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so this mom bans her kid from playing Roblox because he plays way too much and I'm not going to lie maybe I should get banned from Roblox because I play all day every day but anyways let's find out what [Music] happens hey what do you think you're doing uh-oh oh uh I'm making a new Roblox game why you spent way too much time on the computer I hate seeing you stare at this screen all weekend uhoh is he about to get banned already this is what I love doing I want to build Roblox games it's just such wait he's building Roblox games okay okay I'm not going to lie if you build a successful Roblox game you can get really rich what I love doing I want to build Roblox games it's just such a waste of time okay it it's not really a waste of time come on now can I please just have some more money for Robux I need to hire someone to help me finish this no I cannot give you any more money for this dumb game wo whoo whoo whoo wo Roblox is not dumb okay I love Roblox I play play Roblox every single day and if you're not subscribed to my Roblox Channel go subscribe to it right now it's Fon we barely have enough after we pay all of our bills so if you want money you can get a side job like I did when I was a kid this is a side job lots of people make money off of Roblox that is true I haven't seen you make anything so you can wait for your allowance until next week like your brother and sister have to now get oh my gosh wait that's kind of a roast she kind of just roasted him you're not making anything so you can wait for your allowance until next week like your brother and sister have to now get off the computer I'm serious dang we please just finish this I'm right in the middle of it come on let him finish it fine okay good when dinner's ready off the computer got it got it I hope he I hope he gets rich off his Roblox game not he's playing Minecraft oh come look at this I'm making a custom map that has different rooms where if you answer a question wrong you have to fight a bunch of mobs honey wait are they brothers so they're two brothers one's making a Minecraft game and one's making a Roblox game that's pretty cool it's the map that has different rooms where if you answer a question wrong you have to fight a bunch of mobs honey like I understand any of that why do you want to be inside all day you should be hanging out with your friends I'm hanging out with my friends online exactly on Discord I mean hanging out with them in real life or I don't know maybe go outside and get some sun if you even remember what that is nah I'd rather do this nah I don't I don't need sun I don't want to touch grass generation playing video games all day is not going to take you anywhere that's not true lots of skills plus there are so many ways to make money from Minecraft I can set up my own server stream on Twitch a patreon account true I wonder if you're even speaking English sometimes well my friend Sam's with the brothers 22 he doesn't even have to wait what the I'm 22 but my name is not Sam he gets so much money from donations from a Subs well that's great for him but you don't come on turn this game off bro she's roasting everybody you kids are really driving me crazy today you know that please fine but one more hour tops at least he gives them extra time all right W I want to host my own Minecraft server can I buy a Minecraft realm subscription absolutely not your dad and I cannot afford another subscription we may have to cancel one we have what if you take it out of my allowance I said no you play enough of this game as it is your dad and I can't afford another subscription so finish up whatever it is you're doing cuz I almost have dinner ready dang what's for dinner though I hope it's spaghetti why am I saying that like I'm about to eat it what hey Kylie do you want to come help me out sorry Mom but I'm in the middle of a game oh my gosh all her kids play video games one kid whose eyes AR completely glued to their screen your guys' eyes are so stuck on those screens and I'm going to need this spatula to peel them off oh my gosh she's threatening them Alpha Al okay it was a beautiful day and not a single one of you cared to go outside I went outside I played with my tablet in the backyard oh okay W that does not count she's touching grass and playing video games at the same time what's the big deal I want to be a video game tester I already have a bunch of credits on people okay nice why don't you want to do something that's that's more productive this is productive here let me show you you know no okay I don't need to see anything she does in 10 minutes and no electronics after that okay I'm still curious what's for dinner I want to see it and don't bring that thing back to the table did you hear me dinner's ready wait did I is that spaghetti did I get it right oh no she's bringing the iPad she said not to she's about to get in trouble Kylie I said no electronics at the table but I just got to finish this one last thing iPad no just give me five more minutes I'm not going to ask you again dang Ethan dinner is ready get off the TV okay just a couple more blocks no more blocks you have had plenty of time well where's your brother I don't know Jarett Jarett that boy she is so angry I have been calling for you oh uh sorry uh I had my headphones on can I please just eat here I'm on a roll you know the answer to that now come on wait what you know what you kids I've had enough of this oh no she's going to unplug what are you doing no more computer and I am taking this no what are you doing let him build his game he could turn into a millionaire why did you do that dang I don't even know if it auto sa I don't care oh my God come down it didn't save can I please have it back no and Kylie Are you seriously on that thing already oh go I was just waiting for everyone else to get here go bro she's about to destroy everybody in the room she hates video games I'm not going to deal with this anymore that weird uhoh is he back on Minecraft uh-oh mom what are you doing oh my good mom come on please give it back yeah why are you taking everything away we didn't do anything wrong enough is enough okay there is more to life than sitting around all day playing video games and being on your electronics and I gave you plenty of chances and you ruined it Mom okay please have our stuff back after dinner no I'm taking it away until school is over oh my gosh they're banned from All Electronics until the end of the year oh my goodness because we waste so much much money on your devices and games and and subscriptions and whatever so I cutting you off what you can't do this to us you know what you will thank me when you're older and you will tell me I am right now we're going to sit down and have a nice family dinner together what is that dinner is that sandwiches how can we enjoy it when you took away everything we've been working on you don't understand you're too young well maybe you're the one that doesn't understand ooh uh-oh that is not the look you want to see from your parents if your parents look at you like this you better run she looks angry don't you dare talk back to me like that young man oh my gosh uh-oh hey guys how's it going oh Dad's home hey Dad so no one's excited to see me awkward what's wrong they won't listen to me all they want to do all day long is play their video games and do nothing productive come on dad let them play video games we did our chores yeah and all of our homework and we are being productive mom just doesn't want to understand okay let's just calm down tell Mom what she's doing isn't fair I am not going to tell Mom that no if she says no electronics then no electronics D for one meal without them oh it's going to be a lot longer than that this isn't fair I'm eating in my room ooh me too yeah three dang the kids just dipped this generation just thinks they're so much smarter than us it'll be okay looks good thank you A bank's raising our interest rate mortgage is going up what no can they do that again yeah once a year I love dang well how did your meeting with Jamie go did you get that promotion no I just got more work ironic well guess we're not taking that trip to Hawaii this summer which I was really looking forward to I mean we haven't traveled since our honeymoon I have never been to Hawaii the payments and the car payments and the all the kids subscriptions it's hard to get by just imagine when tuition starts well maybe by then they'll be pay for themselves huh and then you and I can travel wherever we want well if you let the kids build their games they might get rich you never know can't doubt that a she doesn't believe come on I feel like they're throwing their lives away right now no they're not and anytime I try to help them they just they hate me for it they don't hate you oh it's easy for you to say lisis you're not the one who took away their precious devices well maybe we could work on being a little bit more open-minded that's true listen to the dad about what they want exactly jar really wants to be a game developer and Ethan he's always playing with those block thingies kyees block thingies you mean Minecraft really working towards something that is not working that's wasting time and money the mom doesn't understand all right like fortnite has tournaments now where you can literally win so much money we are barely getting by and they just keep racking up all of these credit card charges when we were kids our parents paid for sports leagues and camps it's not the same we were outside socializing they just want to be inside online all day they're socializing on Discord they could be out on the streets learning horrible habits are you actually siding with the kids right now no honey I'm just trying to say that I think the times have changed and maybe we could stop discouraging their dreams and start supporting them W dad W dad encourage their dreams right don't don't put their dreams down because when people follow their passions it always leads to success that is true guys always follow your passion think I think it's time to go to bed dang the mom does not care all right good night Mom I hope the Mom starts to understand soon okay is he playing bedw Wars what's up Ethan I never see you in here yeah my mom took away my Xbox controller it's the only way I can play now you know you're not allowed to play in here right uhoh it's going to find out just I already know what's going to happen the principal's going to find out tell his mom and his mom is going to kill him okay probably not kill him but be really mading this map I've been working on thank you Ethan uhoh there's no computer games at school but Mrs Green this isn't Up For Debate close the game now Dam closing out of Minecraft what's up with adults not letting us kids do what we want to do sucks guess that means we won't be playing in the Minecraft tournament this weekend huh tournament what tournament oh it's a contest to see could build the best adventure map in 30 minutes and it takes place on the judg server Winner Takes 500 bucks you can't you can't build an entire map in 30 minutes on Minecraft and it takes place on the judge server rules are under Discord Winner Takes 500 bucks ooh 00 you got to send me that link okay what how are you going to play if your mom took away your controller it's for 500 bucks there's no way she's going to say no she's going to say no she's going to say no wait so your mom will let you use FaceTime what if I want to call you nope she took everything away I've been going crazy actually can I see yours for a sec I just need to check my messages on Discord of course Discord hey sweetheart hey Mom hey Kylie hi Miss Davis ready to go home yeah just one sec Kylie's browing my tablet I'm just about done Kylie uh-oh no bro I'm not going to lie this mom actually makes me mad why does she hate electronics so much it's not mine it's Lauren she's letting me borrow it well give it back you should know better so sorry about that summer she's addicted to that thing so I had to take it away I mean I'm sure you go through that too really I don't mind her being on it ever since we got Lauren a tablet for Christmas she's been playing games and gotten better at her grades W she went from a c to a B+ in math oh actually it's an A minus now it went up wow great job honey it was good seeing you Kathy okay see Mom Lawrence mom lets her be on her tablet yeah well I'm not Lauren's mom mom mom there's this Minecraft tournament this weekend I told you I do not want to hear about these video games anymore see I knew it she was going to say no she she does not even care now come on why do she have to be so mean El mom l mom I mean I understand it but like still let him play a little bit see how peaceful this can be without any of your electronics more like quiet oh that looks so busting bro thorman why you make me hungry I don't feel like pasta why do we always have to eat at home why can't we just go out to eat honey it's it's just too expensive okay so eat your food a can we at least just play some music I can't connect to the speaker without my tablet oh my Xbox does have Spotify okay can you not talk about your electronics for like 2 seconds mom I want to enter the tournament please come on it's $500 mom come on I'm not going to talk to you about this again I have said that we are not going to do this here comes dad we are not doing this can I please come home once there not be an argument they won't stop complaining about not getting their devices back dad there's this tournament in Minecraft this weekend and I think I can win can you please tell mom to let me enter no your dad is not going to go around me okay I'm not going to let you waste any more of your time on this video game it's not a waste of time the grand prize is $500 if I win I'll be able to finish my map and I could give Jared Robux so we can hire someone to finish this game and Kylie will play test so we can make everything perfect W you can't say n of that no I'm done dealing with this video game nonsense okay Louis you make the decision for once let him play Come on come on dad how about we compromise excuse me let's give Ethan the opportunity to prove that playing Minecraft can actually pay off let's go W dad W dad devices back okay I'm fine with that yeah me too come on Mom come on Mom you can't say it's a fair deal you can't lose now he has to win fine but if you lose that's it no more devices until schools out and no complaining from any of you but that's like 2 months away dang do we have a deal I couldn't I'm not going to lie I use my computer every single day I couldn't imagine not having it for 2 months well I guess we have nothing to lose deal you take a seat and I will make you a plate you better win yeah I know bro all the pressures on you okay he's building nice building watch I programmed this button to open up this spot in the wall using a sticky piston uh 30 seconds left uh-oh just a few more finishing touches and I think I got this am I missing anything uh did you finish the Redstone circuit in the last chamber uh yeah I did that you put the arrows in all of the dispensers instead the trip wires right okay let's see this building wait did you place the mob spawner under the trap door oh that's it thanks Kylie oh come on you got this just in time yes wait did he win how are you going to know if you won the judge this has to be the best map we've ever seen in any composition ooh we're just in spectator mode it should be only be a few more minutes look they're announcing the winners right now okay uhoh the moderator say this has to be the best map we've seen in any competition and the winner is uh-oh who is it Ethan blaz 2009 yes let's go this is awesome what is going on he just won $500 really congratulations like actually like you got the money oh look at the mom she's worried about the money she's a gold digger okay I'm kidding she's not a gold digger they just asked to DM him your Remo so they can pay us yes I can finally got my Robux I can get my tablet back right mom come on Mom a Deal's a deal wait what oh she's giving them back okay [Music] good well a deal is a deal yes sir but you have to promise this will not interfere with school we promise have fun W Kathy keeps her promise and gives the kids their Electronics back okay nice from that day forward whenever she feels like saying something she instead bites her tongue and lets kids play their games wait what game is he even building few years pass and the kids slowly move out of the house and go off to college wait what he said a few years bro he looks like he's 30 years old now and the kids slowly move out of the house and go off to college one by one Kathy and Lewis say goodbye to their kids they're all leaving [Music] as time goes on the kids stay passionate about what they want to do with their lives okay nice it turns out they really weren't wasting their time after all do they become rich and then one day the parents get a big surprise they send money yes wait what's that say you're not going to believe this another interest r hike oh how much is it this time 4.75% ooh I just don't know how we're supposed to keep up dang come on send the money kids come on pay for the house have you heard from the kids today no I miss them oh now you miss them do you think we could fly out and see all of them I mean it's been such a long time they all just live so far apart I don't think we have the funds right now are they about to show up maybe over the holidays oh honey but that's months from now oh it's them okay hi Dad hey let's go we we were just talking about you hi Mom hi Mom I'm surprised a why didn't you guys tell me you were coming I I would have cooked something we wanted to surprise you a well come in oh this is just the best surprise ever are they rich and famous yet than well s's been so lonely around here with just your dad and I um you sure I can't make you something actually we were thinking of taking you guys to your favorite restaurant tonight okay you don't need to do that it's too expensive mom don't worry about it it's on us are you sure yeah yeah we're all doing pretty well for ourselves now W and that brings us to our next surprise guys tell them Ethan tell us what Mom Dad oh it's a surprise we know how hard you guys both work to give us everything we wanted so we want to pay it back for you guys no no no no no no you guys don't owe us anything just having you here right now that's plenty a taking us out to dinner what more could I want I can think of a few things what are you wait what's the surprise come on give me I want I know it together the one that started off as Ethan senior project yeah well we kept working on it together and just last week I got an email from a video game company and um they want to abouty a game from us oh congratulations okay how much we talking though is is it a lot of money so with all the money that we made Jared and I would like to pay off the mortgage ooh they're paying off the the house how much how much is it I I don't know and I would like to pay off both of your cars oh my gosh bro these kids are rich now 16,000 never get to go anywhere we want to send you guys to Hawaii no oh my go Dad how much money are they making you do not need to spend all of your money on us oh trust us they were super generous with their off how much did you sell this game for oh my gosh just say quite a lot wait how much I want to know the number I didn't think all those years ago I was trying to get you all to quit playing video games good thing we started supporting them you're right cuz you said when you follow your passion yes sir you will always be successful exactly I'm so proud of you aw a at least the mom changed her mind you guys agree to us lucky oh she's crying oh okay so what are you guys most excited about oh well for your dad it's the mortgage for sure I'm really excited about Hawaii I want to go to Hawaii I've never I'm only going on one condition what's that that all of you come with us come on you guys are where our real happiness is beta testing I know just it's a lot oh they're not going to be able to go oh okay they're going to go let's go to Hawaii oh to Hawaii hey I'm just so excited this is such a dream dang the dad is knocked out right there look at him he's gone this such a dream come true is he tooling oh Mom can I my tablet I think I left it in your purse yeah of course although do you really think you should be glued to your tablet the whole time oh Mom stop no no no no stop let her get the tablet I'm just kidding okay I was about to say there you go thank you although really I don't want to see you on that thing the whole time we're in home Mom sorry sorry old habits die hard the mom is still trying to get them to stop playing video games
Channel: Foltyn Reacts
Views: 5,244,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Foltyn, Foltyn family, family friendly, foltyn reacts, reaction, foltyn reacting, foltynplays, roblox foltyn, foltyn reaction, foltyn roblox, kid gets banned on roblox, roblox, dhar mann, mom bans kid from roblox, mom grounds kid from roblox, socksreacts
Id: BvWnr48o4eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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