If Only I: Miracles out of Mistakes

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o g you are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest let me blow my strength into your body [Music] people see your deeds god sees your heart because he will go tail up this morning and as long as you've got a pulse god's got a plan he's waiting on you to get out of your feelings and get into some healing limitless nation what's going on family come on i invite everyone to stand on your feet come on stand on your feet i want y'all to do two things for me i want you to look to the left look to the right and say i'm so excited to see you on this morning and i want you to prophesy to your neighbor and say freedom looks good on you [Music] huh for what the spirit of the lord is there is freedom there is liberty there is joy and we're gonna go after god's presence right here father god we thank you god we honor you and we bless you we count it as a privilege and our honor lord to even come before you on this sunday lord we ask that you would come in like never before that you would show yourself strong god that you would show up in the midnight hour god that you would show up in the middle of our storm you will show up in the middle of our tribulation god so father even right now god we lay our hearts down we lay our hearts down god we lay everything down at the altar god we lay it down father never to be reconsumed never to be picked up again father but we lay it down at your feet so father right now in the name of jesus god we repent of our iniquities and of our sin god and we thank you for your grace your mercy your freedom and your promises that you have spoken over us so father we ask that you will pour out like never before go ahead and begin to fill this room with worship begin to fill this room with your heavenly language fill your atmosphere with your heavenly language father we ask for more of you god we ask for all of you and none of us father god we stretch on this morning god we ask for all of you god for you are an all-consuming fire so father consume it all father consume everything god every dark place every low place every void father god every empty part of us god father god take us up in your glory and father god fill us with you oh god father even during this season or not in the series of church heard god we know that we have the victory we know that we can overcome because of the blood of the lamb father that we are not bound to our situations that we are not bound to what happened to us that we are no longer living in shame that we are not bound to our past so father on today we speak the joy of the lord we speak the freedom of the lord in this atmosphere we speak the freedom of the lord in our hearts we speak the joy of the lord in our minds over our children in our communities over our families go ahead and lift up a razor sound in this house if you need jesus to touch your situation if you need god to touch your family go ahead and lift up the name of jesus father we declare the name that is above every single name that name that cancer has to bow to the name that jealousy has to bow to the name that anxiety has to bow to we lift up the name of jesus we lift up the name of jesus we lift up the name of jesus we lift up the name of jesus we declare the name of jesus we declare the name of jesus god we thank you that your blood still works and it still has power so god we call on your name god for we know it is by your name that we are saved we know that it is by your name that we are healed that we are delivered and set free so father set us free on today father let love fill the airways let love fill this atmosphere let love hit our homes god and allow your grace your goodness and your mercy god to follow us all the days of our lives and father even now god i love your freedom god allow your freedom father to rest in this house allow revival god to rest in our hearts god and fill us up oh god if you need one touch for god i want y'all to lift up a shot of hallelujah in this house wherever you're tuning in from the live stream begin to lift up the name of jesus i want you to type in the comments it is so it is so it is so because of the power of jesus because of the name of jesus father we thank you that we can call on your name and we will be saved god we thank you that we're going to call on your name and we can be healed delivered and set free so father god we release our emotions we release everything that we release your god we release and we release it and father have your way king of kings have your way great i am have your way great god jehovah have your way jehovah torah have your way jehovah healer have your way raphael we call on you jehovah mechagus we call on you god and after to live in our hearts god so father live in us oh god and allow us to be the revival carriers for today and father allow us to walk in our freedom god we thank you god we honor you and we bless you and it is in the name of jesus that we pray if you're in agreement can you lift up amen in this house come on if you're living in freedom can you lift up amen in this house if you know the joy of the lord is your strength can you raise up a hallelujah in the room i don't know about you but i feel like freedom is in the room this morning do y'all feel that come on i need some worshipers to lift up their voice if they know that freedom is in the room this morning hallelujah hallelujah are y'all ready to worship go ahead and look at your rope check your bro say you ready to worship all right all right now let's turn to the back and wave at our online campus thank you guys so much for tuning in this morning i need you to get up on your feet at home wherever you are and get ready to worship with us y'all ready here we go put your hands together [Music] come on and jump on your feet [Music] step out of the tattles step out of the grave come on if you know a single with me break into the wild and don't be wide afraid spaces braces waiting for you dance like the weight has been lifted yeah grace is waiting sing [Music] make a joyful noise in here [Music] foreign [Music] let them be free [Music] [Music] yes [Music] open spaces waiting for you [Music] where [Music] [Music] come on did we have freedom come on just declare that say i have freedom yes jesus come on let's sing this part together [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus name put your hands together come on y'all can do better than that limitless put your hands together in the building [Music] is [Music] is [Music] this morning let there be freedom i need to do something dance like the weight has been lifted waiting for you dance like the weight has been lifted grace is yeah [Music] [Music] waiting [Music] [Music] say praise lies [Music] [Music] he did it he did it he did it he did it he did it and he'll do it again and he'll do it again [Music] where the spirit of the lord [Music] can we just declare that in the room this morning that holy spirit let there be freedom wherever your spirit is there is liberty let there be freedom can we give him a holy ghost praise hallelujah thank you jesus we ask that you come and move in this room hallelujah come on is anybody expecting the holy spirit to move in this place this morning hallelujah we're expecting something from you this morning jesus hallelujah [Music] you found a hungry people here yes you found a hungry people yes so we lift your name this morning [Music] with no resistance father you are welcome we say it's glorious our souls are rising in your direction we say yes lord yes we will wait on you we will wait on you come and move [Music] we say [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we say [Music] yes for we know that you're able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] you're one of them [Music] [Music] we say i see you [Music] yes jesus hallelujah we bless your name god come on let's enter into a deeper worship this morning if you know that the lord is your champion that he's won every battle would you worship with us this morning limitless church you are my champion [Music] i've tried so hard to see it took me so long to believe that you chose someone like me to carry your victory perfection could never learn it deserve it you take the broken things and raise him to [Music] [Music] in the [Music] now i can finally see it you're teaching me how to receive [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] would you lift your hands in the room yet and acknowledge the presence of a massive father yes [Music] when i lift my voice and shout every walk comes crashing down [Music] jesus has given me [Music] that jesus see when has lift my voice [Music] jesus has given me yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is i am [Music] [Music] at all can we just release the praise in here god we thank you so much god for being the champion of our life thank you god for being the author of it thank you for everything that you've done father we honor you we bless you we lift up your holy name and it's in jesus name that we pray let the church say amen amen amen and amen worship team thank you today god amen man it's so awesome to know that god is your champion right that he is fighting your battles you know that's just a great reminder that song is just such an amazing reminder that it just doesn't matter what you're going through it doesn't it just doesn't matter what the doctor said or what someone else told you this week guys there is nothing too big and nothing too great there is no battle that god can't win and guys and this song is not just to remind you of god's authority but it's also to remind you of your authority in him we don't we you know we live in fear guys why we have the authority to conquer it all we have the authority within us so welcome to limitless we are so excited to see you here today thank you for being in the building thank you for watching online you all guys you are our family you matter so much to us our online community we couldn't do this without you so thank you for choosing us thank you for being a part of us so welcome do we have any first time guests if we do can i just see your hand real quick welcome welcome we are so glad to see you online and welcome thank you guys you made it worth waking up today just to see your face here online thank you for choosing us if you're a guest just type guest we know especially online you could watch anybody at this point and there's some heavy hitters out there you got steven ferdick you got all these guys but you chose us so that means something to us so thank you for doing that and all that we ask from you is just to fill out our connect card we actually have an online connect card for our online community and we have a connect card that you should have gotten from our first impressions team today and if you fill that out in the building if you fill that out and return it to our guest service desk we have a just a small free gift for you for being here today online please fill out that card so we can connect with you and i promise we're not going to stalk you or anything crazy like that you're not going to get 100 emails or text we simply send you an email letting you know what you can do here how you can be a part of us how you can get further connected what are your options here and because we really do believe that god is bringing everyone here on purpose if you are in this building and if you're watching online you are here on purpose and the one thing that i can guarantee that we will do for you is there's three things church that we do so well and what is that connecting people growing families changing lives let's say it one more time connecting people growing family and changing lives that is our vision here at limitless church that is what we are doing not just on sundays but every day outside of here why because this vision isn't a one day a week type of thing right god has given us something so big and so not only can we guarantee that you will experience that but we believe that god has sent you here to help us make it happen as well that our vision that this is your vision as well as part of limitless church so what we do is we give you an amazing opportunity to partner with us right you get to be a part of connecting people growing families and changing lives how does that happen simply you go to our plugged-in class we make it so simple to serve and connect and get involved here you go to our plug-in class it's every sunday 10 a.m every sunday in the building for our online community we have it every first wednesday of the month every first wednesday of the month at 7 00 pm we have several people i think we're up to like almost 20 people signed up for our online plug-in class which is amazing and at the end of that class you're just it's so great you're going to learn a little bit about you you'll learn a little bit about the church and guess what at the end of that you get to pick a dream team yes a dream team our dream team are the most amazing people they are the ones that are getting it done every sunday they're the first impressions team our kids team they're our band in media they're everyone that makes sunday happen right that that are part of this experience so at the end of that class you get to choose a team to serve on and when you do that that's when you help our vision come to life every week and since today is the first sunday because there is no better team than our dream team our dream team is the most amazing group of people right and since it is the first sunday of the month we always honor one dream team member who has just stepped it up they have taken it to the next level and they have just they're there are they do everything when it comes to our vision but they also help our values we have what we call core values as a church which is honor ownership unity servant leadership and excellence right that is the culture that we hope that you are feeling here in this building today and because this leader and they they are all of those themes and so today if you could give a big hand for unique give it up for unique right here on our safety team unique thomas we are so thank you thompson give it up for unique yes amen so let me just tell you a little bit about unique okay why why unique well first of all unique is on the safety team right she's on our safety and security team and when i let me tell you this she got on this team and we automatically knew her presence right she was here i was like oh oh we got security in the house today so we were so excited that she took the team to the next level she literally is the nicest sweetest person like she's always making stuff for people like she's always making stuff to bless people to help people in addition to she's up here ever throughout the week helping us with our merch store she's showing us stuff she's teaching us stuff like i just love that she's not about herself she's about everyone in this place and that's what we love about unique so thank you for being our dream teamer of the month you're amazing amen and amen yes so in october here's a couple of quick announcements so don't forget october is actually pastor's appreciation month and next sunday sept october oh i said september praise the lord this year is fine by october 10th we are actually going to honor our staff pastors right so we will have some boxes out here with their names on it we'll have some thank you cards guys there's nothing more encouraging than to read a note by someone that just says hey you've impacted my life because so often as a pastor we don't really know like we really don't know if we're having an impact that often so just to know if you want to bring them a gift if you want to bless them financially you can do that i'm sure they would love that but that's going to be taking place next sunday next sunday october 10th so be ready to come and hang out and just have the best sunday with them our limitless love cards we still have limitless love cards if you would like to get some today there's so many different ways these cards are basically like it's like a calling card right we do these random acts of kindness these amazing random acts of kindness buying coffee paying for people's groceries whatever it may be and guess what when we do that we leave these limitless love cards for our online community you can buy those at limitless on our merch store and guys our goal is that all across this nation we are living limitless love all across this nation right so get a card do something for someone make an impact october 17th guys we're such a legit church i'm just going to be honest we have so much going on i'm like oh my gosh am i ever going to be done with these amazing announcements no so october 17th we have baby dedication you can go to our website you can sign up today if you have a baby or child that you would like to dedicate we're going to be doing those october 17th right after the second service you can sign up at our website it's going to be amazing guess what trunk or treat guys i'm so excited we have 13 of our 30 trunks right so i need 17 more if you have not signed up i will even help you do your trunk i could actually do everybody's trunk and have the best time ever i will help you do your trunk if you need help i need 17 more trunks to make this event just amazing guys and we're going to be giving out candy we got free food we got kona ice we got face painting it's going to be the best community event ever you can register online or you can fill out a form out in our lobby it's going to be great please don't forget we got youth and limitless going on during the second service our teenagers are meeting our kids are meeting it's amazing and you can always go to our website for other activities and events okay who is ready to give in the building today [Music] yes as i was getting ready for this i looked up this scripture it's actually matthew chapter 6 verse 26 and it simply says this look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them so let me just say this so we're looking at the birds the birds do not plant or harvest and they do not store food right it is god himself who feeds them and aren't you far more valuable let's have an understanding aren't you far more valuable to him than they are so can all worries add a single moment to your life no you are so much more valuable to god so basically what i'm saying is if god can provide for the birds god can provide for you if god is feeding them if they are doing absolutely nothing and god is taking care of them guess what god is going to take care of you and why because you are more valuable to him than anything else on this planet he is simply going to do it because you're that you matter that much so if i could get everyone to stand with me today today we are going to give give out of a love out of a heart knowing that whatever we give today god is going to give back to us right that god is going to take you do not need to worry about a single thing god has got you we have several ways that you can give today by cash or check text to give cash up and venmo you can give online at the website or there's a kiosk in the back and here at limitless we just asked everybody to walk it all up drop it off at the altar and let's do it yes thank you for your giving me [Music] [Music] father we just thank you for this day come on somebody lord we thank you that when we want to give up we get back up we want to thank you lord that every worry every doubt every fear that we walked in with that's being dismantled in this building and father we're going from limitless limited to limit less because we know in our mind we are limitless because we can do all things through christ who strengthens us and so lord give us the overflow somebody tell them today give me the overflow come on say god i love you i love you for everything you've trusted me with i trust you for the breakthrough i trust you for healing in my life i trust you for joy unspeakable and full of glory in me in jesus name amen amen and amen i decree over you today that you receive answers to important questions to important concerns and thoughts and i pray the answers from heaven come upon you to bring clarity and understanding i break the power of all confusion bewilderment and clutter from within your mind and i declare today that all sense of misunderstanding or disillusionment cannot enter any part of your being i pray the lord's peace upon you [Music] regarding those questions that only you know about which only heaven can reveal in god's timing and that renewed trust in the guidance areas from the heavenly father prevail i say that joy abounds within you i break despair off of you i break addiction off of you i break hopelessness off of you you are overshadowed by the truth that the lord is always working on your behalf he's already working it out somebody's saying he's already working it out he's already renewed my mind he's already renewed my hope he's already renewed my trust no weapon formed against me shall prosper devil you are being evicted come on somebody you're being infected from my life from my kid's life from my spouse and it ain't over until god says it's over and it ain't over until you take your last breath [Music] so lord we thank you in jesus name amen amen and amen you may be seated y'all throughout september i'm so thankful for all the guests that are in here with us thank you to our team man y'all are awesome i love you guys all of my dream team everybody thank you thank you thank you for all you do here at limitless throughout september we've been talking about church here did y'all enjoy apostle ramon last week man it feels so good to be able to do what god's called me to do and no limitless ain't lacking that limitless i'm gonna tell y'all something about life y'all ready for this so quick schooling life is what you make it facts you can be angry and bitter or you can be an overcomer right i know our church is wild because if it wasn't wild it wouldn't i wouldn't be pastor you know what i'm saying i believe that in order for us to get out of a place that we don't like we got to move we're like well god said he gonna do it but he can't pick your feet up like i believe that if you really get sick and tired of being i know for a fact i don't believe nothing i know for a fact that if you trust god for real he will take you from the back of the line to the front of the line he will heal your marriage he will set you free from that addiction we will go to the football game we will yell all day long on saturdays at a tv but when it comes to our situation we will keep our mouth shut and when we do open it it's about how crappy we are and how hateful our life is and how god just now when he created you he strategically was putting your nose in that place that you don't like he was giving you that five-finger forehead so you wouldn't look old later because it stretched you he knew before you were ever even a thought in your mama's womb derek he knew that you were gonna go through a few divorces because you couldn't get your mouth under control he knew that you were gonna be in a situation where y'all were going to divorce court and a pandemic came and made you have to stay in the same house together and fall back in love he knew but we're the ones that won't let ourselves forget and so the whole month of september we were talking about church hurt and we brought people in from our congregation on wednesdays to talk about how they were hurt but yet god set them free now i want to tell you something about god that when you begin to tell your testimony you are going to get tested in the very place you go get tested in the very area that you testified about right if you used to cheat and you tell about it somebody gonna reach out to you from your high school gonna test you but the thing about god is he says i'm bringing more testimony to your test right and so we've learned all throughout september how it's our position to get up and take back our authority right and we can let it go if we let it go we can't let it go if we say we're going to let it go but we won't let it go right it's being aware of every time the enemy tries to trip us up now i ain't going there today you know it's praying prayers like god i want to be free from this addiction but i can't i don't know how to be free give me conviction you know what i pray let me tell you how ratchet i am and savage god if you see me going down the wrong path make me ill get my stomach upset let me not be able to sleep let me feel something's off in me because i never want to go back to what you set me free from but see we don't want to pray those prayers we just want to come to church and do a two-step and fall on the floor and think we delivered but the enemy got kicked out of hell on purpose because he is a sly con oh he he can make it look so that grass looks so much greener and he'll make you want it and it's your job to say it's it's having a oh hell no moment oh oh no no no we got kids in show i'm going to say too much because i'd be thinking it's the customer but that didn't have customers y'all are not allowed to say this unless you're telling the devil to go to hell where he belongs it's having those moments right has anybody in here ever felt like you were lacking something what i ain't telling you girl you know why you ain't gonna tell me because you said it before and somebody used it against you so i'm not gonna say it now raphael i ain't gonna say what i'm lacking because i don't want you to use it against me like everybody else used it against me right but we go through life denying where we're broken because we don't want to admit it because someone in our life a counterfeit came in our life that was broken and used it against us maybe you feel like a mistake has tainted your life maybe you feel like you are on the clearance right now right we talk about that a lot but isn't it crazy and we're starting this series today if i only dot dot dot if i only would have not married that person if i only wouldn't have went to school every day just stoned out of my mind if i only wasn't in special ed my whole life then i could write a book if i only would have just kept my mouth shut not told my ex for 18 years i don't need no man woke up one day and didn't have one if only i if only i dot dot dot so i want you to ask yourself today if only i what is your situation that has paralyzed you that's made you now have to reach for things to fill the void can't find happiness in you for nada you got the greatest wife you got the greatest husband you got the greatest kids you got the greatest car you got the greatest house but you can't find joy it's almost like if only i could get a better job i'll be happy no you won't if only i if my husband wouldn't have lost his six pack and kept the one pack he looked like gq when i married him now he looks like dq right if only i it's crazy how we will be in the presence of an unlimited god gerard and put limitless limit limits on an unlimitless god we will decree we will declare we will push back our bread we will fast we'll go on every kind of fast there is but yet we're still tore up from the floor how do i know that because during the pandemic we have seen that a lot of people went to church screaming i receive it and you ain't got nothing but the dress the shoes yeah but your heart we pray prayers like i just want to be closer to you jesus not realizing that he's right here he's an ever-present help creating me a clean heart oh god come on if you want to be clean create in me god see breakthrough begins and we're going to talk about this if only i breakthrough begins where our excuses god can't heal what we won't reveal god won't reveal what we like you know we're the scariest place to ever live is believe in your own lies i have watched people literally saying things and i'm like man i want to clap back so bad and god's like they believe it the enemy thought he was right the devil thought he was right until he got kicked out he's the only idiot that ever got kicked out of hell i'm in heaven into hell he thought it was right and it ain't your job to convince people that they're wrong when they are determined that they're right you can't fix somebody that don't want to be fixed but you can sure break yourself trying to fix somebody that don't want to be fixed that's some of your problems not everybody's your assignment that's why you're tired you're wasting your oil you're wasting your oil i don't waste my oil no more yo i am in a season of my life and i pray this god if i am investing in people i got a whole rtk inner circle i got i i work i am one of the hardest workers in this church why because i'm leading you i'm showing you how to be a millionaire and how to be blessed i'm showing you why because i know that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for me and i'm coming back for everything the devil spoke i've got to lead the path [Music] you ain't got no broke pastor and i don't take one check from you you don't pay nothing but here's why my heart got right create in me a clean heart oh god and renew a right spirit within me create in me don't let your place of a rut become your place where you rot let me sit over here for this crowd don't let your place of a rut become your place where you rot stuck on silly stuck on pride stuck on i'm too good to follow you i'm as good as you are missing out on blessings because you think i'm more qualified than them i can't hear but you ain't got their oil i want to go to second corinthians 5 11. ii corinthians 5 11. i'm going to tell y'all something this is a season where everything you want god's putting in front of you this is a season of reaping it says in joel 225 he's gonna give us back everything the devil stole that's even the pandemic season that took everything from you he's gonna restore i don't know about you but i won't i don't want what i lost back i lost it they left i lost it i don't want you back i want back restitution i want seven times greater i want it back i want it all back [Music] the devil can't steal nothing that is a sign to me that's why it ain't your place to be telling nobody that's my husband that's my wife that ain't your place that's their place right but we're busy in this life too busy trying to own stuff that's small and god is saying rejection's my protection when i remove something from your life it's because i got something greater i am not a god that is a psychonaut i am a god i'm more than anything i am a god that makes a way out of nowhere i'm a god that will pour the red look at the red seat he didn't move the water he parted it right down the doggone middle but see what we do is we want it moved and god is saying i want to part it oh i gotta walk through it i gotta walk through it how am i gonna walk through it by getting out of my own way if only i sometimes i i watch on social media i'll say things like what do you want god to do in your life today and i'll hear people saying change my husband change my wife i don't know you always prophesying this but i'll never see it that's why you don't see it because you don't want to see it because you don't think you're going to see it because you don't think you deserve all god has for you because maybe your daddy walked out on you and you think if he's a good good father why did he let this happen right so we're walking through life and we're saying i'm seeing all of these comments man if i would have just stayed here if i would have just stayed here if i would have just stayed here if god would do this but i never ever hear anybody saying if god would change me [Music] change me make me a better wife make me a better husband make me a better dream teamer make me a better pastor make me a better friend fill me up till i overflow with your glory not with society but with your glory i don't want to look like them i want to look like him it says because we understand our fearful responsibility to the lord we work hard to persuade others god knows we are sincere and i hope you know this too we are commended we are we commending ourselves to you again no we are giving you a reason to be proud of us so you can answer those who brag about having a spectacular ministry rather than having a sincere heart this is the bible so that means he already knew we're gonna have prideful preachers petty patrons i could rhyme all day today because i got some extra on me today if it seems we are crazy it is to bring glory to god that means your worst case scenario that means while you're locked up in a padlocked white room because you've lost your mind up in here up in here god said i'm going to take you from the white sterile padlock room and i'm gonna move you to running the whole hospital i'm gonna take you from laying in your bed feeling like you've lost everything when they've walked out of your life and i'm gonna allow you to run a whole ministry of recovery for people that need to know how to get set free it seems we are crazy it is to bring glory to god and if we are in our right minds it is to it is for your benefit either way christ's love controls us since we believe that christ died for all we also believe that we have all died to our own old life stay in here so god if you said in your word that you're going to do exceedingly abundantly more than i could ever ask or think then i got to get out of my way because right now i'm struggling i live to drink every night because i don't want to think maybe you're online today maybe you're in this building today and you're saying if only i if only i wouldn't have done abcde some of y'all go through the whole alphabet i could but look at me leading millions of people every day i didn't even preach my first sermon till i was 40. i was a late bloomer reconciliation is what god wants from you reconciliation is god's goal for his people forgiveness is a crucial part of being reconciled we got to reconcile how do we do that we stopped saying things like if only i would have made better choices then i wouldn't have regret see the enemies told some of y'all that you are bad bad birdie and nobody else in this room is as bad as you i probably tore up your story i was the nay-nayer not the prey prayer i kept that little lady right there on her knees if only i wouldn't have hung out with certain people i saw the red flags but i ignored them if only i would have been raised with a mom and a dad i would have known i would have known how to keep my marriage together when we make mistakes it mean it makes a mess and the mess causes us to live in regret what can you do forgive yourself forgive it that's the place i live if i can't go back and fix it i'm gonna forgive it and you know what's so cool is that now i've got grace for the world i love everybody so much and i even get condemned by a lot of pastors because i'm not preaching a hell and brimstone no my job ain't to scare you to hell my job is to love you so right like jesus that it makes you realize that he got on that cross for you and it ain't never too late 40 45 50 55 it doesn't matter if you did everything they said you did once you come to know jesus all old things have passed away we know that god causes all things to work together for our good so if only i would have been spent more time with my kids if only i would have kept them in a family of a mom and a dad they wouldn't have been crazy i remember when i walked through my divorce and i was so just oh humiliated because nobody in my family had ever walked through divorce and i was raised man you're gonna go to hell on a slip and slide if you get a divorce it's over i'd done everything i could i'm still committed to the fact that nobody gets married thinking they're gonna get divorced and i walked through this divorce and i moved back with my mom and dad and through the process my kids were man they were missing their dad and i was still so broken and i remember in one of the seasons morgan was so angry i asked him if i could talk about him he's like his mom and he's like girl go ahead use it for jesus and so he was walking through the season and he was very angry and he would hit the wall and he'd put holes in the wall and he'd act like that sweet boy that plays the guitar not derrick the other one you need to put holes in the wall and i'd be like son what happened he said i slipped and then one night i remember he got so angry at lunch and he was just ripping me and my daddy stood up from that table he said son if you ever talk to my daughter like that because he was taking his anger out on me for his dad and i just lost my voice i'm sitting there and he says my daddy said son if you ever talk to my daughter like this again he said you're gonna feel my foot in your face and morgan just storms out of the out of the restaurant and i started that regret if i would just my daddy drove me around 285 which is a complete circle seven times begging me not to marry that boy they wouldn't be here we're living in regret of stuff i couldn't change and it was god's will for me because i got two incredible sons out of it and i remember y'all listening to me about two o'clock in the morning right there about a second from my house the deputy sheriff of fayetteville calls and says i need somebody to come get morgan's car we're taking him to jail i get there as they're taking my son off for the whole night i sat and i wept thinking of my six five son laying in this sterile room because he's in a position that he didn't want to be in he all he wanted was a dad and a mom when his fault he was angry watched this sweet boy that was angry go to jail me and my mom and daddy that night sat and wept i i cried harder that night the kind of cry like probably woke the whole neighborhood because i was blaming myself in regret for why my son was sitting behind those closed jail cells trying to get him out of jail and god kept saying nothing would work out to get him out of jail finally the next day he was there for almost 24 hours i'm standing in the i'm just so embarrassed because i pastor a church and my daddy was pastoring then and i'm singing on the praise team i wasn't living a whole right self i wasn't i wasn't walking in forgiveness i remember this big old man comes walking out of jail with his shoulders down and as he walks out to me he falls in my arms and god said this is how i am with you he laid on my shoulder and wept a grown man and 18 years old weeping with his shoulders and i heard god at that moment say i'm using what the devil meant for evil and i'm shifting it when i tell y'all something that's exactly how god does i did not leave my son there i always told my sons if you go to jail i'm leaving you but i couldn't move things quick enough to get to him that's what god is saying to you today church i never walk out of your life when i tell y'all i got the greatest son on the planet after that he honors me he respects me he ain't angry no more he is the kindest he is a hard worker all it took you could stand up was 24 hours alone he could have walked out of that place angry like some of you you're angry about that divorce you're angry about that dad that walked out of your life you're angry and every single thing that you've done in your life is just because you're angry and you're using all of this as a crutch to stay stuck but today you gotta pull it together god uses hell to raise us he uses your test and your story today i don't know what you need to let go of it didn't fix his daddy's relationship with him just now his dad got covered a couple of weeks ago was in icu and in the icu i heard the lord say i'm shifting your ex in the season thought he was gonna die now my sons have their dad finally at 27 and 25. i mean he he may not i don't know but i've been praying for him somebody's been praying for you and today you got to let go of regret you got to stop needing affirmation from people stop needing validation from people validation is for parking tickets today let god choose you he says i can do all things through you if you will just surrender surrender the jail surrender the pain surrender the hopelessness surrender the sleepless i surrendered the shame i could have been so embarrassed but now i tell er y'all know i tell everything i tell everything because i hate letting the devil waste my hell and if i got a few religious people that get upset in the process because i'm in their boat oh well i'm winning sinners to god every day everybody lift your hands say father i need you in my life i need you in my situation i need you in my kid's life i need you in my home i need you in my car and today jesus take every ounce of of separation isolation shame guilt off of me thank you god that i'm walking in restoration thank you god that redemption is my story thank you god that i'm getting out of my own way and i'm running into my future in jesus name amen amen and amen man i love y'all so much i need my prayer team the prayer team can come up listen we're gonna keep these prayer team this altars open for you and if you need someone to touch and agree with you you come up here they're waiting to wrap their arms around you they're waiting to pray for you want to put a thousand to flight but two will put ten thousand to flight thank you to our online community for joining thank you for sharing and thank you to our limitless eye church and thank you to all of y'all y'all this week this week you'd be a light at your job you'd be a light in your marriage you'd be a light as a single mama this week you are not allowed to talk about one negative thing about yourself all right this week you're gonna work on your your house your yard this week if only i could be more like jesus i love you guys i'll see y'all next sunday love you tons of tons i'm so proud of y'all go be world changers [Music] you
Channel: Limitless Church Fayetteville
Views: 576
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Gl-GmjU2Uzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 3sec (4623 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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