Trapped in STRANGER THINGS Upside Down

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11 managed to defeat the demigorgon with her superpowers but can a few schmucks like us defeat it and survive the upside down while saving scott what the first room is wheeler's basement where mike and the other kids play dungeons and dragons scott is this from the 80s that is like the 50s the 80s babies were built differently oh okay oh my gosh wait what is this is that a blowtorch it looks like it demigorgons are weak to fire which means in each room we have to collect parts to a blowtorch to defeat it all right let's finish the slayer preston if only they built furniture like they did in the 80s baby's coming with us the next room is will's house this is where his mom communicated with him when he was trapped in the upside down and just maybe if scott's in there we can communicate with him as well like the lights are popping on chase wait scott talk to us write it down write it down he [Music] oh my god dude this is unreal he couch look looking and look in the couch wait do you think that's where that spells yes let's do it oh chase i found it this is the hose to the propane tank this is what's gonna carry propane to our flame thrower wait i hear him he's on the other side what's he saying wait that's a train that's a train oh no pyro books power books oh my god chase i'm going in it's opening wait wait chase use that use that scott only wanted to be 100 layers and you got to make it send it double press ready he's still coming with us why does it say wait chase sakon do you set this up what does that mean they definitely did not do this in stranger things well it is strange though now in hawkins middle school and this is where they use morse code to get in touch with will when he was in the upside down cheers i don't suppose you know how to do morse code um sometimes absolutely no idea okay look for something there's gotta be like a morse code decipherer inside this room the locker's locked wait wait wait wait wait preston preston when did it wait when did the stranger things come out uh the 80s 80s nuts in your mouth oh gosh okay here's the morse code here's the morse code geez if i can focus i can get this code okay i'm thinking this is dumb worst coach never been invented i'm sure morse code have saved a lot of people's lives but it's not gonna save scott oh or rip it yes oh this reminds me chase there's only two days left on the 20 mil sub club shirt i know scott's in danger but obviously so is this t-shirt screw scott get the shirt there's other stuff there too you know don't just throw it out dude this is nice stuff don't throw that don't throw that what do you do with red i hate morse code there we go it's the wrong falling debris oh that was awesome red thank you so much now we're in the arcade where they met max for the first time and the only way for us to get our next part to our flamethrower is to get the code to this lock and the way to do that oh geez shoot the balloon all right so inside of these balloons is the code to that vault we have a bunch of them on the ground they'll say try again wait i got a number four wait six oh wait we only need one more number dude i got two what is it two four six four two six it's gonna work wait what are these for to assemble the torch and not to mention a great mortal weapon come on baby the arcade system fights back okay that just happens like there is a bat chase steve harrington's bad if i get to meet him i'd be so excited i actually did get to meet sadie and noah from stranger things this is a picture of me playing video games with them i'm a little wide so i'm gonna chase you first i'm recovering i'm pretty tired after that one you didn't do anything now we're on the farm this is where people were lured to be eliminated by the hive mind aka the mind player person i think scott sits through there but if you want to get through this we have to put together a map to figure out where the next part is for our flamethrower how do you know all this i watched the show uh that's a good point did you yeah just get the map chase find a map oh i found something truly disgusting preston what oh my gosh i think i'm going to hang it above my what the heck does that mean wait this is probably where we put the map together and i think the stars where we have to put it into the water okay i don't know how to do this i'm sorry let's just start matt i put this in the center but this is how do you know what the beginning points wait for a legend with your purple oh here's the hook oh no oh my he's losing it i'm not going to put that map together you want to put that map together you want to see us put that map together i guess not i love you preston and they say never trust a hoe this is trusty where's that store i have an idea preston i think it's right here wait you're right wait if we know where the starting and the ending point is wait give me the guide give me the legend so the starting point is right there it has to be somewhere in this corner right here this is where the intersection is wait let's stay boy jeez okay yeah no morse code no geography guys we don't like to think oh my gosh it's flint the sparker time to get inside that laboratory you can see the portal this is the gate to the upside down 11's pretty overpowered in stranger things and she has superpowers all we have is a bat oh now we're cooking let me take the fence off okay okay chase just pull on them honestly that's enough enough geez all right scott we're coming wait that's going down oh yes never said i didn't do anything for you let's go uh oh he's with scott i'm a terrible father and now in hawkins laboratory which is one step closer to getting to scott wait wait surprise oh oh is that the demigorgon or is that what okay we gotta get through this also wait that that looks like something we need that's our next piece that's a propane tank jason chase you're getting me sweaty dang it i'm sorry preston you know whenever you move i'm the one that you just ordered all right it's on it's on it's on let's go grab the bat i can't see anything there's a machete behind you toss it to me this is a spear shetty no oh wait chips i got chips and also these are industrial heaters we're hot and covered in sauce wait chase oh my god i just had a brilliant idea yes use the heat lamps oh if you look closely it's melting the the goblin listen another 15 hours of this we're going to save scott preston what i'm trying to say this is going to work i'm serious look behind you i'm not interested look at it i'm trying what are you covered in covered in pudding no it's sludge and what sounds like sludge sledge and what's in the corner of the room right now pudding oh my gosh let me grab it don't class oh wait oh no i'm sorry i i don't know when the lights going on okay i just it's not my problem if they're squirting you hold on ready well that wasn't supposed to happen oh jeez don't let that wax fall on you i don't care about your freaking sledge anymore yeah do it i don't care i'm saving our best friend oh that smells like scott ah preston um uh chase i'm coming in i'm bringing the bat i don't know if you like it in here so i'm gonna bring our biggest fan okay and now they're on the upside down the last thing we have to do defeat the demi gorgon using the flame filler get the demi gorgon whoa this is so cool whoa this is awesome i wish y'all could see this oh my gosh it's crumbling oh we're almost there we're coming scott come on geez oh my gosh tear down all of the upside down there we go yes there it is it's russian scott scott i don't know man i just don't have breath don't give up don't give up right here why are you covered in chocolate that didn't spit all over me all right scott we're coming don't kill me uh that's the second priority put me in coach chase why do we play by the rules of the upside down oh gosh yes just go oh i kicked the stud hey chase you're the only stud i see let's go come on stephen god give me the babies oh billy let's go wait what is that chase you're coming no no oh oh no no no please
Channel: Preston
Views: 11,094,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: HtevjiUFJvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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