What If You Played Video Games for a Year Non-Stop

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it all started a year ago when i got a new job i have to admit i'm quite a gamer so when i saw the ad in the paper i called them immediately wanted video game player [Music] it turned out the offer wasn't that simple yes my job was to play video games but all day long 15 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days in total i'd have 8 hours to sleep and a half hour in the morning and in the evening to eat and shower no days off no vacation take it or leave it it scared me and i was reluctant to agree but then the employer told me my yearly salary and i was in if i did it for a year i'd never have to work again so i decided to give it a try day one they said i'd work and live in some sort of office and i'd have everything i need at 8am i arrived at the address the place was huge and beautiful a woman met me and took me to my room a dark room in the back of the house it had a huge tv with a game station speakers and controllers there was a comfortable couch a table and a bathroom it looked like a gamer's paradise i was going to stay there for a whole year probably never even leave the room according to the schedule my day had to start at 8am i had half an hour to take a shower and eat the breakfast delivered to my room at 8 30 i had to start playing well working every day the system would generate a gaming selection according to my employer's requirements and make me follow them there were some snacks on the side table to eat if i got hungry without interrupting my game i also got a 10 minute break every 5 hours to go to the bathroom and exercise at 11 30 p.m the system shut down and i got my dinner and shower time [Music] midnight till 8am sleep [Music] well it seemed pretty easy and straightforward and i was crazy excited exactly at 8 30 my first game started the first eight hours flew by in the blink of an eye i wanted to exercise a little but i had to wait another two hours before my 10 minute break by the end of the day my neck started to hurt a little but it didn't matter after getting some snacks i kept playing for another two hours before i got my well-deserved break ten minutes was actually enough to fully recover and get back to my game for the remaining five hours to be honest it was one of the best days of my life my dream had come true i could play all day long make a lot of money and no one would bug me [Music] day two a piercing siren woke me up i had to clasp my hands over my ears while i looked for some kind of off switch the noise was unbearable finally i figured out that i had to get up walk to the tv and press a button on it to my relief it worked okay figured that one out i went to take a shower and when i was done breakfast was served by 8 30 i was ready and excited for my second day and life had another surprise for me when i saw the schedule for the day i almost screamed i was going to be playing a brand new game that hadn't even been released yet it was just too exciting i was sure i had the best job on the planet [Music] day four today was a little bit harder i got blisters on my fingers and i had to bandage them playing 15 hours straight was a little hard and i needed an extra break i tried to cheat and take a short pause after the first three hours but it didn't work as soon as i hit pause and put the controller down the system went crazy it didn't turn off until i picked up the controller and started to play again okay no pauses got it day 15 i had to bandage my hands as well as my fingers now i constantly have blurry eyes and can't see straight anymore and my legs feel like jelly i keep reminding myself to move around as much as possible but i'm always way too tired what if i forget how to walk yesterday i fell asleep right after work i didn't even eat i just fell asleep but my sleep hasn't really been that restful recently in my dreams i'm always racing playing soccer building houses out of cubes fighting battles and searching for objects my job is haunting me and it feels like i worked 24 hours a day not 15. morning came the siren woke me up but the only thing i wanted to do was sleep and what i'd do for a normal dream like a normal person 350 days to go tonight before bed i have to come up with a plan something to make my life as normal as possible i can't go on like this anymore day 32 one month down my first small victory i'm more organized and i managed to come up with a nice system that keeps me from going crazy i try to play standing up as much as possible and move around when i can i spend all my breaks outside enjoying the fresh air and doing vision exercises i still have blurry and itchy eyes though and the bad news today i realize that i'm seeing things video game things they're creeping into my actual life i was in the shower last night and i saw a car crash right in front of me i totally lost it but it's not real it's not real to make things worse i'm starting to imagine that i'm actually a video game character strength 70 intelligence 90 health 50. day 100 being active was a good idea but now i think i have serious sleep disorder i can't sleep well and i never get enough rest i feel like i'm turning into uh well i don't even know anymore i'm getting so tired i don't even have the energy to exercise i haven't been doing my workouts for a week now and whenever i'm on the couch i can't feel my legs well at least i walk to the bathroom and back two times a day so my legs aren't totally shot that's something at least i don't remember not having all of my body hurt it hurts all the time but somehow i got used to it my wrists my neck my back everything hurts i constantly have headaches health 30 day 260. i'm having trouble getting to the bathroom these days i can barely walk a couple of steps because my legs just don't move and i feel like i never leave the game it's my life now even if i'm on break the games are all around me my real life is just a crazy mix of all the games i've been playing today i saw a chest on the table i'd never seen it before so i wanted to see what was inside i was trying to grab it for ages and i realized it wasn't real it was just in my head i think i've doubled in size because now i need double the time on the couch that i used to health 20. day 366 for the first time no siren the woman woke me up at 11 am handed me my paycheck and said i should go the number on the paycheck was truly impressive but i didn't even have enough strength to be happy i can't believe it's over i did it planes crashed down right in front of me but i'm so used to it that i don't even pay attention with my diamond sword in my hand i waddle to the bathroom crushing everything in my way because i've gotten way too big for this little room my pals are on a mission to capture some castle but that's not my quest anymore they're not even real are they to be honest i'm not even sure what's real anymore woman takes me down the stairs to the front door when i step outside my eyes seal shut sunlight so bright i can't see a thing the woman gives me a pair of sunglasses and i'm on my way i see people and other weird creatures running around cars driving and cubed sheep grazing past me it takes all my energy but i get to a taxi and finally head home so now i'm rich and super unhealthy i guess i'll need the rest of my life to recover from this marathon and i'm never playing video games again
Views: 1,380,474
Rating: 4.868444 out of 5
Keywords: gaming, best what if questions, gaming experiment, gaming harm minimisation, craziest what if questions, strange what if questions, gamers, gaming addiction, online gaming, bright side, gaming marathon, what would happen if, video games, online games, hypothetical questions, experiment, video gaming harm, video game culture, crazy experiment, non stop gaming, action rpg games, brightside, bright side what if, funny what if questions, mmo games, single-player game
Id: Upbe6OqmZFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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