If Christians Were 100% Honest

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(gentle music) - [Voiceover] What if you could speak your mind without fear of judgment? We brought together seven strangers, protected their identities, and created a space for them to be completely honest. What will be revealed when they take the mask off? (dramatic drum music) - [Director] There is something wrong with LGBT people. (timer beeping) (light bulbs chiming) - [Kabal] I'm gonna say a strong no. Yes I believe that homosexuality is a sin, but saying that like LGBTQ+ people, there's something wrong with them as people, as human beings, that's a harsh statement. (laughs) So it's a hard topic. - [Dmitri] This is a really sensitive topic because I know that a lot of LGBTQ people have been hurt by the church, they've been hurt by Christians. I personally have family members who identify as they who are homosexual. While God hates sin, He loves the people, and He loves the homosexual, and He loves the transgender because He died for them. But the problem that I do see with LGBTQ people is that the lifestyle, it does take away a lot of things. They're depressed, they're lonely all the time and that's not the life that God called for you. When you receive Christ, the spirit of God can deliver you from homosexuality and I've seen it happen. The people who identify as bisexual or homosexual and God delivers them and they no longer choose to identify that way. - [David] One thing, the Lord says that if you have sinned against one law, you have broken all the laws. And so every single human being is wrong. Like if you ask that question, are homosexuals wrong? Well sure. But are they a different type of wrong? No, they're not a different type of wrong. They are the same wrong as I am. - [Penny] I feel like we tend to magnify the LGBTQ community. For example, I come from a Hispanic household and sexual abuse is brushed under the rug so many times, straight, but you choose to magnify, let's say my gay cousin over my molester uncle. You know what I mean? - Facts, yup. - There's something wrong with both - [Calvin] And the question is then why do we magnify the sin of homosexuality? It's because no one goes around saying murdering is okay, that theft is okay, but there are people going around saying, well, love is love and homosexuality is just love and they're trying to justify it. And so the church has to do some sort of defense and that's why this sin gets more attention than the others. And so they can escape their shame, not by marching down a street shouting pride, embrace who you are, look within, they can escape their shame by casting it on Christ and receiving His forgiveness. - [Penny] Yes, amen. (dramatic drum music) - [Director] Women who get abortions are murderers. (timer beeping) (light bulbs vibrating) - [Rillian] It is God who gives and takes away life. Man or woman has no place taking a life that they didn't breathe into. There is no going around that one I think for Christians. You kill a baby, that makes you a murderer. - [Kabal] This topic, sorry, gets me emotional because (sighs) I've seen people go through that and (sighs) sorry. And they feel it in their soul and in their spirit that it was wrong. And they deal with that pain and that shame and regret. My husband himself, him and his sisters they are all a product of (beep) And I mean, that's my husband. (chuckles) So to imagine that, like, he wouldn't be here if his mother didn't decide to keep them and raise them. It's sad to think about. - [Cashqu] Maybe it was not in a good experience, maybe you were (beep), maybe you were victim to something abusive, maybe it wasn't planned, but let me tell you something. God, He's never early, never late. He's always on time. And the fact that you were given this gift of life, and if you can't handle it or you can't take care of it, there are options. - [Director] Well, I'm just wondering then. What would you think of people who, like, stand outside of, like, abortion places and try to stop people? (Kabal chuckling) - [Kabal] It makes me so upset, like the people who just protest and try to shove and judge and condemn others. That is not love. That is not God. That is not how He would handle people. Jesus is very gentle and He would not make them feel like they cannot come to the Father because they are in shame or not worthy. - [Calvin] I do wanna address, I think there's a misunderstanding about what people do who stand out in front of abortion clinics. What they're doing is not abusing them, they're not attacking them, they're letting them know that there's options, telling them about crisis pregnancy centers, offering to adopt their children, explaining to them what an abortion really is. They're doing really important work. And if we all believe that abortion is murder and we all just said that we do, well, then what it is is mass murder, it's genocide in the United States. It's worse than the Holocaust. And so I wouldn't wanna throw stones at someone who's out in front of the concentration camp saying don't murder Jews. I would wanna go alongside that person and applaud that person for being courageous. And I think that's really important work that all Christians should support to help try to fight abortion in this country. (dramatic drum music) - [Director] I have had sex outside of marriage. (timer beeping) (light bulbs chiming) - [Penny] Oh my God. - Sorry. - I'm so sorry. Okay, I'm the right light now. - [Kabal] Everyone was doing it. We're on many cycles with that of like, I've had an orgy with females, I've had... You know that one person you can just hit up anytime you want to and they're available. (laughs) At some point you have to stop avoiding a sin 'cause God hates, not sinners but the sin because it comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I'm now married and my husband abstained till marriage and he has had to deal with the repercussions of my sin in the past. - [Dmitri] Yeah, I wasn't saved until I was 20, and before that time I did have sex outside of marriage. And even when I was first becoming Christian I would hear people say, Oh you can't have sex outside of marriage. And I said, Okay, well, I'll do everything else, but I won't do that one thing because that's a really hard thing to give up. - [Penny] Do you know when you have sex with somebody it's really hard to move on from that. You start feeling all types of things with yourself and it's just remembering that God doesn't say this to be mean, or to be a dictator, but to protect you. - [Cashqu] Yeah, if I can add to that. To be completely honest with you, I'm scared of sex. I had a very traumatic experience when I was younger where I've had family members intend to take advantage of me. And because of that traumatic experience, I just have had that fear to be enclosed with just one man in a room. - [David] Even though I have not lost my virginity, pornography has been something that has been rampant to my life. And that sexual sin as well is truly in my spiritual experience has been almost equal. Going wrong against God, going wrong against self, that brings so much shame, so much guilt, but when the forgiveness comes, we see the true glory of God because we see how broken we were and how reformed we are through Christ. (dramatic drum music) - [Director] Anyone who isn't Christian is going to hell. (timer beeping) (light bulbs vibrating) - [Calvin] Yeah for me, this one's a pretty easy one. John 14:6, "I'm the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." If we're Christians and we say we believe in the Bible, either we believe what Jesus said or we don't. - [David] Yeah, it's a tough sentence to answer, and to be honest, I suppose I can't just flatly say yes or no. So it's tough, but with that being said, what does Christian really mean? - [Penny] Yeah, I agree with that. Well, I said no because everybody uses the word Christian now, right? I believe there's Christians who aren't gonna gonna go to heaven. - [Director] What about people who subscribe to like say, Judaism or Islam? - [Penny] It goes back to the Bible. It says that to go to heaven you have to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord. And there's a lot of people who don't identify as Christians who believe that. What if there's a satanist on his deathbed, at that moment they confess with their mouth and they believe in their heart. Like they didn't live their whole lives being Christian. Are they gonna go to hell? I don't believe that. So I think to say that if you're not Christian you're gonna go to hell, it's kind of an absolute that drives more people away from Christianity than brings them in. - [Kabal] I'm thinking of babies that have died and I don't think that they would go to hell because they didn't even know how to make a sound. (Kabal chuckles) - [Dmitri] God gives us a choice whether we wanna spend eternity with Him or whether we don't, and that's a free willed choice that He gives to all of us. We all have to accept that we all are sinners and the wages of sin is death. The wages of sin is separation from God. But I've heard people's stories who didn't even know the Bible and had near death experiences where they actually went and visited hell. The way that it was described in the Bible. (dramatic drum music) - [Director] I'm scared of dying. (timer beeping) (light bulbs chiming) - [David] "To live is Christ, and to die is gain." That's my father's favorite verse. We are gaining eternal life, we are gaining a new faith, we are gaining a new body, we are gaining everything. Not that being here doesn't have its joys, but to be with Him obviously is- [Penny] It's the best. Yeah. I always say, I can't wait to die. My mom hates it. I always say, it's like, God take me now. I'm not suicidal. We're always saying - No, but I get what you mean. I get what you mean literally. - No, my sister and I, yeah, we're always like, God, just come take us. Like we don't wanna be here anymore. - [Rillian] I look forward to the day where I see the saints gathered worshiping Christ and I could cry about it. It is gonna be so surreal and so beautiful, and death is just the way to get there. - [Penny] Yeah. (dramatic drum music) - [Director] I fear losing my non-believer friends and family. (timer beeping) (light bulbs chiming) - [Kabal] It would be the greatest pain to go to heaven and not see your siblings there. - [Rillian] I mean, my dad isn't saved and half my family are Catholic, and I can't imagine a more miserable place than away from the perfect creator of all things. - [Calvin] In John 6, Jesus says that, "Of all those that the Father has given me, I will not lose one." And so God is faithful and just and I trust God that He will save all of His people. I do pray for my loved ones who are unbelievers. I share the gospel with them, but ultimately I know it doesn't depend on me. Salvation is in His hands. So it's not for me to fear or worry. - [Dmitri] In the Bible it says that it's God's will for everyone to be saved, but at the same time the truth is is that not everyone will. When I was a non-believer, I would always wonder, why are Christians always wanting to shove their beliefs down my throat? We know what the Bible says that people will go to hell and if we don't tell people about it, that blood is almost on our hands. And I do fear that there will be people that I know and love who won't ever come to God, but I know that there is still hope for them. - [Director] We'll have you put your masks back on. (gentle music)
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 1,182,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, jubilee masks off, masks off, masks off christians, anonymous christians, christians secret, christians in private, christian belief, christian judgement, christians
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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