If Peppa Pig Was In Minecraft

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[Music] [Music] Peppa Pig *snorts* Minecraft NARRATOR: Peppa Pig is playing Minecraft [Minecraft Music] [Minecraft Music] Perfect! NARRATOR: Peppa pig is a noob It doesn't work! *sighs* George? [Speedrun Music] NARRATOR: George loves playing Minecraft *giggles* Weeeeeee! [Music] Hauughhh HAAUUGHHHH NARRATOR: Daddy pig is sleeping HAAUUUGHHHHH!!!! Silly daddy! Oh goody! Cookies! *slams door* [Music] [Speedrun Music] *giggles* *obese green blob laughs* Oh George! Come 'ere George! NARRATOR: Dream is chasing George *green blob laughs* Oh... Hell nah man... What the f... man!? Get yo azz on- *giggles* NARRATOR: George is making a nether portal [Speedrun Music] *giggles* Ooh! What's that? Oh no no no no... *LAUGHS* It doesn't work! [Speedrun Music] *giggles* *giggles* NARRATOR: Peppa has done a lot of mining *yawn* This is very boring [Cave Noises] Ooh! Yippee! Oh! What's that? AW MAN! *screams* Ow! That hurts. [Music] Hello! GET THIS S--- OFF MEEEE!!! *Peppa screams* AAAAAAAHHHHH!!! Help oh help! *Tyler1 screaming* NARRATOR: George has found the end portal [Ominous Music] Woooow Weeeeee- [Sad Music] *sigh* What's that? Ooh! [Boss Fight Music] I'm a BIG girl! *laughter* George? *dragon roars* Wooooow NARRATOR: George loves Mr. Dinosaur Dinosaur... Grrrrr- Waaaahhh!!! NARRATOR: Peppa must defeat the Ender Dragon [Boss Fight Music] [Dramatic Music] [Sad Music] *sighs* I'm never going to beat the Ender Dragon... EVER! [MLG Music] ♪ But my hope will never die ♪ MUM GET THE CAMERA! MUMMY! Waaaaaahhh! Peppa! You musn't play so roughly with George. He's only little. Sorry mummy... I was just trying to stop the Ender Dragon Oh alright Mummy... where is daddy? HAUUUGHHHH!!! NARRATOR: Daddy pig is still sleeping. hauugghhhh *giggling* *giggling* What's all this no- *laughter* *explosions and laughter* *gunshots*
Channel: Peppa Pig Parodies
Views: 17,156,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peppa pig, Peppa pig plays Minecraft, Minecraft, Peppa pig memes, Peppa pig funny, Peppa pig parodies, if Peppa pig was in Minecraft, Peppa pig in Minecraft, Peppa pig Minecraft
Id: oiw-rln4eCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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