Limitless Unfiltered

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oh gee you are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest let me blow my strength into your body [Music] people see your deeds god sees your heart [Music] [Music] because he woke your tail up this morning and as long as you got a pulse god's got a plan he's waiting on you to get out of your feelings and get into some healing hello my most amazing family limitless nation family all of the world that's watching us right now i am just so excited because today i get to sit with you and just reflect i have so enjoyed watching these unfiltered we just started unfiltered um last this this whole month we've been doing them on wednesday nights and i don't know about you but i have loved them i love hearing people's stories of overcoming and it's the coolest thing ever because for all of you that are new unfilters is something we do every night with limitless our limitless church and it's an online wednesday nights we take people from our congregation that have literally walked through what our series that i preach on sundays they walk through live testimonies and so on wednesday nights we sit down with them and we talk about their life we talk about their story we talk about how they overcame and so i would love for you to be dropping in the comments right now what has unfiltered done for you i'm so excited about next month only if i is going to be an incredible series and we have incredible people coming in to unfilter to tell their stories for that as well but i want right now for us to go back and watch some clips over the last month september series and let's talk about it let's take clips from each show and let's discuss make sure you're dropping comments give me your thoughts give me your views let's go my experience with church hurt is when people see that you are a light and when you're coming in and you're walking into your anointing and people can't handle that because they think that you're trying to take their position or you're trying to outshine them it's like a competition and it's very sad that you get more love from people in the world than you do with people that's inside of the church and one thing about those demons is they're always on one accord but i never understood why the people in the church building always attack one another well as we were sitting there listening to eliza uh just talk about how her experiences have been with the church you know where she has encountered people that have come against her and how she had noticed some of her church hurt came from um jealousy within the church and man that's what i love about limitless i'm going to keep going back here because at limitless we are loving people back to life and so i'm sure you might have encountered that you might have encountered some time in your life when you felt like maybe your gifts were overlooked or somebody was jealous of you and you did everything you could to fit in but yet it never worked out for you and eliza is telling us today about how she overcame that and that really blessed me what y'all think about that did have you ever encountered anything like eliza just talked about drop it in the comments let's watch the next clip what most people say i'm i miss the mark i've done something that was not the right thing to do in the eyes of the church world and they made me feel like that like i really felt every bit of you done something wrong um i was actually pulled to the front of the church hands in the air repent get up you know get on your knees repent and in that moment i just felt i felt terrible i felt low really really low and when i left church on that day i said i don't know when i'll go back to church because i felt so low whoo i don't know y'all that touched a little bit of a uh edge in me i remember one time walking through something my daddy was a preacher y'all know my dad was a preacher and i remember walking through something one time and uh he was given the advice to basically uh let the church know about it and and have uh me apologize in front of the church and i remember my dad saying to me i would never i will never make you feel make you feel like you have to live in a glass house and that's what leticia was just saying latisha was just saying that she had basically made an error made a bad choice which let's face it we all make bad choices we're human that's why we have the grace that's what god got on that cross for us and said it is finished because we're gonna fall but we get back up again right and leticia was just saying about how they brought her in front of the church and made her just mortified her humiliated her as i'm just sitting here my heart is just like stinging because there's probably so many of you right now maybe have not walked back in church because of that well back in church and if leticia the teacher is so used in our church like she is such a leader in our church and if she would allow that one moment in her life to stop her from being used of god our church would be lacking because she is such a great asset to us and so i don't know about you but maybe you were embarrassed at a church maybe you got pregnant out of wedlock or maybe you got you know uh caught for drugs and you went to jail or maybe you got divorced i remember when i walked through a divorce and man i was shunned in 2006 and maybe that was you but today i just want you during this show to have a talk with jesus and let jesus heal those areas because we need you the church needs you to surrender it all to him so that we can be there for people that have been hurt by the church or by somebody really in reality everybody's done something wrong but some people are judging people for things that theirs just was kept a secret so today let's let it go let's let it go might as well i don't know leave your comments come on these comments are so interesting tonight all right let's watch the other let's let's let's watch another clip 2019 i decided to come before my church and come out about my pastor sexually abusing me yep i came out i told my family and the way i told my family was not like i wasn't going to tell anybody like i was going to take this to the grave but nobody was going to know what happened to me it was going to be between me him and god that was it so i came out to my family and once i told my family i knew they weren't going to let it go so i knew ever since that day like my life was going to change so i went to um once my family found out i went to the chairman of the church who was like the right hand man to the pastor hey how long was it after you experienced this did you finally decide to come out i experienced this for i wanted two to three years man yes like i said i wasn't nobody's gonna know about this nobody so i went to the chairman of the church and the chairman of the church and this is my pastor before i came to you so the chairman of the church he was we were very very close like he was very close to my family and he was like another dad to me so i went to him and i let him know what was going on and i remember at the end of the conversation he was like i hear you like you know i understand what you went through i get it but he was like but at the end of the day we have to protect the pastor he was like what happened to you was behind closed doors it was behind the curtain and i remember him saying if you bring this before like in front of the curtain then and you lay it out for people to see he said if people decide to leave the church if people decide to give up on god that blood is on your hands that was heavy that was heavy basically what we're seeing as alexis is just telling us about the time where she was protecting the pastor and how she felt like she wasn't fought for and you know what's been so cool with this um unfiltered is i met a lady right after this show aired this unfiltered uh shared on wednesday night and i met her that next friday in texas and the first thing this lady said to me at this event that i was preaching at she said me and alexis have become friends and i said wow she said alexis helped me heal from something that she that i'd been carrying about my pastor for all these years she gave me permission to heal and so man i am just so proud watching this because if y'all been watching these unfilters at all y'all are seeing that these incredible lexus and eliza and leticia that they've turned their stories into a message they allowed god to turn their scars into stars and so tonight maybe you can do what alexis did do what eliza did do what letitia did and lay it at the feet of jesus and realize that people that represent god sometimes are the ones that hurt us the worst but we can't go through life allowing people that we're supposed to be representing god in a good way to cause us to be stuck for the rest of our lives right we gotta rise up we gotta let god turn our wounds into wisdom we can't bleed on people that didn't cut us because of something somebody did to us that broke our hearts we gotta know at the end of the day god's gonna deal with them but we gotta rise up so that we can be the mouth peace of jesus and gonna be jesus with skin on it whoo y'all leaving the comment what y'all thought about that clip that was powerful let's keep it going let's watch the next one the challenges that we uh that we face not just hearing stories of church members that have been hurt but you know having been on the other side of that pastors that have been hurt by church because i don't think church members think sometimes that when they leave if they don't leave right there's there's flashback that's right there's difficult issues that have to be dealt with on the other side and so i just think as you said if we humanize this thing if we realize that we're all humanity we're all in this together we're all we're all running the race none of us are perfect or perfected yet we're all in that journey of becoming yeah and so you're going to have some issues with people that's just a part of the the life that we live in especially in the church where we're doing life together i don't know if y'all know this but that was my brother pastor rob and boy he just said a whole mouthful there and i don't know maybe somebody's watching today that didn't leave your church right oh pastors have church hurt too and so that's what we just encountered was my brother breaking down how pastors get church hurt too you know because um most of the time when people leave a church they don't leave and just leave a lot of times they leave and slander and i say this to everybody that is a part of my community everybody that is a part of my world the way you leave one season is the way you enter another that's why tonight all facets of these clips are probably stirring up some things on the inside of you and if one of these clips that you're watching hits a nerve that means there's something in you that hasn't healed that is associated with whatever was said and so instead of us getting mad and shutting down we have to then realize that there's something in us that i have to heal so god can use me to the capacity that he wants to use me in this world so that i can live a free life you've ever met those people that like never forgive ever most of the time they turn out to need drugs or alcohol or something because they have never really truly walked in forgiveness and so while we're watching these clips tonight y'all search your heart and maybe you need to forgive your ex maybe you need to forgive your old pastor maybe you need to forgive that deacon or even a principal or a teacher somebody that was in leadership over you that took advantage of you or hurt you and tonight maybe they don't know they hurt you you know maybe tonight is a good night just to say god i'm gonna lay it at your feet that's what i've done and i get to live a free life because of it y'all leave some comments of what you're leaving after this clip show me just leave some comments of what you've decided to lay down tonight and not pick back up again like state it say it right what is it that you've decided to move forward from leave it in the comments let's watch the next clip he revealed to me that um because of where i'm taking you exactly what you said because of where i'm taking you you must have compassion for people yeah so what i experienced and with the church hurt it just it gave me something that says okay no we're not going to do people like that we're going to love on people because i have really gotten to a place where i look down on people like i realize that it's like god showed me that that i had gotten to a place where i'm holier than dao now i'm the person who's missed the mark and i'm feeling all of the pressure and uh but he told me he's like yeah this is this is because of where you're going you must have compassion what i have called you to you must be able to be able to love people man that just makes me even want to cheer but if y'all really knew leticia that's just powerful you know she comes from a great family of ministers and i'm just so thankful watching leticia that leticia decided to turn her pain into her pulpit that's what she did and so i don't know maybe that's got you thinking i need to lay some things down too ain't this good let's watch the next clip because i had to realize that sometimes the apology that you are looking for will never come but it's about man that's happened so much in my life yeah it's just about you being obedient to god even if i don't get the apology i love you if i don't receive the apology i i still know that i have an assignment and i'm not going to come off of my assignment because you want to be the way that you are he just said a whole mouthful did you hear that did you hear what jonathan said jonathan said i had to realize that i have to sometimes be okay with an apology that i never got like i just i basically want to run around my living room right now i have to realize that sometimes how many of you can identify with that right now like an ex somebody your dad your mom your brother your sister your old boss how many of you right now are stuck in a season allowing a season to define your lifetime because you won't be okay with an apology that you won't get you probably will never get it narcissistic people are never gonna say they're sorry because they don't think they did anything wrong today do what jonathan did and be okay with an apology that you probably won't never get why let somebody that's miserable that goes around misery that i mean miserable why let them continue to keep holding you back today come on let's do it together let's forgive just like jesus did in between those two thieves he forgave and so can we so it's very difficult to leave that that that that cohesion of that relationship when you are offended it ain't if when you're offended when you get upset yeah because all of that relationship so in our local churches we're we're starting to create that dynamic by understanding oh a local church needs small groups connection groups these layers so that when member number 386 gets hurt she's got like 28 other people girl what's wrong with you you straight bro you know what i mean yes so the pastor may have never been able to detect it you ain't discerning it on sunday when you preaching but you got 28 other people who have caught on to you supposed to text me back quicker than that he just said a whole mouthful and apostle ramon laid it out so beautifully like you know what i'm loving about these clips tonight is that it's giving us an overall view and it the thing with every wednesday night is it's allowed us to have these moments where we you know hear these testimonies and then we learn to walk through forgiving but forgiveness but what we're doing tonight is they're basically everyone that's talking has given us the answers to most of the questions that we need apostle ramon just dropped the mic what do y'all think come on drop the mic for some fire emojis let's keep moving let's keep going let's keep going but i thank god that i had a personal relationship with him that i had to realize it's not about the people it's not even about the leaders i'm coming for him because of my intimate personal relationship with him so because of that it literally set me free because it's always that battle before that breakthrough that was my battle and then here comes my breakthrough i don't remember i don't know if y'all remember this but pastor dion was talking about how she got offended there at this church and that she was deciding if she was going to go back or not and basically uh god really had a talk with pastor dion and said so you're serving her you're serving him that's what i want to talk to you about tonight maybe the reason you're holding on to anger or bitterness or church hurt or any type of hurt whatsoever when you hold on to something it means that you're given that hurt more attention and authority in your life than god and so that's what god told pastor dion are you gonna really stop going to this church because you got your feelings hurt off of a human being that gets up basically and goes to the bathroom like you wakes up with bad bad head just like you bad breath just like you and you're gonna let this person stop you for real like they can't even steal your birthday and she said god had this conversation with her and thank god she listened and she was like suck it up buttercup i'm gonna go back to church and thank god she went back to church because she met her husband they just celebrated 20-something years this past week of being married they are the coolest greatest couple ever that talk about relationship goals that are living the dream because she decided not to let a church hurt moment stop her she stopped focusing on the person and started focusing on god why because breakthrough comes after a breakdown always the enemy always fights you the most right before your greatest breakthrough it's a fact i say this to you guys all the time thieves don't rob empty balls right so where your point of pain is you've got to realize that that point of pain is when romans 8 28 slips in and god says i'm gonna work all things together for your good if she would have gotten stuck in the offense or she would have gotten stuck on the person that hurt her she would have never god would have never been able to work all things together for her good so she had to get outside of herself and she had to focus on jesus and when she did she reaped the greatest reward of all i'm telling y'all some of y'all are over here stuck on silly because you are mad about a person that is broken hurt people hurt people heal people heal people and so she just gave us the greatest definition the greatest painted the greatest picture of why you got to persevere when you want to quit why you want to get up and move forward even if it means you got to pull your big old thick thigh do it even if it feels like you're a turtle stuck in peanut butter get up let go of the offense and let's go that's what pastor dion just said that just blessed me let's watch the next clip ain't this good that's what's so important that you know that it i mean if you it's something else i mean because you know we do this life is not easy guys i mean we may be living for jesus but it doesn't mean everybody's sitting on the pew with us all right i mean our church is it's like a hospital so people come so even pastors even leaders in the in churches i mean nobody says that they're perfect they are not perfect none of us are perfect so it's so important for us to just say we're sorry yes we we're so sorry that you had to go through what you went through because someone would take advantage of their of their position come on saints ain't nobody like me me i remember baby man when she was sitting there breaking that thing down and just basically i love this because during the pastor's episode and me me and myself we were able to all throughout these past uh unfiltered um meetings on wednesday night we were able to say we were sorry for all the pastors preachers teachers elders parents that had hurt or wounded any of them we were able to put ourselves in that position and just say thank you please forgive us thank you for getting up again thank you for forgiving and forgive us let us stand in proxy and so i want to do that tonight for you i don't know who hurt you i don't know what they did to you i don't ever even have to know but i want to stand proxy i want to stand in the gap for all of those people in your life whether it was a spouse a pastor an elder a priest a teacher a dad a mom a brother a sister an elder a deacon a choir member a worship pastor i don't know but let me stand in the gap for them tonight and just tell you i am sorry for them we're all human i've hurt people in my life and now i'm pastoring a church and i don't get the luxury of saying what i want to say i have to stay at the feet of jesus so that i make sure that i don't hurt god's kids and so just know tonight that you are loved you are valued you matter you're accepted it ain't over until god says it's over you are worth it you are worth it you are worth fighting for they might not have fought for you because they didn't know how but i'm fighting for you and i'm telling you i'm excited about your future amos 9 13 says it won't be long now god's decree said things are about to happen so fast your head is about to spin blessing upon blessing upon blessing you won't be able to keep up so tonight just like mimi just did our sweet me me standing and telling alexis i'm so sorry for somebody that was supposed to represent god well forgive me for them for hurting you and so tonight is a good night to let go and let god listen if you're ever in the atlanta area we welcome you at limitless with open arms come be a part of our community if you don't have a church home come get plugged in come serve we're growing we need children's workers we need help's ministry we need media we need singers we need court we need musicians we need everything and you're welcome at our church give us a chance we won't hurt you i always say this if a church is messy it's because the pastor's messy yep because it starts from the top and goes down in our church we have a whole bunch of people that are for community our church is a good church we went through some things growing pains but now we're on at a place where we're hands and feet for jesus we're jesus with skin on it we love you if you can't get to our church and you don't have a church or maybe you're just finding jesus through limitless maybe you've never uh so many all throughout the week reach out to us and tell us we're learning about jesus through limitless yeah we've never been in a christian home we've never we weren't raised christians we're helping people get bibles we're we're doing what we can we've got 72 72 connect groups at limitless where i mean on zooms 72 770 something people are connected in those connect groups all across the world and y'all are teaching them because y'all can still serve and never even walk in limitless when you become a part of us so the key is to find you a community where you can let people love you and those people won't let you quit i pray this entire series this unfiltered tell us how you're liking unfiltered i could tell you this next month all october you are not gonna want to miss a wednesday night seven o'clock make sure you're setting your alarm make sure you're sharing these with your friends and they can make sure that if you're in atlanta and maybe you haven't been back to church or anywhere in the world you haven't been back to church because a church hurt come on get up go back to church you need community you need community if you're in atlanta across from whitewater high school in fayetteville georgia limitless church 1653 highway 85 south fayetteville georgia 30215 make sure you're dropping in the comments how this series has blessed you this has been a good series church hurt unfiltered i'm pastor kim i love you stay connected at you are loved loved loved [Music] is the rising [Music] can't sun
Channel: Limitless Church Fayetteville
Views: 196
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: OXpIh-vEBwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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