When Your Dog's Tail Turns to the Left, Run Away With Your Pet

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oh boy dogs may be our best friend but when it comes to communication we're more like neighbors three doors down if you've ever wondered what your little buddy is trying to say like if they're trying to warn you of something hey get him to use his words yeah otherwise try these sneezing and yawning not you the dog when your dog starts sneezing or opening their mouth to yawn you might think they've inhaled some pollen or that they just need a nap but if they're in an unfamiliar environment surrounded by strange people or pets it might mean Fido is getting nervous things can get confusing because yawning is also a sign of contentment so keep an eye out to see if your putts yawn seems out of place high and stiff tail when you're out and about with your pooch you may notice their tail sticking straight up as with yawning this can mean different things depending on the situation often it's your dog's way of showing off showing other hounds that they're not just any other mutt be careful though because a raised tail is also used to show dominance and canines won't always agree on who's top dog tongue flicking the next time you see your dog licking his chops it doesn't necessarily mean he's hungry flicks of the tongue are a sign that they're worried you might be angry with them if they just ate your pot roast five minutes before the guests arrive you might have a reason to be mad but don't confuse anxiety with guilt dogs are pretty good at reading the room but don't always know when they've done something wrong tilting their head does your dog tilt its head when you talk to it and maybe trying to hear you better or see you around its muzzle however dogs can recognize patterns and the head tilting can happen because they know it gets a giggle out of you dogs might not know the word cute but they know being cute is a great way to get your approval be careful though constant tilting of their head can be sign of an ear infection that needs treatment digging chances are you like dogs a lot more than a hole in your lawn but sometimes it can be tricky to get one without the other your canine companion might be digging for several reasons anxiety and hunger are both possibilities but one common cause is boredom a dog with too much energy needs to find something to do with its dog and if it's not playing fetch or going on walks digging is their next favorite pastime iContact does your dog love to sticker snout in your face or does he turn away when you try to look him in the eye for dog's eye contact is a sign of trust and affection if they turn away it means they're either frightened uncomfortable or doing something you wouldn't approve of hey where'd my ham go drooping ears few things are sad or looking than a dog with drooping ears usually that's precisely the signal they're trying to send it can also be another sign of an ear infection if giving them their favorite toy doesn't seem to cheer them up it might be a good idea to swing by the vet remember even a seemingly minor infection can cause permanent damage to your furry friend bringing you things Doug's appreciate gifts just as much as people and they like to give them too if Rover comes bounding up to drop his favorite toy two feet it might mean he wants you to have it this is also the reason dogs will occasionally return with random objects they found outside or any small animals that weren't quick enough to get away how sweet your dog or can't ever brought you a surprising little gift let me know down in the comments if you've seen any of this strange behavior in your pet and on to the next one wagging their tail to the left or right now we tend to assume that a wagging tail means a dog is happy but that's not always the case wagging on the right is a sign that they want to approach a person or animal but if their tail is wagging on the left that's their way of warning you about danger like that snake hiding in the bushes long story short you both we'll be better off somewhere else wagging back and forth a slow tail wag back and forth signals that the dog is unsure of the situation so you might want to keep your distance until he's figured it out a quick and shaky back and forth may look completely different but has a similar meaning tick it as a signal that the animal is on edge and best left alone for now destructive chewing well it shouldn't be news to anyone that dogs like to chew unfortunately chewing isn't always restricted to their toys and many a shoe has fallen afoul of fidos teeth usually it's enough just to direct your dog to something more appropriate if that doesn't work it could mean something is missing from their diet like leather or that they're feeling anxious touching you is your dog feeling lonely dogs will often put their paw on you while you're sitting down or rub up against you as you go past puppies also tend to paw at the air when they want something these are their ways of getting your attention it probably means they want you to pet or play with it so get to it whimpering this is a tricky one since the same sounds can mean different things assuming you've already made sure your pet is free from injury it could be their way of telling you that they need to be walked and soon it might also be a sign of fear so keep your eyes out for other sides like hiding their tail between their legs constant kisses depending on your personality getting licked by a big slobbery pooch is either the best or worst thing your pet can do for you I like it part of it is that dogs just like the way you taste or more accurately this salt in your sweat it can also be a sign of submission or an attempt to gain a belly rub scooting across the floor it may be funny to see your four-legged friend dragging his rear end across the floor but that usually means they need a good bath it can also be a sign of intestinal parasites if you notice that your little buddy spends a lot of time dragging their backside across the it's probably time to get them checked out tearing furniture if your dogs tearing up the couch it could signal a bad case of separation anxiety most pups will grow out of it but in the meantime you can try walking them more regularly this will help burn off that pent-up energy and reinforce that you don't stop existing every time you leave for work if the problem persists you might want to think about consulting a professional dog trainer limp tail a dog's tail is an essential tool for both communication and balance if your dog's tail is hanging limp and they don't seem to like using it well that's a red flag that something might be wrong the tail is one of the most injury prone parts of a dog's body so if there's is barely getting any use you'll want to have it looked at right away curl tails some dogs have naturally curly tails what if it looks like your dog is pulling their tail toward the head it's a sign they're getting overexcited especially if they're in a large unfamiliar crowd or there are loud noises you'll want to find a nice quiet spot where they can calm down before they get too worked up tail chasing certain breeds such as German Shepherds and some Terriers are known to chase their tails compulsively and no one is 100% sure why with other breeds it might just be that they're bored or looking for attention meanwhile puppies don't always realize the tail their nipping is their own just make sure they aren't trying to bite their tail since that can be a red flag of parasites or some other medical problem bowing when you see a dog bend its front legs and raise its behind in the air that's your cue it's time to play human well I wouldn't recommend it while surrounded by strangers you can try bowing back if you really want to make the pooches day by the way have you noticed that dogs are lousy card players it's true it's very easy to win over the pooch the reason well dogs tend to wag their tails when they get a good hand if you learn something new today then give the video a like and share it with a friend here are some other cool videos to check out just wag your clicker to the left and right and remember stay on the bright side of life [Music]
Views: 2,588,332
Rating: 4.8915315 out of 5
Keywords: dog behaviors and what they mean, dog behavior problems, dog behaviors explained, dog behavior body language, dog behavior bright side, bright side, bright side videos, dogs, dog videos, pets, dog tail wagging, dog tail language, dog tail animation, dog tilt its head, dog digging, dog diggity, dog chews things, dog whimpering, limp tail dog, curled tail dog
Id: bqfNlooHLYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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