IELTS Speaking Band 9 Full Mark Answers - Complete Interview Kolkata India

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[Music] welcome to the speaking section of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test i'm recording this for clerical purposes this is candidate number nine five three four seven one eight six this is examiner number one seven two nine five we are currently conducting this exam in kolkata the time right now is 15 o'clock the speaking has three parts i will give you instructions for each to begin may i see your identification yes gladly uh here is my passport that i use for uh for the online registration and a check-in please have a look what is your full name my surname is mandel and my uh first name is jalil just as it's in my passport uh please call me julio okay jalil for part one i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic where do you live uh i live in west bengal here in india in a three bedroom house in the suburbs of kolkata i've lived here all my life what do you do in your free time in my spare time i like to watch a good flick or go out with some of my friends just yesterday i did both i went out with two of my friends to the theater and we had a great time let's talk about parents how often do you see your parents fortunately i see my parents every day because as i had mentioned earlier and living at home i saw both my mom and dad this morning before coming to this exam where do your parents live uh they reside in the same house as me uh just on the outskirts of kolkata my mom and dad bought our home just before my older brother was born back at the end of the 90s what do you like about your mom and dad i think my mom and dad are great specifically they are very supportive of my decisions and they love me very much [Music] both my mom and dad take their time to resolve challenges that come up in my life most recently my decision to study abroad and the best way to go about this why is it important to have good parents having good parents uh in my opinion is the key to have a happy healthy and successful life i mean parents are the foundation for the ideologies and behaviors that a person develops to navigate their life good parents like mine empower their children to be confident and ambitious how has parenting changed from one generation before that's tough to say i think that parenting has evolved from a generation ago especially in the sense of respect that's given by parents to their children i think during my grandparents time children were loved but were treated as less equal to adults and parents these days have a greater sense of respect for the emotions and perspectives of their children and this has been a positive change if you could change your parents in some way what would it be honestly i don't think i would change any part of my parents as i love them just the way they are however if i could i would wave my magic wand so that they can have even more financial security and never have to worry about money jalil earns an incredible ban 9 on her speaking part 1 for several reasons right away during the introduction when she presents her id and gives her name she shows calm confident and fluent english she explains to the examiner her full name and then requests the examiner to call her jaleel afterwards for every single answer in part one she is able to produce accurate detailed grammatically complex responses showing great lexical resource and clear pronunciation let's take a look at some of these questions and answers in detail for the icebreaker question where she lives jaleel answers with detail and she does not rush her response she explains that she lives in a three-bedroom house in the suburbs of kolkata notice that beautiful vocabulary right away in fact she even includes present perfect saying i've lived here all my life right away this tells the examiner that he is dealing with an expert user of the english language a lot of students rush into their answers and because they're trying to speak too quickly they miss complex grammar and they miss details it is not a good idea to try to speak too quickly it's better to focus on coherence structure vocabulary and grammar jaleel cleverly paraphrases many of the key words in the examiner's questions when the examiner asks about what she does in her free time she responds by saying that in my spare time this is showing the examiner that banned nine level lexical resource to get those high band scores during your speaking interview you have to paraphrase often this not only shows lexical resource but also improves the coherence of your answers making your answers more understandable for the listener in fact coherence is also improved by jaleel's ability to connect among her responses when the examiner asks her about where her parents live she makes the connection by saying as i had mentioned earlier i live in the same house as my parents it's this type of connective information that really leads to that expert level of communication now many of you probably realized that jaleel uses frequent natural fillers during her speech natural fillers are sound expressions like um and um and she even breaks her eye contact kind of looking away or looking down this is called mental referencing meaning that she's looking inside of her mind to think about good ideas and information to say to the examiner she is not stuck for vocabulary or for grammar this is clear so in this case the uh and um in jaleel's speech do not take away from her overall performance in fact they improve it because the quality of her answers are that much better another very important skill that jaleel adapts for part one is her visual speech this means that her answers are easy for the examiner to picture in his mind when the examiner asks about what she would change about her parents she responds by saying if i could wave my magic wand i would give my parents more financial security so that they would never have to worry about money this is very natural visual language again leading to that expert level of communication as we watch the rest of this interview and lesson i want to give you the ultimate help for a perfect band 9 score on your next ielts exam join our premium ielts package at for strategies videos practice exams and interactive courses use the code ultimate 9 for a 25 discount click the link in the video description it's a one-time payment for lifetime access now part two jaleel your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking about a year ago i had a chance to briefly meet with anamika khanna who is one of the most well-known fashion designers in india and i remember being super nervous as she has been one of my idols and inspirations since my teenage years ms khanna is a beautiful and hardworking fashion designer who is well known for blending traditional indian textile with western silhouettes her designs are just stunning i had a chance to meet with her during the culture week in new delhi uh in the year of 2016. she has been showcased in paris fashion week and it's fair to say that her designs are recognized uh not just in india but also worldwide and the culture week that i mentioned before it was a fashion event that i had attended as a teenager and it was life-changing for me i was awestruck by all the beauty creativity and glamour of the event and i knew that i wanted to be a part of it after the uh fashion shows uh there was a chance for the public to uh meet with some of the celebrity designers including miss khanna who was by that time an idol for me i had always wondered what had inspired her to become a fashion designer and even more importantly where she draws her creative inspiration for her amazing productions i remember having butterflies in my stomach when i finally got a chance to speak with her and i felt like i wouldn't be able to make a sound she was very pleasant and made me feel comfortable i asked her my questions and she kindly replied this was definitely one of the most nerve-wracking interactions i've ever had and it was also exhilarating your time is up i will stop you there and i will take back the questions please put your note paper to the side turn it over along with the pencil thank you part two of this speaking interview is arguably the most challenging because most people do not practice giving short speeches especially not in a foreign language on a daily basis however jaleel does a fantastic job and she is well prepared clearly she has rehearsed and practiced responding to part two questions before sitting the exam this is evident from the way she starts her response when the examiner tells her that her one minute preparation time is up she looks from the note paper takes a breath places her hands on the table and calmly confidently presents her first sentence she explains that about a year ago she had the chance to meet with anamika kana who had made her very nervous at that time paying attention to responding to the topic question on the cue card talk about a person that made you nervous it's very important that you answer that topic question right away in fact jaleel not only reflects the topic of the cue card but she emphasizes it by saying that she was super nervous throughout her one to two minute response jaleel takes natural pauses checking the cue card and checking her notes this is very important for her to give a well-structured detailed and non-repetitive answer a lot of students forget to do this they get frustrated they get nervous they forget about their notes and they forget about the questions they tend to repeat themselves and run out of ideas stay confident stay calm use your notes jaleel continues to use band 9 lexical resource throughout speaking part 2. she explains that she would ask ms khanna about where she draws her inspiration and her ideas in fact she even uses an idiom to reflect the topic of the cue card she says that she had butterflies in her stomach meaning that she was very nervous cleverly jaleel reflects the topic right away at the beginning around the middle and again at the end of her response she says that it was a very nerve-wracking experience but that it was exhilarating keep in mind that for that band 9 score you need to focus on the questions of the cue card you cannot go off topic if you do there's a good chance the examiner will stop you one way to save yourself from going off topic is to reflect back on the original question talk about a person that made you feel nervous jalil does this exceptionally now on to part three for this part i will ask you a question related to your response and some questions connected to this topic have you ever had the chance to meet with ms khanna since that time no i haven't but hopefully i would like to meet her someday when i become a fashion designer let's talk about first impressions what should a person pay attention to when meeting an important individual like a teacher or a boss for the first time i think that it's important to be polite and make eye contact when first introducing to a teacher or an employer why is this i think that the person should feel honesty and respect from the individual so that it sets the foundation for a positive relationship going forward i really pay attention to this myself how well can a person evaluate someone based on the first time meeting that's tough to say honestly i don't think a person can truly gauge another's character just based on their first time interaction although first impressions still give some important information uh people are very complex and have different moods on different days uh so it's not fair to judge a person on one time conversation is this always true i think it is uh most of the time because people do change and they are complicated emotionally in what ways has meeting people for the first time changed from 30 years ago i think that uh technology has had a bigger impact on people's first hookups these past three decades nowadays people will often meet online uh before they meet in person through uh social apps like tinder or instagram how has this impacted relationships i think mostly uh meeting virtually for the first time uh affects people's expectations since it's hard to know how much of that person is genuine a lot of people fake their profiles and even their pictures to cast an unrealistic image of themselves to others let's talk about networking with people what are the benefits of building relationships with people in the community getting to know people in the neighborhood as advantages for building a sense of security and belonging in case of emergencies it's very beneficial to be able to rely on people close by for help my family is quite tight with people living around us and this has been very helpful in many cases like the other day when my neighbor helped my dad to jumpstart his are there any negatives i think sometimes neighbors can be nosy or judgmental and this can be drawbacks of living in a tight community but this is less important than the benefits i mentioned how has technology impacted the way people network just as i mentioned previously technology has had a major impact on the way people build and establish their social groups specifically through communication channels that didn't even exist before the advent of the internet is this a good development i think this is positive for most part as it gives additional tools uh for staying in touch that didn't even exist before uh the one downside maybe uh that people don't get uh to meet people enough face to face that is the end of part three that concludes the speaking section of the exam you will have your mark in two days online and you will have your official certificate in the mail in 10 days goodbye julia thank you have a great day jaleel's answers in part 3 continue to be a band 9 for coherence fluency grammatical range accuracy lexical resource and pronunciation simply put she is a perfect band 9. when the examiner follows up on her part 2 answer and asks if she has ever met ms khanna since that time immediately jaleel responds with a present perfect she recognizes that the question wasn't present perfect so she says no i haven't and then continues to show fluency she says but i hope to meet her again someday when i become a fashion designer so she shows complex grammar by using a subordinating conjunction of time when i become a famous fashion designer this kind of complex natural language continues for the rest of part three similarly to part one in part three jaleel takes natural pauses and slows her intonation to allow time for thinking this is absolutely okay in fact i advise you to do this most importantly you have to come up with good answers especially when you're looking for that band-aid band 9 score jaleel is methodical in her responses again she paraphrases at the highest level when the examiner asks her whether or not it's possible to truly evaluate a person based on first impressions jaleel responds by saying that she doesn't believe it's accurate to gauge a person upon first interactions it's this high level of methodical paraphrased speech that gets those perfect scores jaleel is incredibly clever in the sense that she keeps her thoughts simple yet original when the examiner asks her about how first interactions have changed from the past immediately jaleel remembers that technology has a significant impact on people when compared to the past she paraphrases and emphasizes that technology has had a bigger impact on first hookups than before and then she even gives the examples of tinder and instagram it's this type of clear communication that gets those high band scores you have to be careful not to use very unique and outlandish ideas which are difficult to express in fact jaleel does a fantastic job of connecting her part three answers not only to part two but even to part one when the examiner asks about why it's important to network with people in the community she remembers talking about her parents in part one and she gives the example of her family having a good relationship with the people in their neighborhood and this leading to some help for her father when he had car troubles this type of connected coherent communication is sure to get you that perfect score to get new ielts materials every week and for strategies videos visit and join our premium outs package at ae help dot com it's a one-time payment for lifetime access use the code ultimate nine for that 25 percent discount good luck the next time you sit your ielts exam subscribe to our channel click over here watch another video click right up here and click our ielts hero to join our premium package and get access to all of our videos practice exams and a fully interactive course
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 1,155,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, IELTS speaking, speaking, India, West Bengal, Kolkata, cue card, band 8, score 8.5, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, master, pass, high, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, tip, trick, strategy, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, lesson, IELTS speaking band 9, free, intro, tutorial, IELTS learning, easy, recent questions
Id: fQK1oD-yXLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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