If Henry Stickmin Was Charged For His Crimes

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[Music] foreign how did we lose one I think we just throw it in the back just to be safe [Music] free don't move given that the heist featured no violence from Henry Stickman and nobody was physically or mentally injured from his attempted Bank theft he will only get five years for this so the defendant crawled into that bag in order to break into the bank is that correct is it not obvious is it really that obvious I have proof that the defendant didn't hide himself in that bag well then what are you waiting for present this evidence already take that is is that the bag the defendant hidden yes but there's one thing that's been bothering me if the defendant really was hiding in this bag then how did you tie the knot from the outside of the Bay what if he was inside the bag it'd be impossible for him to tie that knot on the outside however I'm now ready to deliver my verdict I find the defendant Henry Stickman okay yo check yourself what the [Applause] dude it's gonna cost a lot of taxpayers money to repair that hole in the floor Mr Stickman pretty lame huh yeah I don't really like this one please shut up oh I just I was just trying to have a comment given that Henry assumed the bomb was active and that it would blow up when it hit the floor this would count as attempted murder even though the bomb wasn't active I just I just I just I just I just [Music] foreign [Music] he looks pretty dead [Music] thank you Hello Johnny offside down repeat upside down sir place your hands where I can see them bribery is a federal offense sir death sentence might be a bit too far but it is a federal offense to bribe a police officer place your hands like see them [Applause] [Music] they're firing on us oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right even though they did shoot at him first you can't claim self-defense flee as he is now a fugitive on the run so what he should be doing is turning himself in all right everyone back to work I will not forget about this this is [Music] [Applause] since he's a fugitive there would be no way that he would be able to cross the border without using forged documents and a fake ID so under the identity cards Act of 2006 he would be charged with possession of a false identity document and would receive 10 years thank you [Music] foreign [Music] dude he just keeps doing this man he keeps doing it all right there [Applause] you win I ended up buffing up my guys I'm doing like 70 damage not only did he I assume killed the captain but he also hijacked the ship that would be mutiny someone just leave think of a Smith uh probably off to see his family yeah [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] yo [Music] foreign [Music] yes Henry was being held at gunpoint however he was the one trespassing on top hack Clan's property and had also stolen their Emerald I mean granted it was stolen by the top hats to begin with but uh I'm giving it anyway thank you [Music] not these support beam all units fall back we're going in for the big play Henry well and if it isn't le2 we've had you on our watch list for a while thanks for your help here today I didn't think we could trust you after last time I guess we owe you one well now that you mention it we do have kind of a criminal history problem yeah I figured that's coming I suppose you've earned apart [Music] take these three [Music] okay you've taken everything from me my reputation is the rule now I will ruin you this one's complicated given he did say he was going to ruin Henry that does give some possible reason for Henry to fear for his safety but I don't know if that is enough to prove that Henry feared for his life here and had no choice but to kill him in self-defense I don't think so especially since he shot him earlier [Music] thank you [Music] welcome to Stickman space Resort built out of a former top at base it's been refitted for your luxury enjoyment we top pets aboard have reformed and now work as crew members the top bets that remained on Earth were arrested as you know the resort is run by the man himself Henry Stickman you may wonder why did he steal a criminal Clan's rocket and decide to turn it into a resort we may never know but hey you wouldn't be here if that didn't happen there's a lot to unpack legal wise with stealing a rocket from an illegal Mafia group and turning it into a resort he didn't build it he didn't pay for it and he doesn't own any of the valuables inside yet he was able to claim it for himself I think grand larceny wouldn't be enough given the value of the stolen goods so bear with me here as I try and calculate the value of his last name according to google Rockets cost two billion dollars to build but this is no normal rocket though as it has full-on rooms weapons and solar panels so I'll add on an extra billion we also have all the top hat loot from all their heists which I'll say is worth yet another billion we also have the men he took with him who he converted into workers for his results my theory is he blackmail to turn them in if they did not work at his Resort it's not even known if they get paid or not very very shady business foreign gets here yeah sure so that's it then you're just gonna leave me here to go down with the ship looks like we'll be sharing this last ride together well you got us was it worth it foreign [Music]
Channel: MOUSAIT
Views: 1,108,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOUSAIT, if villains were charged for their crimes, henry stickman, stealing the diamond, escaping the prison, fleeing the complex, infiltrating the airship, completing the mission
Id: VVe_45hXqE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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