That's Not Mud, and You Should Run If You See It

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well it's that time of year again spring cleaning making your way outside you grab the duster and broom to get rid of all those cobwebs on your windows they don't stand a chance this time removing one cobweb after the other you suddenly notice some weird-shaped mud stuck under the eaves and porch what's this it suddenly dawns on you these have to be mud dauber wasp nests you're probably thinking there's a swarm of them around with so many nests being side by side luckily mud dauber wasps are solitary insects all those little mud huts are filled with paralyzed spiders sometimes even up to 500 spiders can be trapped in these lockers just waiting for the wasp young to hatch if the nest has holes it may indicate the nest is inactive or old as mud dabber wasps create holes when they leave the nest if you're not going to remove them it's best to wait till night time when they're not as active well they're pretty placid if they feel threatened they won't hesitate to stay looking like someone got halfway through building one insect and forgot what part came next the mole cricket is one insect that really looks out of this world with claws like a mole a body of a cricket and the head of a shrimp this critter is like the platypus of the insect world they're not venomous and will only bite if you trap them inside your hand and if you really annoy it it's got something else up its sleeve the wings they can spit a foul-smelling brown liquid from their body just like a skunk so just let them leave your home and there will be nothing to clean up rock pools are teeming with all sorts of plant and animal life sea creatures such as starfish seagrass hermit crabs tiny fish and all types of octopuses if you come across this tiny blue ringed octopus it's best to leave it alone it's flashing neon blue at you for a reason this miniature octopus has a venomous bite that's a thousand times stronger than cyanide with no antidote available don't poke it with a stick or try to pick one up it's not worth the trip to the hospital or the morgue snakes on land are scary but sea snakes are on an entirely different level found in the indian and pacific oceans there are about 50 different species of sea snakes and they're beautiful as much as they're dangerous luckily they don't seem to worry about us too much the dubois sea snake is arguably the most venomous snake in the ocean with the big sea snake not far behind their venom makes a cobras bite seem like a walk in the park the venom of both these snakes is extremely dangerous good thing for us that their venom can take hours to cause any symptoms in humans if they can bite through your wetsuit that is now if this fly lands on your arm outside you might just scream a little hey i wouldn't blame you the scorpion fly as its name suggests has a curved tail that looks just like a scorpion stinger but you can breathe a sigh of relief this is only used for mating it also has a long beak-like head that's used to feed after stealing insects from spiders webs to find the perfect partner they love to give the equivalent of a box of chocolates and flowers except theirs is saliva how romantic if you happen to be in africa you might just miss this large bird if you're not paying attention the shoe bill will just casually stand still as you walk right on by going up to five feet tall with an eight-foot wingspan the shoe bill sounds like an apex predator though it's anything but known as one of the most slow-moving birds almost statue-like the shoe bill just eats fish near the surface of the water without a care in the world this bird isn't afraid of humans at all while they won't naturally come over to talk about the weather they'll allow us to get close enough for some photos now if you hear a small squeaking sound while you're in the garden it could be a mouse a squirrel or a rhinoceros beetle is letting you know that you are too close they love to make a racket when bothered with a giant scary horn on top of their head they might seem like they're able to defend themselves with it but that's not possible at all it's only to move leaves and sticks out of their way and to stop other males from coming into the female beatles area not only have they got a horn on their head but they've also got herculean strength able to lift 850 times their own weight it's like you or me lifting 65 tons or 11 elephants hey let's try it yeah found mainly in china the small tufted deer looks adorable with his tuft of hair that is until it turns around oh no it's a vampire deer luckily this animal doesn't want to taste your blood or wear a cape only males grow these during the mating season rather than antlers to fight over territories and female tufted deer these fangs are more like elephant tusks than sharp teeth not only do they have fangs but they're also known to bark like a dog and flee like a cat when they're scared red sky at night sailor's delight red sky in the morning sailors warning no one said anything about a red tide though the red tide is a toxic algal bloom that rises up from the sea floor after particularly bad storms this algae looks a lot like spilled ketchup or rust in the water but it's much worse for the life around it fish and marine life will try to escape once exposed to the toxic algae in their water it's not particularly harmful to humans who are exposed to it but if you eat seafood contaminated with its toxins things can become a bit more serious so if the sea is red just stay out of the water some spiders love to show off with bright colors to show they're dangerous not the sydney funnel web spider of australia this glossy black spider doesn't need theatrics to prove it's tough these bad tempered crawlers cause serious alarm when they decide to bite us it can shut down our entire nervous system in as little as 30 minutes making their web in any shelter like old logs shoes or even garden gnomes the funnel web spiders like to live close to our surroundings for easy food when they get tired of an area they just leave their web behind and wander off to find somewhere new perfect some say honey badgers don't care and i think they might be right when you're brave enough to take food away from a jaguar lion or hyena hey what do you got to fear these tough relatives of the weasel aren't just ferocious they're super smart known to even use tools to escape from enclosures objects like rakes stones and mud just become things to climb for freedom aside from their physical similarities to the skunk the honey badger also boasts a dangerous gland in its tail containing a powerful steak machine so they're tough stinky have extremely stretchy and strong skin and to top it all off they've got a strong immunity to scorpions and snakes the best thing to do if you walk into a honey badger is to leave it alone what chance do we have ever heard of the fungus strawberries and cream no what about its other name the bleeding tooth fungus this fungus isn't toxic but tastes so bitter that you might think twice about trying some when young and growing this white mushroom appears to have red jelly coming out of its pores this sticky liquid is sap that's pushed up from taking on too much water the adult mushroom is just a boring beige compared to this underneath a mushroom cap where its spores are produced it has a tooth-like structure just to make it even weirder tasmanian devils have a reputation for being bad tempered when threatened by a predator fighting other males or getting a place at the table for dinner they're dubbed devils because of the teeth bearing lunging and one of the scariest shrieks you'll ever hear in the middle of the night they'll also eat pretty much anything they can get a hold of too they don't habitually go for people although they will defend themselves if they're cornered with such a powerful bite you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end good thing the tassie devils would much rather escape as well
Views: 843,513
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, insects, dangerous insects, most dangerous bugs, facts about animals, unique animals, wild animals, most poisonous animals, most venomous animals, wasp nest, how to identify wasp nest, how to remove wasp nest, do wasps sting, are wasps dangerous, mud dauber wasp, mud dauber wasp dangerous, mud dauber wasp nest, what's in wasp nest, most dangerous animals
Id: n9fLAgV0jAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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