If God Reads Your Mind - It Is Written with George Vandeman

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does prayer change things or doesn't it if it does then does it change God's mind if it doesn't change anything what is the use to pray if God knows what we need before we ask and he must because he knows everything why should we bother him possibly bore him by telling him what he already knows [Music] it is written this is George vandeman today it is written presents if God reads your mind has it happened in your house the ministers come to dinner but as you're seated at the table before you can suggest that he asked God's blessing on the food someone in the family starts eating wait you say a little harshly the offender with a fork full of food halted in midair can't hide his surprise well the minister breaks the awkward silence with words of thanks to God and the incident is over all as well all as well that is unless someone feels called upon to explain and what if the host is trying her best to be casual says we don't always say grace at the table in our house well that of course is obvious and then she continues with what seems at the moment to be a reasonable explanation we take it for granted that God knows how thankful we are some things are better not explained why bother to thank God at the table he knows how thankful we are such reasoning may seem logical enough it may hold up for the few moments it takes to launch into other dinner conversation it may get by at the table but the trouble with such logic is that it refuses to stay at the table it roams all through the house and over the whole sweep of human experience why bother to set aside time for prayers in the morning to ask for God's guidance and protection through the day he knows what you need would he take care of you whether you ask him or not and why bother to pray at night why bother to thank him for what the day is brought or to ask forgiveness for the sins that angel scribes have recorded God knows how thankful we are how sorry we are why bother to pray at all just let God read our minds it's it's all there he doesn't need us to tell him anything and of course there are scriptures that might seem to support such reasoning for instance jesus said in matthew 6 verses 7 & 8 matthew here in the first book of the new testament the sixth chapter verses 7 & 8 listen and when you pray do not keep on babbling like pagans for they think that they will be heard because of their many words do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask him and then here in the 12th chapter in the 25th verse he continues with other words that seemed to support and says and jesus knew their thoughts see another place we read concerning Jesus John 2 verse 25 on the same subject John 2 verse 25 here it is John 2:25 he did not need men's testimony about man for he knew what was in man and then of course the Apostle Paul the writer to the Hebrews Hebrews 4 verse 12 says something else Hebrews the fourth chapter and the twelfth verse seems to add fuel to the fire look for the word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart yes unquestionably God is able to read our thoughts he knows all things this means that he knows what we need before we ask him it means that he's prepared for any emergency but this ability of our Lord to look within the heart can also work to our embarrassment my friend for he knows when our gratitude doesn't go deep enough to even stir up a thank you he knows when our love for him is so shallow that it demands of us no expression he knows the fun in that of our explanations and our excuses see he knows everything we must follow it through if we're honest he knows the hollowness of our professed Christianity God unfortunately for some of us knows all things he knows what we want him to know and he knows what we don't want him to know and with a God like that no matter how anxious we are to make a good impression some things are better not explained our limp and phony explanations of why we don't pray at the table why we don't pray in the morning or we don't pray at night why we haven't prayed for at all for so long now words only mock us our casual explanations only expose the casualness of our relationship with our Savior but back to our basic problem unquestionably God knows what we need before we ask him so why pray why tell him what he already knows and yet repeatedly all through the Bible were counseled to pray to pray to pray is this a contradiction and what happens when we do pray does it change anything does it change God's mind will God do for us when we pray when we ask anything that he would not do for us anyway listen to these words of Jesus Matthew 7 verses 7 & 8 Matthew 7 verses 7 & 8 here it is ask and it shall be given you seek and you will you will find knock and the door will be open to you for everyone who asks receives he who seeks finds and to him who knocks the door will be opened now who is it whose prayer is answered the one who says God knows what I need so why should I bother to break no it's the one who knocks the one who asks and then two verses farther on we read here in verse 11 look beginning with verse 11 he says if you then though you are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts not notice to those who what asked him who are the receivers of heavens good gifts those who asked evidently in the words of my favorite author it is a part of God's plan to grant us in answer to the prayer of faith that which he would not bestow did we not thus ask now does this mean that prayer changes God's mind no I don't think so it doesn't mean that God in answer to the prayer of faith changes circumstances and sometimes with our permission he changes us you recall the experience of the ancient city of Nineveh God sent Jonah to warn the people of Nineveh that in 40 days the city would be destroyed but all Nineveh from the King on down repented and God spared the city I did the prayers of the people of Nineveh changed God's mind no no he never wanted to destroy the city in the first place he wanted to spell it the prayers of the Ninevites did not change God's mind they changed the circumstances that made it necessary to destroy the city thus making it possible for God to spare it what she wanted to do all alone not long ago I heard of an incident that illustrates so perfectly how God often works how he changes circumstances for those who ask him ways that they could never dream Jim and Jeanne Saunders had just moved they were unpacking the last box when there they came across their marriage license already beginning to yellow after 10 years Jim thought it would be nice to frame it went to a nearby store to pick up a frame he'd selected the frame and the clerk was ringing up his purchase when he noticed a display of pocket calculators his always wanted one the price seemed right but he wasn't sure if he should buy one right then a line was forming find him so he picked up his purchase and one of the calculators and stepped back into the store to decide as he was walking around he noticed that boys jeans were on sale they selected a pair for his young son forgot all about the calculator paid for the jeans and went to the car and as he tossed his tooth packages on the front seat one of them slid off he bent over to pick it up and saw the calculator was under it at that moment the store manager appeared ordered him out of the car and the police were called shoplifting and protesting his innocence was useless for hadn't he been bending over trying to hide the calculator at the very moment he was apprehended that's how it appeared at his hearing he entered a plea of guilty what else could he do he thought but the judge refused to accept the guilty plea when Jim told him he had not intended to shoplift he said the case would have to be held over for trial in a criminal court that was serious Jim had a good government job but a conviction would not only mean the loss of his job at a time when work was scarce it would also mean that he would have a police record could never work for the government again and since he was new in the city there was no one to call as a character witness well Jim and Janey turned to the only source of help they knew to their Lord they prayed earnestly that he would somehow work for them in this desperate situation on the day of Jim's trial six witnesses testified against him the case was progressing steadily toward a conviction when the judge had to leave to catch a plane the case was held over till the following Tuesday on Tuesday the judge had only to sum up his findings and give the verdict but before the verdict he had a little story to tell he sent it on Saturday last he'd been shopping in the Redlands California shopping center he had made several purchases and looked at several other items as he was getting into his car he certainly realized that it accidentally picked up an item and brought it with him if I had been stopped then he told the lawyers I would have been in exactly the same predicament as this man he found Jim not guilty case dismissed tell me what God have arranged circumstances as he did in the very best way calculated to influence the decision of the judge if Jim and Ginny had not come to him for help what if they're not bothered to pray reasoning that since God was aware of the situation there's no point in asking for his intervention but there are other reasons that we should pray even though God knows all about us one of these reasons has to do with the personal freedom that God has given to each one of us you see a part of that freedom of ours is the freedom to communicate with God are not to communicate as we choose he doesn't force us to keep in touch with him we can go all our lives through and never speak to him if we choose he'll not force us to communicate true God knows all about us he knows what we're doing even those are thoughts but is this knowledge in his substitute for a direct communication address to him how must how much the Lord feel when his children go day after day without speaking to him you mothers and fathers your husbands and wives tell me is knowing all about your loved one knowing where he is what is up - is that any substitute for a direct communication does not our Lord feel the loneliness and the hurt of neglect just as we do listen friend to these words that have stirred me every time I read them look Jeremiah 2 verse 32 Jeremiah is speaking now look can a maid forget her ornaments or a bride her attire yet my people have forgotten me days without number my people have forgotten me days without number can't you feel the hurt in those words that's one reason we should pray think of what is happening here understand it if you can the God of heaven the creator of the universe so powerful that he could destroy us with the blink of an eye his power is limitless yet he limits himself he makes rules for himself and one of those rules has to do with his respect for our privacy and with our freedom to decide as we will he could so easily force his way into our hearts and control us like robots but he never will he never will he will never invade that sacred inner sanctum where the soul decides instead he who created men and angels places himself at the mercy of those he has created he stands outside and knocks then waits for our permission for him to enter our invitation to enter listen he'll never enter without it he says over here in that priceless word in the very first part of Revelation revelation 3:20 right here in this last thrilling book of the Bible revelation 3:20 he says Here I am I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will go in and eat with him and he with me I say again understand it if you can all this in contrast to Satan the enemy of God you see the fallen angel has no rules he's out to get the control of men any way he can he'll gladly use force he has no respect for men or their freedom men and women to him are but toys to be played with a little while and then thrown away but now we move close to the heart of our question we move close to the heart of our question let's do some clear thinking why should we pray when God already knows all about us and knows what we need answer because there's a war on because there's a war on there's a controversy between Christ and Satan that controversy is moving swiftly to its climax and to its close and Satan is furious because he knows that his time is short from the very beginning of that conflict Satan's charged God with being unfair he's charged God with giving an unfair advantage to those who serve Him do you remember the experience of job calamity after calamity tumble upon that poor man in quick succession he lost all his possessions he lost all his family all except his wife she wasn't much help before his ordeal was over she urged him to curse God and die and finally we see this faithful servant of God a short time ago sooo prosperous he was sitting on an ash heap nursing his boils and wondering why you see job didn't know what was going on behind the scenes he didn't know that had been a confrontation between God and Satan and it that it concerned him God has spoken confidently of job's loyalty and faithfulness and Satan it said his loyalty was not surprising since God had showered him with favors and built a hedge of protection around him a barrier that Satan was not permitted to cross Satan charged that if God's press parent he should be reversed all of this would be different Jobe would no longer be faithful to his Lord so God gave Satan permission to dump his bag of tricks and calamities upon Joe he was confident that job would still serve him and so the test with all of the unfallen Universe watching the outcome listen read the story in the book that bears his name in the Testament of your Bible trouble after trouble fell upon Joel but still he trusted his God Satan's predictions had been wrong God's confidence in his servant job had been thoroughly vindicated but Satan came back and said that's because you wouldn't let me touch him personally you only let me have access to his family in his possessions if you let me touch his body you'll see how deep is loyalty goes it's only skin deep he'll curse you to his face to your face God said go ahead but spare his life and so the boils what could be worse friend from head to foot covered with boils and job didn't understand you remember what he said remember what he said this is thrilling this is interesting now that you see the background look job 1315 job's 1350 he said this though he slay me yet will I trust him what confidence what trust what loyalty but I ask I ask is it possible that there have been other such confrontations between God and Satan is it even possible that God and Satan have had some conversations concerning you and that Satan may have charged God with unfair fairly showering you with favors do you see now why it is so essential that we pray that we bring our needs to God even though he knows what those needs are before we see a word we can't reminded too often that there's a war that the controversy between God and Satan is not ended yet Satan is still making his charges and they're growing wilder all the time they're wild and unreasonable what if he should say to God concerning you and me or me look you aren't playing fair you give him all those favors you protect him you supplies every need but he hasn't even asked you for any help look don't you realize he hasn't prayed for a week hasn't even spoken to you how do you know he's your faithful servant just stop the favors and he'll forget all about you what could the Lord Jesus Christ say in your defense or mine if that charge should be true if we really haven't spoken to God for a week or think of it this way we know that Satan and his hosts of angels turn demons are on our trial every minute trying to trap us trying to trick us nor us away from our loyalty to God any way they can and listen their power is beyond our comprehension we are no match for them remember the Word of God says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against spiritual wickedness in high places without the power of God exerted in our behalf without the protection of God's loyal angels we haven't a chance of resisting the forces of darkness we need not fear of course for God would sooner send every angel from heaven to our aid rather than primitives to pass under the enemy's power but what if we don't communicate with our Lord what if we don't ask for his protection Satan could say look you want fighting fair that man hasn't even asked for your protection yet you surround him with your angels and you push mine back it isn't fair and you won't give me in the access to him how do you know he even wants to be on your side that's the spot in which we place our Lord but if the Lord Jesus can say see that man or that woman on his knees or her knees they're asking for my protection they're pleading for me to push your forces back it's all perfectly fair I'm honoring their choice Satan will have to answer that he has none he can only retire in defeat you see now why we need to pray even though God knows all our needs before we ask him but there's another reason most personal of all prayer is the lifeline of our communication with our Lord it is through prayer that our relationship with God lives and breathes and grows [Music] and we haven't under begun to understand how close and how personal how satisfying and rewarding that relationship can be listen prayer for grown people ought to be more than a revised version of now I lay me down to sleep or any other collection of set phrases we haven't touched the fringes of what a living breathing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ can be would you listen to these words from an inspired pen when with earnestness and intensity we breathe a prayer in the name of Christ there isn't that very intensity a pledge from God that is about to answer our prayer exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think that wonderful and this from the same pen when we have asked for his blessing we should believe that we receive it and thank him that we have received it then were to go about our duties assured that the blessing would be realized when we need it most when we have learned to do this we shall know that our prayers are answered did you get that we're to ask and then thank him for the answer thank him right then friend what do you suppose would happen if you personally should start thanking God thanking him for all with all of your heart for miracles that haven't happened yet can you imagine what it would do to the ceilings of your faith listen friend would you like to try it beginning just now as we pray yes Lord we would like to try the offer is so reasonable forgive us in that we have miserably forgotten you days without number just now we breathe a simple Lord teach me how to pray how to speak to you as we would to a friend how to expect and receive the answer that we so desperately need right now particularly the forgiveness of sin in Jesus name we ask it amen [Music] my name is Lonnie Mellish anko has this last half-hour helped you to understand some things you didn't understand before I'm sure it has you see now why we need to pray though God already knows what we need the book that we offer you today is our gift is one that will help you understand a lot of other things that have puzzles you its pastor Van Diemen's book sale your own seeds will tell you shortly how to ask for it this is a book that will help you understand why God does some things he does and why God doesn't do some things the way we think he ought to do the key word is choice free choice God has given to every one of us this dangerous gift of freedom and he will never violate it say oh your own seeds if you're under 30 or if you're the independent type who likes to do your own thing this is the book for you ask for the book by name sale your own C's so we'll be sure to send the right book and now here is the information you need you may request pastor Van Diemen's free offer by writing directly to it is written box o Thousand Oaks California 9 1 3 6 oh the offer is sent by mail free and postpaid our address is easy to remember just it is written box o that's box 0 Thousand Oaks California 9 1 3 6 o please be sure to ask for the offer by name it takes only a few moments to write but it could mean a lifetime of satisfaction while you're writing down the address let me remind you to invite a friend to watch it is written with you next week on this station the address again is it is written box o Thousand Oaks California 9 1 3 6 oh please mention the offer by name and write it is written box o that simply box 0 Thousand Oaks California and the zip is 9 1 3 6 o Thank You Lonnie and now the time has come to say goodbye everyone but remember it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: fingerstoes316
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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