If a Stranger Acts Like Your Friend in Public, It's a Cry for Help!

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so you walk around the city drinking your coffee and a strange girl approaches you and hugs you hey mike that's where you are ready to go wait what firstly your name's james secondly you weren't going anywhere you were just having a casual walk and lastly you have no idea who this girl is uh sorry i don't know you you must have taken me for someone else you say thinking she's a weirdo and backing away no no no wrong negative rewind you shouldn't have said that maybe she fully realizes that you don't know each other but still approached you for some reason well apart from you having kind eyes and a gorgeous smile of course what if this girl is in danger and this is her cry for help okay let me cheat a little bit and show you what might have happened to her suppose this girl is riley she's 19 years old an hour ago just like you she walked out of her house in a very good mood she went for a walk and in a couple of hours she was to meet her friends while standing in line for an ice cream she noticed that some man was staring at her from around the corner he was wearing black shaggy pants a black hoodie and sunglasses even though it's hard to recognize a person dressed like that she was pretty sure she'd never seen him before and he looked suspicious if you ever find yourself in a similar situation remember rule number one trust your gut if you're feeling uncomfortable don't take any risks yeah we all stare at people from time to time but it's better to watch out and be careful rule number two go to a safe place it's better to avoid dark and empty streets of course you better go pick a well-lit and crowded street or store even if it's in the opposite direction from where you are actually going make sure to stay as close to people as possible check if the person is following you if they are then rule number three do not go home you don't want that stalker to know your address right keep walking around the city and better choose the most crowded and most illogical routes stop to get a coffee do some shopping go to the post office it's the right time to do all the unfinished business you might have maybe the person will get tired of following you and head home if you want to confirm your suspicions try this first make several irrational turns for example walk around some building it's unlikely that a person who's minding their own business will make circles do another way is to change the pace and see if the person adjusts their pace to yours or you can enter a store walk out of it and then come back inside if that person returns to you are being followed but don't panic rule number four be prepared make sure you have something to fight back for example grab the keys and keep them in your hand type the emergency phone number on your cell phone in advance to call without losing a second if need be during a call name your address first only then should you say who you are and what happened in case you can't finish the phone call at least they'll know where to search if you're in danger and need help don't be afraid to make a scene fight and shout try to get everyone's attention it might scare off the stalker but remember when you ask for help always address a particular person looking them in the eye if you just cry everyone will keep minding their own business thinking someone else will help you if you single out someone from the crowd the person will feel responsible and will be more likely to help well back to our riley she noticed the guy was watching her so she walked around the city trying to get rid of him but it didn't work the man was still after her this didn't look good she called her parents and friends but no one picked up she still had an hour before the meeting with her friends and she couldn't just circle around like that only one trick was left before she had to make a drama in the middle of the street when none of your friends are around and they can't make it to meet you you just have to pretend like they are around you can approach some stranger well someone who looks nice and kind and pretend you know them hopefully they'll play along the stalker will see you're not alone and most probably leave for good so riley took a deep breath and started to look in the crowd trying to find someone who seemed nice out of all people she picked you with her heart skipping a beat she ran towards you and hugged you hey mike that's where you are ready to go here's where your part comes in play along not smile hug her back and don't give away your surprise remember somebody might be stalking her so you have to look real your first action should be to continue talking to her like you know each other say something casual like oh hey kiddo how are you and start walking with her keeping up the conversation pay attention to the girl's behavior she might look nervous and scared her voice might tremble or her hands might be shaking keep being friendly to calm her down and let her know you have her back while talking try to discreetly find out what it's all about but be careful and don't look around just like that trying to spot any suspicious types if there's someone still following the girl they can see you know about them tell the girl you wanted to show her new photos of your cat take out your cell phone type are you in danger and show her the screen if the girl nods go to the next step don't leave her alone keep walking talking to her and try to take some discreet looks around to spot the things or people that seem odd when you spot the stalker try to remember as many details about them as possible what they wear if there are any accessories with their skin color hair color height and build are but don't look straight at them yet use any possibility to study them like the reflections in shop windows mirrors or turning your head before crossing the road probably when the stalker notices that the girl is not alone and will have the company for a long time they'll get lost so keep going paying attention if they're still after you if it's already been quite a while and they don't disappear it's time to let them know you know you're being followed stop turn around and look them straight in the eye be confident and show them that you know about them and want them to get lost use this face-to-face opportunity to spot as many notable features of theirs as possible so you can later describe them in every minor detail when they leave don't leave the girl alone just yet walk around for a while to make sure the stalker really is gone after that it's better to walk the girl home or wherever she was going to make sure she is safe and nothing else threatens her congratulations you're the hero of the day not everyone knows this trick so you can even initiate it yourself wherever you are there might be someone you might save with just a casual talk if you are for example in a subway and see that some suspicious guy is hassling a girl and she doesn't feel comfortable about it just step up approach her say you haven't seen her in a while and start a casual talk like you were her old friend the guy will just drift away from her and the girl will probably be beyond grateful for your help stay with her and talk until she's safe
Views: 1,817,868
Rating: 4.9469967 out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, tips that could save life, what to do if you’re being watched, escape from stalker, critical situations, survival rules, how to survive, survival tactics, survival tips, videos about safetyб emergency, safe tricks, safety, beware of strangers, protect yourself, save your own life, bright side if someone is following you, bright side suspicious stranger, safety videos animation, best safety videos, safety on the street
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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