Superbook - Paul and the Unknown God Pt 1 - Season 5 Episode 10 - Full Episode (Official HD Version)

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[Music] [Music] cool I can't believe I'm here Valley View Labs future Quest facility and for the next week the ultimate Science and Space Camp it's him Commander Duke Conrad how could you miss him well I suppose if we had entered the facility blindfolded and add with earplugs we might be sarcastic Gizmo his face is plastered everywhere would you stop it Joy his face isn't everywhere oh Chris I brought your commander Conrad memorabilia like you asked so you can get it autographed not now Gizmo well so what Commander Conrad is real hero Joy he's thrown dozens of deep space missions developed the Heisenberg Horizon space Hub and huh [Music] all right [Music] welcome to Valley View Labs future Quest Academy Cadets thank you sir it's just there you are I'd like you to meet Commander Conrad wait a minute what welcome to Future Quest kids there are two of you yes definitely two of them [Music] [Music] relax [Music] here at Valley View Labs we have a passion for science Chris investigate everything in the universe study it learn as much as you can about it down to the movement of every subatomic particle then reverse engineer it and use that knowledge for the progress of humanity for example meet Cuban Valley View lab's Advanced artificially intelligent Droid protection devices that replicate shapes collected to my various senses something may appear to be one thing children but the job of young scientific Minds like yours is to investigate and discover the truth so who's ready to launch into future Quest I'm going to burst a casket my senses have detected operational inefficiencies your motor processing unit is consuming 2.98 of your internal battery your during ratios in the posterior axis Bank you Cube it but if I wanted an operational diagnostic I would have asked for an operational diagnostic I have been asking Professor Quantum for an operational diagnostic for three months [Music] [Music] okay I can't wait to try a spacewalk commander why don't I sign you and Chris up for that activity first thing all right son if you need anything I'll be a guest counselor in this lab all week that's also where you'll prepare your end of Camp demonstrations each Cadet or team of cadets is required to apply what they've learned during the week into a presentation at the close of Camp a good scientist must be able to effectively communicate his hypothesis like your father I suspect you've got science built into your DNA Chris sir yes sir Woody PJs Chris watch what these mag swimsuits can let you do check this out Joyce birth to Chris can we focus please they're going to time us you know all right all right yeah okay now remember Commander Conrad once saved the lives of his entire crew by courageously doing an untethered spacewalk to replace the core heating element on the space Hub you need to try and accomplish the task in the same time or your whole crew will freeze in space you're in good hands kids ready timer go [Music] whoa yeah Chris Quantum just found a new path to the healing elements he's 10 seconds ahead of your historic Mission Commander wow I am impressed you're head of the clock Chris Commander Conrad no pressure whatever you do don't let the core element touch the sides of the chamber thanks Joy big help Lord please help me Chris what is he doing it looks like he's praying sir you can do it Chris you still have 15 seconds he's gonna do it Chris [Music] down [Music] Chris Joy it appears Cupid and Gizmo created a breach that stopped the simulation yes sir Gizmo cute please sir let me try it again I know I can complete the mission I was so gross Chris were you praying or something instead of carrying out your task well I said a quick prayer are you saying you were asking a God to assist you yes well the god I see this is a scientific facility Chris and science works on evidence and let me tell you I've been looking into space for a long time and not once have I come across evidence for any gods so as a scientist no evidence no gods well I've experienced God I know he's real if we can't demonstrate it scientifically it's not real but there's all kinds of things we can't demonstrate scientifically Commander comrade I mean what about right and wrong um what is beautiful that the past is real yes I understand but God I mean there's no room for fairy tales in science Chris we all need to think like scientists if we're going to make great advancements for humankind I do think scientifically Dr Conrad I love science my dad's a scientist and so is my grandpa well maybe you should talk to your dad about it sometime now who's ready to get some lunch at the Comet Cafe Chris Joy get out of those suits and come along [Music] great now Commander Conrad thinks I'm a total nut job someone has spent a bit too much time in zero gravity actually gravity is measured at gm1 N2 over r squared and though the gravitational pull of an object can be very low it never reaches absolute zero does it hey qubit did you know that the gravitational force inside my chest cavity may be exactly zero that is impossible hmm well hi yes you are probably right what did he mean talk to your dad you know my dad joy we never really talk about God maybe Commander Conrad is right about evidence what do you mean well I never thought about that before I mean we just believe because we've experienced God but isn't that evidence yeah it's evidence for us but how do you show someone who hasn't had our experience was still here this would have to qualifies [Music] I am taking you to meet a man who knew how to defend the truth in the face of great skepticism [Music] Gizmo you were right I did experience zero gravity oh wow this is not value viewed Labs ah great now we've got two of them Gizmo do an info scan and find out where we are we have landed in Athens Greece first century sir [Music] and the marketplace is approximately 14 meters south east of our location Athens is epicenter of Academia in the ancient world home to a variety of philosophical schools and many different religious beliefs and practices is your name Gizmo my name is Cubit Valley View Labs Advanced artificially intelligent Droid you know cute I have a lot of experience with time travel so it is probably safer you know to avoid detection if you get back in here and stay out of sight no problem I will scan the area and use my cloaking device to blend in [Music] huh sorry no that is a horrible disguise knock it off Gizmo I need to find this defender of the truth Superbook mention so we can help me with Commander Conrad come on experience time traveler foreign [Music] [Music] wow the Greeks have the opposite problem Commander Conrad has it looks like they believe in every possible god and goddess hey doesn't that man look familiar I think we've met him before Gizmo do a facial recognition scan oh excuse me my facial recognition scan indicates the Apostle Paul I remember him come on well I guess I am just not needed on this trip Alex there you are where have you been I sent you to get that full over three hours ago oh I'm afraid I'm unaware yes you did uh and Alex and I were on our way I'm Joy by the way and we were just about to uh that's enough fortunately we don't need that bull into the festival just come with me you have some work to do stupid no you don't disguise yourself as a real person I'll come too maybe I can help go get Chris Advanced intelligent Droid my posterior thermal coupling please let me explain one true God it is important that we Define our terms clearly what do you mean by God he is our father longing for us to be reconciled to him that is why he sent his son Jesus report you are saying some rather strange things Paul it is certainly new let us have him speak to the leaders of the areopagus they are always interested in something new well Paul what do you say care to see how your God fares among the greatest Minds in Athens I would we will go make arrangements Gizmo we're a joint Cubit well Hubert's brilliant disguise was not so brilliant after all he disguised himself as a real boy named Alex the boy's father showed up right after you ran off and he took Cupid and joy away what where I do not know he said something about a bull oh okay okay just go find them and meet me at the uh the areopagus I need to talk to Paul I am on it [Music] hi I'm Chris and you're Paul the Apostle of Jesus I am indeed how do you know me everybody knows you you are uh I mean you know I heard you speak I'm a Christian too well that is good news I could use your help here many people need to hear about Jesus yeah I can see that I'd like to help but I'm not very good at you know knowing what to say I mean there are so many different people with so many different beliefs how do you know what to say a very good question Chris come with me I want to show you something these tools are very inefficient for the time [Music] their technology for now gotta get out of here and find Chris and Gizmo before the real Alex gets back huh let me show you some others okay now's our chance oh hello the hi Alex right right who are you I'm Joy I'm just helping your dad out with you know some work oh you've got another Bowl huh yes these are very special Bulls no spot or blemish Joy it is me and me nothing but the best for the Gods what do you mean for the gods oh these Bulls are for sacrificing right that is something [Music] it says to an unknown God they worship all these false gods and then even a god they don't know at all but they do not believe in the true God yeah I know people like that but how does another mysterious God help you oh there you are the arrangements have been made the city leaders will hear you now of course [Music] you stop that so how often do you sell these I'm telling you you're making the right choice if you really want Zeus's favor there's nothing better than a fine Stout bull a looks like the kids have already selected a winner [Music] this one just came in so it's much much fresher oh yeah this one's a winner no this one is an excellent choice a fine looking at it come along what are we going to do I don't know [Music] now Paul tell us what your new teaching is all about we have heard you say some strange things and we want to know what you mean foreign men of Athens I notice that you are very religious in every way for as I was walking along I saw your many shrines and one of your altars has this inscription on it to an unknown God this God whom you worship without knowing is the one I'm telling you about he is the god who made the world and everything in it since he is Lord of Heaven and Earth he does not live in man-made temples and human hands cannot serve his needs for he has no needs he himself gives life and breath to everything and he satisfies every need from one man he created all the nations throughout the whole Earth he decided beforehand when they should rise and fall and he determined their boundaries his purpose was for the Nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him though he is not far from any one of us for in him we live and move and exist as some of your own poets have said we are his offspring and since this is true we should not think of God as an idol designed by a Craftsmen from gold or silver or stone God overlooked people's ignorance about these things in earlier times but now he commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and turn to him for he has set a day for judging the world with Justice by the man he has appointed and he proved to everyone who this is by raising him from the dead rising from the dead the dead man do not rise who is this man diodorous remove him enough of this foolishness crucified then Resurrected [Laughter] no one is listening [Music] he didn't convince anyone Chris Chris I found joy and Cubit and Cuba disguised himself as a bull a bull yes a sacrificial a sacrificial bull yes a bull used for sacrifices what and he's about to be sacrificed Moon yes follow me wait a minute that phone is cubits yes [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] Jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the Lost forgive me now of all my sin come be myself [Music] for you change my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and help me [Music] [Applause] help me Lord to live for you since my [Music] life it's the new Superbook Bible app it's packed with games activities and Superbook episodes that you can watch for free [Music] there's trivia a fun Daily Devotional and answers to your Bible questions plus an easy to understand Bible the whole family will enjoy you can even create your own Superbook characters it's the new Superbook Bible app free downloads on iTunes Google Play and Amazon when I die just imagine what can happen traveling through history [Music] words [Music] that shines [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Superbook
Views: 234,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6320497480112, superbookyoutube
Id: ealV8Z1j1qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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