Why do people use macOS?

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why do people use Mac OS that is the question so many people ask from a Windows user perspective a lot of people look at it and think it's just a kid's toy or something for hipsters and you know that was probably my take about three years ago however about two years ago I started using Linux as my daily driver and Linux is an alternative from Windows and Mac and coming from Linux to Mac OS even though I was lifetime Windows user before that I can appreciate it a little bit more but there's a lot of weird things about Mac OS so I spent about the last week in Mac OS not a hundred percent of course I still had to make other videos and that type of thing but for the most part I sat inside a Mac and I wanted to go over the good the bad and just the plain weird so to start out with of course we have to go to the desktop because I got to show you what I've run into we're gonna start with the good I want to start on a high note right so the very first thing I learned about Mac was obviously it's it's based on UNIX and coming from Linux oh there's so many whoo so much that carries over that just makes it pretty darn awesome so my terminal I went ahead changed everything to like zsh I have them I have all the cool stuff I want as far as package managers you have brew which brew is basically a package manager for Mac OS so you can install a whole bunch of stuff really easily so if you're using Hugo or any kind of development tool or yeah practically any app is in here too I think you can do like a brew install and it'll go out fetch and install it right on this Mac which is amazing and of course I just did that wrong I had to look something up real fast though actually this is the command to install I needed cask and some other stuff first but this is basically how I would basically use it like I use Linux so I can just use my Mac in all things because I really didn't like the AppStore shockingly as that may seem to many and as far as zs HL and vim and all the other stuff i was able to found mike mac alternative so this worked out pretty darn well for me now as far as the settings though there's some weird things coming from Windows or Linux like the the Mac Mouse is set to flip around where if you scroll up it goes down if you scroll down it goes up it's like an inverted Mouse they call it natural mouse so I change that around energy saver I kind of just made things to where they don't really ever go to sleep very much my displays do I mean the power savings and Mac is really good so that's kind of neat I thought that was a neat function the preferences and how they lay out everything also very very good in some of the functionality like screen time and things in here I thought were kind of intuitive and it felt very good to me as well obviously you have like Suri which is very much like Cortana is two windows and I was like you know yeah I'm not a big fan other stuff like some integration if you're big into the Apple ecosystem you do get benefits like iMessage and other things that integrate with obviously I'm don't even have an iPhone so I don't really care about those but it's neat that they still exist and they're they're the big things were the integration of mail the mail clients in Mac OS are fantastic obviously they have full use of the Microsoft Office System which is a big deal you got Word Excel Outlook and you have regular mail which works fantastic I would open this up but I don't want to show you all my mail and then probably the biggest boon from everything and it's not actually on this test system here but it's DaVinci Resolve inside I decided to install Mac OS on a rising machine just because I have a really really big beefy system in there it's you know 16 threads 8 cores 16 gigs of ram you know it's it's a really really beefy system and then this is just an old i-5 no external or anything so I have DaVinci Resolve on my production machine and I decided hey I'm gonna try I'm coming from kdenlive and I decided we'll try some DaVinci Resolve and I gotta say this was the biggest boon and this probably is more about DaVinci Resolve than Mac per se but I was able to do a bare-metal render on a Vegas 64 on that inside machine in about a minute about a 10 minute 1080p 30 frames a second video file completely cop chopped up with transforms and fades and everything in about 1 minute or 60 seconds and that was amazing that was really really good I love that about it so from a Productivity standpoint I thought hey this was really awesome but let me go ahead and exit out of here we got installed on this outside machine and we'll go ahead launch into just to kind of showcase this functionality of brew and there we go we got my on here I love forget Photoshop I don't care if it's available on Mac still not using it alright now it's time to move on to the ugly or the bad of Mac OS and this one it should not really come as much of a surprise but something that a lot of people criticize Linux for I thought would be at least equivalent on Mac OS and boy was I wrong when it comes to the App Store the App Store on this is just terrible let's go ahead and launch into the App Store I really thought the App Store because like they were the ones that created the whole App Store name really and their App Store is terrible like horrible I tried to install like DaVinci Resolve and a couple other programs through here and it bombed and honestly a lot of the programs I'd to use I was just like yeah it's it's just a horrible interface and yeah Linux app stores are more functional heck I think the Microsoft's but now I won't go that far Microsoft stores worst thing it's the worst out of all of them but needless to say I was surprised to find that the App Store was not very good in here probably the biggest joke was arcade or gaming on Macs I mean what is this an iPad it was such a joke to me like gaming on Mac is the worst experience like if you have a Mac your dual booting into Windows there is no playing games on Mac yeah you can play some phone games but who wants to do this on a Mac I thought this was terrible like Linux gaming really good Windows gaming obviously the de facto standard which everything plays on but this was kind of an interesting point so in that same vein I wanted to go over minecraft bedrock edition why do I say this because when it comes to Catalina its 64-bit only which is broken a lot of programs and emulation when it comes to Mac OS so I was trying to play this right here using the minecraft bedrock launcher I do this on Linux all the time obviously if I'm a Windows I just used the native one from the Windows Store but I thought this was kind of a bummer for me that I had issues now they're still working on patching this up and eventually they're gonna get it working on Catalina but I at least wanted to bring up 64-bit only in Catalina for those using Catalina but overall I gotta say I was a little bit disappointed with some of the compatibility as I was expecting it to be better in this regard but instead with them transitioning to arm and I think they're really trying to make this push to all 64 it's kind of leave some programs in the dust other weird things like global shortcuts like this is something I always kind of took for granted in Windows usually I use autohotkey to launch any of my programs in Linux obviously that's all built into pretty much any desktop environment in Mac though like the shortcuts you thought hey I could just come in here add a shortcut it would be fine but it's so cumbersome I don't even want to do it basically how you had launched like let's say I'm gonna launch my browser with like super key and B or the Windows key and B I can't really do that with unless I set up like an automation script so if I go into here go over to like Automator I can create a script to launch my browser and then tie that into a shortcut key that sometimes will work sometimes it long depending on what's going on like if I just have the desktop selected I'm in finder finder will overwrite any of the key bindings here and won't launch if I'm in another bro Graham though it will so obviously this whole shortcut setup and Mac is just kind of a nightmare to deal with and I really thought this would be better it honestly implemented a lot better now there's there's two more things I want to touch on to the command key obviously going to the command key or the windows key is I know it that's weird I'm so used to control C control V on both Linux and Mac or both Linux and Windows with Mac using the control key for you know highlighting all copying pasting and a lot of other just quit functions those types of things that was just a little bit weird for me so I'm getting used to it a little bit but trying to reprogram your brain when you're you're kind of used to it doing like control is is a bit of a weird thing I don't I wouldn't run that into the bad realm it's just very different and then the next thing that I kind of is weird I really only have two real weird things here for you and it's like listing so like if you go into like let's say downloads we do a listing or let's do a long listing you'll notice these @ symbols so you have traditional UNIX based for permissions but then you have these at symbols you're like what the hell is an at symbol well it's an extended attribute so you can actually interface with these with 8x8 ETR and you can actually delete extended ones to make things work now I'll get into why I needed to do this here in a second but check this out you do a listing and then you do L and then you do the @ symbol you can see when you download things it adds these extra attributes to make it a little more secure it puts everything in quarantine and say hey this particular thing can't really interface with the system and so on and so forth it they do all kinds of wacky things but I thought weird I didn't really realize this was a thing but it is totally a thing and I know that because well let's get into the hackintosh realm of things and some of the issues I've had first was I had a memory modules misconfigured thing and I had to get a text well when I downloaded that text it was in here I went to drag and drop that into my EFI folder well it had those extended attributes and that messed things up so if I wanted to delete one let's say I want to delete it off a steam you just do X attr dash D and then you would do this entire attribute right here and then you would put your Steam dmg and then it would disappear so let's do another listing and you see it removes that extended attribute totally bonkers it's not even in the GUI it's only from command line but I was like strange but I thought it's worth mentioning and the other thing I don't really have it on this PC to show you real fast but it is DaVinci Resolve on my rise intosh it's because of Rison how it interfaces with certain programs DaVinci Resolve was written with Intel only chips in mind meaning that I think it was version 16.2 they made it to where if you had a risin chip or an AMD chip on a Mac it would crash immediately so I actually had to go download Lib io MP v dot dy Lib and that was able to fix it I dropped that library directly into the application contents I think it was the contents libraries folder I over wrote the existing one there and then I was able to fix that and still use DaVinci Resolve on my inside production machine that was kind of a weird thing and then obviously the text with extended libraries was another weird thing but other than that using open core it's been pretty much a stock experience so what are my overall impressions here of Mac OS I like it I mean honestly it's it's neat I I see the benefits to let's say if you're just doing video production and maybe checking email if those were your two main tasks on a computer hey I could see why people would use a Mac as far as development types of things I was surprised that this would be pretty good for a development machine like I'll still keep one around just to hack around and do different things on it make cool videos for certain certain projects but overall it is still a very closed ecosystem even though it's a little more open than you'd think with homebrew and some other neat terminal things you can really go and do different stuff with it but at that point obviously for me Linux is still going to be my main daily driver but I still will keep this around as just something to toy around with and have fun as I have enjoyed my stay with Mac OS I'll still have one I might keep it on the production machine for a little bit just to see things at a fair shake after really living in Windows and Linux and really understanding it it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be even though it was still very very limited so with that a big shout out to all my patrons without you I couldn't make videos like this one and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 201,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, Why do people use macOS%3F, apple, mac, macbook, windows, macbook air, pc, mac vs pc, macbook pro, computer, linux, macos big sur, macos, review, technology, tech, macos 11, laptop, best, iphone, ios, pc vs mac, osx, os, microsoft, apple macbook pro, apple macbook, macbook air review, unbox therapy, unboxing, windows vs mac, pro, video, reviews, wwdc, diy, macintosh, hack, programming, tutorial, computer science, operating system, gaming, stop reading tags you nerd!, windows 10, better
Id: AWIXwqhPiYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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