The Pardon and the Power - It Is Written with George Vandeman

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[Music] what does god do about the problem of repeat offenders we recycle them from street to court and to street again talk about building more jails but what does god do about repeat sinners is he frustrated too did god pay a tremendous price to be able to forgive men only to find himself helpless to change them unable to give them the power to stop sinning [Music] what happens when a man realizes that forgiveness is not enough it is written this is george vanderman today it is written presents the pardon and the power [Music] dr paul tornier the famed swiss psychiatrist in his college days had become quite attached to a greek professor who took an interest in him now the professor was not a religious man but he was a kind man many years later dr tony long after becoming a christian completed his first book manuscript about the christian life and he wanted someone to read it critically the thought of the old greek professor well the professor asked him to read the first chapter aloud for his eyesight was no longer the best when the chapter was completed dr tornier looked up for some reaction the professor said paul continue he read another chapter paul continue he read the third chapter then the aging teacher said paul we must pray together well they prayed and then still amazed dr tornier exclaimed i didn't know that you were a christian oh yes when did you become a christian just now just now that's how long it takes to become a christian that's how long it takes to make a decision and that decision can mark the beginning of a new life a life that's happy and satisfying and productive beyond the wildest expectation that decision can make a kind and attentive husband out of an abusive one it can make a devoted follower of christ out of an avowed atheist he can even make an apostle peter out of a rough and bungling fisherman and if it can do that it can make an apostle paul out of a persecutor of jesus but unfortunately it doesn't always work out that way even a man may become a minister of the gospel he may preach eloquent sermons he may make the most beautiful appeals for commitment to the savior he may win thousands but he himself could finally lose out the apostle paul knew that such a thing would be possible for this is what he said first corinthians the 9th chapter and the 27th verse he said i keep under my body and bring it under subjection lest that by any means when i have preached to others i myself should be a castaway you see a decision for christ does not take away a man's power to choose his decision can be reversed now judas decided to join up with christ he was probably the most brilliant of the disciples and his companions were proud that he was one of them but he ended up betraying his lord there are other reasons that a decision for christ may not turn out well it may have been only a shallow commitment made for shallow and superficial reasons it may have involved only the emotions there may have been no real surrender the life to the savior such ones may seem to be born again but there's no real transformation the old lifestyle the old sins haven't even been disturbed there's a superficial witness for a time then it fades out friend really what does it mean to be born again nicodemus you remember was a good man he was a pharisee of excellent reputation he's a member of the ruling council of the jews he'd been attracted by the teachings of jesus what he'd heard of it he was convinced that there was something different about him that the simple uncomplicated truths that he taught were like a breath of fresh air the desire to talk with this teacher from nazareth just refused to be quieted but jesus wasn't popular with the religious leaders nicodemus knew that his own popularity would suffer if he approached jesus openly so it was that he came to jesus secretly by night ready for a stimulating discussion but in that respect he was to be disappointed for jesus cut through the formalities to the real need of this proud ruler this proud ruler who stood there in the darkness with him for he said simply recorded in your bible in john the third chapter and the third verse i tell you the truth unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of god nicodemus was flustered taken by surprise he'd expected deep theological questions but this he tried to take the savior's words literally how could a man back up 30 or 40 years and be born all over how could this be jesus didn't answer his question directly it's a question that can't be answered directly the work of the spirit of god can't be explained jesus said it was like the wind we hear the sound of it but we can't see it we can only see what is done and wonder it is power so it is with the spirit of god we can't see it work or tell how it works but we see the results in the life it's touched and then we can marvel an inspired pen writing many years ago said it so well no one sees the hand that lifts the burden or beholds the light descend from the courts above the blessing comes when by faith the soul surrenders itself to god then that power which no human eye can see creates a new being in the image of god no one sees the hand no one can see the creative power at work or take it apart and analyze it the miracle can't be explained but thousands may see the result of the spirit's work that wonderful many today unfortunately have misunderstood they have it backwards they want to see the wind hear the wind they're not so much concerned with the results they'll take it when it comes they're not primarily concerned with whether or not the life has been changed they hope so of course but so long as there's been a rushing mighty wind oh friend there's more than one spirit in this world apostle john gives us this caution first john fourth chapter first verse believe not every spirit see believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of god because many false prophets notice prophets coming in a prophet scarb many false prophets are gone out into the world even false christ you see there'll be hymns singing there'd be verses read from the bible but according to this word some of them may not be genuine you see there's more than one wind the apostle paul has a caution to ephesians the fourth chapter 14th verse notice what it says that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive one of the devil's tricks is to get us looking at the wind the emotion is what i'm talking about the supernatural is what i'm talking about at one of his miracles and then while we're carried away by something spectacular he traps us in false teaching why is he so successful in this simply because many people believe that when they see something supernatural the doctrine or the teaching must be right but often it isn't right at all ecstasy may well be present in the new life joy yes but ecstasy is not the sole evidence of the spirit of god at work when the spirit of god takes possession of a man it'll change more than the way he talks it'll change his life and the emotion will be balanced with responsibility the spirit of god will never lead a man to bypass the written word of god or to place an emotional experience above the requirements of god the spirit of god will never tell you anything contrary to what he's told the bible writers but the presence of the counterfeit of counterfeit conversions in our day the activity of lying spirits the blowing of deceptive winds i say in these there is evidence that the genuine does exist a counterfeiter never bothers to counterfeit that which is not original that has no original neither does the fallen angel have you ever seen a 13 counterfeit bill you see the point true conversion the new birth whatever you may choose to call it does happen it's a miracle it's a miracle that cannot be explained it's something that only god can bring about the apostle peter says it is accomplished by the word of god and jesus says it's absolutely essential without it the christian life can be drudgery yet thousands of christians very sincere christians are living just such humdrum lives somehow they've managed to miss the miracle they've kept the commandments just as nicodemus did they faithfully performed every known duty they know their bibles they know truth from error they consider themselves converted they work hard for their lord but there's no living they seem to have no living breathing personal relationship with jesus and the sooner and sooner or later they discover that the commandment keeping their duties performed their knowledge of truth have not given them the real joy the life of victory over sin they're often defeated and helpless before the attacks of the enemy there's no power in their lives they're bewildered they're stunned doesn't christianity work after all there are thousands who made a sincere commitment to christ they've experienced the new birth they're elated by their assurance that they have of their sins being pardoned they're exhilarated by the new life they live for months on miracle clouds then they fall off what is wrong does god work a miracle at the beginning of the new life and then leave us to struggle and blunder on our own and fail in the end something's wrong now this may shock you but forgiveness costly as it is wonderful as it is forgiveness is not enough and even the new birth miracle that it is is not enough if the gospel of christ offers nothing more than forgiveness it's a deceptive gospel and if jesus can give us a miracle boost at the beginning of the way but he is unable to make any continuing provision to free us from the power of sin he might just as well not have come to earth at all i ask you did jesus make such a mistake did he intend only to forgive us and get us started right then leave us on our own still the slaves to sin still powerless to break its hold on us no no he didn't we desperately need pardon we need to be born again but just as desperately we need the power to stop sinning the pardon and the power could jesus provide one but not the other did he forget about the power is he able to forgive our past but unable to change us to fit us for the future no says the apostle paul in romans 1 16 and 17 i am not ashamed of the gospel because it's the power of god for the salvation of everyone who believes power of god no says the apostle jude in jude that one chapter before revelation just one chapter in this book verse 24 but it's a gem now unto him that is able to keep you from falling keep you from falling seen to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy and no says the apostle john in his first chapter verse 12 of the gospel but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of god even to those that believe on his name the power is there but it's the power of god not our power not willpower not self-discipline the source of power is outside ourselves it's something god does for us the christian life all the way through not just at the beginning is a miracle of god's power we should have known that we would fail struggling on our own trying to polish up the outside while we were mocked by what we knew about on the inside i say we should have known for jesus has told us plainly john 15 verse 5 apart from me you can do nothing but sometimes the words don't register until we need them desperately then they shine like neon then we see that we've been trying to do what only god can do yet strangely enough this rock bottom experience this discouragement and despair over our repeated defeat this seemed to be a part of the process a part of the way god saves us you see god's plan for us is not complicated the secret of a happy christian life is so very simple if we're willing to accept it many years ago ellen white a writer of deep spiritual insight defined it in these words it's the work of god in laying the glory of man in the dust and doing for man that which it is not in his power to do for himself i have never heard it defined better or even so well the experience we so desperately need desperately need comes in two parts in the first part the glory of man is laid in the test in the second part god does for us what we cannot do for ourselves and the first must precede the second we're not really ready for the wonder of what god can do until we're convinced of the utter futility of what we can do it's only when we've tried and failed times without number when we reach the end of our resources and the end of our hope only then are we ready for the miracle of the life of faith only then will we experience so we've long been denied the peace and the joy and the victory that comes with trusting christ to save us why have we been so slow to let god work his wonders in this we've struggled along with our little five watt power when we could have been connected with the power that made worlds we've taken the slow train when god's planes were flying we pushed our little cars when power lines where they were within our reach as if god had a power shortage we had to help him out no wonder no wonder it sets us to singing we discover the simple secret that can change it all friend we've been missing so much i'd like to have you listen to a song now that's been loved by many connie sing it for us would you i would love to tell you what i think of jesus since i found in him a friend so strong and true i would tell you how he changed my life completely he did something that no other friend could do no one ever cared for me like jesus there's no other friend so kind as he no one else could take the sin and darkness from me oh how much he cared for me all my life was full of sin when jesus found me all my heart was full of misery and woe jesus placed his strong and loving arms about me and he led me in the way i ought to go no one ever cared for me like jesus no other friend so kind as he no one else could take the sin and darkness from me oh how much he cared for me every day he comes to me with new assurance more and more i understand his words of love but i'll never know just why he came to save me till someday i see his blessed face above no one ever cared for me like jesus there's no other friend so kind as he no one else could take the sin and darkness from me oh how much he cared thank you connie yes no one ever cared for us like jesus shall we pray [Music] father mine the pardon and the power how much we need both break our proud hard hearts and speak forgiveness releases from our devastating guilt lift us up by your power change us by your power keep us by your power and continually save us by your power it's in your name that we ask it amen [Music] [Laughter] [Music] in just a few moments you'll be hearing how danny and melody shelton overcame a deep personal tragedy in their lives but before that prayer alert feature uh roland tell us about the offer for today thank you george has today's message answered some questions that you've had for a long time would you like to find further practical help in knowing how to experience god's power in your life then you'll certainly want the book we're offering as our gift for you today it's pastor vandeman's practical little book how to live with a tiger and we'll tell you in a moment where to phone or write for your copy this is a book that answers the questions you don't ask aloud what to do about the tiger inside that threatens to destroy you the tiger you can't tame what to do about the violent temper that keeps getting you into trouble what to do about the bad habits you know are ruining your health and you can't quit you put on a bold front and act as if nothing is wrong but in the night when the music stops and everything is quiet you wonder if there's any hope you wonder if other people have problems like yours you wonder what being born again really means and how it comes about and if it could ever change you don't miss this book how to live with a tiger it's filled with practical help just tell us you want the book ask for it by name how to live with a tiger and now here is the information you need as a convenience you may request the free gift offer by calling our toll-free number 1-800-253-3000 call right now that's 1-800-253-3000 remember the offer is sent by mail free and post paid you may have to dial the number more than once but please keep trying the operator needs only your name address and phone number and the name of the offer you want call toll-free now three three 1-800-253-3000 lines are open now that's one eight hundred two five three three thousand if you prefer you may request the offer by writing to george vandeman thousand oaks california 91360 sitting with me here today are dan and melody shelton dan shelton is becoming well known as a composer of gospel songs as father and daughter dan and melody present their gospel music concerts around the country they've been on a number of radio and television programs giving their testimony of how god helped them through a terrible tragedy in their lives we'll learn about that today on prayer alert down in melody we welcome you to it is written thank you now melody before you were even born i became acquainted with your father and mother in your hometown in southern illinois where i was conducting a series of evangelistic meetings in fact they sang for our meetings there and then later you were born and god gave you a beautiful and rich voice about how old were you when you started to sing with your parents i was about eight years old dan about a year and a half ago something terrible happened to you and melody tell us about it okay uh my wife and melody were involved in an automobile accident just three blocks from a home and my wife's life was taken uh just immediately and it was a very traumatic experience that we went through but we're so thankful to the lord jesus christ that we're here today because through the study of god's word and through togetherness and prayer that we've really are learning to put things in a proper perspective and realize that that god is not responsible for these things and we just totally put the blame of sin and death on satan tell me a little bit more dan as you studied and prayed this through some of the things that the lord impressed upon you during this time well certain texts came to us like john 10 10 the bible says for the thief cometh not but forty steal kill and destroy and jesus says but i am come that you may have life and have it more abundantly and so when we begin to put some of these things together in philippians 4 19 and philippians 4 13 i don't have time to go through them all but as we begin to study those in the 23rd psalms we see that god's will for man is everlasting life and he's he wants us to have an abundant life and i'm thankful for that now how has this all affected your understanding about what happens after death and the hereafter well it's as i said i think we're getting things in a proper perspective but we believe that my wife is resting right now according to the bible but we look forward to the to the day that jesus comes back and we can rise and and meet her in the clouds and live with her forever and the rest of the christian saints well dan and melody thank you for this testimony and we wish you god's blessing as you give this to many audiences around the country and perhaps some of you watching today are going through a difficult time right now write to us so that we can pray for you and with you and when you write if you would like pastor vanaman's book entitled unlocking heaven's storehouse be sure to ask for that by name unlocking heaven's storehouse write to george vanderman thousand oaks california 91360 and this book will be in your hands very soon and now back to george i hope that danny and melody and the message today has inspired you to seek more deeply the relationship with jesus that'll give you all you've ever wanted but now the time has come to say goodbye everyone but remember it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: fingerstoes316
Views: 1,289
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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