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hello everyone welcome back to my channel i am bani and today i will be discussing the most important thing just keep adjusting i could easily come to canada the reason behind me really passing the ielts exam especially the writing part i'll be discussing everything with you so before i discuss let me just give you my experience quickly so for the first time when i attempted ielts i pretty much scored good marks in all the subjects in all the departments in all the areas apart from writing so what i just want to tell you is it's not just about english it's not just about how good your english is or how less or no mistakes you make in your grammar or your punctuations and all of that it's more or less about tips and just tips especially the structure how you would perform how would how you would structure your whole letter so these are just the tips and trust me just learn whatever i'll be showing you now just learn all of those and you will pass pass as in my score for the first time it was 5.5 in writing i was general and for the second time it was 7.5 without practicing at all i did not even write a single letter these are just 10 tips which i've gathered from different sources like youtube like facebook like people so it is all like a bunch of research that i have done through books so it is like a bunch of results that i've done and and i've compiled all my experience plus all the things that i have gathered and everything you'll get to see in this video okay so i am giving you a format just ratify it learn it by heart and use code so how this video will go about i'll just quickly tell you i will be discussing about about writing just the later part in this video and for the next video i will be discussing about essay and i will give you everything to memorize you don't really have to think about what you really have to write yeah you might have to think a bit and use little bit of your brain but not like fully okay i will give you more or less like a structure so you just have to fill in the blanks using your own imagination all right so let's quickly begin guys writing ielts is for one hour it has two sections as you can see letter and essay so letter is for 150 words essays for 250 words letter you should ideally take 20 minutes and essay 40 minutes two tips i'm giving you right now though the general tips will come in the end but let me just give you later you need to write more than 150 and say more than 250 don't even think that you will just write 150 and you'll score so writing little less can make you lose score okay there's another tip that i'll give you in the end so there are a number of tips like general tips in the end you've got your question read it plan it jot down the points write it and don't forget to recheck it because trust me you would have made a lot of mistakes so once you are rechecking you will get to know oh yes i have to change or edit this i'll speak about this also in the end we'll be talking about only letter so there are three types of letter all right formal informal and semi-formal but you will not get to see or you will not get to know exactly what sort of letter has come they'll just give you a question and you have to judge if this is a formal letter semi-formal or informal now how would you judge if it's formal it will be either requesting for some information a complaint applying job suggestions and recommendations if it's semi-formal it will be complaining to a landlord explaining to neighbor asking professor for permission so these are again formal relations but you know these people yeah now informal is inviting a friend thanksgiving apologizing or asking for advice so this is very clear now what i'm gonna tell you is to memorize the whole letter exactly how you wanna do it let me just show you so these are the seven steps how you will write your letter i will quickly give you two to three seconds to screenshot this page so these are the seven steps that i would tell you to memorize it first is greeting second is reasoning para one third is para two explanation fourth is zara three you need to request fifth is closing the whole thing sixth is to sign off and seventh is to write your name now what exactly you need to write in each of these steps i will be telling you point one and six you can look at your screenshot which is greeting and sign off so if it comes to formal you will write dear sir or madam and in the end yours faithfully that will be the thing learn it whatever formal letter comes you need to write this nothing else now semi-formal dear mr or miss brown if the name is given if not dear siren madam or madam yeah yours sincerely that will be the sign off and informal will be directly the name dear john dear akram whatever the name and then you will write to sign off best regards or warm wishes now let's move on to point two which is the parallel one so here you actually have to write the reason the reason what really you need to write let me just tell you that need to write what when how where if you have answered all these four questions about the question then trust me you are done with your para one you need to write what is it when exactly this thing has occurred how and where now to start the first para i will give you the line that you can memorize it and you need to start your first parallel like this just memorize it so the opening line for formal or semi-formal is i'm writing this letter with regard to can be the first i'm writing to express my frustration disappointment displeasure regarding on with or at the objective of writing this letter is to let you know i'm writing this letter to draw your immediate attention goes with formal and semi-formal choose any of the lines depending what question you get so learn all four informal i hope you're doing well it has been long time since we had a discussion it was such a joyful news to hear about you again learn it so depending whichever fits perfectly with the letter fit in the first line and then start answering all the four questions that i showed you in the that we were talking about in the beginning what when how where sorry let me just give you an example of the first paragraph so that you have a better idea okay so this is the question last wednesday you flew from london to vancouver when you arrived home you discovered that you had left your hand luggage on the plane so this is the question write a letter to the airline in your letter you should explain where when you lost your bag what your bag looks like and what its content were all right so let me just give you an example of the first para i would like to report a lost property what we answered it seems that i have left my hand luggage on your flight where last wednesday november 22nd i flew from london to vancouver on this this flight and took my hand luggage with me so this person has explained when it has occurred and now she's explaining how the whole story has occurred i put it in overhead bin unfortunately after the long flight i must have forgotten it on the plane so she has answered all the four questions so that's how you need to form your first para now let's move on to point three which is explanation you need to explain the whole story memorize the first line again whether it is formal semi-formal or informal you have to write let me explain the situation or supposedly if you are advising someone for the specific kind of book or advising your friend that which book he or she should buy then just say let me explain you this book let me explain you why you should go for this book and not this book so it totally depends i would tell you to cheat cheat completely through this video but use little bit yeah now let me again give you an example she has explained the whole bag a medium sized milano bag made up of leather stuff is blue in color locked with golden zip and two pockets outside i had my original academic documents some books along with the passport and other important belongings including expensive watch gifted by my grandmother just cook up any story nobody's coming in checking let me give you another example of para 2 so the question is for paratu friend who lives in another country has invited you to come and stay with him or her on your next holiday you are too busy to accept the invitation write a letter to your friend in your letter mention thank him or her for the invitation do that in the first paragraph explain why you cannot come again explaining him the thing in the second paragraph and asking about other times to visit do it in the third para so all these three bullet points would be done in three different paras that's another tip if you look at the para two it says let me explain my situation in more detail i have recently started a new job teaching i have been working around the clock so that's an idiom that person has used around the clock which will make him give more marks i don't mean to complain i have been enjoying it immensely immensely is a better word again the school i'm working at is actually my old high school it's really quite interesting teaching with people who used to be my teachers so he has explained the whole thing so you need to cook up a story think about any story which will does not matter if it's right or wrong but think about a storyboard which you have more thoughts point four which is para three now you need to request this you need to explain the current situation what is the current situation like or the story plus give them a solution or request them for it depending on the question again you need to memorize the first line formal semi-formal informal depends on your question what is your question and which line do you want to steal from all the six but learn all six would you kindly transfer pay bring or turn off i look forward to hearing from you i await a favorable response i hope you will address these concerns as soon as possible keep in touch please let me know if you require any further information so let me give you an example now so if you look at this in this heat this person has actually asked him if you could let me know another time you will be free i would love to come to stay i'm interested in seeing your new house and meeting your wife i'll be free in new year's because of school holidays and i'll also be free in winter i'd certainly love to escape the cold to visit you now he has given a solution and also he's requesting if there is any other time possible that he this person can visit his friend so that's one way to ride another way the luggage one the formal one as you can imagine these items are very important to me please let me know if you have my hand luggage so that's a request that person is making and how can i get it back write to me at a return address or email here so that's again giving them a solution or suggesting them something also asking for help yeah so that's how you guys can go about it okay let me just finish this then i will re-explain you a few things that will give you a better understanding so now we're talking about point five and seven so for formula it will be thank you for your consideration your name bani semi formal thank you for your consideration your name bani informal please let me know or i look forward to hearing from you depends as per question again your name bani so that's easy peasy now before i move to general tips to score better let me just quickly go to the memorize slide so guys greeting is very easy dear sir madam and all of that points five is very easy point six is very easy point seven is very easy point two three and four are the main paragraphs so what i how i used to remember was red rer read reason explanation request now each of that you need to uh you know remember or memorize the first line also what really has to go inside it trust me if you follow these steps because i just followed these i did not even practice one i once i did not even got my letter or essay checked from someone nothing at all did not even read a letter did not even read an example just these steps and i scored straight from 5.5 to 7.5 now let me give you general tips and let's just see how general it is for you first is to add some idiom memorize few for example this is not my cup of tea or it was just a piece of cake for me or don't make tall promises few small short areas but impactful and something which is very generic can be used here and there also don't get carried away with idioms and start using them in your whole letter so it will look very nutty huh it'll look too fake so that's one tip don't use the slang idioms that's my concern point two huh this is very important trust me you will score better if you will follow this reread the whole thing so if you have 20 minutes for letter 40 minutes for the essay i would generally take 15 16 minutes per letter 30 minutes for uh essay so i would have good 10 to 12 minutes to reread so what exactly you can do if you read you will definitely see mistakes even if you are a native speaker you will tend to see mistakes because you are in a hurry to finish it off within that timeline so what you do is sometimes you put an extra s to make it plural sometimes you just don't put it when it's actually needed that's one thing second the most common mistake that i do is when i'm in a hurry and i'm writing it so if there is this i which comes in between the sentence for example there was this thing thing thing thing and then i have to go to market then i have to go to market that i which comes in between the sentence has to be in caps but then i don't write it like that so once i'm reading the whole thing i get to know you can erase it and write it that's one thing yeah another thing that will help you you'll reread it is use better words so if you're writing it like in a go with a lot of pressure of the time you tend to write simple words like there was a lot of problem blah blah blah blah this thing was very beautiful blah blah blah blah blah but if you reread it you will erase the problem and turn it into issue or trouble you will erase the beautiful word and would either like gorgeous and something like that you know what i mean so use better vocabulary so that better vocabulary will come to you if you would reread it like for tasty it can be delicious yeah third is don't use too high vocabulary that's the mistake that i did in my first writing exam don't go into like i went on google researched good high and vocabulary words like too difficult yeah which some words i did not even heard of them but then i did use it so i actually memorized all the words i did my letter erased the common basic words and had put the high vocabulary words so don't use too high like tasty and delicious is fine from tasty you want to jump to delicious totally fine you will get good score immensely is a good word but it is like a common word you've heard of it but using two high words is don't have to huh next tip is to use accurate grammar there is no point of learning all these tips that i gave you no point of rectifying it if at all your grammar is weak now i am not demotivating you just improve work on your grammar and also memorize this grammar is the base of the cake singular plural plural so then no point no no point of doing the whole thing and then you'll any which ways not get marks but sometimes this happens with native speakers also in a flow person tends to write a wrong word but if you reread it like i said yeah let's move on to next point you need to include all the three bullet points that is there in the question cannot avoid so if supposedly even if you have done the whole letter go back read the question again just see if you have mentioned all the three bullet points in your answers and my ideal uh tip would be point one two and three for the bullet has to be parallel one two and three reason explanation and request include like that but it is not like a hardcore rule first bullet point has to be in first pair and no but it will be better for you guys also make sure to use the correct tone in your whole letter if it's formal make sure to use a formal tone from the beginning till the end don't just get carried away with your story next step is to actually recommend you some books so i would recommend for letter i would recommend two books one is cambridge that you have to order any which ways for listening and reading for practicing also it has some of the letters so you if you want you can practice and show it to someone or you can just go back read the samples if you want but the main book that i want to recommend you for letter is this this is easily available on amazon so you can search it there so this is the book which has tons of samples of letter so you can go through it pick up some interesting words interesting lines interesting idiom read a letter every day and then you will get to know you will get a hang of it so it will be easier okay so this is this tip that is out of my experience be little diplomatic supposedly if they has they have and this tip helps you in speaking also so be a little diplomatic i'll tell you why because if i'll be diplomatic technically what i do is let me give an example of speaking i'm like courtesy speaking it can be this or that totally depends on person to person so this way you can actually have more to speak you can speak about this and that and then you will have more words you will not be short of words if i would want to put this in the letter or in writing let me give you an example supposedly if your if you've got a letter where you have to recommend or advise a friend whether that friend should uh go for a job for a job or should do further studies i would say see whatever whatever then what i would give him advice would be like um totally depends on your decision but what i would advise you is to go for a part-time job because i can understand your financial conditions of the family is not so strong so considering that i think you should go for the part-time job also you should not leave your studies and do furthermore studies so that you have both the things in your hand so this is how you have a lot to speak and not just be restricted to one side of the story so the next point is to use long sentences and not shorts and tenses with a full stop and so these sentences are called complex sentences use words like and but to connect to sentences also you can use while so these are very very very simple words but and we know these words but we don't really use it let me give you some examples for these words the connecting words after although as because before even if even though in order that rather than since so that though unless until when whenever where whereas who whether while which all these words are the words that can really help you to connect different two different sentences into one sentence now the next step is to use a logical structure so the whole video was just about the structure what and how the structure should be like so i will explain you my story i if i have to explain my daily routine so it starts from lunch it's just an example if i have to explain or write a letter and i say i was so poor at the structure so that's exactly where i lost my marks i would say it was not grammar it was not english it was not really anything else but this was the thing so i would start randomly with something if i've lost my bag at the airport i would be direct i've lost my bag and this and that it was not in a proper structure you know what i mean breakfast lunch and it was like mid afternoon snack and then dinner and then breakfast so don't do it like that yeah again this is the same point that i would like to repeat be a fast writer if you want to practice this practice this at home you need to leave some some some time in the end to revise it so guys that's it that's it for the writing later part i will come up with the essay very very soon maybe next friday yeah so we'll see how it goes but yeah i will also give you all the tips and to ratify to memorize what you really need to write in the essay and you guys can do that i would wrap up the video now if you think it was of some information to you don't forget to like the video also subscribe it and share it with some of your ielts friends those are looking for some of the tips it will be really helpful for me all right then bye
Channel: Baanipreet Kaur
Views: 164,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baanipreet
Id: 9TrNR1EQIgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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