IELTS Speaking Part 1 | 13 types of questions and sample answers

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hi there it's asiya you've probably already  discovered that there are a lot of topics you may   be asked about in your ielts speaking exam however  most questions are quite typical today i'd like to   show you some of the main types of questions  in ielts speaking part 1 and discuss what's   the best way to answer each type and what typical  mistakes you should avoid okay let's get started   each part one consists of three topics the  first question on each topic is the most general   and the follow-up questions are usually  more in-depth where you can give   longer answers so some of the first questions  begin with do you like do you like running   it's important to give an extended answer  not just i do or i don't so here is my answer   well i can't say i'm particularly keen on  running but i do go for a run from time to time   you don't have to talk for ages either there will  be questions where you can easily talk for longer   so don't feel the pressure to say a lot  every time answer the question and stop   a good expression here is i'm keen on something  which means that i really like something i can't   say i'm keen means that i don't really like  it the next group of questions begins with   when when was the last time you ran whenever  the question begins with when this is an   indication that you need this simple tense  to answer it in our case the past simple   the last time i went jogging it was still  cold i guess it was a couple of months ago i   really don't run very often i prefer  swimming or going to the gym instead   jogging is running slowly as an exercise  in this question i use the past simple   to answer compare it to the next question  have you recently have you played any spots   recently this question is in the present perfect  because it's about a period of time that started   in the past and lasts until the present moment  so i can answer using different wrapped handsets   i played tennis just last week  or this month i've already played   tennis basketball and volleyball and i'm  going to play golf with my friends next week   in the first sentence i used the past simple tense  because this section plain tennis was in the past   and it finished and it happened at a particular  moment the words yesterday last week last month   in january indicate that you need this simple  past the second sentence is about this month   which hasn't finished yet recently never ever this  month this week indicate the present perfect tense   here's another moment i'm going to play golf  next week could i say i will play golf next week   not really in this situation because i've  already made a plan and playing with my friends   so i have to use i'm going to instead  of i will the next type of questions is   have you ever have you ever borrowed any books  i'm going to use a combination of the present   perfect and past simple in my answer i've  borrowed books many times when i was a student   i used to borrow books from the library  and friends whenever i could to be honest   buying all the books i needed for my studies  wasn't something i could easily afford   okay used to do something is a great way to say  that something was true in the past but it's not   true anymore from this expression it's already  clear that i don't borrow books today by the way   if you get questions about borrowing and lending  don't mix them up to borrow is to take something   that belongs to somebody else and return  it later pay attention to the prepositions   to borrow something from somebody i  borrowed some books from my friends   to lend is the opposite to lend somebody something  my friends lend me some books or to lend something   to somebody my friends lend some books to me  next how often how often do you go to the library   i graduated from university a few years ago  and don't really go to the library anymore   nowadays i mostly listen to audiobooks during my  university years however i would go to the library   almost every day you can use would to talk about  something you used to do regularly in the past   i would go for a walk with my dad every weekend  i would go to the library every day i don't do   that anymore some questions begin with where where  are you from originally i'm from kazakhstan i was   born and raised in almaty the former capital but i  moved to london quite a while ago if the question   is short your answer can be short too next how  long have you been this is the perfect moment to   demonstrate your knowledge of another complex  test how long have you been living in london   i've been living in london for over 10 years at  first i came here to study for my master's degree   and then decided to work here for a couple of  years and then i just stay for good i have been   living is the present perfect continuous test  to form it take have been plus your verb plus   ing this tense shows the duration of time and is  used with the preposition 4 for 10 years or since   since 2011. here is another example i've been  studying english since i was in primary school   so this is a complex construction to use it during  your exam repeat these sentences a number of times   so it comes out automatically i have been living  in for years i've been studying english since there is one nice expression i  wanted to draw your attention to   for good it means permanently you  can live for good or stay for good   let's move on what this pronoun indicates  that you can give a longer open-ended answer   you're asked about different kinds of things what  kinds of trees do you like what kinds of sports do   you play in this case that's a moment to give some  detail and show your topic-specific vocabulary   indeed your ability to use precise words for each  question is how you get a high score for your   range not some big and unusual words our question  is what kinds of clothes do you like to wear   it depends when i have a business meeting i  like to wear a suit or a dress on weekends   i usually wear jeans and t-shirts unless we go out  in which case i like to dress up this answer is   not particularly complex but it's very natural and  i could still use a couple of nice phrasal verbs   to go out is to go to a concert or restaurant  to dress up is to wear a nice outfit   as for this word you may find it tricky  to pronounce the and z together clothes   so do most people that's why you can say close  like close the door or put on some clothes both   sound the same next did you when you were a child  this question requires you to talk about the past   and use the correct tense you can begin  by saying when i was a child or when i was   little our question is a bit different did  you wear a uniform when you were at school   at my school we didn't have the actual uniform  but instead we had to follow a strict dress code   a white shirt and a black skirt for girls and  black trousers for boys a dress code is when   you're expected to dress in a certain style  next a typical ielts question is why do some   people so this question is not about  you it's about people in general   why do some people wear t-shirts and jeans every  day i guess today our style of dress is becoming   increasingly relaxed and people value their  comfort above anything else therefore a lot   of people like wearing jeans and t-shirts  as often as they can here's another one   what is your favorite and this question provokes  a common mistake my most favorite book is   well don't use most and favorite together  my favorite book is already number one our   question is what are your favorite flowers  you can begin by saying my favorite flowers   are or answer more flexibly i like  almost all flowers but if i had to choose   i would say tulips i associate these flowers  with the arrival of spring sun and good weather   i also love that there are so many varieties and  colors of tulips there is a good expression here   if i had to choose i would plus your verb  if i had to choose i would say tulips   if i had to choose i would take the red  dress this means that you like several things   let's continue a number of ielts questions end  with the words in your country if you've lived in   several countries you can talk about any country  you consider yours but generally ielts examiners   mean the country you are originally from  so i talk about kazakhstan and not the uk   what flowers are popular in your country   actually tulips originated in kazakhstan so there  are a lot of them in spring however the most   popular flower is probably the rose that's what  most people like to give and receive as a gift why   the examiner may ask you this question quite  often to encourage you to expand your thoughts   you can also ask this question to  yourself to see what else you could add   in my course i give a number of ways to give  longer answers in each part of the speaking exam   but asking yourself this question is one of the  easiest and most common ways to talk for longer   why are roses so popular i suppose it's such a  classic flower that most people like that buying   them for someone is the safest choice it's also  considered to be the symbol of love in their form   men naturally gravitate towards  buying roses for their partners   okay these are the 13 common types of questions in  ielts speaking part 1. you may get other questions   too concentrate on answering each of them  naturally but fully it may also be helpful to   practice answering questions on more challenging  topics i track them and put into a pdf guide   recent ielts writing and speaking topics which  you can download on our telegram channel the   link will be in the video description box below  i'll also link my eyes preparation courses where   you can learn how to answer each type of task  and meet each band 7 plus requirement in ielts   writing and speaking and give yourselves the  best chance of passing your exam that's all   for today thank you so much for watching me and  good luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts speaking, ielts speaking types of questions
Id: RI-ASifmDow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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