IELTS Reading: 12 Tips and Tricks to score 9 bands | Strategies Revealed - No Coaching Needed

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if you're concerned about scoring that perfect looking nine bands on your ielts reading this is going to boost your score i'm not saying you'll reach to the exact nine but what i'm saying is you can actually make your score better if you're at six you'll be able to make it seven seven point five if you're at seven point five you'll be able to make it eight eight point five i promise you this will increase your score just stick around pay attention you will not need any more tips and tricks but please just for the next 10 minutes i want you to pay undivided attention because this is important this is my experience and i'm telling you exactly everything you need to know no one will actually go into this much detail i can promise you that okay with that i'll actually begin and i think i have your attention so by the way this is applicable for both computer based paper based whatever kind of files you're taking academic general both it works perfectly fine but the first thing and the first point that you need to know is a lot of people when they get the ielts exam they actually go ahead start reading the passage for the reading section by the way i'm not talking about the first section of course that's listening but we're talking about the reading right now they start reading the passage star top to bottom that's what they do that's the worst thing you can do for do to yourself because see the passages are too long there's no way in hell that you're gonna remember every single thing that they're talking about in the passage that's not gonna happen okay even if it's in your subconscious mind it's gonna go away by the time you get to the questions so never make this mistake um and even before you actually start the test the first thing you should do is go ahead read the questions don't read the passage first off just read the heading take a look at the questions 30 seconds you want to spend just taking a look at the questions okay first seven questions are heading questions next are true false not given and after that we have um let's say maybe summary questions so you need to know this and by the way for those of you who are actually new and you know don't really know much about the ielts well you will have three passages in the else reading section you will have 60 minutes that means you can say 20 minutes for each passage per se and the important part over here again is that when you have these passages right they're extremely long there's about seven to eight paragraphs in each passage so you wanna be very very quick with your reading okay so understand this you should know the format and like i said before actually going ahead and starting the questions or even reading the passage just take a look at the questions know what you're going to be dealing with after you're reading okay and a lot of times let me tell you how this can help sometimes you will have summary questions at the end and not at the beginning right and some requests if you don't know they are sort of like you know they will take any two consecutive paragraphs from the text and they will basically summarize that text and they will have some you know blanks in the middle so you can actually go ahead and fill the banks now that's really important you need to actually know that you don't really have a lot of time on the ielts so what you essentially want to do is you want to make sure that you're reading the passage a little bit whenever you get to those two paragraphs that they're summarizing and then you're answering the question okay you read some more you answer another blank that's very important a lot of people would just read the whole passage first do the headings and then come back read the passage again and then do the summary you're wasting time you're doing it two times that's wrong don't do it try to save yourself time trust me this will help you massively you'll see the change when you actually start doing this don't think that you have to do this in consecutive order those questions do not need to be in consecutive order you can do any one first doesn't matter okay good we'll move on to the next tip now and this is very very important again a lot of people will give you tips about how you should go about reading the passage should you skim should you do this i would say read every single sentence read every single sentence because the answer now i know the passages in the us you know in the west itself they are written in such a way that the first passage in the last passage are sorry the first line and the last line of every paragraph is the most important they define what the paragraph is about but in ielts what i've personally experienced is that any single line can have the answer and this line can actually be in the middle of the paragraph as well so read every single line but do not go ahead re-reading the lines that's not recommended at all if you just read the lines once you can easily get through the passage within five five to seven eight minutes okay so you shouldn't need more than that even in the worst case scenario um and don't worry if you don't know a particular word uh it's okay it's perfectly fine no one can know every single word there exists so it's fine it happens but just try to skim and move on just try to understand the essence of the sentence okay the third point and this is the third tip um always read the instructions a lot of people they're very over confident of the ads maybe they've taken it three four times before i don't care if you have done a hundred sample question papers it's extremely important to actually go ahead read the instructions for instance in summary questions you will have a condition that all right you only need to answer with one word or you only need to answer with you know some kind of a structure you need to know that because that can change every single time and the ielts actually can trick you into doing this in maybe if you have to answer one word and you know they will give you eiffel tower for the answer and you have to just write tower over there so it's really important that you understand that only one word is loud so you can only write tower okay um examples of this one word only you can just write single word like paris one word and or a number means you can write maybe just a number like nine maybe both like 10 september or maybe just a word like boston okay this is important again if you have three words your list understand this three words are still allowed so you can write either just tower space dust or new boston area both all three of these will be valid answers in this case okay i hope you understand that um fourth point over here and this is also very important is that do not confuse true false not given questions with yes no not given questions if you don't know what i'm talking about chances are you have not really been preparing for the ice reading section yet but you'll come across questions where you have to write down true false or not given and at the same time you have to write down yes no not given in some other kind of questions okay these other kind of questions are really where you're um writing down yes no not given and you're giving a little bit more of a perspective of what the author is writing about whereas in true false not given its general facts that you talk about okay but still you will have the instructions in the question note them a lot of times i see people making these silly mistakes instead of yes they'll write true instead of no they'll write false and that's where they lose the points very important because you're under a lot of pressure very short amount of time people are bound to making these mistakes but if you keep them in mind you will never make them i promise you okay let's move on to the fifth tip over here and that is remember to check for spellings even if you have one percent doubt that your spelling may not be the correct one go back to the passage check the spelling it's important people make this silly mistake all the time and even if their answer is correct they'll lose the points your spellings your tenses all of these should be matching you cannot write an answer that is okay but it doesn't fit because the tense is wrong maybe you have to use the past tense of it and you use just the you know present participle or something else so that is where you can lose points very very easily so just keep that in mind okay um make sure you're spelling to correct make sure you're not making any silly mistakes like that moving on to the sixth tip now which is also very important again if you're not sure about an answer remember every single answer on the ielts counts only a single point so you have 13 questions on the first passes 13 more questions on the second passage 14 questions on the last passage this is the usual trend of course not saying that this is always how it's going to be but usually you will see this trend follows and every single question actually accounts for just one point so if there are harder questions out there you come across a question which is extremely hard you need to get your mind used to this that you can move on you can put that on a hold maybe put a star next to it do whatever you want maybe highlight that area but remember mark it and move on because there are easier questions which you which you can use to get better points on the ielts okay great seventh point over here and this is work on your weaknesses extensively for instance i'll tell you my personal weakness whenever i used to do these um you know else questions i'll i would be doing all of these passages the one thing i saw what's the most difficult was those heading questions where you have like eight or nine you know paragraphs and you have about a 10 set of headings which you have to choose from that what is the heading for this paragraph they can be overlapping at times and it gets a little bit harder and so i was not very good at it but one thing i did was i practiced a lot i made sure i picked out the passages with those heading questions and i sat down and i just just started practicing i forgot about everything else and trust me it worked like wonders i would not make a mistake on any heading task right now even if you could give me any questions literally i am very very confident with those now so it's important you actually work on your weaknesses make them your good areas that is okay um apart from that number eight would be the fact that you need to give yourself a confidence boost so what i recommend and this is what i personally also aim for is whenever you're taking the ielts like i said there's 60 minutes and there's three passages right so you can divide that into 20 minutes each right but the first passage is the easiest and the last passage is the hardest so i would advise you to aim for you know 15 minutes try to finish the first passage in 15 minutes you know all the questions for the first passage try to go for it i'm not saying you will always reach this 15 minute milestone but even if you try maybe you're doing it in 17 minutes that's still leaving you with three minutes and trust me 15 minutes is very much possible i've done it a lot of times i know it's possible if i can do it you can do it okay so try to go for 15 minutes that will just give you a little bit of a buffer so even if you're you know holding back on the last passage you're not able to do it very very well you slow at that point it's okay you'll know that you have some buffer time right so try to keep that in mind um point number nine is that you need to make sure that you're underlining if you're doing the paper based test underline if you're doing the computer based test highlight and these should be done at points where you have to put on markers you have to put on something you know something important has happened here i want to come back later to this passage at this point make sure you're highlighting or make sure you're underlining it's very important use that feature even on the computer-based test you have a highlight feature so for those of you who do not know make sure you do that point number 10 and this is again the fact that a lot of people make this mistake is that they start reading newspapers they start reading magazines newspapers online academic articles research papers you don't have to do that you're here to take the ielts just study for the ielts there's about i think um 15 books right now from cambridge each book has four uh four i think um test papers so that would make it how many about 60 tests 60 test papers and every single test paper has about three reading passages so that means you have more than enough reading passages 180 reading passages which are officially actually seen on the ielts study from those don't go ahead study from any other material it's not recommended i do not recommend it at all for the long term if you want to improve your reading skills definitely go ahead and do it but if you have if you're on a short leash and you need to actually go ahead and do the test and get an awesome score you can't actually go ahead reading newspapers that's just my recommendation if you want to finish within seven to 15 days and it's very very doable you can prepare within 17-15 days i actually have a video on it that i will link to over here so you can actually go ahead and see that okay next point number 11 is that you should finish at least five tests before the test date very important point a lot of people would be overconfident they have maybe done you know singular singular sections of the test but they've never really taken the whole test in one go and that's where you're wrong because when your body is not used to it when your mind is not used to sitting down for three hours and taking that test chances are you're not going to be able to perform very well when that happens for the first time in your life okay so make sure you're used to it i know this is an important point so that's why i'm stressing it out i i want you to actually score very very well on the ice reading okay um and finally point number 12 and this is you know kind of important is that if you're taking the cbt and this is only for the people who are taking the computer-based test um remember that you know there are online samples whatever you're taking it from idp british council doesn't matter go on to their website they will have these online tests you know simulated tests which will actually show you the kind of software they're going to be using on the test day how can you highlight how can you can you copy can you paste all of these things are right there you just need to take the initiative you need to actually go ahead try those online tests online simulators of the actual test and you'll be good okay so make sure that you're used to actually how the test is going to look like if it's reading based uh if it's paper-based what you should do is print out the whole exam and you know you should actually go ahead sit down on your table start working start doing those questions actually how ielts will give it to you even try printing out the answer sheets a lot of websites will actually have those answer sheets so you can just go ahead and print it so try to actually go ahead simulate the test when you're taking those five mock tests and i think that should be more than enough for you okay i think um i did overstep my bounds a little bit i talked about the test in general a bit as well apart from the reading section but i think that you know even if you're just watching this one video of mine it's going to be important um one very important point which you know i've never not really revealed till now is that i'll be doing one section of the um not one section but one reading passage for you guys live in front of the camera in one of my next videos so it can be the next one can be the next to next one because my laptop is actually not working well right now so you know a little bit of fix but i will be doing that very very soon so you'll be able to see me solve a passage right in front of you i'll be telling you how i go about it you can see my thought process you can see how i actually skip the questions sometimes you know how i come back to them later on so it's really important i think that strategy something that i could not actually detail very much in this video but i'll be doing that very soon so if you have not subscribed to the channel guys now is the time go ahead hit the subscribe button and uh yeah i'll be telling you about those things very very soon that video is coming soon apart from that let me know your scores i want to know i want to know how you're doing so if you're able to score very well on the else reading i want to know by the way this is the chart so if you have maybe scored 38 points that means that you are at 8.5 okay so all of these things are important um keep those in mind when you know uh when you're trying to estimate your scores this is how you can do it and let me know what kind of scores that are you looking at at this point okay because i'm really excited i think that this video is going to help you get massively amazing results okay thank you so much for watching this video um if you need any further help you can go on check out that's where we actually help you um if you need any other advice just you know post in the discussion session section or reach out to me on instagram you can also comment down below i'll try to answer all the questions i can okay have a good day all the best for us reading and take care [Music] you
Channel: Yash Mittra - YMGrad
Views: 353,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS reading, IELTS, ielts reading tips and tricks, ielts test, ielts tips, ielts tips and tricks, ielts tips and tricks for reading, ielts tips and tricks 2020, how to crack ielts, how to crack ielts with band 9, ielts exam, how to prepare for ielts, ielts reading strategy, how to get band 9 in ielts, ielts band 9, band 8.5 ielts, ielts tips for beginners, ielts reading tips, ielts reading liz, ielts reading strategies, ielts test reading, ielts reading section tips
Id: eWwbUhQCzMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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