IELTS Speaking Band 9 Deep Analysis

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foreign [Music] welcome to the speaking portion of the IELTS exam my name is Adrian I will be your examiner for this part of the test and I'm recording this for marking purposes the test has three parts I will give you instructions for each first may I see your identification can you just open it up and show me yeah sure sure thank you here's my password to use for registration this candidate is confident from the beginning she is also making eye contact which is good however pay attention not to interrupt The Examiner and use formal language certainly here is my passport please take a look or gladly this is the passport I used for registration please take a look be polite sure thank you and what is your full name my first name is Madina and my surname is sayadova please call me Medina Medina introduces herself well giving her full name and then letting the examiner know to call her Medina this also shows that she has prepared for this interview yeah okay Medina for part one I will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic where do you live I live in the capital city of Azerbaijan which is Baku in the suburbs in three bedroom houses my family for this first Icebreaker question Medina does a good job letting the examiner know the country where she lives and then the city using an adjective clause which is Bako it's these kinds of adjective Clauses and grammatical range that will help you to reach that band 9 score do you have any hobbies yes I have several I like collecting seashells from the places that I have visited such as Black Sea or Caspian Sea also I love to dance I do just ballet at least twice a week Medina answers the question about her Hobbies well she gives an original answer letting the examiner know that she collects seashells and giving specific details like collecting seashells from the shores of the Caspian or Black Sea it's this kind of natural detailed language that gets the band 9 results let's talk about helping people when do you ask a person for help um I believe I ask for assistance when I am in a difficult situation or I'm not able to complete tasks on my own just the other day I asked my colleague to help me with the PowerPoint presentation because I was not able to convey some graphics the first question of part one when do you ask for help Medina reaches the band 9 level because she uses the question and paraphrases the topic word help for assistance stating I usually ask for assistance then explains her answer when she is not able to complete tasks on her own and finally she includes an example that she asked her friend to help her with the PowerPoint presentation this answer explanation and example strategy is excellent for those high band scores how often do you help another person it's tough to say but I think I give assistance at least once per day likes helping with chores such as dishes or life advice for my friends Medina answers this question well sounding natural starting by saying that's a tough question and then she uses some quantitative language for clarity saying that she assists someone at least once a day such as with chores doing the dishes yes where are good places for you to seek help I believe it depends on the situation for relationship advice I go to my family and friends usually to my mom or my good friend Leila for work I look towards my colleagues and generally a good place is searching online there is plenty of information on YouTube and blogs for this question Medina gets a band 9 because she's able to produce multiple top level responses stating that for relationship advice she looks towards family notice the use of idiomatic language looking towards family it's this kind of subtle natural use of idioms that help to improve lexical resource marks then she also talks about professional advice and getting help from the internet why is it important to help people I think it's crucial for happiness and success of humans because it is what makes it special a species I mean when we help each other we can avoid having bigger problems and also we can expect that people will help us in the future Medina uses nice real conditional language in this response to show that she has mastered not only vocabulary but also grammar stating that it is crucial to help others and then creating a real condition when we help others we can expect help in return sure have the way people help each other changed compared to previous generations yes I think in some ways it has nowadays people are able to assist each other remotely with the help of Technology like the other day I was lost I called my friend and she was able to help me using the video chat function on my phone also I think some societies have become less willing to give assistance by others more willing to give assistance again this is a banned nine level response because Medina clearly is able to not only grasp but reflect the grammar of the question the question is in present perfect has giving help changed immediately she says yes I think it has and then she cleverly says that by technology we have been able to give assistance remotely it's this kind of acknowledgment and reflection of the grammar of questions that is critical to getting those perfect band 9 scores if you could help one part of society what would it be it's tough to say because there's so many people that need help in the world but if I had to say I'll give food medical and azerate to the people who are victims of nagorna karabakh conflict because they have gone through the war and so much suffering and difficulty again for this conditional Medina reflects the grammar of the question gives a genuine and original response she says if I had to choose she even starts with a very natural leading expression saying that's a tough question because there are so many ways in which society needs help it's this kind of full answer that has a beginning middle and end which is required to get those high band scores make sure not to over speak be sure to finish your answers that is the end of part one we will now continue with part two for part two I will show you some questions on a card you will have one minute to read the questions think about your answers you can take notes in that one minute if you wish there's some note paper and a pencil in front of you and then you will have two minutes to speak please do not touch the card talk about a person you think is usually positive your one minute preparation time begins now foreign speaking band score send me your mp3 part 2 recording for a band score estimate to this email address also in the video description make sure to join my weekly live IELTS classes for a chance to practice your speaking with me in an interview click the Subscribe button and hit the Bell to get notifications Medina your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking well so one of the most positive people I've met is my good friend Leila we are Francis Middle School and I'm not sure if I ever seen her sad let alone depressed she's always wearing a smile and really optimistic about life Lily is about my height 166 centimeters uh she has long dark baby hair dark eyes and quite fit I think the reason why Lele is such an optimist is was because she was born this way and because of her upbringing she was raised with a great family ideals and great parenting as well I have met her parents on several occasions and they are also very cheery people whenever they do not see eye to eye they don't fight about it rather they discuss the problem and come to resolve clearly this good communication skills and Sensibility rubbed off on Layla as well and since Layla is so positive she has a big Social Circle including a lot of Instagram followers so she always has people to boost her confidence in fact Nella has finished Masterson zoology and now she works as a life coach helping other to find their Direction in life I think the best lesson to learn from Leila is that staying positive helps to have really good relationships and also reach your goals and in order to do this it's better to talk about problems rather than fight about them okay I'll stop you there Medina your two minutes is up and now we will continue with part three this is an excellent example of a band 9q card response when talking about a person cleverly Medina first tells the appearance of Layla her friend as being approximately her height at 100 166 centimeters with dark wavy hair this enables The Examiner to visualize this unknown person then she gives a bit of background about Layla's upbringing using complex grammar correlative conjunctions like both her character and her upbringing contribute to her positive behavior notice her Advanced vocabulary using several idioms throughout the response like seeing eye to eye and rubbing off on others can you count how many idioms she uses in this response of course then Medina backs up her friend's personality with actions stating that she gets a confidence boost from her friends on Instagram and that she is going to do her Masters when talking about a person it's this structure of appearance personality backed by action that gets those high band scores while making sure to answer all the questions on the cue card with good grammar and advanced vocabulary practice this for your next IELTS exam now let's continue uh could you please put the note paper and pencil to the side just turn over the note paper thank you and now for part three I will ask you a question uh in relation to your response and some questions connected to the topic of part two what kinds of activities do you like doing with Layla when you hang out with her well love to dance as she's also into jazz ballet I also would like to go for a walk and talk a bit about life catch up on what we've been doing be ready for follow-up questions from the examiner regarding your cue card response in this case The Examiner asks what Medina and Leila like doing together immediately Medina answers fluently stating that they do dance together and she again uses high level specific vocabulary stating that it's Jazz ballet it's this kind of natural conversational language that will get you those high band scores interview and for more analysis and strategies to get those high band scores including original practice exams a fully interactive course and an app for your phone visit and join our premium aisles package at use the code learn9 for a 10 discount click the link in the video description we are an IDP affiliate British Council partner IELTS test registration Center and I'm a certified British Council agent you are in great hands with us begin learning for Success today
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 604,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, speaking analysis, Azerbaijan, practice, IELTS speaking, help, band 9, section, examiner, candidate, official marking, band score, cue card, score 9, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, pass, high, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, IELTS description, tip, trick, strategy, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, IELTS speaking section, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, intro, IELTS learning, easy, English lesson, English tutorial, English
Id: rAoJ8TN5bAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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