Marriage Restoration: God Did It AGAIN !

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hey guys I'm back with another video and as you can tell by the title of the video this is gonna be another testimony on my marriage and what God did for my marriage I know I put one out there literally last year around the same time but you know God allows you to go through certain things to learn things and for his glory essentially so I'm just gonna get right into this story my husband initially came back our marriage was restored on December 4 of 2018 and he came back up here to Pennsylvania in January now in June of 2019 we were looking at houses getting ready to move in together and you know he just told me he didn't want to be married anymore and it was for reasons of his own but he told me didn't want to be married anymore and so I said okay you know I was sad about it but I prayed I decided to pray as soon as he told me that I didn't fight I just prayed and so we didn't speak for about two or three weeks and July 4th came around and we ended up hanging out together with a mutual friend of ours so we hang out together we were eating you know I'm drilling and doing stuff like that and at the end of the day he invited me back to its place and so for a couple of days we spent time together and it was like he never told me he wanted a divorce it was like nothing had changed we were spending time together I spent the night you know I'm over at his place because you weren't living together a long story but I'm I spent the night over there at his place and everything was all good but then gradually we just kind of stopped talking he wouldn't talk to me as much anymore he wasn't trying to hang out with me anymore and I didn't know what was wrong you know and I kind of started to try to take it into my own hands and I was trying to get us to hang out like I would text our mutual friend like hey let's hang out but Donnie just didn't want to he was just like oh I'm busy or you know he just had some reason why he couldn't hang out and he kind of you know it made me depressed a little bit because I thought that my prayers were working at the time and that you know we were going to be back together but it kind of we just separated so my into it this time I'm pregnant in June and I'm around six or seven months pregnant so one day I went to my doctor's appointment I sent him a picture of a sonogram of the baby and I don't know what happened that day but he ended up telling me to take his last name off of my social media and I basically just explained to him as lovingly as I could that look I'm not gonna take your name off I'm still your wife I will be your wife until the day I die and it infuriated him and that's when he told me that he had met another woman that he really liked and having his last name on my social media was interrupting their bond and the relationship that they were trying to have so he basically told me that he didn't love me in a sense and that he just kind of has to deal with the fact that we have kids together and that he hopes that we can parent and be a good team he did say some of the things as well that were hurtful but I made sure that I wasn't angry and I wasn't bitter so the only response I gave him to all of that was literally god bless you after that day after that message we didn't talk for months we didn't talk for months so mine do this whole time these months are going by I'm praying you know I am not seeing anything happening in the natural and not at all the first time we separated you know there are certain times he would call me or he would text me and I would know that God was working but this time around there was nothing that showed me that Daniel was coming home although God had promised me that there was nothing in the natural happening and there were a couple of times where you know I just I wanted to give up and there was even one time where I just got so numb I was just like you know what I don't care anymore like I even had to ask myself do I even still love him like do I really want to be married to him still and you know maybe it was because I was angry or resentful I don't know what it was but I remember praying like Lord look to show me one more time if I need to stand I will and if not then I'm fine with that I'm okay if I need to move on and of course God told me I had to stand he would not let me walk away from this man so September comes around and I'm in a 21-day fast underneath of this woman's ministry her name is dr. faith with coma so within that 21-day fast you know she just kept talking about how at the end of the month at the end of September something big was gonna happen and you know I was believing God for it you know um I was believing God that something big was gonna happen and frankly I needed something big I needed a miracle or something so on September 27th God gave me Joshua one through 11 and as scripture says you know just telling I believe it was um you know crossing over the Jordan River in three days so you can take possession of the land and so I'm like okay Lord I hear you three days something big is gonna happen cool let's see you know what happens you know I was basically just putting my faith into action you know because um I needed it you know and I just wanted I just needed something to hold on to you know because I it was tiring you know to stand again for the second time going through the same thing um it was very very tiring and so um you know on September 30th I never figured I was watching Pastor Mike Todd's sermon and I got in the bed and I had moved my legs a certain way and I felt this sharp pain so I sat up in the bed cuz I was like man what was that you know I'm pregnant I hope everything's okay and I kind of felt something trickle trickle out of me TMI so I got up and I went to the bathroom and my water broke straight into the toilet okay so my water breaks I'm yelling to my mom like hey mom my water broke I'm nervous you know she's like okay calm down just get dressed get your stuff ready I already had my bags packed and everything she comes back to me she's like okay I texted Donnie to tell him that um that you want a broke and we need to go to the hospital and I was just like oh man you know I didn't want her to bother him we hadn't talked in months we hadn't seen each other I hadn't heard his voice in months so I was like this is gonna be weird you know and you know just another detail you know when he found out I was pregnant he didn't even want the baby he didn't want me to keep the baby he wasn't ready for another another baby he didn't think I was ready for another baby man I decided to keep the baby anyway and so just just backstory so he didn't even want to be at the hospital you know because you know later on I had found out you know his mom had told me you know he said he wasn't even trying to go to the hospital so anyway he pulls up to my house and you know we're on our way he's following behind us in the car we get to the hospital you know I'm starting to labor everything's moving really really fast you're starting to labor they moved me up to the room finally where I'm gonna have the baby all right now my contractions were starting to come really close together like just really fast and so I'm like look I need the epidural so they call the guy in to do the epidural and you know the everyone who's in the room is my mom my husband my husband's sister and my mother-in-law we're all in the room the anesthesiologist I believe that's who does the epidural he tells us okay only two people can stay in here so he's like okay you know your mom and my mom you know it's like okay well this is her husband again just putting us on the spot because it was just it was just weird for us you know so everyone else leads up the room and it's my mom and my husband here now when you get an epidural you have to stay extremely still or you can become paralyzed so I'm in pain having contractions but at the same time I have to sit completely still and it was hard so the the guy doing the epidural says to my husband okay come over and hold her so she can stay still so I'm like oh my god I have not touched this man in months I haven't seen him this is awkward this is weird but I swear as soon as he held me as soon as he held me it was like the pain went away I don't know what it was but it was like I wasn't even feeling the pain anymore and I just remember squeezing his hand so hard and he says to me just breathe a so um I get through all that of course we're gonna speed this story up I have the baby so he's in the hospital room with me and my mom I have the baby he's holding the baby we're talking and laugh and we haven't done this in months he ends up leaving because he has things to do and my mom and I they sent us up to the room where we're gonna be with the baby for the night so my mom ends up leaving after a couple of hours spending time with me up there and I realized wow no one can spend the night with me it's just gonna be me and the baby here so you know I had I remember I was I texted my friend and I told my friend I'm so sad that no one can spend the night with me you know I really want somebody here and she's like girl you know you don't know what God is gonna do for you you know and your husband you know she he could come back tonight and I'm like okay we'll see so then I FaceTime my mom talking to my mom and I hear someone opened the door now in the room I was in the curtain was kind of pulled partially like closed so I was covering the door so I couldn't see who was coming in the door until they came around the curtain so I look over and my husband is walking in the hospital room with three bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine I told his mom that I wanted wine as a push gift so I'm assuming she told him so he comes around the corner with roses and wine I hang up the whole my mom and I'm like are these from me he's like yeah he sets everything down on the table and he sits on the bed next to me and he's like I'm so sorry he just kept apologizing to me and thanking me for having his kids and just being really remorseful and then he says to me say how can you still love me after all this and I look at him and I'm like what do you mean like that's a dumb question what do you mean how can I still love you after all of this you know and he just kept telling me you know I'm his wife and that he loves me and all this stuff and I hadn't heard this in months and I was ecstatic because I started thanking God I said God thank you for restoring my marriage you know I'm texted I texted my friend like hey he's here you know he was even telling me like hey you know I love you right you know just being really nice and we spent the night together in the hospital he was helping me with the baby I'm thinking of my marriage is restored I was wrong so the next day he started acting kind of different and so we were sitting on the hospital bed I never forget he was showing me something on his phone and I saw a name flash up on the phone and I knew it was that girl that he was dating and I didn't say anything I didn't become angry I just say that piece and I just remember I prayed a lot while he was around me I prayed and prayed for my marriage and I was rebuking and cast and everything down so although he was there we were talking the connection that I had felt like from the night before just wasn't there so I knew that he was kind of you know she was back in his life kind of like I just knew we were in her story right away but also let me tell you something that I that finally showed me that God was working so when he came in and he sat on the bed next to me that night he said next to me says hey I was in the shower and I was getting ready to go hang out with that girl who's getting ready to go hang out with her and he said while he was in the shower he just suddenly was like you know what I wanna be with my wife and my baby I don't even want to hang out with this girl and so he said he didn't he didn't hang out with her he came and he hang out with me and he says aysia he said I know that that it wasn't my thought you know he said he knew that it was God because he wasn't even thinking he didn't even want to be here so he knew it was God and he said to me zatia God answers your prayers you know he was like you know he doesn't answer my prayers you know he doesn't like you know he doesn't answer me and I said well yeah God hears you is just you know when you're not obedient you know God is not going to give you favor you know and that's what I explained to him and so I knew that it was God because there's no way nobody there's no other you know just reasoning for that to just be in the shower and all of a sudden like now you just have this thought you know what I'm gonna go you know God literally stopped him in his tracks I'm hanging out with that girl and he came to me and so you know the following day we get discharged from the hospital and like I said you know my husband just wasn't really connected to me like he was and he drops us off home he doesn't even spend the night with us so over the course of you know after the baby is born he would come by and see the kids but he was very disconnected from me it wasn't it just wasn't right and so one day I kind of just got fed up I was in my emotions and I texted him and I said you know what I'm gonna move on I'm moving on I'm letting go and you know it was a mistake well I thought it was a mistake that I made because I had went ahead of God and I allowed my emotions to get the best of me and I remember after I sent that message to him all he said was okay zatia and I just remember crying I remember crying because I didn't want to do it but I felt like there was something I had to do like I had to move on he was playing with my emotions I mean he would he came to the hospital with flowers and wine but then he would choose that girl every single time you know I mean there was one time he came over to see the kids were hanging out and then he just gets up real suddenly and just gets dressed and leaves and you know he had gotten a phone call prior and I knew it was her you know saying hey come hang out with me you know he would choose her every single time um there was one other scenario where he had called me and asked me to come over and spend the night and I was so ecstatic I said yeah of course you can come and literally thirty minutes later he tells me oh never mind I'm going to work and he was with that girl there was also one of the time one other thing that he I did where he kind of just was like he's just in and out he was just in and out you know one time he called me and was like hey I need to come over and apologize for some things but I need to talk to you face-to-face I was kind of upset so I didn't really want to see him but he told me you know what tomorrow we have the baby's doctor appointment I'll to you then he never even showed up at the appointment never even spoke to me about anything you know so he was just in and out and I was tired of it and I felt like I had to let him go I had to walk away even though I didn't want to and then I went from you know being sad about it to be like oh my gosh Lord like did I make a mistake and then I was like Lord that I mess up I ruin things I went ahead of you and I had to ask God to show me like lord please show me if I messed up like did I ruin things and so by that time it was around October I want to say the middle of October you know like yeah the middle of October so one night this was October 22nd I want to say I may be 21st but either way you know we hadn't talked we hadn't been talking that whole time after I sent him that message that I was moving on but I remember one night God told me tell your husband that you love him and tell him to forgive himself and I said Lord what tell him that I love him tell him to forgive himself I haven't even talked to this man right I don't want to talk to him but I was obedient I did it I never got a response also I forgot to mention I want to say this was in August some time God led me to apologize to him I sent an apology message to him a very long message explaining everything that I had learned apologizing for my mistakes and just not being the best that I had that I could have been and he never replied and then I sent this other message and he still didn't reply but I was okay with him not replying as long as he knew what he needed to know whatever God was telling me to do I was gonna be obedient to it even though I didn't make sense and it was uncomfortable so the following day October 23rd mind you on before this he hadn't really come and see the kids and I had found out you know he had told his mom like look I don't want to go around say because when I'm around her I get these feelings I don't want these fellows to come back I'm happy with this girl yada yada yada so that's why he didn't really come around put on October 23rd he texted me to come get our son our oldest son and I was like yeah you know you can come see him and you know mind you I thought that when he was gonna come that he was just gonna grab the baby at the door and get in the car like he wasn't gonna come in the house like he normally had done before but when he got here he came to the house he came upstairs in the room came to see the baby he's talked to me and when he had came into the room he was like hey and just the way he was talking I could tell that his spirit had finally changed that things had turned around turned around because he just sounded so defeated he sounded weary and I could tell that things changed and just when we were in the room together we were talking he was asking me how I was doing and the one thing I want to say that I had done any time I was around him was I never let him know that I was sad or that I was hurting I always was my normal self I was laughing with him I was talking with him because I want him to know or to see me being in that state you know so he's talking to me asking me how I'm doing and weirdly he was staring at me I noticed he was staring at me a lot and I don't know what he was thinking but I noticed he was staring at me and he even commented on my hair but he was dimming at me and so he took the baby over to his mom's house cuz he had some work to do over there and you know I just asked him well when you plan on coming back you know bringing him back he's like you know when I'm done I'll just drop him off and I'll go back over there and continue working and so I said okay so um he leaves and a couple hours go by I'm talking to my friend and God tells me you know hug him when he comes back give him a hug oh my god you telling me to do all these things that don't make sense and I'm uncomfortable he doesn't even want me you got me saying these text messages like you know so I was like alright you know and so this woman lady jamia you can look her up on YouTube and Facebook as well she had a periscope I mean a live YouTube video I'm sorry Facebook video and she just it was literally on prodigal returning home and so I sat down I watched that video and she's just talking about how prodigal ZAR turning home and they're coming back and you know how when our practicals returned you know they don't want to hear about what they've done wrong but they would just need a touch like a hug or you know just affection and I knew that was confirmation that God needed me to hug him and so I was done listening to that periscope video and he texts me and lets me know he's on his way bringing our son back so um you know he drops my son off give some kids puts him down and then he comes over to me and gives me a hug and I was just getting ready to like he was just gonna me like to pull away from me but I like kind of hugged more like I grabbed him closer and he was like I needed this hug and so when he said that I was like Oh Lord you good because look so I was like I know you needed it and he's like well how did you know and I'm like trust me I knew you know and so he was like you know show me proof like how did you know so I went over I had texted my friend remember and I told her and God told me to give him a hug my husband a hug I sent I showed him the text message on my phone that I sent my friend he looked at me with this smirk and he's like you're weird you know he's like you're weird you know what I am with God though he's like you're a weirdo so you know I'm asking him if he's okay because I could tell that he just wasn't himself he wasn't okay and God had given me dreams multiple times during our separation just you know showing me that you know he was not okay and you know telling me that we're gonna be restored and how we're gonna be walking into our Promised Land just things like that he was giving me a lot of revelation so I knew he wasn't okay he was just telling me you know he was just kind of in a mood I was like okay cool so he leaves to go home I call his mom I'm like telling her everything that happened she's like you know what tell him to come back over so you guys can talk and I'm like okay at this point what what do I have to lose I texted him I said hey come back over here he's like oh I'm already home I said it's okay you know so he ended up texting me again afterwards and I was not expecting it and he was like you know I I dream about you a lot and I'm like are they bad dreams he's like no they're not bad dreams he just knows that in the dream it's me he just can't see my face so I said oh you know well maybe you're having those dreams because you know I pray for you and he tells me like no I have these dreams because I'm never going to love you love anyone the way that I love you and I was like really and he's like oh yeah you know I'm so sorry that I tried to not love you you know I'm sorry that I tried to so hard not to love you and I said you know it's okay but I told him but I was thankful that he still loved me he told me that you know he's thankful that I still love him and that was the end of that right so I thought so then 30 minutes later he texts me again and he says are you do you still want to move on now I remember when I sent him that message about moving on he never replied I never know he didn't reply he was like okay zatia but you know I didn't think that it had affected him in any way but he was like do you still want to move on and I told to myself look I tried honestly tried but I don't think I'll ever be able to and he told me you know basically that he was not gonna be happy without me that he loved me that I was his wife and that he wants his family back and I was weary at first because you know before he was in and out telling me things like that but then going back to that girl and so I was like you know what I'm not gonna get too excited so I'm just gonna see what tomorrow brings so the next day comes around a couple of hours goes by he's working over at you know he's working for someone doing some work and when he's finished with the work he texts me he's like hey I'm gonna come over and I said okay so he comes over and that's when I knew that God had finally restored my marriage you were laying on the bed together he just couldn't keep his hands off me was just telling me how much he loved me how much he missed me just telling me you know like everything that he had went through and he was just being the kindest sweetest Donny that I had the diet that I fell in love with the Donna that I knew so it was like everything that happened before it just didn't happen it was like all that stuff was just cancelled you know and he just was holding me so tight and just telling me how much he loved me and just kissing me and just it was amazing it was beautiful because God had did it again and this time around it seemed literally impossible I was pregnant he was with another woman for months you know just talking about how happy he was with her he kept choosing her and it was hard this time around it was the hardest for me because you know although I received revelation from God I was seeing nothing in the natural that even proved to me that he was coming back all I kept hearing from you know his mom and you know was that you know he really you know he's with this girl and you know I was embarrassed I mean everybody around us knew what was going on everyone in our little town a little area they knew you know and I was embarrassed and I mean people would even go up to his family you know like hey you know Donny's with this other girl isn't he married to Zay my husband really didn't want me but he's here now he's back and he's trying and you know I will say the hardest part right now is just gaining back trust and trying to forgive each other but we're working towards it and we're going to keep God in it you know gonna continue to pray and continue to stand and I just I really pray you know that this testimony will reach you guys just like the other one did you know this time around there were way more factors involved that just made us seem like it would never happen but it did it did and I'm so thankful so thankful that he is back and that we can work on our marriage again and I just want to say there were so many things that had happened that just God was showing me like every dream that I had that God had given me it was true I just I just want to say that you know your husband is yours okay y'all let's make up you with another woman right now but if that is not you know if you know I'm you're gonna say you know you know that's your husband and you know that's your wife so if your spouse is with another person right now God would never give your spouse away to somebody else okay so continue to stand and continue to pray God did it for me he brought my husband back home from being with this girl that he really liked and I was pregnant you don't even want the baby and you know what let me tell you something else as soon as I had that baby my husband cried my husband told me that he felt horrible because he's so in love with this baby now and when that baby was born and he held that baby he realized that he was a fool basically for saying all the things that he once said about the baby and not wanting him you know he even thanked me for having his baby he thanked me for keeping him and my husband did not want me to keep that baby and I mean we didn't he didn't talk to me for a long time when I found out I was pregnant and I had decided to keep the baby so I just want to say you know this is not to bash my husband this is not you know for people to look at him like he's a horrible person but just to see how you know what people go through things people's feelings get hurt but God can restore and God heals and he is faithful and he fulfills his promises so I pray that this touches you I pray that this helps you to continue to stand and gives you the strength that you need to not give up on your marriage or on God I'll see you guys in my next video [Music]
Channel: Zae Hudson Ministries
Views: 75,236
Rating: 4.9361901 out of 5
Keywords: marriage, married, marriage restoration, marriage testimony, restored marriage testimony, prophecy, prophetic word, prophetic, prodigal spouse, prodigal husband, prodigal wife, love, church, bible, husband, wife, testimony, God, promises, blessings, restored marriage, marriages, trust, encouragement, word of encouragement, advice, restoration
Id: fYfnpxIPpmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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