If It Fits, I'll Pay For It! Mother’s Day Challenge

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you guys have five minutes and whatever you can put in this car i will pay for all of it i don't care if it's a hundred dollars or ten thousand the timer started let's see if we could spend more money than nathan excuse me ma'am we'll give you five minutes and you fill up a grocery cart full of whatever you want and we'll pay for it at the end five minutes we're just trying to get back to moms run around and get whatever you want no no i mean you got five minutes good choice go go go go go what do you got you're empty-handed what are you doing just grab a pack of chips timer started this one yeah don't get in your way all right so far 30 seconds in just grab some cereal the cart is already pretty full i think she's just going down our grocery list if i was in this competition i would just grab every single gift card oh you're gonna pause it well i mean that's what we did last time yep i like it five minutes is really not too long i mean for proper groceries i'd say like an hour why don't you just do one of these there you go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you're unspeakable no that's not me no oh my gosh please what is obsessed with you can you get a picture yeah sure oh she's coming get out of her way no no you're going you you haven't even been a minute yet two minutes and 20 seconds left hey grab that fortnite card you know you want those v bucks no he's grabbing so many do you like fortnight no do you like roblox no you like minecraft not really at least he's an honest kid got four more minutes see she knows what's up like she's got cereal she's got anything grab everything oh home depot you have a minute and 30 seconds left grab that yeah yeah grab that guy got him oh that one okay all right grab me some clothes a lot of clothes oh all the clothes listen just grab whatever it doesn't matter the price it doesn't matter we're just trying to give back to you for being such a hard mother run run timer's out so everything that is in your car i know there's a ton of gift cards a ton of stuff i will pay for all of it okay i don't know what to say no not yet we're only four minutes you got some sushi in here is this dinner yeah that is five minutes so whatever your daughter brings back that's it 550 200 500 500 yeah sure we could max it we'll get a shopping cart i saw it on like like youtube in like 6000 i never thought it happened like here dude they literally have like 20 gift cards they're almost done scanning all the stuff we're gonna max out every gift card that they grab our total right here is 370 so we're gonna go ahead and pay this but we have to do the gift cards at a different register because the max is only 150 bucks i don't think he grabbed enough i think we need to go another five minutes this was amazing appreciate it thank you for allowing us to help you yes all right we gotta get all the gift cards down here we gotta like go to the bank yeah let's just do 500 on all the ones that say 500. oh look at that all right so that's our total just for the gift cards five thousand dollars almost appreciate it so much thank you enjoy all the food happy mother's day all right thank you here is your first receipt for 360 dollars for all the groceries and then here's your second receipt for four thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars for all the gift cards every single gift card is maxed out most of these gift cards say five hundred dollars on it so that one has that one has 500. here you go thank you yeah happy mother's day you're welcome [Music] obviously we're doing a lot of mother's day things in today's video and i do have a mom so we're going to give her this giant mother's day bag and i'm also going to give her flowers for every year that she was my mom let's go what are you doing hello hi how are you how's your morning going it's good it's friday uh what is friday well i wanted to give you your mother's day present so we have this massive bag and this massive card there's a bunch of other stuff in here there's like some outlets you open it it's a dog it needs to be a cat yeah i'm not really a dog person i'm more of a cat person oh that's so sweet you're welcome i also am going to give you flowers for every year that you've been my mom so there's there's one yeah there's another one you might want to clear off your desk there's another one that that's three years four you're getting here's five years six years seven years do you remember how old i am 20. we're almost there almost there 21 22 23 and i didn't really know this but i'm 24 now all right there we go i don't really know where you're gonna put them all carry them to the car or something um they're beautiful that's a lot of flowers maybe plant them we can have a garden best prison ever thank you so much you're welcome will you outdid yourself that's awesome i'm leaving now let's um bye oh no okay yeah okay fine that's fine do you think okay so mom you're probably wondering why i asked you to meet me at work right i am okay let me show you here you go scared 500 amazon gift card so get anything i didn't know exactly what you'd want so now you can get anything you want oh my goodness and there's more in there i'll unfold it so you can see it it's tie-dye honestly a custom tie-dye shirt with a heart in the middle it kind of matches the tie-dye you have on now awesome there you go happy mother's day thank you thank you all right mom i'm calling you because i'm doing a really special thing and so i wanted to start it off with giving a gift to the best mom in the world my favorite mom and so i got you a hibiscus tree your favorite flower and i got you a really pretty bag that says happy mother's day and then i got you a bunch of pink paper it's like the same color as a flamingo and then i got you the wallet you've always wanted beautiful do you like it i love it it matches my purse actually really yeah didn't even know that's that's awesome all right mommy for you to give it to you i know i'll i'll come as soon as possible when i get done shooting this video i'm coming straight there love it love it all right mom i love you thank you happy mother's day i feel good you feel good yeah that made me proud yeah i feel good we should do it more giving gifts to our moms made us feel good so we're gonna give gifts to all the moms well not every mom that's a lot of moms probably takes forever we're going to try to give as many gifts as we can to tons of moms but let's do it in fun ways what if we just like show up at a grocery store give a mom a heart and then tell her hey i'm just going to pay for whatever you can put in here yeah yeah let's do it yeah or we could go to a random apartment find a mom pay for their rent we got baby today you like penguins we can go to a gas station put you in a penguin costume and if someone says that you're a penguin which obviously you are we'll give them like 500 bucks how are you thinking of all this i don't know but honestly here give me that piece of paper let me write this down before you forget yeah let me write this down before we forget can we go to bucky's the world's biggest game and then like get food oh wait no hold on we're doing mother's day oh we can pay for gas ooh okay yeah i got it i got it moms have kids obviously that's what makes them a mom right yes and their kids go to daycare kid mom so we pay for the daycare we can help out nurses yes yes flowers nails we should just give this all away to moms yeah all the moms we find today all right so we're in the hospital right now and we have five nurses that are all moms and we have a big money machine gosh did you forget it yeah i got it what are you doing today guys we are going to take care of some mothers who are essential workers and i'm so glad that we're why do you look so scared james hallway oh okay wait but i wanted to do this okay are you ready i've been ready my whole life we got buckets full of money we have tons of money in there these are our five nurses over here who wants to go first okay so you're gonna get these sticky gloves will help you grab as much money as possible now to be clear no hot dogs here right there's there's no hot dogs i'm gonna get this checked out after we're done all right hop in i'm ready to start the two minutes when that money starts flying we're gonna throw all this cash in there i'm hoping she gets at least a hundred dollars interesting tactics she's just shoving all of it in her shirt dude she might take all the money out of the machine [Applause] [Music] okay so how much money do you think you want claudia 60 you think this is 60 dollars over three hundred and fifty dollars [Applause] we still have four more nurses now we're standing outside it's raining and we have a giant wheel to spin oh dude i didn't even see that you could win a tv cash iphone a golf cart let's go find some moms and let's do this welcome to the game show we're gonna spin this wheel and whatever you land on you receive pretty simple do you want to spin it go for it i need my daughter for good luck give me a high five you could win a golf cart a tv an iphone thousands of dollars in cash there's the spin oh it was very fast what do we got oh excuse me man i have a question for you what kind of animal is this it's a penguin yeah it's a hundred dollars it's a mother's day gift yeah congratulations all because you got the correct answer thank you you're welcome happy mother's day all right so if you see this giant thing behind me i'm sure you guys probably know where we are we're here at the fire station we got a couple moms that are here to win some cash for mother's day speaking of fire trucks there's one that's pulled in right there oh that one's big that is a big fire truck that one's like double the size of this one this could be good [Applause] are you ready to step into the cash box yes i will take this oh this is going to be no longer the cash all the money okay how did you get here you live everywhere now that i'm thinking about it yeah we're literally in the middle of a fire station right now so hopefully they don't get a call because we're going to have to move more money in there we're trying we're going to transfer let's go she's doing great because of the firehouse she's got a lot of cash wow i've never seen you dance so much before are you happy i'm just like in a mood all right oh i can't read the time oh my goodness 30 seconds five seconds four three [Music] [Applause] all right so lena out of all this cash right here how much do you think you won 200 352. it's pretty good we're at a daycare right now and we have all of these unspeakable squishy toys what you have to do is you have 20 seconds to flip them all over and you have to find the one with the heart on it if you do find the one with the hearts on it your kid gets daycare free for a week done watch out lately step up whoever wants to go first oh now she's shy she's shy all right ready i'm ready okay two seconds two seconds all right everyone it's 10 seconds it's getting lower and lower oh okay so it's pretty fast ready three two one go okay go go go go go go go go go fast [Applause] five seconds okay are we ready ten seconds to find it are we ready three two one go go go go go go go oh hurry up we're looking for the heart oh all right we're gonna have two people go at the same time all right are you guys ready you have 10 seconds to find that heart it's not this one okay all right three two one go go go go go go go go go go come on come on come on [Applause] all right so we have a little bit of a surprise not only do you guys get daycare free for the kids for a week but we're actually going to be paying for everyone in the daycare for one week loves the kids we're gonna hand over a check to this daycare there is 90 children and 71 families that go to this daycare that are going to receive daycare free for one week is that a mom right there ron james all right run come on come on we need to go we need to go stay right here right here feet together feed together hold on can i ask you a question ma'am if you can guess what animal this is you're gonna pay for your guess are you sure is that your final answer do you think it's a pink one she thinks it's all right here you go [Music] happy mother's day oh no foreign we got monique going next and we have a first aid kit for you but it is actually empty so you can store all the money in there he needs to buy more oh this clown is driving me crazy [Applause] she knows you have to open it and close it if she leaves that box open the money's just gonna keep flying out of it it looks like it's working for her how is she doing i think she's doing pretty good i think the box is actually almost full i did great [Applause] all right for monique how much money do you think this is i'll pay a hundred hundred dollars you guys are really low at guessing this is over three hundred dollars happy mother's day would you like to give it a spin you could win anything that's on there you never know what you're gonna like there you go there we go [Applause] would you like to spin this meal to potentially win the prize it's completely free all you have to do is spin this whatever you land on you get no strings attached it's literally that easy yeah yeah yeah yeah yo she landed on cash bro what do you do oh there you go 400. i think it's five is it 400 or 500 500 all right 500 500 i want you to fill this entire boot with money it is gonna be my goal okay let's do it are you ready yeah it started oh no let's start step in the cash machine and come get you some guacamole are we all ready we're ready the funnest part is throwing all the cash into the tunnel because you don't know what you're grabbing you're driving hundred dollar bills she's grabbing a good amount of money dude no it's the boot the boots like this talk more money oh my god this is like in a tornado of money all the money's just going right over there stop it start it stop it start it we're out of money [Applause] two minutes you're supposed to fill up the boat not your shirt whatever works that boot was full to the top how much money do you think you earned i'm gonna say 200. 324. where are we standing on concrete outside where are we texas where's the nails on we're gonna go in that nail salon we're gonna find a mom we're gonna give her some guacamole how much does it cost to get your nails done well i'm thinking like i have no idea 40 bucks 20 bucks no dude it has to be way less than that look how small it is oh so it's 20 dollars a nail let's just go give her the money okay just get it let's go look right there we actually are on camera though what's your name jenna we wanted to give you nails times 10. the problem is we don't know how much it costs is it like 20 dollars to get your nails done it's more yeah oh my gosh 20 21 40 okay so we got just for the nail oh the feet we forgot about the feet so we have two and a half sets of nails and toes for you for mother's day happy mother's day thank you you're welcome this is your first toe cleaning this is how we talk to each other at the playground get it up yes i want to go home we got to get her toes colored just clipping we do this all the time what's hurting you i can't breathe i can't breathe help me excuse me ma'am are you by chance a mother yes okay cool you're getting your nails done today obviously i'm gonna pay for it how much cover is it 40 and 30. okay let me do some quick math 20 40 60 80 100 120. oh my gosh 140 160 100. look at all that guacamole 200 i think 200 is good man there you go 200 just for you are you serious i am serious why because you're a mom happy mother's day thank you y'all have a good one spin the wheel and you win the prize here we go brand new iphone brand new iphone there you go and you have a great mother's day use it sell it pawn it whatever you want to do with the iphone we have a wheel and we have prizes and whatever you land on you receive oh we're on cash all right here you go cash there you go yeah all yours wait that's it that's it it's for mother's day we told you happy mother's day thank you yeah just uh go deposit that hello give it a spin go go go what must we land on today yeah this enough yeah that's enough okay here you go there you go yes there you go oh yeah i'm sorry it's not a lot wait wait i think she needs more oh do you want an iphone too no all yours brand-new i don't know yeah it's just like a magic bucket this is why we do this stuff people are literally so confused i love it because it's so quick we got rachel going next this is your special weapon i want you to shove all the money in here okay two minutes on the clock for rachel let's see how much money she can grab go get that money have more money in there the strategy that you want to do is you want to stare down the money and you say listen i already spent you lose my mind [Applause] hopefully she grabbed a lot of 20s rachel how much money do you think you won 100 why does everyone say 100 [Applause] we're gonna go up to someone i have 200 now we're up in the stakes let's see if we can find a mom ask her favorite caller and then just give her 200 bucks i like it oh look at this remind us i just need to wait for her to get out of her car and not be super suspicious excuse me ma'am what's your favorite color white here's two hundred dollars for your gas yeah here you go happy mother's day no i'm not joking [Applause] yeah you're welcome awesome hi how you doing how are you doing all you have to do is spin this wheel what will it land on i think i have a few dollars in here do you want this cash or this cash that one one has more well she didn't want mine here just take them off yeah here just take it with me are you serious are you sure you want it though oh yeah yeah is it not enough do we have more um yeah here's a little more yeah there you go do you wanna go what are you gonna do are you serious yeah serious oh my god i can't believe it oh well it's something that'll happen when i walk away no no no no nothing's gonna happen it's for mother's day yeah it's all good oh my god thank you we're just trying to get back to the mothers for mother's day you want a scooter there you go how are you doing i'm good it's crazy which way left right either way what everyone's feeling lucky on well no no no [Applause] this is real well their iphone's mine but i'm jumping now you're good it's all yours for mother's day for mother's day wow thank you guys so much so i missed calculated oh my gosh what'd i tell you about miscalculating i'm sorry our next contestant is mia what is going to be her special weapon sorry i had to get sparky he ran away we're going to stop we're just going to yeah bring it back to life yeah all right two minutes on the clock let's see how much money she can get and stuff in that dog what is that oh do i keep the timer going no just let the timer's still going they're putting on their jackets oh my gosh are we just gonna wait um well there she goes i'm gonna stop the time why don't we just leave them all the cash that's in there yeah let's just grab all the cash so we got all this cash in the bucket it's a couple thousand dollars we're gonna leave it right here so we're just gonna leave it yeah we're just gonna leave it for him hope everything's okay i'm sure everything will be fine they're professionals they do this all the time they do don't look at me like that oh it's okay it's okay we have this bicycle this is the biggest water gun i've ever seen in my life really big actually and hoverboards all for mother's day so now you don't have to worry about anything you can just send them on their way if you're like here don't bother me yes i'm sure maybe the only catch is because it's mother's day okay okay i can't believe this well thank you no problem we know how much work you guys do so we're just trying to give back to y'all all right well thank you so i'm gonna give you this unspeakable hat so scoop up all the money good luck all right two minutes [Applause] hat because nathan has a really big head so she's going to be able to kind of pull the money in the front i have a big hand no no not at all i'm telling you speaking of a merch will make you money not really [Applause] three two one i have never seen an unspeakable hat with that much money oh my god all right catherine so how much money do you think you won 1 385 1300 close seven hundred and forty dollars here you go [Applause] you really took his nose no i don't have to smell all of them oh wait what [Applause] all right so we have a thousand dollar check for you are you serious yeah here we go unfortunately we do not have any iphones left but an iphone's like a thousand dollars right so we'll give you a thousand dollars [Applause] yes mr clown can i have your shoe my shoe can i have your shoe all right so i want you to take this massive clown shoe and shove as much money as you can in there he doesn't have hot dogs he doesn't have a shoe he ain't got no money that's a big shoe that is a big shoe i don't choose [Applause] oh natalie how much money do you think you won a hundred dollars a hundred dollars i don't know why you guys are saying hundred dollars times that by three 360 dollars thank you ladies for coming out and happy mother's day all right so here's the deal mr penguin i need you to find someone to pay raw paper scissors with you and if they win you're going to give them 240 dollars exactly they're gonna win you're gonna lose that's that's the point you can only throw paper hello how are you doing all right so here's the deal i'm gonna let you play rock paper scissors against my penguin and if you win i'll give you 240 ready rock paper scissors shoot scissors cuts paper just like that it's okay thank you guys happy mother's day none of the moms came back and bought us candy he bought us candy i called dibs on twix oh my gosh my kids are so excited [Music] [Applause] wait wait wait if you can tell me what color the grass is green all right double your money [Applause] oh my god here comes the golf cart been on the golf cart that quick jordan was moving dude not going forward hey guys i'm daniel gathright i'm the creative arts pastor at declaration church here in spring texas we have something very special today could you explain where where we're at right now we're standing outside someone's house we are we're outside one of our church members houses her name is kristen and kristen went through a really tough time during covert kristin is a single mother she has four kiddos and she lost her job here in kobit so she's been a single mother for a long time and uh i think today you guys we got a lot of stuff we're gonna pay for her rent we have nintendo switches for our kids a lot of stuff a lot of stuff so let's go let's say hi [Music] hi what's up how are you come on out hi gabe hey hi i'm daniel from there wow okay and we have a surprise for you we do have a big surprise for you and your family we'll start off with the simple one we have a month of this is arrests first one we'll start with that we also go ahead and i have a bunch of nintendo switches with a bunch of games there's a lot in there you want to take that it's a heavy bag we've got a basket of flowers for you and a special surprise in here and then a basketball group we know that this last year has not been easy for you and today is just a blessing for you so thank you too unspeakable and the crew you're welcome god bless you happy mother's day happy mother's day thank you sorry for crying we got something i got you guys nintendo switches well can we help you get the groceries unloaded yeah this is so awesome we got casey and connor here are you a fan dude yes all right he's ready so connor watches the videos he's a huge fan and we have casey as well [Applause] for mother's day you guys need to team up and anything you can put in this cart in five minutes i will pay for it timer's started gift card oh my gosh she's grabbing all the fortnite gift cards i can't do this well they are filling up their own cart james and i are going to help them by filling up another cart it's already been 30 seconds just trying to figure out what she wants oh he got oreos we got the double stuff that's the good stuff oh that's a lot of or you're gonna eat all those you better not let those go back here do you want some milk with those oreos you're here i got you i got you milk i got to the milk not the small cart the big cart grab that trick right yeah tricks grabbed some chips oh m m's what other candy you like do you like airheads i love it there you go oh man he's slammed dumped that boy hey should we grab some flowers i like these flowers i just i like the the colors so far it's been three minutes you guys have three minutes left water dehydrated oh you need to stay hydrated yes that's what i like to see got some blueberries and strawberries pineapples why not don't run over my toes oh wait do you want this one i got it i got i got you a gift card here you go hey let's go i hope they have enough room in the fridge they're running i can't keep up with them pita tips okay well now we have to get hummus i've never heard of carrot hummus oh this is good i know this is good classic oh he found the toys grab all the nerf guns all the nerf guys let's grab all these oh my gosh there you go how are you doing yeah you got a minute and 20 seconds left they're all falling out of the car and their cart is overfilling cheese that's my cerrala all right let's go that's a good stuff uh 35 seconds left if you see a new york strip or a t-bone let me know yeah put it in there why not i got a whole back massage oh good they can eat some ribs and massage the back go go go go go go go go go go go go all right nine eight seven six that fell five four three two one stop does that count that counts yeah everything in this car i'll pay for it let's take it to the checkout see how much it is i want a print comic we'll grab this one we'll grab this one for power where's gabe and james i think they got you guys a cart full of stuff too hopefully oh yes you have to have oreos oh my gosh dude this is gonna be so much okay since you guys only had five minutes we thought we'd help so here you go now we got a second i got the good stuff oh we also got you flowers for mother's day this is a mother's day gift alone all right so now they have two carts i thought one was bad enough it's gonna take a while but we're gonna check all this out and we'll have the totals in a second [Music] go give this to gabe and be like hey i got this for you all right we have the totals oh my gosh these are all your gift cards look at these gift cards and this is the receipt for your gift cards you got a lot of fortnite a lot of amazon and a lot of roblox gift cards we have three thousand dollars worth of gift cards so here you go keep both of those oh my gosh i feel so guilty for the groceries this is our receipt right here we have one thousand one hundred and sixty two dollars here's really good oh my gosh imagine if we were at cvs this was so much fun thank you guys so much and happy mother's day to all the moms out there [Music] oh you said it i want to see myself on youtube you will
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 1,460,495
Rating: 4.9413939 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: eNE9fSFKIjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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