IELTS Live - Task 2 Writing - Band 9 Let's Go!

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful hungary here in central europe where we had some nice snowfall earlier in the day i hope everybody is having a great week so far staying healthy and staying productive this is an ielts live class focusing on task two writing starting for a band nine let's go all right this is a members chat class this uh question or task two uh was requested by one of our members so if you're not a member that's totally okay you're welcome to watch we will have an all chat class for task 1 academic diagram writing coming up in 90 minutes you can certainly learn lots from this class and you can become a member of our channel by clicking on the join button next to the subscribe button on our youtube channel if you don't see that button send me an email and i can definitely give you some more information my email is adrian hi nancy hi carolina hi moni hi nick hill hi rashika nice to see our members joining in of course as usual this class is presented to you by ae for academic aisle success and with lots of uh materials join us there for the general ielts visit us at g on both of our websites we have services for writing task 1 writing task 2 corrections feedback as well as speaking and of course for all other sections of the ielts this is our academic website here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join the premium package we are an official british council ielts test registration center for saudi arabia and we have uh british council agents certified agents working for us as well this is our general ielts website here with the green background you can click that big red button to join us there and uh improve your band scores quickly and efficiently we are world leaders when it comes to ielts preparation this week we have uh writing today a little bit more for our members tomorrow and we'll have reading tomorrow as well and then we'll have speaking later on in the week let's get into today's question okay moni those are some really nice scores uh definitely writing tends to be the one that remains challenging for many students uh it's just because uh writing is uh taught a little bit differently in many uh western countries like the uk canada u.s australia and they expect students to learn that format of writing money so that takes a bit more practice okay but nonetheless those are some fantastic scores money i mean seven five listening reading speaking that's outstanding that's between a good and a very good user of english not esl not english as a second language but as compared to a native proficient expert user so very good okay very nice okay and thank you moni for thanking your speaking partners as well congratulations to all of you okay very good very very uh proud of your score money that's excellent okay keep practicing your writing money writing is a very powerful skill in the world today okay so and we're going to do that right now um so let's get into today's question here it is again this was sent uh by one of our members i believe it could have been a non-member but i think it was a member um anyway uh here it is let's take a look at it first step with writing of course always is just to read the question really carefully pay attention to all of the little details in the question so ielts task two writing you should spend about 40 minutes on this task some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled they say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement to what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste so recognize here that this part is the question okay and this specific question type is to what extent now all of this here is the lead-in for the question so this is the reason for the question okay remember students when we always um talk about why the question is important so why is it important to discuss it in this case they give it to you so they basically say it's important to talk about this because many people feel that not enough waste from homes is recycled okay all right um so we read this question let's paraphrase it let's make sure that we clearly understand this question and let's uh think of some vocabulary so this is not your essay okay it's not your essay yet this is simply a check okay it's a check to see whether or not you understand the question and um and to collect some vocabulary uh for the question okay so paraphrase it using your own words remember you can use synonyms antonyms negatives to paraphrase as well okay so lots of different ways to do it all right so i'll give you a little bit of a head start to paraphrase and then uh we will compare your paraphrasing to my paraphrasing okay go ahead start and i'll start my own here in a minute as well all right so carolina says a lot of individuals ascertain that few resid residues are recycled uh we don't use residues in this context carolina so good try that much trash trash is another word that you could use for waste or garbage garbage trash rubbish is another one the british especially like to use the word rubbish so here are some synonyms for the word waste okay just give me one second here okay waste rubbish garbage trash okay those are all uh synonyms there's actually quite a few more if you look and uh look at a thesaurus you will find many other ways as well okay so one more time carolina a lot of individuals ascertain uh that little rubbish is recycled from homes uh people demand that governments make strict laws so people recycle more okay uh to what extent do you believe that legal requirements are needed to force individuals to recycle more okay carolina not bad not bad okay oh it says certain individuals believe recycling garbage in the home is not done enough and governments should create laws regarding this okay uh os i made a few corrections there so it's more comprehensible careful muratkan says some people are in the idea that not a sufficient amount of contaminants are being recycled alleging that they uh these um responsibilities should be forced by government laws okay moroccan a little bit there um pp says a lot of individuals claim that not enough home garbage is reused they say that the only way uh to increase the reuse is for authorities to make laws regarding this very good people yeah reuse is i think fair enough because in many ways we when we recycle we reuse those materials absolutely rajvir says certain individuals feel that uh only a minimal amount of household garbage is recycled they feel that only through increased regulations uh can people be encouraged to recycle more regiver notice the corrections in the second sentence there okay to what degree do you believe that laws are required to enforce recycling by the way viewers and students this question if i'm not mistaken was actually on one of the recent ielts exams in the last couple months so that's why it was requested so this is maybe a question that some of you might have actually wrote a response for if you took the ielts in the last few months okay ferdav says some people believe that recycling uh in households um is minimal and in order to maximize this governments can tackle the problem by making it obligatory for dobbs there's a new word form for you obligatory obligatory uh okay it's it's a good good use of the word obligatory ali says certain individuals report that home waste recycling is insufficient they claim that only authorities can improve this rate of practice through relevant laws alley beautiful use of paraphrasing and vocabulary i love it okay very nicely done okay so certain individuals argue that there is a lack of [Music] home rubbish being recycled in the public and that the only remedy for this is to implement national regulations and fines okay because laws usually come with some kind of consequence like uh jail time or fine okay to what degree do you believe that people's recycling and disposal habits need to be managed by government law okay sure so there's my paraphrase it's fairly similar to what some of you wrote uh we've definitely gathered some useful vocabulary some different ways of looking at this question that's really good let me just get my scribbles off the board here so you can see it a little bit more clearly so your paraphrase is good to have you think a little bit more about this always go back to the original question when you're thinking about your topic and you're controlling ideas always go back to the original question when you're formulating your thesis statement but definitely uh take a lot of motivation and visualization from your paraphrasing okay all right so what is the topic here um what are we talking about okay so what are we actually discussing okay uh ali says the topic is the uh waste recycling practice rate okay or the rate of recycling among people i think that's a good way to identify the topic ali i'd say it a little bit differently but i think that's fine too um os says government laws for recycling i don't actually think that's specifically what we're talking about carolina says laws for recycling inaya says recycling regulations um yes okay so uh pp says waste recycling uh for dave says to maximize recycling yeah absolutely for doves i think that's a really uh good way to say it so we're talking about people's recycling behaviors we're talking about government's intervention and recycling i think those are parts of the controlling ideas and i think ali and ferdovs have most accurately identified the idea of this question which is to maximize recycling and i think for dobbs that's really what we're talking about so what is needed to maximize recycling is the controlling idea okay all right so i think for dobbs you've really done a a bang-up job of uh identifying very concisely the topic okay maximizing recycling okay does everybody agree that that's really what we're talking about here maximizing recycling if we want to be more specific a little bit more specific here in the home because there's also industry right and industrial or business recycling that's kind of a different topic you definitely don't want to bring that in here right because recycling and industry and business would be a whole nother bag of cookies right um here we're talking about maximizing recycling in the home so for people right that would you know this is okay if you if you miss this part yeah fine but definitely keep it in mind okay yeah yeah that's why i added this i think you're probably writing that while we're catching up with each other in the stream okay so maximizing recycling in the home yeah okay all right um so controlling idea so what's the controlling idea what is the controlling idea just give it to me i'm going to write it up i think many of you have it now but um their requirements especially government regulation to achieve maximizing recycling at home all right okay um good so topic um what is it right first question what does it mean to maximize recycling in the home uh give me an answer for that okay and this is a very good topic everyone i mean this is the topic that we should all be thinking about more and more in today's world because uh if we don't then uh we are definitely going to be in some deep deep water in the next uh 10 20 years and i'm sure you can all agree on that so what does it mean to maximize recycling so for dav says to reuse okay yeah i've talked about this in previous classes anybody remember what the three r's of recycling are right it's to reuse reduce yeah minimize waste okay to reuse reduce and recycle waste thereby minimizing the what what are we minimizing yeah so rajvir says a practice to reduce reuse recycle phenomena at home to minimize the amount of materials that end up in where does garbage go let's say who let's see who knows this word so this is a little bit of a vocabulary test here uh where does garbage end up so uh it's worth for everybody um to go to one of these places and visit these places so that you know where your garbage goes and as a canadian i have to say that i'm proud that in canada they take students in school in elementary school middle school to this place so that students can see where garbage goes okay it's not a junkyard pp it's not a dumping ground it starts with an l okay the correct word starts with an l not a dumping yard uh dumps is not really the right word okay that's a little bit different all alessia it's not drop-off points okay a place where there's a big hole in the ground and you okay garbage dump is we sometimes use that word but it's not the right word it's called a landfill okay that's maybe a new word for some people so it's a landfill okay um so to reuse reduce and recycle waste thereby minimizing the amount of materials that end up in a landfill landfill think about it simply right it's a piece of land that you fill with garbage it's a landfill okay and just a personal opinion here if you've never been to a landfill definitely check one out so you see what happens with garbage okay all right like i say in canada they take kids on school tours of landfills so that kids can learn about the importance of recycling and how landfills are managed okay so that's what it means to reuse reduce and recycle waste thereby minimizing the amount of materials that end up in landfill because it's countable okay all right um why do we want to do that so why would we want to minimize okay what's the missing word here so i'm going to move a little bit faster today and i'm going to do a little bit differently i'm going to do some vocabulary targeting today as well so instead of saying home okay what's another word that i can use instead of home so why would we want to minimize something garbage what's the missing word okay this word is synonymous with the word home okay so instead of home garbage or home rubbish what's the missing word there okay and keep trying students that's the way that we learn these okay yeah very good rajiv you're very good pp nicely done muradkan yeah domestic it's domestic garbage okay so you definitely want to show your grammatical and lexical range okay so domestic is a good word here yeah so why would we want to do that what's the answer i would need a full sentence here so why minimize it very good carolina good lots of you got that word domestic it's a nice piece of vocabulary uh ali says to preserve natural resources protect the environment yeah and ultimately what ali so to preserve resources and protect the environment and ultimately okay what do you think is the missing part of my sentence here that i'm going to say and i think this is what's really important to think about and if we keep thinking about this more then perhaps more of us will put an effort into recycling as well okay um when you're in the ielts and when you're thinking about topics and ideas always think about what i call the big ones okay the big ones because humans are egocentric yet ironically we often forget about one of our greatest fears and one of our greatest motivators and ambitions okay oh it says family health yeah okay climate change saving mother earth uh yeah so saving mother earth and by saving mother earth we also save what okay always i think with family health is uh somewhat on the right track we still have a missing piece here so to preserve resources and protect the environment and ultimately to okay how about i give you a little bit more ensure yeah very good for dobbs thank you okay for dubs thumbs up yeah that's kind of the irony of it yeah honey exactly ourselves right so to preserve resources and protect the environment and ultimately to ensure our way of life and survival so of course surviving you know humans we want to survive but also our quality of life right uh so you know people have these uh aspirations that oh we'll just move to mars we'll just move to the moon uh yeah good luck with that i'd rather not okay i think it's always easier to save what you have than plan to build on another planet that has no water no trees right it's a little bit ambitious i think it's probably a bit easier to save what we have here so yeah and how right by so how can we achieve this okay what's the what's the question here so here the question is important and i don't want to give you this question um what's the missing part here okay this is the next question that you need to be able to quickly generate when you're planning your essay okay welcome anna good to see you in the class okay keep contributing so we're planning right now we're thinking about the topic the topic is minimizing recycling in the home that's what we're talking about okay the controlling idea is whether we need government laws to do this or with whether we can do it in other ways so far we've discussed uh what it means to maximize recycling and minimize uh the materials in landfills we then asked why we want to do this well of course for nature and environment but ultimately uh to save human life and our quality of life and then our next question here is how can we uh yeah okay so rajvira says how can we achieve this goal okay very good rajvir that's the right question so how can we achieve this goal what goal how can we achieve this goal of what this goal of what what goal yeah uh ford says desired level of recycling right which ultimately would be 100 so how can we achieve this goal of um minimizing waste and maximizing recycling in the home okay so again students uh always keep in mind that your task 2 essay it's kind of a global concept here right so the global concept is environment but within the global concept of environment the question is quite specific it says government laws to uh minimize uh waste maximize recycling in the home so the the kind of the genre or the field of philosophy here is uh nature and conservation of nature and within that it's a much more specific idea essays that score high bands so essays that are going to get a band seven eight nine are essays that really target this concept of government laws uh are needed or not needed for this purpose okay so you really have to be careful with your question so how can we achieve this goal of minimizing waste and maximizing recycling in the home and this answer becomes very important for your essay okay so again when you're at home and you're doing this go through these steps so that in the real ielts you can just really quickly come up with these okay all right so how can we achieve this okay how can we achieve this goal of minimizing waste and maximizing recycling in the home what are the ways what are the ways to do this and you'll realize in fact that there are a lot of big answers that you can give to this oh it says increasing public awareness for the importance of this government rules fines yeah so raising awareness good uh government rules and fines that's definitely that's the question right okay all right uh changing our psychology our behavior yeah that's so these are steps to do that right so okay um and two that i want to put up here is taking responsibility for ourselves and others okay i think uh one of the very common situations in today's world is that people are scared to take responsibility for others so when we see somebody throw a plastic bottle in the garbage or on the street and we stop and we say hey excuse me would you mind putting that in the recycling then that person might get really angry and say mind your own business what do you care about what i do well i care because that plastic bottle is going to kill the fish that my children and my grandchildren might want to eat for survival right so that's what's kind of lacking in society and again because we have this kind of a hot topic today i thought i'd express my views a little bit more here as well but definitely we need to take responsibility and we need to understand that we are all connected okay and that part the taking responsibility for others is where government regulations and fines come in right the government takes responsibility for others right so um the government says hey i don't care if you don't want me to stick my business or my nose into your business uh if you're killing fish by throwing plastic bottles in the water that's everybody's problem okay all right so here now we go to the controlling idea and we're going to skip ahead a little bit here so what is government regulation obviously that means people are forced to recycle um to avoid consequence um so why let's go there so why may it be necessary for society to implement government regulation to maximize recycling in the home okay so answer this question from the controlling idea okay we're going to skip the what and maybe even the how for right now we can do that while we write but i want to focus on this question here for the controlling idea brainstorming okay so why may it be necessary for society to implement government regulation to maximize um recycling in the home why is that important sumi welcome to our group of members okay so rajvir says because certain people are irresponsible okay let's just brainstorm some ideas because many people are irresponsible and their actions impact all of society negatively yeah okay sure that's an idea um why else okay less pressure on the earth's atmosphere all right gineal says to decrease i'm going to say this a little bit differently gineal let's see if somebody comes up with it okay um fordav says being aware of the consequences of recycling people don't care to recycle okay carolina says some people don't care about others let's keep thinking think outside the box think in different ways ali says laws can encourage people to follow this practice and force others who don't care okay honey says it will force people okay rajavir says to formulate common practice okay but why why why do we need the government why can't we just okay let's take let's take the other side right so let's broaden our horizons and our thinking here so why why don't we just wait for people to figure out that it's really important to recycle and um just give everybody a time to kind of discover on their own that uh hey um recycling is necessary and you know we should all be doing this so so why force my neighbor uh john to recycle why not just let him figure it out on his own okay okay so why bring in the government why say hey we need the government to do this and we need it to do we need the government to do it now okay okay why so why not why not do it another way why not just do it through public advertising and giving high fives to people uh who um who recycle so why not why not just do it in this in a simpler way okay think about it think so think outside the box as well coming up with the right ideas is very important alicia says to create the environment for recycling okay uh to simplify the practice and monitor it okay so so okay let's say to create a standard structure of expectation for recycling yeah that's good i'm still looking for some other answers here uh people care more when they have to pay when it hurts their pockets okay um sure all right so all right um okay but again so so i'm still asking this question so why not just give people a chance to learn from school tv social media and come to their own realization that maximizing recycling is important okay let's go back to the original question one more time if you feel like you're losing your way a little bit then just go back to the original question so some people claim that not enough waste from homes is recycled they say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement to what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste okay so honey says because it will become a culture that everybody has to follow honey it might become a culture that everybody will follow without the government but why have the government force it okay what are the big constraints okay why do you think people feel that the government has to step in and enforce this rule of recycling so i agree with your answers so far these are not bad so many people are irresponsible and their actions definitely impact the environment that we all live in um why else okay yeah for dobbs i think that's the first one here is that they're irresponsible okay uh here let me just take you out of context okay so um let's take you into another context so uh recently as all of you know governments forced laws onto people to wear masks and to do social distancing and they created lockdowns why did they do that why did they create laws and punishments to do that why didn't they let society figure out on their own and why didn't they just do it through advertising on the internet and social media they did that as well obviously but why why did they actually bring laws and fines and the police into the picture for lockdowns okay why did they do that okay so let me let me kind of bring you into this because the recycling question is very similar to the covid situation in this case okay let's see if anybody figures this out okay i'm really pushing your critical creative thinking here all right because when you do that you get high band scores even if you make some more mistakes in your grammar or your language you can still get a good high score if you have good answers okay so arun says to ensure everyone does it yeah okay so to put pressure on people to to do it and what else okay so to make sure that everybody's doing it yeah economic reasons ferdav says because the medical system's under pressure there's one component that i think many of you are missing here and it's time okay time is our greatest asset always think about your four dimensions your dimension of time okay so so it needs to be done fast okay that's the reason why the government brought those laws down so hard on society during covid and that's why people feel it needs to be done with recycling as well because we're running out of time we've been waiting for humanity for the last hundred years to start recycling without harsh laws and punishments and it looks like it's not working it looks like going into the next 50 to 100 years the only way we can save our planet and humanity is to force people right would you agree with me on that would you agree that we're running out of time to go with the easy path it's just kind of like um parenting so when you tell your child a hundred times not to do a certain activity through four or five years nicely and they still don't learn you have to come up with stricter punishment because you want to do well and save their lives right so it's the time component and i think that's where this question is really coming from with government laws are needed right okay okay so again to think about that point i had to think outside the box so i had to think about this question okay the original question here for the controlling idea was why may it be necessary for society to implement government regulations to maximize recycling in the home okay all right so i think time is definitely one of the key points that you should think of to get that nice high band score all right um so let's get to the thesis statement here everyone uh before we run out of time in the class see time um so uh now look at the original question uh think about time as one of the answers to this and pick the other answer that you think would be really good okay so two points okay two points to what degree do you believe okay let me go to the original question to what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste here your thesis should start something like this okay we're gonna go with the positive side so i'm gonna start with this okay so i strongly believe that government regulations are required to force people to increase their recycling habits at home because okay point one and point two okay point one is going to be uh something and then point two can be time because that's obviously a very important one uh so finishing on that very important point too now think about another reason so time is obviously one of those reasons we listed a few other reasons as well um so give me your two points each of these points will obviously become your body paragraphs okay so body two body one all right give me your thesis statement so let's have these uh before class end here we go and then i'll finish mine as well okay so i strongly believe that government regulations are required to force people to increase their recycling habits at home because of 0.1 and because of 0.2 okay so give me this these two points okay so for dav says i totally agree that governments should regulate recycling in households as humanity has not enough time and some people don't care for recycling okay all right not bad for dogs don't use contractions and maybe reverse your two points okay so uh first one for doves is some people do not regard recycling as important or do not care for recycling okay so for dogs i would write i totally agree that governments should regulate recycling in households as certain people do not care for recycling and humanity is running out of time period okay i think that would be very good okay that would be a very good thesis statement i think your examiner would be very happy to read that thesis statement and would be looking forward to your body paragraphs okay carolina says because people are more likely to recycle when they have to pay fines and society is running out of time to learn slowly beautiful carolina very nice okay um so very good these are those are two very strong points okay i like it okay os says i support that governments should create extra rules to enforce people to recycle whether their homes or businesses because they benefit individuals and environment um os that's off that's off first of all don't bring businesses into this we're not talking about industrial recycling here i'm so careful that's going off topic and benefiting individuals and environment yeah it's true but we can do that in other ways not just through government fines so why are government fines necessary right okay so os that's not specific enough to the question okay nick hill says i strongly believe that the necessity of enforcing government regulations to ins to increase domestic recycling habits is important because of time and responsibility yeah you can simplify beautifully like that because of re responsibility and time okay so you can really simplify again it's 250 words so being concise is good okay so i strongly believe that government regulations are required to force people to increase their domestic recycling habits because of irresponsibility and time how's that for being concise okay all right okay so always working on that okay everybody sees that so short sweet but definitely to the point so irresponsibility body paragraph one the need for these fines and regulations and consequences to force people to be responsible body paragraph two we don't have time for people to wake up to maximizing their recycling we're running out of time and the world is in trouble okay so governments have to step in all right so here's my thesis i strongly believe that government regulations are required to force people to increase their domestic recycling habits because of irresponsibility and time now that's kind of a cliffhanger right the reader's going okay what are you going to tell me about this now all right so that's your thesis now of course before the thesis you need your hook and your background and that i'm going to leave you for homework okay so introduction hook okay have this ready for tomorrow uh background okay one sentence each is enough and then uh of course the thesis and that's your introductory paragraph okay and then you're on path to uh band nine essay all right so one sentence each that's fine everybody's got it yeah okay all right um again you don't have to give a lot of detail in your thesis points because that's what your topic sentences are for that's what your body paragraphs are for so make your thesis concise okay always work to make your thesis clear and concise all right okay everyone uh that's it uh for today's uh task two class but don't go too far because we will be doing task one here very very shortly okay oh just one more point before i wrap this up when you write your thesis read the original question and read your thesis and then make sure there's clarity okay so here's the original question some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled they say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement to what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste okay i strongly believe that government regulations are required to force people to increase their domestic recycling habits because of irresponsibility and time does my thesis accurately and specifically answer that question absolutely increase domestic recycling why because of a and b okay it's there it looks simple it is it's elegant but you have to practice doing this it's not easy okay so practice it all right um great thesis statements make great essays great essays get banned nine scores all right everyone so again check out for academic ielts for general ielts stay tuned coming up in 40 minutes i will be back with a task one which was requested by kyber i believe this was also from a previous exam so it's going to be a diagram lesson for the academic ielts and it'll be fun writing that process essay with you you are very welcome honey daniel rajvir nikhil carolina rashika welcome to our new members that join this class great interaction okay and there we go arun you could do that but you'd be fighting an uphill battle if you're on the opposite side okay all right and i don't recommend doing that arun okay so it's possible but i don't recommend it okay so uh see you soon everyone i'm adrian for now i'm signing out from budapest bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Task 2, writing, essay, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, band 9, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies
Id: v4D0CpcVHjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 14sec (3074 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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