If Linux Made a MacBook

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this is what a macbook air looks like by apple one of the richest companies in the world but did you know you can get something just as good in a free open source way it just comes in several different pieces and doesn't always stay on keeps you guessing this is the linux macbook one has a keyboard the other is a keyboard hi i'm sam tucker and welcome to a very special experiment today yes we are creating our own little uh linux based macbook air our own very budget very uh budget version now you might be wondering sam why why are you doing this with with this keyboard raspberry pi little mini budget computer well the reason is is because this macbook air has that new m1 chip which is the new uh new hotness how do you do makes tim cook's arms bigger and that's because it runs on the architecture called arm and what also runs on arm yes the processor inside this tiny little keyboard computer so first let's just do a little comparison between the ports so first thing i'm seeing is i'm not actually seeing a headphone jack which is actually a very modern it's much more advanced than the macbook because uh none of the really fancy tech has a headphone jack so very on trend well done their linux machine courage it does have a full-size ethernet oh what's this usb 2 don't mind if i do two usb 3s and hello yes it even has usb type c for for power and absolutely nothing else two little micro hdmi exports for the for the displays and while this computer has you know people often wonder is it a hard drive is it an ssd well it doesn't matter because with the linux one it's neither it's an sd a little little sd card 32 gigabytes oh now that's that's some stingy storage okay and this is an interesting port they hide this away i don't want you to see it i think this is either to design your own your own custom dongle or to maybe plug in a fax machine i'm not sure and as you know apple are renowned for the quality of their track pads and this doesn't even physically click it has like a vibration motor to really simulate some pretty pretty advanced force touch clicking don't force touch that is inappropriate in today's society consent touch your macbook air uh but this if you're wondering where the track pad is on the linux machine don't worry i've thought about that yes our trackpad is the same time sexy signed mouse pad not available in the store anymore surprisingly surprisingly didn't sell all that many i'm not entirely sure why but it does also have a big dongle a big swinging dongle um you better be careful where you swing that and that's what that usb 2 port's for it's for your little little mouse there or your big full-size mouse that shoots freaking shoots freaking laser beams out there and again just more reasons why this is uh going to be a macbook air is because it actually came with a book instructions because it doesn't trust you to be able to set up the internet on linux it is linux if you've never experienced linux before i i envy you well all right then let's plug this in and let's turn it on it might take some time which is just enough time to talk about our sponsor big shout out to morning brew now before morning brew my mornings were dull just aimlessly browsing social media oh but now that i've subscribed to the free morning brew newsletter i get up to speed with the latest business news in just five minutes see traditional news is dry dense and boring and that's just david kosh whereas morning brew is witty relevant and sometimes a little sassy but in a good way like check this out i learned that while we were all going bananas for gamestop turns out that hertz was having their own little stock party oh there was even an article about how to leave a company gracefully yeah maybe bixby should read this one now sir i wasn't sure if you wanted tea or coffee so i just made both in the same cup if you're into business techo finance there's no reason not to subscribe to morning brew it's completely free and takes less than 15 seconds to subscribe click the link in the description below to subscribe to morningbro okay and we're turned on yes yes we are in beautiful mac os excuse me mac os yes mac os there we go a very interesting version of mac os i'm not sure where in california this uh this nipple is probably under tim's shirt that's fine all right let's try things out i know the first thing you want to know can this thing game yes if you're a fan of the channel you know that minecraft blew up my macbook pro but that was a terrible pro device it was not this awesome uh linux macbook macbook so we do have minecraft pie it's it's loaded so that's more than i expected building terrain okay we're getting three frames per oh yeah and it's up it's live it can actually do it you can't you can't click it though oh you can just jump forever that's interesting that's um that's not the game that i played okay so oh oh you can only click when you're allowed it's very it's very um very restrictive you'll know that about linux everything is done through the terminal you will have to type in sudo let me just click when i want but oh and that's how you get diamonds baby ah that's how you get diamonds put me on the trending page youtube instead of mr beast 20 times can it make it big does linux do big it does do no it doesn't do big wishful thinking again again that's another linux feature linux loves to just get your hopes up and then it's it's gone okay now a slightly controversial uh issue with the macbook air is that the webcam is still only 1080p although it is enhanced by the m1 processor there we go well all right then so that's the macbook air again that's a 720p when we move over to the linux machine that webcam was about 7.50 let's see uh if linux can work with a webcam don't scratch my monitor that's worth a lot more than this computer is now because this is linux um i don't think there's any inbuilt program that can use the webcam nor could it probably understand what a webcam is so we need to do what all the linux people love to do and that's open up the terminal now if you don't know what terminal is it's a portal to help all right let's see if this works you have to be very careful not to put in a typo i did that before filming and the computer wouldn't turn on again so in most competent operating systems if you do a little typo then it just puts a little red squiggly line under it but if you do it on linux the computer won't turn back on so let's see if this works sudo apt install fs webcam that's for sake webcam oh it's doing something this is exciting unable to fetch some archives maybe run apt get update or try with that missing well i'm just going to pretend that you didn't complain about it and you're just going to work on the mac you just click the shutter button on there on this you've got to write a little sonnet i'm going to write a little sonic to linux webcam not found okay it didn't work and that is par for the course with linux add or remove software let's see if there's a single piece of software that has to do with a webcam oh my goodness full featured webcam capture application okay give me one of those please this might actually work this could be this could be something exciting now we just have to find where it put it no so it saves the program but it doesn't tell you what it does with it it's hiding it it's uh withholding the information uh maybe i need an app to find the app remove it visit its website require it look all these options and none of them are run just run the thing [Laughter] oh that's a linux that's so linux all right let's try the web browser welcome no internet oh yeah i haven't plugged in the internet okay okay let's give it some internet it also has wi-fi but i don't know if i trust linux linux will somehow retroactively make my internet works let's go to youtube it loads youtube that's a plus i spoke too soon let's check out if samsung made the iphone 12 a classic a classic no no audio there is that 100 is there a way to tell it to send it through to the screen yeah here we go display interface performance change password okay where's the sound one where's any option for sound maybe it already is maybe i need to turn up the speaker on the monitor no that's that volume okay so again a nice anti feature all right let's see what other games it has games python games oh the snake game they have it test your memory five block tetris repeat the pattern geez these descriptions are really getting you in the mood aren't they oh snake like game here we are wormy yeah i'll play some women please wormy wormy wormy wormy wormy let me play oh here we go oh ah does everyone remember this yes that's right while you're playing your apple arcade here on the linux macbook we have nokia arcade oh what's that in in aerial font maybe let's play the squirrel game you're okay i'm just squirreling along oh oh okay this reminds me of that et game does everyone remember that the worst game of all time because it's got all the grass i might just screen screen a better game there oh look at this it's amazing oh wow that's great and now for the ultimate test of course uh apple's announced some sort of 18 hour or something like that intense battery life on their new arm processors let's see what the battery life is on the linux arm processor instant off wow 18 milliseconds well there you have it the linux macbook who whose idea was this okay bixby big shout out again to morningbrood don't forget sign up to their free newsletter get it all get it all in in your email it's very very fancy even the linux machine can do the can do the email so i've heard and uh well until next time stay funky everyone same time signing off subscribe today get in there get in there don't don't cause me sass oh yeah oh oh settle in come on don't call me oh yes is that flickering for you that's annoying isn't it careful careful linux don't be too linuxy oh linux can do everything oh you're just not understanding it well good
Channel: SAMTIME
Views: 99,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: macbook, apple, linux, m1, macbook air, funny, comedy, samtime, sam tucker
Id: 69dIx4BseQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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