth you might consider also Mike requesting a bumper sticker we have people that send in letters at least every week we get a letter from someone that said I ordered a bumper sticker from shepherd's chapel I was in the parking lot the local grocery store and somebody started honking their horn and we talked and formed a Wednesday night Bible study so might consider that might consider coming to Passover if you haven't done that Lorene from Alabama I listened to you six days a week and read my Bible along with you the problem I have is I can't remember what I hear or what I read I pray about it all the time my question is will God forgive me for not remembering his word like I want to I also enjoy your weekly monthly newsletters and that I receive every month okay well you know we are a mini membered body and different members of the body have different functions if everybody was the mouth of the body we wouldn't be able to walk we wouldn't be old if everybody had hand was the hands of that we wouldn't be able to walk but we could work but my point is that everyone one of us has different gifts and abilities and if you're not called to be a preacher or a teacher it's not necessary that you have an excellent memory of God's Word God gives different gifts to different members of the body but to whom he gives much he also expects much laverne Laura I guess it is from Oregon my name is Laura I'm from Oregon I've been watching and studying with shepherd's chapel for almost 10 years now I would like to thank you and your staff for bringing me to God through your daily Bible study and prayer well we're glad that you're studying with us and thanks for remembering our staff I have a question I have always been confused about the Trinity the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit all being one can you explain to me how all three are separate yet one my mind always wants to separate them as individuals perhaps it would help for you to think that we're talking about one entity with three different offices and you might order pastor Arnold Murray did a week a work called nature of God else Shaddaa and that's CD three zero five seven four it covers the Shepherd's chapel position on Trinity and that brought to mind we had some critics at one point who were saying that Shepherd's chapel didn't teach the Trinity that nothing could be farther from the truth with we hardly do a lesson without speaking of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit Jack from Ohio there is something not to forget to tell everyone that do willfully sin that would be hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 for if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins if there is no sacrifice after we sin and you say if you do sin it's a great thing to repent unto God so that he may forgive you I don't understand please explain well Hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 is speaking of the unforgivable sin the unforgivable sin is for one of God's elect to blaspheme the Holy Spirit which means to for reject the Holy Spirit speaking through one of us when we delivered up before the Antichrist that's what the difference is any sin that you've committed up to this point you can repent and be forgiven if you're one of God's elect and only one of God's elect could commit blasting of the Holy Spirit to do that is unforgivable there is no repentance for that sin it's very very serious Chester in Minnesota is there scripture about homosexual homosexuality in the Bible boy there sure is Old Testament Leviticus 18:22 Leviticus 20 verse 13 for a man to lie with a man is an abomination to our Heavenly Father well you don't understand pastor Mary that's Old Testament things have changed with Christ being crucified on the cross no they haven't Romans New Testament Romans 1 verses 24 through 27 first Corinthians 6:9 1st Timothy chapter 1 verses 9 and 10 all prohibit a man lying with man or a woman lying with woman it is an abomination to your heavenly father am i teaching hate absolutely not what I am teaching is God's Word what you do with God's Word is entirely up to you my job is teaching God's Word and I won't change anything that my heavenly father has said the day I have to start changing what my heavenly father said will be the day that I stopped teaching Linda and California inside the garden were they are vegetarians well in mace maybe so maybe not but we're told in Leviticus chapter 11 what meats are clean for us to eat and what meats are unclean for us to eat that's Leviticus chapter 11 you can eat clean animals unclean animal or you're not supposed to eat they'll make you sick Kevin in Virginia my question is that I have heard you say once you die you're with the father but what about the Scriptures acts 2 verses 29 through 34 and John 3 verse 13 well it states in verse 34 of Acts chapter 2 that David is not ascended into heaven what it's talking about there is his flesh body didn't ascend into heaven as Jesus Christ did because he was transfigured the point David's flesh saw corruption Jesus's flesh did not see corruption because he was transfigured of John 3:13 all souls that have ascended to heaven also descended from heaven what that's saying is God created all souls and he places those souls in the embryo at conception and what it's saying there is you can't ascend to heaven unless you descend first the Fallen Angels refused to be born of woman they did not descend they descended from heaven but it wasn't their soul it was them and they came to earth and went into the daughters of Aaron and the Giants were the result I'm out of time I want you all to know that I love you a great deal why because you make time every day to sit down with your Bible and the letter that God wrote to you and you know what it makes his day when he looks down and he sees you trying to learn of him what's pleasing to him when you're pleasing to him you can expect and claim his blessings we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you please help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing most important you stay in his word every day every day and his word is a good day because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,854
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Book of, KJV, 1 Chronicles, Shepherds, Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor, Book of 1 Chronicles, Pastor Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Chapel, Arnold, I Chronicles, Book of I Chronicles, Shepherd's, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Holy Bible
Id: tyIlne4ZJdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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