If Your Hair Stands on End, You've Seconds to Run

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well it's time to stretch your legs and take a walk in the park the sun is shining and you enjoy the weather and life on the whole that's when you spot a rapidly growing vertical cloud bright white at first it's approaching alarmingly fast becoming dense and inky the sky is darkening and a gust of wind blows the hat off your head and then your hair starts to stand on in that's your cue to run for your life you're about to be hit by lightning at this very moment positive charges are rising through your body they're reaching toward the negatively charged part of the storm if you don't react fast these charges will meet and it'll end badly for you if there's nowhere you can hide crouch down and try to make yourself smaller than the objects around you don't lie flat on the ground it may be wet and thus a great conductor of electricity there are also other signs that scream danger during a lightning storm your palms may begin to sweat you might hear bizarre crackling buzzing or vibrating sounds coming from mental objects nearby your skin can start to tingle there might be a strange metallic taste in your mouth if you're sure you're not chewing on tin foil then look out plus you're likely to smell chlorine that's ozone electrical charges split the molecules of nitrogen and oxygen which are the main gases forming the atmosphere into separate atoms when these atoms come together again some of them produce molecules made up of three oxygen atoms that's ozone you can smell it during a thunderstorm because downdrafts bring it from high altitudes to your nose level you can figure out how close a thunderstorm is by measuring the time between spotting the lightning and hearing the thunder every five seconds is one mile the sky over your head is darkening and turning ominously green something hits you on the cheek ouch it hurts you pick up the offending object it's a massive hail stone but it's not that cold outside and it's not raining you notice how still everything is how quiet there's no wind whatsoever it makes you think about the calm before the storm and indeed soon you hear some noise it's approaching rapidly and turns into a loud roar as if a freight train is moving towards you only it's not a train it's a tornado and you have almost no time to escape the funnel isn't visible behind a cloud of debris but you can't mistake this rotating column of air for anything else if the tornado catches you on the road get as far from your car as you can this will prevent the vehicle from being hurdled toward you find a ditch lie down in it and cover your head if you're inside get away from windows and hide underground if possible now you're at the seaside walking along the shore and enjoying a light breeze suddenly the ground starts shaking under your feet must be an earthquake the next weirdness you notice is the water retreating from the beach at breakneck speed it leaves behind the exposed ocean floor reefs and even fish that's when you hear a distant roaring sound it's a tsunami and you only have a few minutes to save your life get to high ground immediately a giant wave is already speeding toward the shore it's not the only way a tsunami can creep up on you it doesn't necessarily come crashing against the shore as a series of huge waves a tsunami can look like a rapidly rising tide it usually goes hand in hand with severe underwater turbulence it pulls people under the surface and tosses heavy objects around you can also notice sea water bubbling swirling and creating bizarre patterns it's another sure sign a tsunami's coming your dog's restless it's scratching the entrance door roaming around the apartment and trying to hide in the corner usually calm and docile the pooch is now howling and barking the weather's also been crazy for the past several days it's hot one day and chilly 24 hours later plus you've noticed that the stream near your house has livened up bubbling as it's rushing past only when glasses start to clink in your cupboard do you realize what it means the clatter is produced by four shocks tiny earthquakes leading up to the main event earthquakes often occur in clusters if there are several weak quakes a much bigger one might be on the way sometime before the disaster strikes you might notice bizarre blue lights some of them seem to be coming from the ground others are hovering in the air these are so-called earthquake lines emitted from rocks under great stress they can be seen days or mere seconds before the ground starts shaking at the same time some experts doubt earthquake lights exist if you think an earthquake is about to happen and there's a catfish in your aquarium pay attention to its behavior scientists have proved this species can react to earth tremors the fish become restless when seismic activity is high some bugs can feel a storm coming they get ready for the natural disaster by stopping any movement that's why if you notice that lots of insects around you look drowsy search for shelter as for bees they can predict heavy rain storms they begin to work much harder the day before it starts raining square waves occur when two wave patterns crash into each other this phenomenon looks awesome but only if you're watching it from the shore don't even think of getting in the water to play in such waves in that place there are cross currents that can easily pull even a skilled swimmer under the surface and if you see wild choppy waves carrying ocean debris and seaweed stay out of the water too it can be a sign of a strong rip current it can carry you far away from the ocean if you see smelly green stuff on the surface of a lake or sea stay away from the water it can be a hazardous algal bloom you won't be able to tell whether it's toxic or not at first sight that's why it's better to steer clear of it altogether three or four days before a hurricane arrives the sea or ocean surface can swell up to six feet waves hit the shore every nine seconds the closer the hurricane the more rapidly the waves crash against the shore they also get higher sometimes up to 16 feet the sky is littered with light fluffy clouds roughly 36 hours before the hurricane reaches the shore the atmospheric pressure begins to drop after that the wind speeds up wispy hair-like clouds appear in the sky 18 hours before the hurricane makes it to the shore the sky opens up and it starts to pour the rain water often floods low-lying areas welling up to 15 feet when the hurricane is 12 hours away a powerful gale starts to bring along loose debris six hours before the landfall the wind speed is already 90 miles per hour it's strong enough to break and even uproot trees fling around large debris and flip cars by the way let's say you're sailing and there are some sharks circling your boat keep an eye on them if the predators suddenly leave you alone and head for deep water it might mean a hurricane is drawing closer get back to dry land as fast as you can and warn others if during a period of heavy rains you hear a roaring sound it might be a flash flood moving in your direction if you're near a river at that moment you might see debris coming down with the flow the water can be changing its color and becoming cloudier and darker these signs should set alarm bells ringing in your head if your gut feeling is right you have no time to waste try to get away from that place as fast as you can flash floods are often lethal if you're out in the wild pay attention to the water in creeks streams and rivers if it's falling or rising rapidly it might be a sign a landslide is about to happen and if you see the water turn muddy don't wait for more evidence get out of the area immediately
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Keywords: how to predict a tornado, storm how to predict, earthquake how to stay safe, earthquake prediction, natural phenomena, bright side, weirdest natural phenomena, tornado, square waves, best survival tricks, tsunami, amazing earth phenomena, survival tricks and tips, extraordinary things in the world, scariest natural phenomena, safety tips, brightside, animals predict natural disasters, scariest natural events, how to predict a hurricane, predicting a natural disaster
Id: UQpNj6qQur8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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