IELTS Speaking Interview | Band 9 | Real Exam!

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good morning good morning uh my name is uh james can you tell me your full name please uh my name is rupali arun dikkar thank you and what shall i call you uh you can call me rupali rupali very good um and um can you tell me where you're from we're paulie i'm originally from mumbai india okay and uh can i see your identification okay thank you that is fine thank you okay i'd like to ask you some questions today about your hometown our city what type of place is your hometown uh i come from mumbai which is uh called as the financial capital of india so it's a pretty uh hustle bustle kind of a city with lots of people coming around from all parts of india uh it's it's a metropolitan place uh so you would see people from all races and i've been growing up over there all my life i love my city okay and what was it like growing up there just like any other normal upbringing we went to schooling over there we had people from all different places to my school later i did my college over there my engineering over there and i worked well over there pretty much normal like any other city would have access to all the resources parks theaters classes everything okay and um is it important um excuse me how has it changed since you were a child things have changed a lot ever since i've borne when when i was uh growing up it was more like a close community uh we knew everyone around but off of lately because of uh too much of influx of people from all around the country it's becoming a little more unsafe the number of people per square feet uh have increased a lot so we don't get to see bigger houses we don't get to see bigger parks a lot of people around everyone's running all the time you don't know your neighbors that well anymore okay we're going to move to a new topic and i'd like to discuss cooking and meals with you do you enjoy cooking uh yes i do why uh because i think cooking uh coming from an indian heritage cooking has been an integral part of our upbringing it's a place to get uh all the family together we have a lot of discussions over on the table uh as i said i'm from india so we have a variety of cuisines so it's it's nice to experiment new cuisines make them and make the family happy okay uh what kinds of foods are popular in your home country um since it's a multi-uh heritage place uh it isn't that the country as such uh likes one food uh but then the place from where i come from uh the very popular food out there is any kind of fast food or street food which would go from a bun with a with a veggie burger or a simple soul food like rice and lentils uh some kind of pitas and vegetables is it an important part of your culture to have dinner parties uh yes all our gatherings be it social or family gatherings have to be around dinner because most of the time the the parents as well as the children are out for the majority part of the day and the only time they get to meet together is during dinner so even a family dinner is like a big event for us and when we host parties again that's during the second half of the day so dinner gatherings are definitely a major part of our culture uh and do you prefer to eat with other people or on your own it depends during lunch hours i'm generally all by myself at my desk eating alone and that's the reason i prefer having with my family during the dinner hours okay okay now i'm going to give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about the topic for one to two minutes before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say you can make some notes if you wish you understand yes okay okay so here's your topic please read the topic carefully okay all right remember you have one to two minutes to talk so don't worry if i stop you can you start speaking now please yeah sure uh the one person who has influenced me the most in my life uh has to be my mother uh i've known her ever since i've borne so it's going to be like 30 to 33 years that i've known her now she's been a teacher a mentor and a guide to me uh professionally she's a teacher too so there are a lot of qualities of her that have influenced me right from my childhood right from being a strong independent working woman she's one person who likes to speak her mind and at the same time she's compassionate those are the qualities of hers that have really influenced me a lot um the the reason why that person is very important to me is because uh she is this one blend of being soft and hard at the same time so she would just be very nice and kind to us whenever needed but at times when it was when it was uh very important for her to put her food down and make things right for us she wouldn't think you in one step and would be the hard person that was needed to be she has given me uh the independence to make choices of my own live by the choices and but at the same time she was that one person who would help my hand and make me aware of the pros and the cons of the choices if i would go ahead and make those so that's the reason she is the most important person of my life even today i go back to her for all the problems uh that i come across with be it in my professional life or my personal life that one person is just one phone call away from me okay thank you can i have the paper and pencil back please sure thank you okay so let's discuss leisure and activities in your country what types of leisure activities are popular in your home country um we have all sorts of leisure activities right from hanging around with friends at parks picnics going out for a movie in theaters to some place like a broadway theater or something like that so we enjoy doing all sort of art activities um what sort of theater do people in your country prefer uh we have a lot of strong theater which need not be a broadway kind of a theater but it's more like a play uh some of them being like three theater wherein we showcase a lot of plays and there are a lot of people who love uh being part of theater groups um why is it important for people to have time for leisure activities i think that is one time of the day or for one time in a week wherein you just get to unwind yourself not worry about the daily chores the the the tension that you have at work or at family you can just be yourself let loose and let the inner kid in you be out for some time so do you think that's important yes okay and are there any other kinds of leisure activities that people do in mumbai uh yeah uh a lot of people uh love playing a lot of sport activities like cricket which is like a national sport of india they love watching sports there are a lot of sports bars a lot of bowling alleys and stuff like that okay and um are there types of leisure activities that are popular in your home country today the same as when your parents were young no a lot of things have changed maybe during our parents upbringing the leisure activity for them would be just going out for a theater uh to watch a movie or a play as opposed to today where there are a lot of uh other social joints which are readily available like this like some bars uh sports bars or uh even uh a lot of mall culture so you know people go out to the mall just hang out there which were not the thing back then and why do you think this has changed uh part reason uh that i think it has changed is because uh we are now uh more aware of what's happening around the globe which was not the case in the past so there's a lot of western influence uh in the country right now so it's like the cool thing these days to do uh you know visit malls uh multiplexes so that's like a cool thing these days um so finally let's discuss sports in your country uh so which sports are popular in your home country like i said cricket is the most popular sport back in in my country are there any other sports that are popular uh hockey tennis recently badminton that's because some people are doing good at the global level and that's why people are watching it more often now and what are the benefits of playing sports sports i think is very important right from the childhood because that's that physical activity as as they say is the most important part of your upbringing so there are two things mental strength and physical development which you get only via sports so do many parents have their children practice sports yes there are a lot of clubs that students get into even in the schools uh we have like a mandatory subject of sports um well the types of sports that are popular now change in the future i see uh to some extent uh definitely cricket's not going anywhere for sure it's been there for the last couple of decades and i don't see it changing but yeah a lot of people are these days interested in um following uh the european league so that might change a little bit but uh not not too much and uh how can sports bring people from different countries and backgrounds closer together i think olympics would be the best example for that so that's one place when people from all the countries all the underdogs can just come in and showcase that's one place where they can all come together and not discuss about the political agenda but uh you know try to show uh how we all are doing unitedly in a common sport so thank you this is the end of the speaking test thank you [Music] you
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Keywords: ielts speaking test samples band 9, ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking test samples, ielts speaking test real test, ielts speaking test actual, ielts speaking test video, ielts speaking 2022, ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, speaking ielts band 9, ielts speaking practice, english speaking practice, ielts speaking band 9, ielts speaking preparation, ielts real exam test
Id: Q6MiwSun4L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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