IELTS Speaking Interview | Band 9 | Real Exam!

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hello hello please take a seat [Music] good morning my name is ian can you tell me your full name please my name is anastasia where are you from i'm from athens greece can i see your identification please thank you thank you very much now in this first part i'd like to ask you some questions about yourself okay let's talk about learning a language how did you learn the languages that you know well i started going to an english language school when i was eight as a matter of fact most children start learning a foreign language around that date in my country okay why do people learn more than one language obviously with so much competition in the workplace a second or third language can be an advantage when looking for a job also by learning foreign languages communication with people from other countries is made easier right do you think that all children should be taught foreign languages at school according to my opinion yes they should because not all families have the resources to send their children to a private language school or get a private tutor this would be fairer for all children regardless of their background let's move on to talk about the media do you read any newspapers or magazines actually i don't read any newspapers i usually keep up to date with current affairs by watching the news on tv or listening to radio i do like to read fashion magazines once in a while though to find out about the last fashions right and what kind of articles do you find the most interesting most of the articles in fashion magazines interest me but i especially like those about health and nutrition or fashion and beauty also i find articles about celebrities lives appealing well you might find this a bit silly but i like to read the celebrity gossip too and how about advertising do you enjoy watching the adverts on television generally i don't enjoy to watch ads and i get annoyed when the program that i'm watching is interrupted even though advertisements inform you about new products i'm really not interested and i often find them boring i have to admit though that some are very clever and funny those i don't mind ielts academic speaking test part two now i'm going to give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes before your talk you will have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make some notes if you wish do you understand yes so here's some paper and pencil for making notes and here is your topic okay right i'd like you to describe a website that you often use all right thank you you're ready okay so remember you have one to two minutes for this so don't worry if i stop you i'll tell you when the time is up can you start speaking now please actually i use a lot of websites especially social networking sites but i'd say that the one that i use the most is facebook i've been using it since i was 14 that's about eight years now and i find it fascinating all my friends started using facebook at that time and so did i it was the in thing to do then but i don't uh regret it it's a great way to see what my friends are up to especially the the ones who have moved to abroad i can also chat to close relatives that i can see every day the fact that facebook is interactive makes it far more personal than sending an email i love the fact that my friends are right there and i can speak to them at any time and see them too if i use the the video chat what i enjoy the most though is when somebody posts something funny or unusual that makes me laugh it's fun writing comments about their posts too as a matter of fact i don't think i could live without facebook all right thank you thank you ielts academic speaking test part three we've been talking about websites on the internet i'd like to discuss with you one or two more general questions relating to this topic first let's consider safety online what are some of the dangers associated with using the internet there are so many dangers for both adults and children and they are everywhere social networking can easily cause problems to anyone children can easily be exposed to inappropriate material on some sites that contain violence or have sexual references which is not good also young adults post videos or images of themselves or their friends for example drinking alcohol or using drugs and this may cause problems the most common danger i think is cyber bullying and there have been many victims of this and do you think children and young people are likely to be more vulnerable to these dangers well at that dates they are quite naive and don't think for the for the danger they are more likely to believe what they hear or see without really questioning it for example if they are chatting to somebody who pretends to be a good person and asks them to meet up somewhere it could have unpredictable consequences if that person is not who he says he really is do you think parents can do something to protect their children from these threats certainly parents can do many different things to make sure their children are okay first of all parental supervision is a must parents should be should put the computer in a common area in the in their home and not in their child's bedroom then they can keep an eye on their child's online activities also parents should talk to their children and explain them the dangers associated with the internet so that way the kids will know what to do or what not to do uh another thing that is that parents must have a good relationship with their children and encourage them to mention anything strange or unusual to them another solution would be to to block certain sites or perhaps not allow children in the internet until they are old enough to understand the dangers so you think children should not be allowed to use the internet then what i meant was that children need to be aware about the dangers as i said before and if parents give them some valuable advice such as not to share internet passwords with anyone not to respond to rude messages not to post inappropriate photos and things like that then there won't be any problem of course parents must always know what their children are are doing so um do you think there is more to expect from the internet or do you feel it has reached its full potential well of the opinion that the internet still has has a long way to go i don't know exactly what else there is to come but i'm sure there's still much more to be expected since its beginning we have seen so many advances and it continues to grow with greater amounts of online information and entertainment and social networking it will be years if ever before it reaches its full potential i think yes okay thank you very much so that's the end of the test thank you goodbye [Music] you
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Keywords: ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking test samples, ielts speaking test real test, ielts speaking test actual, ielts speaking test video, ielts speaking 2022, ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, speaking ielts band 9, ielts speaking practice, english speaking practice, ielts speaking band 9, ielts speaking preparation, ielts real exam test
Id: jTW7eubvi_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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