The Dead Do Come Back - It Is Written with George Vandeman

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[Music] a president and his children treasuring the hours never dreaming they were to be so short capturing the imagination of a nation and then Camelot was gone he had a dream a dream about to be cut short but it didn't matter now he had been to the mountain [Music] hands hands reaching out to touch another American Idol campaigning for a cause could tragedy strike again but it did death three times had struck at the heartstrings of America three men three national figures had become synonymous with sudden death thousands of years ago the ancient prophet asked if a man die shall he live again do the Dead come back men have asked that question ever since decided that they do it is written this is George vandeman today it is written presents the dead do come back [Music] I was passing through London the day the King George died Princess Elizabeth and her husband the Duke of Edinburgh you remember were in Africa enroute to Australia and little Prince Charles and Princess Anne were vacationing with the Royal grandparents at Sandringham on the morning of the King's death immediate news of the bereavement was withheld from the children who were playing in the nursery however little Prince Charles noticed that the maids who came in to care for the room were weepy why is everyone so unhappy he wanted to know and the nurse told him quietly because grandpa has gone away the little prince was soon asking for granny when at last the Queen Mother came into the nursery Prince Charles climbed up on her knee then looking intently into her face he asked where his grandpa gone the Queen Mother was silent at the moment she could think of nothing to say what would you have said thousands of children be wildered by their first brush with death are asking that question and following it with another equally mystifying when will he come back and thousands of parents caught unprepared don't know what to say because they aren't quite sure that grandpa will come back at all every day in sun or snow crowds of men and women boys and girls flying past the grave of a fallen President and watch with varying degrees of personal emotion the eternal flame what does the eternal flame mean that man never dies all that hope never dies is mani immortal or is the eternal flame only a dramatic attempt to deny the reality of death will Martin Luther King the Kennedy brothers ever come back to take care of unfinished business will the dream of the orator ever be fulfilled and will he know it if it is could it be that these dedicated leaders watching from some spirit world seeing their beloved nation make some wrong turn might feel the need to send some message back perhaps in some darkened room or is John F Kennedy quietly sleeping beneath the eternal flame completely unaware of the tears and the turmoil that spread out from Dallas like a tidal wave that Black Friday questions like these have been wearing grooves in the minds of men and women for millenniums blazed in the headlines of course was the experience of James Pike Bishop Pike on a televised seance originating in Toronto but did Bishop Pike really talk with his son now I've traveled through those lonely barren hills that port of the Dead Sea where he met his fate and I can have nothing but sympathy for any man lost in such desolate surroundings but Diane Pike in those suspense-filled days just before her husband's body was found in that area and while mediums were being contacted in an attempt to learn his whereabouts I say she made a most significant statement these were her words of course my husband and I both know that the information obtained through mediums is not always accurate not always accurate yes even confirmed devotees of psychic phenomena confessed that there's often trickery and even lie being in the spirit world as for trickery long-john Nebel the talk show veteran says that for $28.50 you can buy out of a catalogue a deluxe mind-reading act complete with effects answers to questions crystal ball and all of the rest or you can set yourself up in business as a successful prophet with a prediction chest that sells here for a hundred and ninety five dollars from this same company on the other hand there is much in the psychic world that is unquestionably supernatural that kept explained away his trickery and fraud men and women sincerely seeking for the answers the loss of a loved one fresh in their memory have been profoundly impressed when they've received information from the spirit world that they thought was exclusive with them or when they have heard what they believed to be the authentic voice of a loved one it's even more convincing when that loved one apparently materializes before their eyes or when a trumpet crashes against the wall without hands or an ashtray comes sailing through the air it's amazing how at home the spirit world seems to be with ashtrays one might be forgiven for wondering if this might change now that cigarettes are falling into disrepute seriously you'd be surprised how many minds have been convinced by these materializing ashtrays psychic phenomena much of it exceedingly trivial has convinced thousands that is genuine and made millions more wonder but let me ask you a question since it is freely admitted that spirits sometimes lie is it not possible they might be lying about who they are and a second question since the spirits sometimes lie since the Scriptures the the Word of God have never yet been caught in an untruth whose word would you rather take about what happens at death about when if the Dead come back but who it is that sends these messages from the spirit world well I think you'd like to have return to the book that one dependable source of information I'll bring you some short crisp statements that may surprise you but I believe you'll find both reasonable and satisfying so first of all let's turn back here to the oldest book in the Bible the book of Jude here in job 7 verses 9 and 10 listen he that goeth down to the grave he shall come up no more he shall return no more to his house neither shall his place know him any more right on the subject isn't it evidently that they do not come back at the bidding of the curious or to see how men are getting along but now now to another Ecclesiastes 9 Ecclesiastes 9 verses 5 and 6 the dead know not any thing that's clear isn't it the dead know not anything their love and their hatred and their Envy is now perished you don't need a minister to explain that do you and one more Psalm 146 verse 4 but let me quote it to you from the refreshing new English Bible translation listen he breathes his last breath he returns to the dust and in that same hour all his thinking in could words be clearer that they do not know anything they cannot love they cannot hate they can attend me when they die their thinking ends it ceases then how can they communicate how can they communicate if they don't know anything if they can't think now these are not the only scriptures on the subject you see we're limited by our time on television but not by the adage adequacy of Scripture but somebody is communicating you say from the spirit world and you were right the question is who is it who is it again just a short crisp statement to set us thinking from the last book in the Bible revelation 16 verse 14 for they are the spirits of Devil's working miracles here's the clue that solves the mystery spirit of Devil's working miracles not our loved ones at all but only clever impersonators from the spirit world evidently according to the Word of God it is a veil masquerade is our loved ones coming to us with caresses at the time when we're weakest when we're lonely and we're bewildered and confused by the sting of death and the family and the Scriptures also describe the tactics of these imposters goes so far as to describe how they do it again from the refreshing newness of the new English Bible second Corinthians 11 verses 13 and 14 such men are sham apostles crooked in all of their practices masquerading as apostles of Christ now listen there is nothing surprising about that Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light do the dead come heck yes they do but not now not in the way millions would have us believe but they do come back this book teaches that every man every woman every child who's ever died will come back the question is not do they come back but when do they come back you see the Scriptures do not throw a cloud of gloom over the future learning that we cannot communicate with the dead shouldn't be precious in the least on the contrary the Bible teaching about life after death is the most appealing the most positive the most reasonable the most satisfying picture of death in the future life ever to be set down in print Bible is full of positive statements about the resurrection of the dead this life isn't all there is there's more to come open your Bible again to that last book the book of Revelation is called a revelation of Jesus Christ now notice Jesus introduces himself here in the 18th verse of chapter 1 I am he that liveth and was dead behold I am Alive for evermore and have the keys of death Jesus says I am he that liveth and was dead everything depends upon the truthfulness of that statement and thank God it's true his tomb is empty he's a living Christ listen friend wouldn't you like to get acquainted with someone who has the keys of death that's your privilege he wants to be your Savior he wants to be your friend you can have a personal friendship with the one who has the keys of death isn't that what men have been searching for all these millenniums have way to conquer death isn't that why we pour millions into medical research and of course there are those who think the astronauts in some future generation out in some distant world might someday discover the secret of long a way to conquer death but friend the son of God has already conquered it that's the good news today what are the most fascinating incidents coming from the annals of a past generation tells of the remarkable conversion of two great men who were avowed skeptics one was the eminent Gilbert West the other Lord Littleton a famous English jurist now these two men agreed that Christianity should be destroyed but they also agreed that to destroy it two things were necessary they must disprove the resurrection and they must dispose of the conversion of the Apostle Paul they divided the tasks between them West assuming responsibility for the resurrection and little Tim caring for the experience on the Damascus Road they were to give themselves plenty of time a year or more if necessary but when they met again to compare notes they both become strong and devoted Christians each testifying to the remarkable change in his life through contact with the risen Christ I've discovered that if anything will unsettle the skeptic it alott likely not be our argument however saner sound rather it'll be the degree and the depth of the personal conviction of an ass and that conviction depends upon the reality of a man's own personal commitment to a risen Lord it all depends upon a risen Christ our risen Lord centuries before Christ the prophet Isaiah had declared they dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise and the earth shall cast out the dead that men shall live doesn't that mean they dead - shall live the loved ones you have once known and lost Isaiah had prophesied the resurrection but Jesus did more than that he actually demonstrated it when Jesus was here he talked much and often about his father's house here is his followers to look beyond this life to look beyond the grave in death then in one of the most profound and miraculous demonstrations of all time he laid down his life and on the third day rose from the dead at that moment the power of death was broken and now for the first time in human history there surged in man's breasts the living conviction that his fondest hope so long cherished at last been made certain our dead could be seen and loved again someone is saying but pastor vandeman this is tremendous news it's terrific but when will it happen when will they be resurrected that brings me to my favorite text my favorite scripture over here in 1st Thessalonians 4 verses 16 and 17 for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord that's when the Dead come back you see not now in some film the apparition in the darkened room but face to face at the resurrection at the second coming of Jesus Christ a satisfying reasonable teaching of Scripture is that our loved ones rest quietly in their graves undisturbed by the passing of the years until the resurrection morning then God gives them back when Jesus comes through the blazing vaulted heavens he'll call out with a voice of thunder awake you that sleep in the dust of the earth arise to everlasting life and that voice calling our beloved dead from their graves will be heard the world around families will be united children will be placed in their mother's arms friend what a glad reunion day and thick wouldn't mean to the crippled just think friend to the blind to the body weakened by disease to Minds confused by fear God says the eyes of the blind shall be opened the ears of the Deaf shall be unstopped then shall the lame man leap and the tongue of the dumb see but think friend what a will mean to the able-bodied Allah strong to those who love life and want to live you see death may even seem welcome to a body that's wracked by disease and pain but to the strong and youthful death can only mean disappointed hopes disillusionment shattered ambitions but here friend is the answer to death sting not in the discoveries of science not an exploration of outer space not in anything man can do but in the promise of the Resurrection made by one who himself demonstrated it's possible here is our hope a number of years ago Lord Lindsey and his travels through the Near East discovered a mummy whose inscription proved to be some 2,000 years old one carefully unwrapping it he found buried in the hand of this mummified man a bulb of vegetable life wondering just how long vegetable life could last sealed as this was he took it out carefully and planted it in sunny soil to his surprise within a short time the bob grew and a beautiful flower appeared Lord Lindsey's remarkable finds suggested these lines to the point a mrs. SH Bradford two thousand years ago a flower bloomed lightly in a far-off land two thousand years ago its root was placed within a dead man's hand before the savior came to earth that man had lived and loved and died and even in that far-off time the flower had spread its perfume white Suns rose and set years came and went the dead hand kept its treasure well nations were born turned to dust our life was hidden in that shell the shriveled hand is robbed at last the root is buried in the earth when lo the life long hidden there into a glorious flower burst forth just such a plant is that which grew from such a route when buried lo just such a flower and Egypt bloom then died 2,000 years ago then will not he who watched the route and kept the life within the shell when those he loves are laid to rest watch or there bury dust as well and will not he from Neath facade caused something glorious to arise a though it sleeps through countless years yet from there bury dust shall rise just such a faces greet you now just such a form is here we bear only more glorious will arise to meet the Savior in the air then will I lay me down in peace when called to leave this vale of tears for in my flesh shall I see God in though I sleep two thousand years what would you give for hope like that take courage friend that hope can be yours there's something better beyond this day it's goodbyes are not as final as it seemed the resurrection morning will change it all shall we pray our wonderful God we thank you for the tremendous truth of the resurrection how could we live without it nothing else really matters Oh God prepare us all for that day in the name of our wonderful Savior we pray amen and now in just a moment I'll have a personal word with you well it isn't difficult to decide which book to offer today just had to be this destination life people today want to know what is on the other side they're determined to find out but it's such a big subject and we have so little time the space of this telecast that's why I've written this book here in these 96 pages are more complete answers more detailed answers to the questions that you have been asking about the other side of death destination life this is our gift to you no cost or obligation whatsoever so won't you reach for a pencil now we'll tell you how you may ask for it here is the information you need address your card or letter - it is written box Oh Thousand Oaks California 9 1 36 Oh could there be an easier address to remember just it is written box Oh Thousand Oaks California 9 1 36 oh it takes only a few moments to write but it could mean a lifetime of satisfaction we thank you for your calls and for your letters and for your financial support which makes it possible for us to bring it is written to your area week by week now did you write down the address it is written box Oh Thousand Oaks California 9 1 3 6 so I'll be waiting for your calls and your letters but now the time has come all too quickly to say goodbye everyone but remember it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: fingerstoes316
Views: 835
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Id: txxr7BAEdVs
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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