If You're Always Hungry, A Parasite Might Be Inside You

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have you noticed that recently you've been quite hungry all the time oh and we're talking all the time my friend you might just have a parasite living inside you eating all your food this may take the cake is one of our grossest topics we know but hey stick around and you'll learn how to deal with a parasite in your intestines that's taking all your cake so let's dive in tall boy parasites sure are nasty little dudes from skin parasites like sand fleas or a screw worm two common ticks and scabies no one wants these little guys around they itch cause redness and irritation of your skin and can be passed pretty easily especially if you wear someone else's clothes or are living in close quarters with someone who has them the common thread with all parasites is that to survive they use another living creature for their food shelter and means of transportation but what the parasites we just mentioned are insects that latch onto and sometimes burrow into your skin they won't cause you to get hungry and we're talking really hungry it is absolutely true that if you find yourself with bouts of extreme hunger all the time you could very well have an internal parasite living in your intestine commonly known as a tapeworm this parasite can grow up to several feet long and will indeed feed off the food that you are trying to digest so how does someone get a tapeworm well if you eat raw or uncooked beef pork or freshwater fish you put yourself at risk for catching this microscopic menace I bet now you're rethinking trying that homemade hokay ball your hippy significant other wants to make this weekend huh in addition to eating raw meats tapeworms can be pests if you simply are in contact with a surface that has worms on it this could be another person's hands or dirt even a small animal anything if there are worms on the surface that you touch they are now on you but how would you know that you have contracted something microscopic like a tapeworm well as we've said you would start to get really hungry as the tapeworm grew it would start to tick away your foods new thus you would get less nutrients also you would experience abdominal pain with possibly diarrhea nausea or vomiting and quite a bit of fatigue not to mention your rear end would itch all the time we do want to point out though let's take parts can be present in your system for years and you wouldn't show any signs it sounds scary and that's because well it is be sure you take care if you know you're handling wrong beats or animals you don't know because you really don't want to catch a parasite by now we're pretty sure you're thinking well this is the grossest thing imaginable but believe it or not worms were not always thought of as the terrible intruder that they are in the late 19th century worms were used as a weight loss method oh you heard that right advertisements claiming store-bought worms are easy to swallow and sanitized while claiming that fact was the enemy that is shortening your life were not uncommon thank goodness perceptions have changed or have they people have been reported to continue to try this practice today a woman from Iowa went to her doctor when she was feeling ill and confessed that she had bought a tapeworm online as a weight loss method sure she lost some weight but at what cost she was truly sick when she came in to see her doctor and here's the thing if she adjusts up to a healthy diet and exercise she would have lost the desired weight naturally I the shortcuts we take for beauty Tyra Banks even did an episode on her TV show where she interviewed women and asked them if they would swallow a tapeworm if it meant weight loss believe it or not many said yes just ah no brainiacs don't try it it's bad for your health it's unsanitary and more than that there's a small chance that having a tapeworm can cause death so just yeah don't I think it's time we talked about how to deal with these intestine intruders first of all here's some good news in some cases if your immune system is fantastic your body may kill off the tapeworm in a cup weeks but if this doesn't happen seeing your doctor and having them prescribe a medication like pricey quantal will do the trick this medicine will paralyze the worm disintegrated and then you'll pass it in due time problem solved thank goodness and good riddance but brainiacs don't even get to this point just wash your hands it's that simple before you eat after you pick up a cute puppy after playing in the mud and especially after using the restroom good old-fashioned hand soap works wonders and will keep you warm free so now you're sitting there wondering if your constant hunger pains are now well something more sinister but before they freak out because you think you may have a tapeworm we want to leave you with this tip worms are extremely rare luckily in the u.s. we hold our food hygiene to a higher standard than in other parts of the world so don't worry brainiacs unless you've recently traveled out of the country if you happen to find yourself unusually hungry just eat up we've all got to get proper nutrients to become big and strong and remember if you want to lose weight do it yourself not with the help of some super gross parasite you [Music]
Channel: Brainiac
Views: 585,849
Rating: 4.8395171 out of 5
Keywords: Brainiac, parasite living in you, parasite eating, worm inside you, tapeworm, intestine, swallow your food, always hungry, immune system, tape worm, eat your food, survival, what is a tapeworm, weight loss, lose weight
Id: TmcpaTYhHxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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