If Apple Made a Restaurant

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if apple made a restaurant is here make sure you hit the video with a like subscribe to my channel if you haven't already leave a comment let me know what your favorite part of the video was and turn those notifications on if you haven't already if we get 300 000 likes i'm gonna drop my next video early and at 500 000 i'll be responding to every comment and shout out to michael miriam and cali for being the first three people to like and comment on my last video and lastly i made a second youtube channel it's called kai like some shorts and i'm gonna be putting up daily mini skits on there just to hold y'all over for the long videos like these so i'd appreciate it if you subscribe links in the description i might put a card up here enjoy hey well why you sounding like michael jackson in here the grease burned me but let me see all right but be careful mama you're so dramatic there's only four not even 500 degrees yet oh forget lava girl i got a lava mama and i got a lazy boy now quit burning my food up my mouth was the last good food we had here can we just order something of course i'll call him the mcdonald's right now really thanks dad hi can i get a large order we got food at home with the do i look like i made a money combo or do i look like i made a money machine's broke anything else that you just got mcdonald's for everybody but me yesterday hey that's tradition plus i'm allowed to make dollars i had to use them to afford my new apple car now i'm just saving up so i can afford the apple air bags fine i'll just get the travis scout meal later wait travis yeah remember he has a sandwich at mcdonald's we're going right now what in starvation hey dad wait up what dad relax i can relax after we get this cactus jack dad i'm gonna be carsick you're just getting into sickle mode come on kyle let's get this traffic paddy what i should have known this apple car was a bad boy when shattered after that fender bender hey kyle i have to call applecare why don't you try to find some food around here all right apples let me see if they're open apples sam speaking i'd like to make a reservation for oh hold up what are you calling in on a samsung ew oh got android audio in my ear hello hello let me just walk in next whoa sir this is an upscale establishment we have a strict dress code dress code my apology sir didn't mean to mistake you for one of the podless peasants come right on in hi welcome to apples my name's sam how can i scam i mean uh serve you today hi do you have any specials i'm glad you asked behold the newest generation of the apple oh that's the last generation this is the newest generation of the apple mac the mac yep it's our first edible experience here at apples it features your choice of beef for cockadoodle technology hunger resistance for up to six hours and a two times faster processing speed than any other processing speed yup it's our latest innovation it goes through you twice as fast as the last generation now you can eat as much upscale food as you want without up in the scale why would you how's it taste i mean it makes it down makes it so it's not even good this is the greatest innovation on demand it's more than good it's just an acquired taste see we're all about simplicity here so complex spices like salt and pepper didn't make the cut oh how's it different from the last generation other than the cockapoo technology or whatever this one's ten dollars more more how expensive are they yes a hundred dollars is this a famous chicken or something y'all got chicken little on the friars back there if this is the cheapest thing on the menu don't even get me started on what the apple apples go for you can't charge 100 for a sandwich hey i don't make the rules i just make the money you know what they say the apple doesn't fall far from the fees how is this even a special then because for a limited time it comes with the apple button included shocking i know apple has been out of sales since we traded in the apple sale but for the apple yacht this is ridiculous it's just a burger um mac they're not the same thing do you call this a burger book pro besides this isn't just food okay it's a way of life priceless we'd be doing a disservice not to take your money um y'all lucky windows restaurants keep shutting down does it at least come with some greens what do we look like android we make green we don't serve it well with the exception of our apple pea pods of course they feature our uniquely designed protective podcast that can hold up to six ps at a time and have crisp clear snap audio with every bite and all for only a dollar a pee the pot is sold separately by the way you know what i'll pass better need apple welfare after this mac alone exquisite choice sir i'll be back with your mac momentarily thank you bro can you believe this place i'm right there with you man see i'm glad someone else can relate this place is incredible finally some food without that broke aftertaste to it is there anyone with some sense in here no we gave all our sense of apple um would you like some of our starter bread while you wait i mean yeah that'd be great perfect here's some of our world famous apple biscuits thank you it's really good kind of dry though isn't it just breathtaking it's our latest innovation we made our starter bread 200 drier than popeye's biscuits to prevent the dilution of flavor through the moisture in the bread it's the most flavor per square inch of any bread but it can only be quenched with our 20 apple water are you kidding me i know seems too good to be true right you can thank me in apple pay later what are you an apple hit man hey we would never do anything to harm our value customers sam someone's choking again omar wait does he have apple care no then we know apple care about it life ain't free oh my oh sir are you okay am i thanks to this apple biscuit i caught a glimpse of the future either that in my life flash before my eyes oh can i just get my food yes sir i actually got it right here finally wait a sec there's a bug in it oh i'm so sorry about that sir we have a kitchen update coming soon that should keep the bugs out of our products in the future but since this is the president you're just gonna have to deal with jimmy cricket over there um you're lucky i'm starving oh let me grab some sauce what sam the man barely touched the plate and it fell apart i mean it is a delicacy that doesn't mean it's you know what i'm gonna need a new mac oh that's really beyond me but one of our geniuses would be happy to assist you at the genius bar you know what fine talk to someone with some brain cells left hi welcome to the genius bar wait apple id oh hi kyle what can i do for you today yeah i got this mac with a bug in it and it fell apart so i won another one that's no problem thank you it'll just be 70 plus the 30 replacement fee you can't just get me another one hey i'm a genius not a genie although i am good at making money disappear um is there anything on you around here what's up me is there a speck of broke no like is anything here free so there are kids here don't you dare use the f word up in here unless that stands for finesse rich eaters easily i ain't familiar with it but i can't offer you a dollar off your 10th apple soda if you keep it between us you know what where's the cook why don't we open up an apple bank i mean we might as well the way they're handing it to us i mean uh you called yeah my mac fell apart and your employees refused to get me another one oh i'm so sorry about that sir would you like a complimentary mac i mean yeah that'd be nice say no more i'll have that right out for you thank you i knew that waiter was bugging sorry for the waste sir the grill was on one percent why would you know what forget it let me just try this how is it it doesn't taste like anything oh the flavor's sold separately my bad i thought i mentioned that but for 20 more you can choose from a variety of flavors including hype cotton privilege how is this not a scam wait isn't max just scam spell backwards mr cook i think he's on to us can you excuse me for just a sec you sent the fbi that payment last week right oh what did y'all do to this oh i told you the new max processing power makes it go through twice as fast as the previous generation or 20 times faster than taco bell for comparison we do sell apple tums for ten dollars each if you're interested though do y'all just create problems to sell solutions bingo i mean uh no this is an innovation i don't know how to kept straight face all these years oh gosh i'll be in the bathroom what type of toilet taxation uh you're back from your apple bathroom experience the apple toilet paper is well worth that dollar square price tag huh so we taking a peek at the dessert menu or no um can i just pay the bill it's pay the save over here if you wanted to pay a bill you should have gone to the windows restaurant down the block but here's a receipt of what you owe us thank you now this total's crazy 300 yeah it's a check for us not for you no no no this can't be right let me see you are absolutely right sir i am so sorry thank you i forgot to add the second mac to your total save my steve job right there oh mr quick said it was complimentary yeah to compliment your first mag are you wait you charged me for the gratuity meal but that never came out oh that's the included tip included why is the gratuity 50 of the meal well our products and services are twice as good as the competition so you should be twice as grateful it's only fair you're really enjoying that apple air huh the what apple air you see right there on your steve we pumped the restaurant full of premium maple layer featuring twice as much oxygen as regular air fryer deal breathing conditions i never asked for that yeah we provided it anyways now if that's not good hosting i don't know what it is hey where are you going out the apple door i'm paying this and i'll make sure all y'all lose your jobs too too soon you want something free this type of slider's about to be on the house oh i will fold you like a motorola better drop faster than an iphone's battery percentage oh i'm ready for this drop test oh hey what happened uh sam tried to give me something for free what yeah didn't you offer to serve me a free apple slider and recommend that i pay a bit of windows instead of here earlier no what well yes that's not what i see mr cook he was singing a different tune earlier samsung and apples shouldn't know you lost your apple core values when you brought in blackberries for lunch sam you're fired come turn in your earpods you ain't caught worthy kyle where have you been walking here dad left me at apples oh my gosh are you serious yeah i think he went to get his traffic patty but don't worry i'm okay no not that you went to apples and then get some for everybody else uh-uh forget mcdonald's if you got eye dollars i need a mac too i don't care if we got mcdonald's without you again that's tradition walk yourself yourself all the way back over there and get a few macs and a mac air for me since i'm on a diet i've always wanted to know how tim cooks so i chase that big down of some bacon so i had to go to his big brother's house and i pulled that thing down little red riding hood didn't write home so i'm after you now i'm a real awful wolf this ain't little peep don't try and cry we'll find here for no sheep no mcdonald's money so y'all am i treating if we do the race all i need is some cleats run to the market
Channel: Kyle Exum
Views: 14,615,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple Be like, Kyle Exum, If Apple made a restaurant, Apple Restaurant, If Apple Commercials were honest, Apple AirPod Pros, Apple AirPod Max, bassthoven, kahoot rap, Apple Coming up with future products be like, exum, kyle exum shorts, mama mode, sicko mode, travis scott sandwich, McDonalds Be Like, if Among Us was a family, kyle exum tiktoks, funny videos, Android be like, loveliveserve, ROB, Apple skit, If Apple made a sandwich, apple restaurant, samsung, android users
Id: 6hYLOfy6KP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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