IELTS - DO NOT Write this for Band 9 Task 2, Write this Instead...

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[Music] welcome to academic aisles test preparation videos in this lesson i will teach you what you should not write in your ielts task 2 essay many students write these sentences and they are bad for your band score instead i will teach you what you should write so that you can get those high band scores again we have partnered with skillshare a world-class platform that lets you choose from hundreds of different topics to study all taught by professionals use skillshare to improve your english and explore your creativity i have been using skillshare to study a course called productivity with purpose this helps me be more energized about my daily work and create more work more efficiently so far i'm really loving it you might be interested in a course called how to succeed in learning a new language try skillshare today the first 1000 students to join skillshare via my link also in the video description will get one month of skillshare premium for free begin using skillshare today now watch and learn the first phrase that you should not use in your ielts task 2 introduction is this essay will discuss the merits and demerits or this essay will discuss the benefits and the disadvantages [Music] in good writing it is not wise to tell your reader what you will discuss instead it's much better to simply discuss it many students learn the template this essay will discuss ielts examiners see this kind of thesis statement hundreds if not thousands of times during their career when they see this kind of sentence in the introduction immediately they think well likely this candidate is not a bad nine not a band-aid not even a band seven maybe a band six but of course that's not good enough you want a seven eight or nine and in order to do this you have to use a different strategy you have to use what's called a direct thesis that is clear let me explain what this is in more detail with an example a good introduction will have a clear and direct thesis statement this means that instead of telling the reader this essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of driving a car to work the thesis statement clearly tells the reader what those advantages and disadvantages actually are for instance the advantage of driving a car to work is to save time but the disadvantage is increased air pollution this is a much better sentence than saying this essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of driving a car to work you will find this is especially true once you get to college and university again your goal is to show a high level of literacy using the english language it's not good enough to just write clear sentences for those high band scores you actually have to have good writing all right let's talk about another big no-no for task two writing another common template style of writing that examiners often see in the isles are typical leading expressions to start paragraphs ones that i see all the time which are a big no are firstly secondly thirdly finally this type of listing is not really used for an argument type essay this kind of first second third fourth which is showing a sequence is better used for an expository style essay in task 1 if you get a process diagram that's where you could use this kind of language but not in task 2 where you're presenting arguments with ideas another very common template that i see is on one hand on the other hand usually this would be okay to use in writing however so many candidates are using this on the one hand on the other hand that it's just simply becoming extremely redundant ielts examiners know that students learn these materials memorize them and rather than using their own original language and diction or style of writing they're just copying down these kinds of templates in hopes of getting a good band score and it just doesn't work so let's talk about what you should do instead rather than using these common templates like firstly secondly or on one hand and on the other hand again you want to use original language when you are writing body paragraphs focus on the topic sentence if you are discussing the advantages of using a card to get to work in order to save time focus on this concept to create your topic sentence for instance you could write an extreme benefit of driving a personal card to work is to save hundreds of hours of commuting throughout the year this kind of information topic sentence is very powerful in getting you a high band score so be original when you're choosing these linking words look for linking words that aren't commonly used by every student in order to do this make sure to review your subordinating conjunctions specifically look for subordinating conjunctions of opposition cause and effect time and condition we have included a list of these in the video description below familiarize yourself with these and use different ones for different essays so you can be comfortable switching up and using a variety depending on context now let's talk about a third big no for task two writing another very common mistake by many candidates is a simple template conclusion this means the last paragraph of your essay you should not just simply paraphrase the introduction it is not a band 9 level to finish the essay by writing in conclusion the benefits of driving a car to work or saving time while the demerits are creating more pollution this is not enough for a band 9. a band 9 conclusion must go above and beyond a simple repeat of the introduction let me explain what you need to do a band 8 or a band 9 conclusion will not only recapitulate the key points of the thesis and the body paragraphs but it will also give the reader a take-home message some kind of valuable information that the reader can clearly interpret and understand from the essay in the video description i have included a bad essay with the incorrect phrases as well as a great essay with correct type of writing take a look at this after the video for further clarity in our example a take home message might read something like each individual has to decide for themselves how important it is in their context to either save the environment or save time this kind of ending will leave your reader thinking and will give them value therefore a higher band score again make sure to pay attention to these three big tips do not start your essay's thesis with this essay will discuss do not start your body paragraphs with on one hand on the other hand or firstly secondly thirdly and do not just write a simple conclusion that's basically a copy of your introduction instead follow the tips in this video and practice good luck the next time you sit your ielts exam for many more great lessons like this one including over 100 hours of videos as well as original practice exams and a fully interactive course with strategies to get high band scores visit and join our premium package at begin learning for success today i took the official ielts exam in budapest hungary and you can now watch my band 9 ielts journey exclusively on our websites at and when you sign up for our premium package in this series you will see me register for the exam get prepared take the test and receive my marks with some feedback i give you strategies throughout the series to maximize your scores begin learning with us today subscribe to our channel click over here watch another video click right up here and click our ielts hero to join our premium package and get access to all of our videos practice exams and a fully interactive course
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 74,548
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Keywords: IELTS, writing, task 2, mistake, structure, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations
Id: nQhYUX_s3_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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