If Only I: Miracles out of Mistakes

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oh gee you are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest let me blow my strength into your body [Music] people see your deeds god sees your heart because he will go tail up this morning and as long as you got a pulse god's got a plan he's waiting on you to get out of your feelings and get into some healing limitless nation what's going on family come on we're gonna try that one more time limitless nation where y'all at come on i want everyone to stand up all around the room and i want y'all to do two things for me i want you to look to the left look to the right and i want you to talk to your neighbor and say you look so good this morning i'm so honored to be sitting by you and i want you to prophesy to him and say freedom looks good on you go ahead and prophesy to the other side of the room and say you are blessed and highly favored and we're gonna go after god's presence right there father god we thank you god that we have liberty that we have joy that we have freedom god to access you on today god we ask that you would pour out like never before god we actually would shower us with your glory shower us with your presence o lord and father we act that even on today god as we seek and search after you father that we will find the well that we will find you father god and we will find you even in the middle of our storm god father even right now in the name of jesus we relinquish all fear we bind all anxiety we bind everything father that is coming against this service that is coming against our testimony that is coming against our fire god and we ask for your glory to arise in this house father in the name of jesus we relinquish everything to you father we lift our hands as a sign of surrender oh god we surrender our will we surrender our mind we surrender our agenda father we laid at the altar god never to be re-consumed never to be picked up again but father we ask for all of you father so empty us on today father god and fill us with you yes father india's on today god and fill us with you go ahead and fill this room with your worship fill this room with your heavenly language if you don't know what to say begin to lift up the name of jesus when we begin to declare the name of jesus everything has to shift everything has to move out of the way that is not like god so father we speak the name of jesus we declare the blood of jesus we declare the blood of jesus we declare the name of jesus over these services father we declare the name of jesus over our communities father we declare the blood of jesus that still works that still heals that still delivers and still sets free can i get a little more let's go there father god we ask for more of you we ask for all of you god and none of us father right now on today god we ask that you would break open this atmosphere for worship that you will break open this atmosphere for the word that father you would have your way have your way in the room god have your way in our minds have your way in our lives have your way in our hearts come on and give god a shot of praise in this house don't do it for me but do it for your situation if you need god's attention to move on what you're believing for it's through your worship it's through your access go ahead and open up your mouth and access the blessings father right now we call down every blessing from heaven father everything that you were spoken in your word every promise that you have already decreed and declared father your word says that it is so and so it shall be so father we ask for more of you we ask for all of you god none of us father and for the holy spirit to arise in this house holy spirit stand up strong holy spirit stand up strong holy spirit stand up strong holy spirit stand up strong against every attack of the enemy against every church heard against every ounce of fear against all bondage against all anxiety father we break the enemy's foothold even now and we declare god that we are free that we are victorious that we have liberty that we have access to you and that god we have to be changed we have to be delivered we have to be set free because we're calling on your name so if you got if you have blessing your lungs i want you for 30 seconds to cry out to the god of creation i want you for 30 seconds to cry out to the god who has already overcome every stone that you would ever face if you got breath in your lungs i want you for 30 seconds to lift up the name of jesus the name that was above every single name come on for 30 seconds can we declare jesus over our situations can we declare jesus over our hearts can we declare jesus over our communities can we declare the name of jesus can we declare the name of jesus can we declare the name of jesus father we know that when we call on your name everything has to change god everything has to shift everything has to move out of the way every mountain has to bow so father we speak your name come on 30 seconds limitless begin to lift up your worship in the room come on and access your worship here access your blessings here access your blessings here access your blessings here so father we will be so careful god to give you all of the praise to give you all of the honor and all of the glory and father we declare that it is so and so it shall be in jesus name we pray amen come on everyone look up amen in this room if you know that god has already won the victory if you are free in the room you've got a shot of praise in this house if you're free in the comments i want you to type i'm free go ahead and type i'm free and freedom looks good on me hallelujah yes god yes god come on i feel freedom in the room limitless we feel freedom in the room y'all ready to worship hallelujah hallelujah i need everybody just to put their hands together like this [Music] come on we're declaring freedom in the atmosphere and i want you guys to worship with us this morning amen if you can jump everybody jump right here [Music] step out of the grave yeah break into the wild don't be afraid run into wide open spaces waiting for you [Music] [Music] come on live and let's sing it outside [Music] for the spirit is here come on put your hands together [Music] into wide open spaces braces waiting for you dance like the wave has been lifted grace is waiting singing of the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on can we just declare some things in the atmosphere i want you all to declare this out with us yes jesus will fall prison shake at the sound of jesus name life's made whole hearts awake at the sound of jesus name sing it outside the sound of jesus [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] put your hands together in the building come on i want to see you jump if you can [Music] we're the spirit of the lord come on for the spirit is here you wanna have some dancers in here cause i wanna see you dance guys like the way that's been lifted off of your life [Music] dance like the weight has been lifted [Music] can i see you guys move in here [Music] [Music] waiting wait waiting is [Music] he [Music] [Music] eyes yes it is [Music] [Music] for the spirit is here let there be [Music] be freedom i need everybody just to lift up their voice in here come on give god everything that is due to him come on can we get some hallelujah in the room hallelujah's the highest praise so lord we give it to you yes lord we give it to you yes lord we give it to you yes come on everything that is due to them just go ahead and lift up your voice hallelujah so lord we're coming and we want you to come and move in this room this morning hallelujah come on is there anybody that just wants the holy spirit to come and rest in this room this morning come on if you are a hungry people can i just hear you invite the holy spirit in the room real quick lift up a worship and lift up a praise in this place we need you jesus [Music] we want your praises [Music] with no resistance father you are welcome we say yes lord yes our songs are rising in your direction we say yes lord yes we will wait on you we will wait on you come [Music] yes [Music] yes [Laughter] [Music] we say [Music] foreign [Music] will change forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] heart we say yes to you jesus it's you we're going to do exceedingly abundantly above [Music] we see [Music] [Music] you're stronger [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on and let the lord hear your worship we say yes to your lord we say yes to your lord we say yes to you lord you're an undefeated champion [Music] you are an undefeated champion [Music] come on let's stay in that vein of worship this morning yes jesus we worship your name in this room but there's nobody like you lord i've tried so hard to see it took me so long to believe it that you choose someone like me to carry your victory [Music] you take the broken things and raised them to glory [Applause] you were my champion [Music] giants for when [Music] covered [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] is [Music] you can't get it on that hell and the grave cannot stand [Music] so when i lift my voice and shout every wall comes crashing down i have the authority jesus has given me [Music] i that jesus has my voice [Music] jesus has given me [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes jesus that still have given me [Music] [Music] you are my champion [Music] [Music] is [Music] into heavenly places [Music] [Music] say you've conquered it can we give them praise in here come on church just have a moment with him and just have a second will you say god i know that you've conquered it all just shift shoulders in this moment right now limitless god you've conquered it all i'm giving every broken part of me to you you've conquered it all everything that could put me in doubt you've conquered it all everything that's making me afraid you've conquered it all everything that could make me feel worthless worth then you've conquered it all father we're shifting shoulders this morning and we declare you to be our champion over this nation over your people god we thank you reign heavy in this place since jesus name that we pray let the church of god say amen amen and amen thank you worship team man that's got to be my favorite line in that whole song when it talks about being with the one who has conquered it all that there is nothing that god can't do there's i mean and there's something so great in knowing that he is our champion i'm gonna tell on myself just a little bit so i there was something that i wanted to do right and um i was i was gonna i was i was but i was a little bit afraid to do it so i was like you know i i waited and i hesitated and i was like okay and so then i called my mom i was like mom do you think i should do this so my mom's like well why not i said i don't know there's comed there's this there's that i was freaking out and you know i god is so funny because god has constantly put me in this in positions where i have to have faith and i waited from tuesday to saturday until i got my faith in order and i conquered my fear right and so the reality is i'm telling myself because i know that there's people in here guys god is just waiting for you to conquer your fear so he can show out and do something great for you so whatever you're afraid of whatever you're hesitant whatever you're holding out on right now guess what god is your champion he has conquered it all so whatever just say yes move forward make it happen god is gonna see you through it and you don't have to have any fear well welcome to limitless we are so excited that you are here online thank you for watching online do we have any first time guests in the building today let me see you welcome yes welcome we are so glad that you are here all of our guests whether you're online or in the building you are the reason why we wake up you are the reason why we're here each and every week we love you if you are online and you're watching for the first time just typing guests we understand guys you could have gone anywhere i'll be honest there's about 10 churches 15 between here and my house right but the fact that you're here means something to us and we are honored that you're in this room we are honored that you are watching online so thank you for being our guest let's give it up for our guests one more time amen and all that we ask for our guests is that you will fill out our connect card um for those of you who are in the building you can turn it in at our guest service desk and we have a free small gift for you for those of you online you simply click that link and you can fill out that card and it just lets us know who is here who is in the building and i promise guys we're not going to stock you we're not selling your information nothing crazy like that we simply just want to let you know what you can be a part of how you can connect with us as a church how your life can change but how you can also change someone else's life so it's so simple um so fill that card out get it back to us and we appreciate it and the one thing that i can guarantee as you're here and a part of our church is we do three things extremely well stay with me connecting people growing families changing lives one more time connecting people growing families changing lives that is the mission here guys but this is not just a sunday morning mission right this is what god is doing in this place outside of this place throughout the week in the evenings during the daytime and guess what it is you who's taking this vision and giving it flight right it's you who's taking this out into our communities all over is our online community who's doing community groups or connect groups that are doing the limitless love all over this nation right and so it's so cool to be a part of a church to where you're going to experience that you're going to get connected you'll grow you're going to grow here there's no doubt you're going to change you're not going to be the same person a year from now but you also get to be a part of it how does that happen how do you get to be a part of doing this well for it's so simple here we don't have like a 10 month track that you have to go on it doesn't take several weeks we ask you just to take one class and that's our plugs in class it happens every sunday at 10 a.m for our online line community it happens the first wednesday of every month at seven it's such a great class and in the class you're going to learn a little bit about you you're going to learn a little bit about us and at the end of it you're going to be able to pick a team to serve on and even for our online community we have several ways that you can serve as an online member which is just the coolest thing ever and our dream team that's what you get to be a part of and that's where you begin to see you taking part of our vision that's where you're changing people you're growing and you're getting them connected we have so many great dream teams we have our media we have our worship we have our band we have our kids team that is absolutely amazing our teenagers like we just our first impressions guys it is the best team if you're looking to build relationship if you're like man i need people the dream team is the place to be we're having so much fun together we have so much going on so get on a team take that class and get on that team and it is the first sunday of the month and so on that we want to honor one very special person on our dream team guys there is no better team than our dream team they're the most amazing group of people and on there we have people who are just stepping up and stan standing out they they they are everything they're making our vision happen and then they're also setting this amazing culture what we call culture here and that is our house values which is honor ownership unity servant leadership and excellence that's what we want everyone to feel when you walk in this building right and so today we want to honor unique thompson give it up for unique yes we love you unique you're amazing yes we're so excited she's awesome and what i love love love about unique is it was so funny because we've been honestly guys we have been building our dream team and and i want to say that since we started the plugged in class we have maybe doubled our team almost it's been awesome and because of that we're able to do things that we were never able to do before so when unique signed up for the safety team i walked in the building and i'm up here worshiping i looked over i'm like oh snap we got some security right here like we got some safety i was like it was just this amazing thing to see and she's doing such a great job but she's not just about her team and what she does she she comes up here she's teaching us stuff she's showing us stuff she's getting stuff she's she's just so great and she just loves people i love that she's she makes stuff and does things for people throughout the area so we unique we are so thankful we're glad that you chose us thanks for being on the team once again get on a team that is the place to be guys in october we are doing a staff pastor appreciation it is pastor appreciation month and what we're going to have is we're going to have some boxes out there so that way you guys can help bless reach out encourage all the pastors that we have on staff um just let them know that you love them and and if they've made a difference there's nothing more encouraging just to to see or read that someone's made a difference you know and so we'll be having some boxes it's october 10th you can bring gifts you can bless them financially whatever just for saying thank you for everything that they do um there's so much behind the scenes stuff that you know that happens and we just want to honor them so be ready to celebrate them next week october 10th don't forget our limitless love cards if you would like some today we still have some we are going to be doing limitless love till the end of the year for sure and what we want to do is just acknow do random acts of kindness and love and care you know we just want people to feel you know to feel jesus right um we were talking earlier this week and one of the things that we said is that people don't have a problem with god they have a problem with the people that represent god and guys we want to shift that we want everybody to know that if you are connected to limitless that you are showing the love and the amazingness of the god that we serve and that cares so much about us so grab a card our online community you can buy them for the merch store to make a difference change someone's life also do not forget october 17th is baby dedications right i'm so excited that we have so many amazing things happening this month um so if you would like to get your baby or your child dedicated that's going to happen after the second service on october 17th you can register online today at our website so get your kids and babies signed up also at the end of this month october 31st we are going to have an amazing community outreach we are doing trunk or treat so i currently have 13 trunks i need 17 more and i'm looking at all of you so yes so i need you all to sign up get involved get connected guys i will help you with your trunk i will come up like i have ideals for days my problem is i cannot decide what trunk i want to do so let me help you help me so if i help you help me you will help each other right so i need 13 more trunks for this event we're going to be giving out free food we got face painting we got snow cones kona ice is going to be here it's just going to be the best event it's going to be october 31st from 6 to 8 pm and we just really want to bless our community last don't forget our youth and kids is happening every sunday um over across the way at 11 30 and for more youth events you can go to our website it's great we got a lot going on i got a lot planned so that is it for announcements today who is ready to give in the building today awesome so here i just wanted to share quickly this verse from matthew 6 because it really spoke to me about giving it said this look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to him than they are so this is about god taking care of his people in this we see that god is going to take care of you right i know when it comes to giving and it comes to money here in this verse it says that the birds they don't get their own food they don't plant they don't harvest they don't store anything up but yet they do not go without every single bird is taken care of and yet you are more precious and more valuable than they are and that is just a reminder to us that god is going to take care of us that we say it all the time you cannot out give god why because god is always going to be taking care of you god is going to give you more and more and more and i love it goes on to talk about worry it says can you can all your worries add a single moment to your life no sometimes i'll be honest i'll be like okay god i'm i'm giving my ties today but i'm i'm not sure how i'm going to get it through this week but guess what every time god comes through every time god comes through god is going to take care of y'all if i could get everyone to stand up with me today we have several ways that you can give in the building today you can give online you can give online at our website you can text again we got cash app binmo we got the kiosk in the back you can get by cash or check and what we have you do is go ahead and walk it on up you can drop your cash and your offering and come up and tap your phone we want to thank you for giving today and just know that god is going to take care of you i'm living in the overflow i'm living in the overflow i'm living in the overflow i'm living in the oven i'm living in the overflow [Music] [Music] i'm living in the overflow i'm living i'm living i'm living in the overflow i'm living i'm living i'm living in the overflow i'm living i'm living i'm living in the overflow everybody stretch your hands out to the altar father we just thank you right now for your blessing for your favor for your anointing that breaks every yoke and father right now in the name of jesus we thank you that you are touching our finances you're touching our lives you're touching our marriages you're touching our single life you're touching our children and this week we will see a marked shift in every single thing that we've prayed for and lord i just thank you that today i decree that you receive answers to important questions come on concerns thoughts and i pray the answers from heaven come upon you to bring clarity and understanding i break the power of all confusion bewilderment or clutter within your mind and i declare that all sense of misunderstanding or delusion cannot enter any part of your being i pray that the lord's peace rest upon you regarding those questions which you have in your heart that nobody even knows about heaven is about to reveal in god's timing this week heaven is about to reveal in god's timing and that a renewed trust in the guidance of your heavenly father prevails i say that joy abounds within you i break despair off of you i break worry all for you i break fear off of you i break confusion off of you i break it somebody needs to lay hands on your mind right now i break it i break it you are a generational curse breaker in your family i break it i break it i break that heaviness off of you you are overshadowed by the truth that the lord is always fighting for you that you shall see the victory that you shall walk in abundance that no weapon formed against you shall prosper that you are the head and not the tail that father anything we're holding on to that is not of you areas in our lives that we don't even realize that we've been holding on to causing us to have behaviors anger spurts just fear spurts anxiety spurts let us deal with those things let us walk in forgiveness for ourselves and let us realize that there's nothing so big that we can we can invade the power of god that's already invested in us there's nothing too bad that we have ever done that can't set us back on the right track because that's who you are god so lord today we're letting go and we're letting you in jesus name amen y'all better give god a shout y'all better give god a shout come on limitless online come on give god a shout give god a shout for what he just loosed over you give god a shout for that restoration give god a shout come on don't give him a petty praise give them a powerful praise your praise breaks chains your praise removes mountains your praise shifts the atmosphere your praise not my praise your praise i think sometimes we don't praise because we beat ourselves up for what we've done but you ain't what you did today starts a new day it says his mercy is new every day the only reason you've been messy is because you were broken you got to get healed and god can't heal what you won't reveal so lord we just thank you for in jesus name amen amen and thank you y'all may be seated did y'all love apostle ramon last week y'all better give him up y'all better thank him we honor you apostle thank you so much for stepping in and feeling not just bringing a message but he brought a message you know what i'm saying he brought an anointing he brought some oil so all throughout september guys we've been talking about church hurt have y'all got anything out of that yo i'm gonna tell y'all something i was messy anybody else messy you've been messy in your life anybody i mean there's just learned behaviors and then a lot of times we put these walls up trying to protect ourselves when and it makes us meaner anybody anybody come on and so all of a sudden we find ourselves repeating these cycles and so the whole month of september we've been talking about how do we release it how do we move forward and i've been bringing people in from our limitless congregation and i keep telling everybody here's the problem when you start telling your story the enemy attacks you in the very area that you testified about like he gonna hit you you're gonna get them to talk about how god set you free from that that that that that affair you've been a side chick you just you just got free from being a side chick and all of a sudden somebody from high school reaches out to you like he gonna test you because the devil's a punk and the devil knows that he can get you he will because it's a little foxes to spoil the vine right it's making up in our minds that i'm not going back there i'm not gonna go back to that addiction i'm not gonna go back to that messy i'm not gonna go back i'm i'm gonna break some ties of situations that keep making me repeat the same patterns anybody pattern repeaters anybody pattern repeaters anybody i got some new teeth about a year ago and i and my assistant my my people but they're like like they're having connections up there but pattern repeaters are those situations that have you reaching for stuff because the enemy knows that if he can get you in regret anybody ever lived in regret regret regret right and so he knows that if he can get us in regret then he can keep us stuck because as long as we're free we're a favor magnet we're favor magnets he knows that there ain't nothing that can get us off base if we know who we are so this series that i'm starting is if i only if i only if only i that kind of don't make sense does it if only i dot dot dot if only i now i want you to ask yourself this y'all i sat in that office and i repeated it like 50 times if if only i if only i if only i and i still messed it up okay so listen i'm gonna tell y'all something this is a whole preaching moment right here anything that you are really concentrating on comes about right and so if only i i want you to think about today what is it that i keep going back to come on y'all start you start start yelling it out to me if only i was come on first one huh if only i would stop snacking what would happen if you would stop snacking tell me what would happen i'd be snatched and if i'm snatched can't nobody tell me not that right if only i would if only i wouldn't worry now what are we worried about things that we worry about never even happen hardly ever so stop worrying if only i what would read the word of god is that what you said boo speak if i would stop speaking what society's telling me or what i see in the natural then i will see in the spirit what i say so i say so i see i say what i can't see so i see what i say that was a word i got it out too dude [Applause] if only i what come on huh if what went to bed on time y'all these are things that you can do just go to bed then you would be so much nicer right most of the things that we are regretting are things that we can you can change it if you see it and say it you can change it because my bible says what life and death we're up worldwide church here i need you to know your word life and death are in the power of my tongue not my spouse's tongue he can be in a bad mood but i ain't got to be in a bad mood because my joy comes from him and not them right if only i if only i wouldn't have got a dui if only i would have told my ex for 18 years i don't need no man i might still have one if only i wasn't bessie if only i wasn't a worrywart all of these regrets these regrets that the enemy puts on our shoulders trying to wear our tail out that's how come i start services a lot of times with decrees and declarations because you've got to see a pattern in order to change a pattern you got to see a situation i don't like where i am i'm tired of having to go up to the prayer line every sunday and pray about this situation this has been a thorn in my flesh but i got to learn how to over ride it and so i got to get this thing healed right you don't most things don't change until you're sick and tired of being sick and tired or until you lose everything anybody ever lost everything come on still come on everybody lift your hand if you lost something cause it's gonna make the people around you feel better because the enemy's been telling y'all y'all the only one is stupid enough to marry a fool you're like girl i don't lost two or three of them i'm just that's why we at this church what is revealed hills right right here this is our hospital so you got to talk about it but here's the problem a lot of times we won't talk about it because we don't want what we we don't want to admit it because they might talk about it so what we do is we walk around acting like we got it all together but in reality we're at home sleeping all by my all by ourselves stressed out and got no friends and we're proud of it i ain't got no friends and you're proud of it but the reality of it is anything god does he does it through relationships he blesses you through relationships he has people pray for you through relationships so where's the first thing he tries to get us relationships he makes this pandemic come and all of a sudden we want to go to eternity and spend all this time with jesus but we don't want to go into the house of the lord which is his you want to go spend eternity with jesus but you won't go spend one hour two hours every sunday with jesus right we've gotten all of our our our mind patterns all discombobulated anybody ever felt like you were lacking something come on what everything everything girl you bad but you pad to the bone you like the whole package it ain't everything anybody ever feel like you're lacking come on yell it out this might heal some of y'all's marriages because he's gonna hear you know that you're weak in it come on huh what'd you say boo faith lack and faith come on confidence huh your humor yes you are serious for a child you are we're gonna get some humor back in you he very grown he makes me think i need to grow up what are some areas that you feel like you're lacking in come on kill it huh patience look i looked at her she goes resources this this is good because see what's revealed god can heal but what ain't revealed god can't heal right what else huh what'd you say knowledge you're 14. girl knowledge is gonna come but be a child lord be a kid in this society we letting kids grow way too soon man girl be a whole child adults and ain't no fun maybe it is fun i'm adult my daughter's fun but i didn't find my fun until about two years ago you know what i'm saying if y'all know what i mean maybe feeling like a mistake has tainted you for life anybody ever made a big old message that's still following you on your record come on it's okay huh there are some things that the enemy is saying if i can get you or you are embarrassed you'll never i'm looking all throughout this sanctuary right now and i know people's stories and i know how god had them bound for 60 years and now they i'm free so free and now they're in this place with dui's on their records if you go google them you're gonna see it but they're leading a group in this church let me tell you why because i would rather listen to somebody with a limp that somebody that's faking it ain't never making it you bring your whole dui and lay it at the feet of jesus [Music] and then you can lead people it's people that are like i only been married once y'all been married five times and don't even talk about it like the woman at the well but god loved the woman at the well so much he went and talked to the woman at the well and left all those people she was the first one he ever told i'm the messiah a messy woman that was shifted in a moment of god's presence ah she never asked him either how you know all this stuff why because she felt something you gotta know it you gotta see it and you gotta walk in it [Music] breakthrough begins where excuses end say it god set me free from me god when i do a poll on online not even really a poll but i'll put up quotes and i'ma prophesy i prophesy everything in fact some of my best quotes come out of me walking through hell for me but y'all thought it was for you but it was for me then y'all like girl i think you a a fly on my wall in my kitchen i'm like no we all just going through the same thing and the enemy's lying to all of us we all jacked up in need of jesus okay but during these seasons i've realized that the breakthrough happens when i allow my excuses to end i can't blame my daddy or religion for the way i am you can't blame your ex he was crazy right you picked him so we got to fix the parts of us that keep attracting the crazy the only reason we're attracting the crazy and everybody in our circles crazy is because there's a call of god on your life and the enemy knows it and he can't touch your future so he's touching you now to try to get you in your thoughts in your imagination in the fear of people finding out who you are and we live if only i y'all catch this it's tweetable don't let your place of a rut become your place where you rot don't let your place of a root become your place where you rot don't let that divorce cause you just stay stuck don't let the dui cause you to be stuck don't let the affair cause you to be stuck so now you've got a drink every night so you ain't got to think about it y'all there's so many times in my life that i'm like man if only i mine started all the way back in high school whenever my parents would tell me not to do something i'd do it they'd be like girl you can't do it i'm like i just can't do it where you find out right and all my life i did things like that because the enemy knew that if i got in a place where i started feeling too old then i'd feel like well i'm too old i might as well settle how many times in my life did i settle i settled at 40. i never dreamed in a million years that god was going to open the windows of heaven over my life the way he did or i probably wouldn't have said i do at 40. because the enemy knows what was going to happen in my future and he knew the character of that person could keep up with my future and so he wanted me to get stuck but instead of getting stuck i got up and that's what you got to do you can't let the rut cause you to rot you can't let a season in your life cause you to rot you can't worry about what they say about you you got to get up you got to go and get around a group of people that speak to the lioness the lioness the warrior you ain't gonna catch me hanging around with nobody that makes me feel bad about me i ain't going where i'm tolerated i'm going where i'm celebrated see those seasons i want to look at real quick i want to go to second corinthians 5 11. and i want to tell you why we can allow a rut to keep let us rot because it ain't never too late i could sit and preach a whole sermon right now on just five things i've done wrong and i could keep you here all afternoon making you feel better about yourself but i'm not going to i'ma just slip it in it says because we understand our fearful responsibility to the lord we work hard to persuade others god knows we are sincere and i hope you know this too because people see your deeds but god sees your heart are we commending ourselves to you again no we are giving you a reason to be proud of us so you can answer those who brag about having a spectacular ministry spectacular business a spectacular marriage rather than having a sincere heart so what happens is those regrets and those mistakes keep you at the feet of jesus so you ain't got no bragging rights you always point back to jesus right let's look at verse 13 it says if it seems we are crazy it is to bring glory to god right and if we are in our right minds it is for your benefit either way christ's love controls us since we believe that christ died for all of us we also believe that we have all died to our old life he died for everyone so that those who receive his receive his new life will no longer live for themselves instead they will live for christ that's why when you walk through something you're either gonna get bitter or better you either go you're gonna let it be a test or a testimony right so let's look at verse 16. so we have stopped evaluating others because ain't nothing like hitting rock bottom to humble your tail right so we've hit rock bottom we have stopped evaluating others because we know what we've done from a human point of view at one time we thought of christ merely from a human point of view how differently we know him now how differently i know god now when i've had to walk through some things that people couldn't help me in you ever seen those people that go take it to facebook when i did that poll i was like how many of you like i'll be like man god is going to move in your life this week he's going to change your trajectory he's going to make it all right and people like girl i hope that's for me but it ain't for you because you got to see it before you can say it before you see it and then i'll say say something like if if what do you need for god to do in your life this week and all these people will be saying man i need god to change my husband i need god to change my wife i need god to fix little jesse my child but i never ever see anybody say i need god to change me i need god to change me so i can be a better pastor i need god to change me so i can be whatever your situation is that you need change see a problem in this world is we'll go to a therapist and spend lots of times at a therapist and take a medication and we got the perfect family it looks like we have no reason in the world to be the way we are but something on the inside of us won't let us be free we don't realize that god turns our mistakes into miracles that's what he does and so we live in this world if only i god's whole goal is reconciliation reconciliation with ourselves reconciliation with other people it's god's goal for his people and forgiveness is crucial i can't forgive them kim well it ain't hurting them it's hurting you and the enemy is holding you hostage by not forgiving your daddy by not forgiving your ex by not forgiving your mom for not forgiving that job that said they will give you a promotion and gave it to somebody else we're over here stuck but we gotta seek reconciliation with god we gotta seek reconciliation with going back to the feet of jesus and saying man what is going on in me my son told me this morning sitting in the office he said mom i don't know what's been going on with me this week he said i just been mad at nothing i said well what does that look like mad at nothing he said just mad like i've been angry and i don't know why i said there's something going on in you that you ain't dealt with yet there's something that triggered something on the inside of you i remember even when my children were little there was such a regret in me because i was raised united pentecost y'all know if you get divorced you're going to hell on a slip and slide well we all know i walked through it and i just just knew i was going to hell on a slip and slide and i thought that god was not a god of grace because church people it ain't that we don't love god we don't like the people representing god and these church people had me believing that i was never going to be able to stand in a pulpit and preach that i had messed up that i had to be loyal to mistakes that i had to allow my problems to be my prison and here i was going through life angry and my kids were the ones having to pay my children were having to pay because they would go and they were like yo-yos and wherever my emotions were going my poor kids had to go through it and i remember morgan used to look at my brother and his wife and their fam i mean lincoln well look at my brother and the wife he was the one saved even when i wasn't swayed lincoln was the most safe kid on the planet and he would always be worshiping jesus and going to church every sunday while i'm sleeping over a hungo hangover and i just felt that guilt that regret of a decision that i a bad decision that i made that i couldn't let go of and i would always live if only i would have married maybe if i would have married so and so we would be in church today but instead my daddy drove me around 275 y'all know that circle five times begging me not to marry this man and here i am 18 years later laying in my bed at my mama's my child's going to church with my brother and his wife my and then every time my brother and my brother's kids would act up lincoln would come home and be so angry man if i had a dad i would never be angry and i was watching as the enemy was trying to get a hold of his little mind and the anger see it's situations that happen in your life that make you as a mom feel guilty and so now you go through your life or a dad feel guilty here it is we couldn't even get along me and the dad couldn't get along because we hated each other more than obviously we loved our kids and now my kids were having to pay and so i'm dealing with this regret and the only way that i could deal with the regret was going to nay-nay and not pray praying i was seeking validation from the world because somewhere in me as i was being grown the church told me you are written off you will never be used of god i didn't think about the woman at the whale i didn't think about noah i didn't think about noah dance drunk naked some of y'all just got a dui he was naked dancing in the streets and god protected him i didn't think about david that fell in love with another man's wife and then had him killed and he said the bible says he was a man after god's own heart talk about forgiveness but there's something in us that won't let us forgive us because we've got god up on this place and we're using we're thinking god it's like the people that represented him that were liars and cheats and so now the enemy doesn't want us to get free religious religion religion religion i don't want no religion i won't i don't i ain't never gonna serve jesus because of hypocrites but not serving jesus because of hypocrites it's like not going to the gym because people are fat the enemy's just getting in our minds but in this scripture we see paul is encouraging all of us from the corinthians to be reconciled with god and i want to quickly walk through some ways to get you free so that we can do what this scripture says so that we can walk free in abundance i didn't preach my first sermon until i was 40. up until probably a couple of years ago i would still drop by a spot where i was driving drunk one night coming home after i had to move back in with my mom and dad and i was driving with one eye because everything was blurry and i'd passed that and i got stopped at a at a at a checkpoint and i remember that cop reached into my car and he said girl i i'm on to you he said get your butt home and every time i go by that checkpoint i feel guilt i wasn't dead but i was dead in that moment i was rotting in a rut that i got myself in and then later going on through my life i kept doing things like that and now it makes sense i would always turn back to drinking i remember i completely got set free and i remember alcoholism runs in my family and so the enemy would always try to get me with it's just a glass of wine it's just just a glass of wine you can you can have just a glass of wine and then before i knew it at night i was drinking the whole bottle and didn't know how i even got home or to my bed it was because i wasn't dylan if only i i was letting things in my life stop me from moving in god being the best mom i could be right so how do we get free from this regret anybody in here my dad used to always say you can't unscramble a scrambled egg so what are you gonna do with the scramble what are you going to do with the mistakes you're going to dwell over them all day you did it deal with it how do you deal with it get up and deal with whatever it is that's making you go back what is it that makes you go back and go back and stay in the rut again because we can go to bed at nine like the things that we're running from there we're running from things that ain't even chasing us god is saying i got all the pieces right here if only i see many many people when they made a mistake they live life in a perpetual state of regret the enemy wants you to live with regret and the lord wants you to be set free from regret right if only i would have made better choices if only i could have given my kids a mom and a dad if only i wouldn't have said yes to the wrong one if only i right if only i we all live with these mistakes and because of that we all live with regrets and god doesn't want you to live with regrets when we make a mistake it makes a mess and the mess causes us to live in regret what can you do forgive others forgive yourself stop bringing it up again let it go so how do we do that let me get down to my notes i always have all these incredible notes and i never get to them how do we do it i'm gonna give you four ways to get rid of the regret are you ready for this really receive god's forgiveness really receive god's forgiveness in order to receive something you have to put down what you are holding on to you may not feel like you can be forgiven or that you don't deserve forgiveness you have to really receive forgiveness even if it means every day getting up one more time that's why the bible says if you fall get back up again you don't wait to come to jesus when you get it right you come to jesus so you can help he can help you get it right see jesus forgives how many sins how many sins did jesus forgive huh oh how many diseases does he heal oh and some of you think it's too late i didn't preach my first sermon until i was 40. a lot happened at 40. i didn't really get it together until i was probably about 40 man god i keep thinking i got together and then i ain't got it together it's growing every day number two number one was you gotta really receive god's forgiveness number two you gotta eliminate if only thoughts if only thoughts you gotta let it go you gotta eliminate not tolerate see we live in a world that talks about karma but with god you ain't gotta have no karma now you may have to deal with your consequences but you can't live under karma for the rest of your life just get up if you cannot tolerate you cannot tolerate if only thoughts you have to absolutely eradicate them out of your life and if people don't help if people keep bringing it up put them in your past i love you but i love you from up there you have to make a decision that you are going to refocus i'm refocusing you're going to focus on other things y'all this is how you get free from panic attacks you stop focusing on the thought that's making your heart race well that's easier said than done that's why you keep having panic attacks because we really can do what we need to do but because we're letting a rut cause us to rot we stay there you have to make decisions to refocus you cannot drive looking in the rearview mirror it's happening move forward number three you got to turn regret into motivation you got to turn regret into motivation you got to stop living in the rut and become the devil's worst nightmare every time the devil tries to bring something up for my past i will literally get my phone out and do it live and it will be one of the most far lives i've ever done he'll bring up somebody from my past that's lying i find out they're lying or whatever maybe they tell the truth i don't know but it gets in my spirit and i'm like oh god damn i immediately get my phone out and i start doing a live talking about renewing your mind every time the devil punks at me i'm gonna open up and bring somebody out at that moment i don't feel like i got it together however i'm walking myself into deliverance because i'm letting my regret turn into motivation there has to be something inside you that knows that god will bring something good out of the situation i remember when i walked through 2006 man i thought my life was over and i remember walking through divorce and i thought man i ain't never i mean i'm just done i'm gonna be at bloomingdale's for the rest of my life making nine dollars an hour because my mistake messed me up because the world the religious world told me that was going to happen and i remember my my oldest son morgan he really dealt with that divorce really really bad lincoln was still a little bit small his happened a little bit later that i just with the results i told you about just earlier i asked my son if i could tell these stories by the way and i remember we would be going through the process of healing and it took forever anybody ever feel like your healing's taken forever like you think you're free and then all of a sudden something comes on the radio and you're like healing is a daily process that's how come when you get married again and that marriage starts to end then you're like ah instead of changing the things that's causing the demise we get stuck in that rut of thinking this is just the way it's gonna be because god took his hand off of me when i blah blah blah and so i'm walking through this divorce and we kept finding these holes in the walls at my mom's and i'm already feeling guilty because my kids are having to live with my mom i couldn't even give them a house i jerked them out of their 500 000 house overnight in orlando florida were escaping a very toxic situation they had long surfer hair and on the day that i jerked them out of that house my dad made them cut that girl hair off so here they are dealing with all of these first in the first 24 hours of deciding their marriage is getting broken we leave the house with their dad laying in the closet just drunk and we move back in with my mom and dad and we go from no church to every night they're laying in their floor with todd my bentley are like dear god why's mimi and papa got tbn all the time so here i am getting this regret on me and over time i started watching as morgan would get more angry he's the one that was playing the guitar up here he would get more angry and more angry and he was putting holes in the walls and and just couldn't control his anger and one day i remember we're sitting in a restaurant and he just morgan lights into me because a lot of times the parent that has the kids takes the anger from the other parent right that stinks don't it and so he lets me have it in this restaurant and all of a sudden my dad stands up in that restaurant and he looks at morgan he said if you ever talk to my daughter like that again you're gonna feel my foot in your face and all i remember is morgan walking out of the restaurant and slamming the door in the restaurant and my heart was broken it wasn't broken from the disrespect it was broken because i felt i put that pain on him and here he is having to deal with his emotions the regret upon regret by regret i couldn't give him what my brother and his wife had i couldn't i couldn't give him i had they lost their 500 thousand dollar house now he does i deserve this i deserve it so here i am going from relationship to relationship now my kids are thinking i i'm just i deserve this so i tolerated it because then we start guilt parenting and then we build kids that are going to end up in jail we won't make them get up and go to church but the jail is going gonna wake him up at five o'clock in the morning and i remember when he walked out my daddy said kimberly stop guild parenting your kid he said you gotta get this boy under control you to get it together so you can get them together i said i don't know how and i remember that day he looks at me in that restaurant he says come on kim let's pray my daddy walked me through this prayer of letting go for freedom in my hearts that my kids didn't have to be a statistic about two o'clock in the morning that night we get a phone call from the sheriff of fayetteville he says i need you to come pick your son's car up we're taking him to jail i was like oh gosh my daddy pastor's a church i bet they know him who am i to be telling anybody anything ever again for the rest of my life because i did this to my kid we go out there and they're putting my son in the back of their car i've never cried so hard in my entire life and you know how when you're walking through something all of a sudden it starts raining it's like really i'm going through all this hell and now it's raining i remember it started raining and i watched this big old boy get in the back of the car with his hands behind his back and i felt that regret of being a stinky mom we cried all night long and i kept trying to get him out of jail there was no process it was taking forever for him to book him he ended up staying in there almost 24 hours and i remember that night it was the worst pain i've ever experienced in my life because i couldn't help my kid because i was used to saving my kid but my kid needed to experience jesus for himself and that night y'all i cried with my two parents holding me the whole night and god began to set me free did i ever fall again after that yes i did i had a lot of regret i didn't even really get free from the regret of the last couple of years because the enemy will always send people in your life to remind you of your failure he'll bring people in your life that didn't even know you from your past that'll start talking about your past y'all remember paul he got that snake bite and all of a sudden these people that were like you're a god you're a god you're a god all of a sudden when he gets a snake bite then all of a sudden they're like he must be a murderer how do they know that the enemy he was a christian killer in his former life so the enemy will bring up stuff to make you feel like you can't get out of regret i remember that next day when i walk up into that jail cell and it was when people really know who i was so i walked up in there like great they're gonna know me i didn't even care man that was my baby i walked up in there and they said miss kim jones who are you here for i said morgan doggett let us go get him for you and i stood there scared to death because i didn't know is it gonna be mad well i didn't do it but that's what we do when we hold on to regret we take things personal you think the abuse you deserve it you think the cheat and you deserve it you think everything that you're walking through you deserve it that's a lie from the pit of hell and i remember as my son is walking out of that court out of that jail the door opens and the 6-5 boy walked out looking like a brand new kid and as he walks out y'all he falls on me and wraps his arms around me like this and i'm just i ain't never been petite but i felt like i was petite the way he held me and i heard god say this is the way i hold you just like you didn't throw your kid away i don't throw you away just like you didn't ever bring it up to him again i never bring up what you did just stand up i never brought it up to my kid again and it's been probably 10 years and i asked him today i said son do you care if i tell you that story tell that story he said mama you can tell it let me tell y'all what happened that boy came out completely delivered he never put another hole in my wall he never yelled at me again he would never disrespect me he honors his mama why because sometimes walking through hell sets you on fire so i need you today to shift the narrative what are you telling yourself that's not allowing god to use your circumstance you may feel like you'll never get a marriage you'll never get married anybody gonna ever love me and my my poor kids ain't gonna never have a daddy she's selling for every poser on the planet today come on prayer team come up here you gotta get it together and it starts with forgiveness for yourself you might have let your mama down you might have let your daddy down you might feel like you're waiting to go to hell you're you're waiting at any second the floor is gonna fall out and you're gonna be like falling through the thing going to hell you ain't going to hell you're going to heaven and god's got spiritual amnesia he don't bring up what you've done in your past i brought me something this is how god does to your sins i want everybody to look at this piece of paper this is what god does to your sins this is what he does to that affair this is what he does to the alcohol addiction so what he does it whatever it is that ruins your family this is what he does this is how quickly it goes away gone that's how god works he he's saying today let this depression that you've been holding on to let let it let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go let look it ain't even gonna hit the ground on fire what are you holding on to it for he said i got off of the throne and onto the cross and i stretched it out wide my son didn't go to jail because of something i did my son needed to go to jail in order to get an experience with god i had to walk through that affair so that i could trust god and realize if i never have anybody that loves me like my dad loved my mama i got jesus [Music] i'm letting it go i'm letting go of that bitterness i'm letting go of that anger i'm releasing it i'm not picking it back up again i'm not taking depression out of here with me i'm not taking it i'm letting it go that depression's following you because you're holding on to a root of something [Music] the enemy is not fighting you because you're weak he's fighting you because you're strong sometimes mama sometimes daddy you gotta let your baby go to jail sometimes you gotta let that man leave your life sometimes you gotta let that mama leave your life sometimes you gotta realize the reason the dad left your life is because he knew the enemy knew you would never even walk in your calling if you wouldn't have went somewhere else you got to know that when your daddy died early he's up in heaven setting up the whole kingdom for you death hurts us but they're in heaven getting it ready for you you got a legacy to carry out today if you're in this building and you say kim i feel stuck but i know what you're saying true but somewhere in me doesn't feel validated to move we've got our prayer team down here to lay hands on you if only i we're going to switch this whole month we're going to say if only i if only i and we're gonna switch it we're going from regrets to worship we're going from regrets to praise we're going from regret to thanking jesus today is where our news day starts today is where i'm getting up and i'm moving forward and god i'm not gonna fight my own battle i'm gonna get on my knees and i'm gonna fight my battle on my knees and i'ma let you fight the natural battles for me everybody lift your hands like this i say father forgive me for getting in your way forgive me for feeling like i wasn't important enough to get myself together i break all word curses off of me i break lies from the enemy off of me i break memories toxic memories off of me and father this week i'm walking in healing period i will not ever again be laying in my bed and a memory come in and paralyze me father i release triggers i release soul ties i release word curses i release lies and i'm running into my future father live in me in jesus name amen amen and amen family our prayer team is here for you to pray with you to come in agreement with you want to put a thousand a flight to it but ten thousand to flight this week your homework you're not gonna say if only i you're not gonna bring up regrets you're not gonna bring up things in your past every time you do i'm praying that god convicts you not condemned you condemnation and fear and and conviction's different condemnation is what you put on yourself for stuff you did wrong or what others did wrong to you or what they said they did to you because of their own narcissistic ways and this week you're going to walk in the fulfillment of who god created you to be you're going to have more joy this week than you've ever had in your life you're going to sleep better than you've ever slept in your life this whole month i'm giving you tools of how to walk in your freedom and never go back man i love you guys so much i will see y'all next sunday y'all feel good do y'all feel good do you feel free do you feel free to give jesus [Music] shake the raptors say father i'm yours and you're mine i love you limitless nation [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Limitless Church Fayetteville
Views: 77
Rating: 0 out of 5
Id: mCMn7dT_AJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 12sec (5892 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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