IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 Band 9 Responses and Strategy GE

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria the capital city of the province of british columbia here in canada on the far far west coast i hope everybody has had a super week and i hope you're going to have an even better weekend welcome prachi hi marzona um hi jay neil i'm your back diora good to see many students already here and ready to learn for this class everyone we are looking at an ielts speaking part 2q card and we're focusing on a band 9 response responses and strategy this cue card is a cute card that's very very very very very similar to a cue card which was on the official ielts exam about a month ago and it was sent to us by one of our students as a request uh students uh this lesson is brought to you by for academic ielts success definitely check us out there for the general ielts check us out at on both of those websites we've got tons of materials practice exams videos strategies to help you improve your band scores we will be using uh one of these websites today to practice some of our speaking uh this is our academic ielts website here you can click that big red button up there to join our premium package it's a one-time payment and you get lifetime access to the materials so you only pay once it doesn't cost very much and you get tons and tons of help we are an official ielts test registration center in saudi arabia and certified british council agents we are world leaders when it comes to ielts exam prep this is our general alex website here again click that big red button up there to join our premium package and good news everyone to help you with your decision here is a 20 discount uh code just simply use the code r4tyj uh during checkout to save that twenty percent uh okay we've got tons more students in the class now which is fantastic uh to see hello welcome to our members super to see everybody here uh students follow us on instagram ielts underscore ae help and giles help on ig um we post vocabulary and videos and such on instagram as well we post reels check that out um adrian at ae help dot com if you have questions that's where you can email me up there adrienne i'll get back to you quite quickly or one of my colleagues will and we have lots of classes here so um today is the 10th um and we are looking again at speaking uh part two uh we will have um so speaking part two right now we will have reading and speaking part three uh tomorrow as well so we've got one more class this week lots of classes this week um and um now let's get into the speaking part two cue cards so we're going to move through this cue card um at a good solid pace because i actually want to do some voice calls today with some of our students and members and give you a chance to actually do a speaking part to cue card practice so it's going to be a bit more challenging but hopefully we'll have some volunteers for that we'll get into that later but you're going to have lots of help because we're going to talk about this question right now and we're going to come up with some um possible answers and such so uh you're in the ielts speaking everyone and you're in your speaking interview it takes about 12 minutes um and uh the examiner will ask you about five or six questions for speaking part one and then they'll say okay that's the end of part one now we shall continue with part two for part two i will show you some questions you will have one minute to look at these questions think about your answers and then you will have two minutes to speak you have some note paper there and you have your pen uh you can take notes in the one minute if you wish i will tell you when to start when to stop talk about a person you had to be friendly with but you didn't really like all right we're human it happens i think to all of us at least a few times in our lives um and again i didn't make this up um i else made this up i should say they made something similar up okay um and then uh you have the questions here okay now um here we go everyone so i've talked about the right steps for speaking part two um today we're just going to do them together so that we can get through this nice and fast and then hopefully have a chance to try this cue card with a couple of our students does that sound good everybody in for that so we'll go through we'll give a sample answer and then after a sample answer we'll do some voice calls and i'll give a couple of you some chances to actually answer this question on your own and then i'll give you some analysis and feedback on what you can do in part two to give better higher level answers how does that sound sounds good um i'm making all these faces waiting for me to let me know if that sounds like a plan carolina says that sounds like a plan welcome carolina her chat moderator me and says what an interesting cue card yeah me and it's actually the the official question so this this was on ielts in november okay enough enough kiran says great all right okay so let's do this so here we go uh talk about a person you had to be friendly with but you didn't really like my first step i'm reading this twice who was this person when did it happen why did you um why you had to be friendly and why you don't like him or her um what did you think about it later okay cool so uh step one i read it twice i hope most of you did as well um i identified the category as a person and an event i know that when i'm talking about people i have to quickly explain what they look like so their appearance i have to also talk about their personality here that's very clear because it's going to be a person that i have to be friendly with but i don't really like um so their personality and then with actions right so personalities always backed up by actions i don't like them because they're kind of mean they always uh throw their garbage on my table okay personality backed up by action okay and then it's also an event um and when it's an event i have to remember that i need to mention the time the location i also have to talk about the attendees so who was there okay the activities and my experience okay and you know if i'm sitting in the ielts exam and i get this question like talk about a time i have to be friendly with somebody that i didn't really like i i really love people so for me especially it's very hard to think of somebody that i don't really like but i've tried to be friendly with them also i'm very honest with people so uh if i don't really like somebody i usually let them know um and i'm definitely not friendly with them so for me i i'd have to make up this answer like for me it would be almost impossible to think about a real situation so i would actually just have to make it up okay as i'm sure many of you would as well all right so my next step i would have to think about some possible um situations uh where i would meet a person who i don't really like but i have to be friendly with them all right and the first thing that comes to mind is that i need something from them okay so because i need uh something valuable from this person so before i decide who to talk about and what kind of situation to talk about i would definitely have to think about you know who are people that i meet with that i need something from that i have to be friendly with okay so um janil this can't be too hard because like i say this was a question on the ielts exam not so long ago okay so you have to be able to do this right so who are people that we have to be kind of friendly with because they have a big impact on our lives but you know we might not necessarily like them all that much okay maybe some people are this way with me i don't know i hope not i hope all of you kind of like me um all right meanwhile while you're thinking about who these people are uh pancham says hey adrian i got my ielts test results today got a 7.5 and speaking and eight overall your prediction was spot on thanks for all the amazing content so punch on my nailed your speaking score right uh that's awesome congratulations by the way that's a super super score um please send me a testimonial send me an email okay pancho we love getting our testimonials our feedback from all our success stories okay all right um so uh yeah marjona says maybe some teachers yeah teacher professor okay yeah definitely and honestly i'm sure there has been situations in my life where i've been friendly with a teacher even though i didn't really like them because i knew that i need to get a good grade in this class right um okay girlfriend's brother yeah in-laws yeah absolutely in-laws like for example mother-in-law or girlfriend's brother yeah so uh relatives uh sure if you don't want uh bad blood in the family um definitely okay um yeah maybe a project teammate okay yeah we work on projects with people that we sometimes don't like but for the success of the project we gotta get along right so we have to get along with them okay yeah ann and julia both at the same time just about say the boss right i've got a couple people who work i want to say with me but they kind of work for me but i i love them and you know i hope that they like me as well so um the boss came all right um yeah so there's definitely some um uh some people there that uh will work for this cue card okay um and um now i just have to pick one and then develop uh the speaking right so i'm gonna go again like i said i'm gonna go at a good steady pace here not fast but i'm gonna be steady uh with the pacing here so i'm just gonna go with professor and i'm going to be more specific here so i'm going to say biology professor mr um andrews i'm not going to say mr smith because it's maybe a little too obvious that i'm making it up okay so biology professor mr andrews um and then i also think about the event okay final presentation so um i'm thinking of an event where it's very subjective where the marking is very subjective so um it's important for the person to think that i'm charismatic to maybe get a bit of a better mark um i'm surprised by the way that nobody said uh ielts examiner probably don't pick that one for your answer during your speaking interview um but you know just the thought right i know that some people have complained about their ielts examiner being very grumpy and interrupting them while they're speaking and you're probably still being friendly but i would not choose that one during your speaking exam okay all right um so i'm gonna go with the biology professor uh here uh mr andrews and uh final presentation um that's going to be about heart anatomy okay so i'm not over complicating it all right i'm good i got a couple of laughs out of you that's nice all right um so that's who i'm going to talk about and then i've got my notes right so for my notes i gotta talk about appearance so the way mr andrews looks okay let's do it like that um so mr andrews is a short uh bald man with a big belly and a grumpy look okay so it's like i'm talking about one of the seven dwarves out of snow white um so it's a short bald man with a big belly and a grumpy look on his face all right um and then i talk about his actions he's rude he interrupts students okay so action is always always has to be backed up by personality okay um he's stripped gives low grades he's disorganized comes to class late um he's unfair i'm just making this up so if there's a mr andrews out there in the world i'm not talking about you all right this is just a made up fictitious mr andrews um so he's unfair um his exams he has pop quizzes all the time okay all right um and he's a hard marker all right so action um and personality together okay so when you're talking about a person always talk about their personality and the action so what they're like and how we can see that in the real world now um of course remember the cue card so who was this person when did it happen why you had to be friendly okay and what you what did you think about it later all right okay um so uh when did it happen uh fourth year bio okay so fourth year biology class i'm writing some short notes here uh enough kiran says maybe um he was also biased yeah that's a good word to use not here i'm biased favored students yeah maybe favored some students okay sure um it was a fourth year bio project when did it happen last semester so maybe april um and um uh why why did this happen so we already said that it's my um presentation heart okay human heart anatomy we got that um and um why did i have to be friendly with this person right so the activities uh that happen maybe it's a minute presentation why did i have to be friendly uh for my gpa right i needed to get a really good gpa now if you use acronyms in your g and you're speaking like gpa remember to use the full um word as well anybody know what gpa means so maybe we're friendly with mr andrews because we need a good score so that we can get that perfect gpa so we can apply for a master's degree what does gpa mean students it's uh three words in english yeah anton just asked me what is gpa it's a very important word or acronym i should say or sorry abbreviation it's not an acronym it's an abbreviation mian says it's a great point average that's right okay so your grade point average um graduate school so i had to get keep up my grade point average for graduate school remember numbers right very useful so 85 okay all right um and don't forget the cue card questions it was worth it all right so if i'm sitting the ielts exam and i've got uh one minute preparation time what i would do is i would read again the cue card twice i would identify it's a person an event i would think about some options here these are very very important remember these for later on in today's lesson okay um and then i would do my notes very importantly all right and i would use my notes and then um i would have my first sentence ready okay so first sentence uh students you can write your first sentences i'll take a look at them okay so first sentence ready okay so here my first sentence i'm gonna write my first sentence this is before my one minute is up okay before my one minute is up i write my first sentence so that i can start speaking right away okay so i distinctly remember having to be uh friendly with my uh biology professor mr andrews though and be respectful students so don't you know try to avoid words like even though i hate him so even though i didn't much like him at all right uh so that would be my first sentence here so i distinctly remember having to be friendly with my biology professor mr andrews even though i didn't much like him at all okay so he is a short um matt bald man with glasses um and a big belly and he always has a grumpy uh look about him okay so now i'm just getting into my cue card um and notes and going through those points and putting it all together in full sentences joined together with conjunctions um okay so step by step okay um anton says i loathe him badly um yeah loathe someone means to not like someone yeah it's good uh vishal if the video is blurry for you just change to your resolution to 720p okay all right um asthma we would never say if i unwind my memories okay and it's awkward so i remember just simply say i remember there was this professor from the biology faculty mr andrews uh who i disliked he's short with a protruding belly and never had a smile on his face okay asthma simplified too complex asthma and too many mistakes okay bandita says i clearly remember that i needed to be friendly with my previous company manager bandita don't do a different person yet stick with mr andrews you're going to have chances to speak later um when we're uh doing voice calls so a little bit later on okay all right all right um prachi says first of all confidence is good and don't stop if you don't know the answer uh definitely stop if you don't know the answer and think about the answer if you're just talking and talking and talking you're gonna get a horrible score if you're not talking about the right answer okay so if you don't know the answer stop think about the answer first arwinder says the one acquaintance whom i had to pretend to be friendly with is mr anderson uh he was my biology teacher yeah very good yeah okay so and i like the word pretend and loathe those are some good words maybe i'll use those in a bit okay so he is a short bald man with glasses and a big belly and he always has a grumpy look about him i loathed him because i always felt that he was an unfair uh teacher he would give pop quizzes that we hadn't learned the information for also he was biased he favored students that were nice to him so i thought it would be a good idea if i pretended to like him as well especially during my final year i had to give a big uh presentation [Music] um at the end of mr andrew's class which would greatly impact my gpa and since i needed an overall uh grade point average of 85 percent or better for my graduate studies and it was really important for me to get a good grade on this final presentation um even though i loathed mr andrews for many reasons um like always showing up to uh always showing up late for lectures i would often compliment him about his smarts and his funny jokes okay so again i'm really just visualizing mr andrews here and uh thinking continuously about the question and about the cue card okay so at this point i'm going along well and i've thought about a lot of the notes here that i've uh said i haven't talked about giving this presentation about the heart for 20 minutes um and i also look at the cue card while i'm doing this so um do i answer who this person was yes do i answer when it happened kind of do i answer why i had to be friendly and why i don't like them yeah i've done a pretty good job of that um have i answered what i thought about this person later not yet so i have to answer that and it's very very important okay all right so fortunately my attitude and presentation were well received i gave a 20 minute talk about the hearts anatomy and mr andrews rewarded me with a score of 90 percent um in hindsight i feel that even though i didn't express my true feelings towards my prof i had made the right decision for my own future at the end of the day my graduate studies are way more important than having arguments with teachers who i won't likely meet again in uh coming years okay so whoo a lot of typing there um but uh i got it done and i i went through my notes i went through my cue card and i've got about two minutes of speaking here if i'm nice and fluent i've got lots of great paraphrasing okay and i see that many students in the chat also are doing a great job of writing these sentences so if you're kind of thinking the same as me if you're writing the same as me that's super super fantastic because in a couple of minutes i'm going to give a chance for people to actually practice a cue card response with me and then i'm going to give you feedback okay so we've got a good amount of time in the class but before we do that i want you to really warm up your kind of speaking muscles um and speaking neurons uh in english in your brain so that you can be really confident when you're doing this okay all right so what we're going to do everyone is look at the question we're going to read the answer try to just repeat the answer um and not read it if you feel confident okay and then um we will do some voice calls after i'll give you some instructions on how to do that okay so here we go everyone so this is ielts speaking part two cue card uh talk about a person you had to be friendly with but you didn't really like who was this person when did it happen why you had to be friendly why you don't like him or her what did you think about it later here we go everyone the examiner says okay adrian your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking again students this is speaking so make sure to speak and repeat okay this will help you for the next step here we go three two one i distinctly remember having to be friendly with my biology professor mr andrews even though i didn't much like him at all uh he is a shortball man with glasses and a big belly and he was always grumpy had a grumpy look about him i loathed him because i always felt that he was an unfair teacher he would give pop quizzes that we never learned the information for he was biased he favored students that were nice to him so i thought it would be a good idea if i pretended to like him as well especially during my final year i had to give a big presentation at the end of mr andrews class which would greatly impact my gpa and since i needed an overall grade point average of 85 or better for graduate studies it was really important for me to get a good grade on his final presentation even though i loathed mr andrews for many reasons uh like always showing up late for lectures um i would often compliment him about his smarts um and his funny jokes uh fortunately my attitude and presentation were well received i gave a 20 minute talk about the hearts anatomy and mr andrews rewarded me with a score of 90 in hindsight i feel that even though i didn't express my true feelings towards my prof i made the right decision for my own future at the end of the day my graduate studies are way more important than having arguments with teachers who i won't likely meet again in coming years okay adrian your uh two minutes is up i'll stop you there and now i will ask you some questions connected to your response and some questions related to this topic for part three um let's talk about uh being friendly okay um and that part three will be in tomorrow's class okay so make sure you come up and show up uh tomorrow as well and we'll practice that but don't go anywhere because now um you're going to get a chance to uh talk and um what you should be doing right now everyone because i'm sure a lot of people are like ooh this is going to be challenging and exciting um so remember uh students that we came up with some other really good ideas or are those ideas uh oh there they are you can see them um okay so um we talked about our teacher and professors so don't really talk about that one but we said there's also other people we have to be friendly with sometimes like in-laws like a brother-in-law mother-in-law father-in-law uh maybe a person that we worked on a project with maybe a manager or a boss right so uh those are some other people that we have to be friendly with so i am going to call some of our students and we're going to um do this speaking part two i'm going to be the examiner of course and you're going to be the candidate and choose one of these people right now um and write down some notes so take the next minute to choose an in-law like a mother-in-law father-in-law choose a project teammate choose a manager and write down some notes and then i'm going to take some volunteers and we're going to practice this okay all right um so uh how do you volunteer right that's a good question okay um so to volunteer for this speaking part two this is what you need to do first you have to go to our website go to uh this website here with the blue background okay and then if you want to buy our full course click that red button always but you can also try it for free by clicking this green button right there uh and then once you do that you'll have this my student account that's right up at the top of the page there the my student account and then in your my student account you have this uh student partner speaking that's right there above my head okay and um you click on that student partner speaking by the way if you want to do a full ielts interview practice with me you can always log in and use this speaking interview practice uh function on the website it's a paid service but it's really well worth it you get a lot of good pointers and feedback to maximize your speaking scores um and then okay so student partner speaking you click on that i'm gonna get my headset on here um and then um you will be on this page here and right now we have manish max paul margiona all in here so let's see if any of these people would like to volunteer and practice this cue card question now when we start students i'm just simply going to say okay your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking and then just start speaking if you make mistakes don't worry about it okay i will definitely help to analyze and correct those mistakes so hopefully some of you chose a boss or a manager or an in-law you took some notes and uh and you're ready to go um right now uh we have bandita i think who is maybe wanting to volunteer let's see i'm going to send a message bandita says hi sir can i participate sure bandit i don't think we've done a speaking yet so we can do this make sure you have your microphone and your speaker enabled and i'm going to reach out to you are you ready bandita to do a volunteer for this speaking part 2 let's see and then we'll see if bandita is ready to do this all right bundita says sure all right bonita thank you let me call you and let's connect thank you let me call you and let's connect hi bandita can you hear me just voice call no video bandita are you there i heard the feedback so i guess you picked up but maybe your microphone or your speaker is not enabled you have to check that okay all right um but i'll get back to you okay it sounds like you're not quite there um which is okay or we might have even gotten disconnected i'm not sure okay uh so let me try someone else um if we can't connect don't panic just check your settings later and i'll remember you and i'll connect to you after um so um you'll hear it so you will hear the people talking with me as well um abdel rahman is also i think wanting to volunteer so i'm gonna see if i can reach out to abdel rahman so abdel are you ready let's hopefully connect okay again remember students enable your microphone and your speaker okay all right and thank you for the super chat donations x i see that as well um okay if you're giving me super chat donations i'll definitely try to look for you when you're volunteering okay um so i've just sent okay so there's abdel rahman abdulrahman says yes okay i'm going to call abdel rahman and we'll see if i can connect with abdel rahman okay calling up del rachman by the way students when you pick up the call please meet youtube so we're not getting lots of feedback through the mic okay and also in some countries you might be limited if you can't use skype or whatsapp in your country you probably can't use our voice call service either so you have to use a vpn in that case okay all right um okay not picking up let's try somebody else um carolina maybe i'll i'll just test the system with carolina real quick just to make sure that the mistake or problem is not coming from my site i'm just going to check that uh caroline are you okay for me to just give you a quick call make sure everything's working and then we'll try some other students again students remember you have to log in and you have to enable your microphone and your speakers in the browser and you should be in a country where you're able to use things like skype and whatsapp okay all right so uh let me see if i can yeah so there's carolina i can see that carolina just sent me a message carolina is a chat moderator yeah we're just going to do a test carolina absolutely okay so i'm calling carolina okay so i'm just calling you carolina let's see if we can connect hello hi carolina can you hear me okay yeah i can't hear you can you hear me i can absolutely hear you so carolina is in argentina everybody and i guess you can all hear her as well so that means that everything is working fine in our system um you can hear me okay carolina right yes and other students members can you hear carolina as well if you can let me know and then that means that everything is working i just need to connect with someone okay um carolina thanks a ton for helping us test the system and thank you for moderating our chat and keeping it clean and helping students okay my pleasure okay all right carolina we'll talk later okay bye all right so it definitely works everyone so we just need a volunteer who's in a country that um can connect and then we'll do this uh speaking part two all right do we have any other volunteers so we have lots of people in here i can see manish hamidul kushal nyaz uh barai mahul max um and so on maybe i'll just reach out to somebody i'll reach out to max to see if max would like to volunteer and then by the way students when you're looking for speaking partners you can use this service so you can talk to everybody not just me here okay so hi max um would you like to volunteer i know that part two cube card's a little bit scarier because you have to talk longer but uh don't worry about it okay um be the first be the brave okay so i'm just gonna give max a chance here to see if max would like to volunteer but i did hear a message from bandita again okay all right let me reach out to bandita again and see if bandit has maybe fixed the problem on their end um yes sure so magneto saying can you call me again okay let's try this again all right here we go hello hi bandita yeah hi hi okay good um so you picked up uh just make sure to mute youtube yeah yeah hi okay that's why we're getting feedback is because uh you have audio coming from youtube as well so just mute youtube for now perfect okay and thank you for volunteering and being the first one to volunteer that's super brave of you i'm sure lots of people are going to appreciate that you did that um okay so bandita oh we'll do the speaking part too okay i am just going to tell you that i'll i'll read the the topic again i'll tell you that your one minute preparation time is up and then all you have to do is just speak and do your best be confident be yourself and then i'll give you some feedback after does that sound like a plan yes yes okay so um talk about a person you had to be friendly with but you didn't really like your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking uh yeah so i clearly remember that i need to be friendly with one of my previous company manager even though i did not like him at all by look he is tall and he's always having a serious look but he is good to his favorite people so i hate him as i always felt that he was biased and does favor towards certain colleagues uh but during my last appraisal period i thought if if i'll be good i if i pretend to be good uh then he might be giving a a good hike to me even though i don't like for various reasons like not providing good technical projects so i tried that option like uh last year in one of my uprising period and it really worked well like i was expecting a 20 hike because as i was behaving nicely with him he has given me a beyond my expectation which is nothing but a 60 height in my salary so i thought it is a a good practice like to be good uh to some to uh the unfavored people at one point of time uh because it might give some advantages and maybe we can improve in our career prospect or other future improvements all right your two minutes is up and i will stop you there bandita and now we will um continue with part three for this part i will ask you a question related to your response and some questions on this topic and then we get into part three and that that's how it works okay um vendita um that was not bad at all so that was pretty solid okay um i would comfortably say that that was a ban 6.5 to 7 okay so if you're you get a little bit lucky with your examiner they'll give you a band seven maybe even a 7.5 so the way i sometimes tell this to students is if you sat the ielts exam 10 times with 10 different examiners i think six of them would give you a band 6.5 three of them would give you a band seven and one would give you like a band seven five because speaking is subjective so it's hard to have the same score right but i think you're a solid 6.5 and even a band seven and easily a seven five now um you can be a seven five that's what i mean by easily a 7-5 is you can be a 7-5 because i think you have some really good english skills so you have um very good fluency so i can tell that you use english frequently your fluency is easily a band seven two and eight um you have good coherence and that's the most important so you stayed mostly on topic you gave new information for most of your answers so you didn't repeat yourself that much um you answered uh i believe all of the questions on the card um which was good okay um and um and now you're probably wondering like well okay how can i improve right yes yes okay all right uh so uh your start was good you said yeah so i clearly remember i had to be friendly with a previous company manager he had a serious look um he was nice to his favorite people and you used a strong word he said i hated him because he was biased and that's okay the examiner is not going to take marks for using word like hate it's absolutely okay to do that okay um and then uh you kept going the beginning of your response was like a seven five even an eight um it was a little bit later that your mark started to go down a bit so um you said that um um during your appraisal and this was where i was a little bit confused um you were really nice to him because you wanted to get a hike by hike um i guess you mean like a pay raise yes it is okay so in my part of the world um using the word hike uh yeah it's a bit unclear right so if you say pay hike it's still a bit awkward but um it's unclear so i have to kind of guess from the context what you're saying now the one way that you can um like a kind of a trick or a a strategy to fix that is if you say hike the first time because maybe in britain or in the uk they might use that i don't i don't know like i've heard pay hike before but it's not so commonly used you can paraphrase it like you can say pay raise or higher salary and you did say it a second time but you still said hike so instead of saying hike you should have said something like um so in the end um i got a raise in my salary 60 which is less than i hoped um but i'm sure it's still much better than if i had uh being rude with him okay all right so that's kind of one of the important fixes in your response is do a little bit more paraphrasing use a little bit more words or more variety of words to make your response a little bit clearer okay so different words will help to clarify the information and then at the end of your speaking you started to generalize your response like you said if we are kind to people um don't do that so don't generalize your response don't switch to people and us and we keep it to yourself so i felt that if i'm good to mr smith my manager i will be able to make more money so it was valuable i did get a pay raise and now i can afford a better apartment better food so yeah it was a good decision and it's all about you okay okay that will also help you to speak clear and speak more when you keep it to yourself okay yeah yeah okay so we're just gonna do one little repetition practice just so this kind of sticks with you and sticks in your mind okay so i'm going to say a sentence repeat the sentence if it's not exactly the same that's okay just try to repeat the information so i'll say the sentence you repeat and then um we'll go to one two we'll do two of these okay um so here we go okay so three two one so in the end i got a raise in my salary of sixty percent it's less than i hoped for but i'm sure it's still much better than if i had been rude with him yeah so in the end i got a a pay rights uh from my manager uh which was uh beyond my expected uh and and it's really good uh to be nice to him okay good so you said you said a little bit differently but that was good i like how you paraphrase the pay raise which is really important okay so um so in the end it's good to be nice with people when we have our own interest in mind okay i'll say that one more time so in the end it's good to be nice with people when we have our own interest in mind when you're ready yeah so in the end it would be cool to be nice to people when it is our a kind of need when it is in our own interest okay when it is in our own interest that's how we naturally express it yet okay very good bandita that was awesome and uh good for you for being the first live class cue card part 2 volunteer ever on our channel that's amazing um incredible well done so everybody give bandita a round of applause that was really fantastic she did a really really good job um and that was very courageous of her so give her a hand uh thank you so much uh bandita keep up the good studies keep coming to class and i'm sure you're going to improve yeah thank you okay valuable comment thank you bye-bye all right so that was bandita okay um i'll take one more for today so let's see if there's anybody else who is going to be brave and who wants to uh try this uh with me okay all right lots of applauses for bandita too that was really great okay um so we have our member here bakrat and bakrat i'm not sure if we've even had a chance to speak here let's see are you still here because i think you just disappeared uh okay all right let's let's reach out maybe hasn't want to give this a shot okay husna says i want to volunteer okay let's try okay are you ready so hasan is also one of our long time channel members um let's see if hasn't we've had a chance to speak with hasn't before but not for part two so let's see if we can reach out to hasna for some part two practice and that's not when you pick up the phone uh make sure to mute youtube so we're not getting feedback into your microphone okay or you guys can use a headset like what i'm doing and then that works as well okay um says uh she's good to go so let's reach out to hasn't here we go all right so calling hasn't hi hatsuna hello how are you doing i'm good how are you sir i am doing fantastic um my energy level is back to 100 even though my voice not yet but uh that's okay hopefully by next week that will be good to go um okay so let's do this part two uh just like we did with bandita um i'm going to read the topic of the cue card i'll let you know that your one minute is up and then you can begin speaking sounds good okay all right um so talk about a person you had to be friendly with but you didn't really like your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking i remember having to be friendly with my roommate um lindy she was messy dirty talkative doesn't take one day and doesn't do chores however she was really good in academic in academics and i needed her to teach me biology even though she has messy wardrobe i can help her signing up and she can help me with my academic words [Music] in my hindsight it's not really bad having a it comes different where you can help her tighten up her things and she can help you with your academics okay your two minutes is up i'll stop you there and i will continue with part three all right okay that's not awesome so austin was super brave give her an applause i'm going to give you some feedback that was really good of you i know it's like isn't it enough pressure just to speak to the examiner now i gotta do it in front of a whole bunch of people but um hey that's the way we build confidence so public speaking um is uh you know it's it's it's tough it's challenging and you have to be brave and you just have to do it i wasn't born like this either i just did it a lot during my life so um uh anik i see your question i'll answer that later in your super chat donation so um so hasn't i'll analyze uh your response and i'll give you some feedback okay that would probably score you like a band five okay um for that response all right band five um so bad six on the ielts means fluent speaker band 5 means that you can talk you can express your ideas but your language is broken so you're not being fluent you're you're taking awkward stops here and there to think about what you're saying or think about how you're saying it where that was very clear for example is where you said however she was really good in academic marks um you can just say academics so academics is a noun as well so she was really good in academics you still there has now yes okay so again i'm you know it sounds like i'm just talking talking but i am talking to you so um there's an easier way to say academics what's the easier way so she's really good in don't use academics choose an easier word what's an easier word than academics school works school just school not even school works just school so however she's really good in school okay um yeah so one tip for you to improve your band score in part two is choose the easy path especially in part two okay um maybe save the more advanced vocabulary for part one or part three answers when you're just answering in a short shorter sentence but for part two where you have to be really fluent be very careful trying to insert more advanced words or expressions because that can also break your fluency and it's more important to keep your fluency than to have a really fancy word in part two does that make sense yes okay so next time you just want to say however she was really good in school and i needed her help with my biology class okay i'm going to say that one more time just repeat after me however she was really good in school and i needed her help in biology class however she was really good at school and i needed her help for biology class much better okay that's a band seven eight level there okay with that all right okay um also at the beginning when i said your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking maybe you were really nervous your voice kind of got caught in your throat i know that happens i'm not really nervous too um so you were a little bit late to start um it took you a few seconds to start that first sentence you want to overcome that so that's a big part of performing well is just speaking right away and even if you have to kind of do that by reading your first sentence off your notes that's okay like if you have to look at your notes and go oh a person i remember and then look up who i had to be friendly with but help your paper or get your paper to help you to start speaking did you pick that up yes sir yeah so it's a good strategy because yeah first the examiner might think well that's really weird that she's reading her first sentence but they'll realize that okay you did that to just build your fluency and build your confidence and that's a very clever trick okay as long as you look at them for most of the two minutes they don't care about you looking at the paper in fact i know that you stopped at one point to check your notes and the questions um so when you said um you were helping her and to clean up and she was helping you with biology there was a pause there suddenly and i knew that okay i could i could even though i can't see you i could feel that you were checking your notes is that true were you checking your notes during that point yes yeah so i could feel that yeah i could feel that i could absolutely clearly feel that husband that you're checking your notes and that's totally fine okay if the examiner sees that you're checking your notes to remind you of what you want to say that's a good idea it's much much better than repeating yourself or going off topic okay so it's okay to do that for everybody who's listening and watching the stream they were probably like oh why is there that weird stop but it wasn't a weird stop i knew that you were stopping to check your notes and that's okay all right okay then at the end it got a little bit confusing and you even started to use like you uh where you can do this and you can do that and you're clumsy friends i don't have clumsy friends at least i don't think i do um so you don't want you shouldn't use the word you just keep it to i and me and my okay and if you feel like you've really finished and you've got nothing left to say then just just stop the examiner will say okay let's go to part three okay okay all right um so keep practicing this part okay husna big tips here are use your first sentence even start by reading it just to get going right away build the fluency build the confidence choose easier words in part two to maintain your fluency and stay on topic keep talking about yourself don't talk about people or about the examiner okay okay all right okay that's not that was super super brave if you keep up the good studies and record yourself on your phone listen back okay all right okay you are very welcome okay so that was hasn't everyone please give her a big round of applause she was very very brave i mean again doing part two cue card um on the aisles just for one person is uh very daunting doing it with me with hundreds of people watching is crazy scary so uh good job hustling way to build your confidence okay everyone um that's all the time i have for today in fact i'm even overtime a little bit which is not a problem i'm glad that we were able to get two people in there today for speaking part two next time i'll try to get even more people in there and the way we can do that everyone is to make sure that um your microphone and your speaker and the website is working for you in your country so please go to your my student account at click on that my student or student partner speaking chat with other students test it out see how it works and then when you're in this live class it's going to be much much smoother for us okay um carolina thank you so much for moderating by the way everyone if you want to do a full speaking interview with me click on that speaking interview practice button okay um and make sure to uh get our premium out package it's worth it uh at ae help dot com it's that website that we're just at so a help dot com for academic ielts and g for general ielts they both have the same speaking interface so you can use the speaking on either website they're connected okay um you can use the code r4tyj to get a 20 discount so even some more help um janil you're very welcome thank you members for your support i saw some super chat donations uh and i saw a question in there too from one of the donations um from anik cadry said how can i improve my communication skills anik can you please send me an email to adrian i'll look for your email and i'll give you some good tips on how to improve your communication okay everyone have an awesome rest of your day i'll be back tomorrow reading class for members tomorrow and then another speaking part three uh tomorrow i'll connect with students and we're continuing from this speaking part uh too so uh come back tomorrow at this time and hang out with me learn some english you're all amazing beautiful people and don't let anybody else try to convince you otherwise i'm adrian i'm signing out from victoria for now much love to all of you goodbye you
Channel: GeneralEnglishHelp
Views: 527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, English examination, high band, band 9, conversation, English, speaking practice, dialogue, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, easy
Id: 2_KnNXU6pDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 35sec (3995 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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